Guy Heckle

Guy Heckle (Courtesy IA Dept. of Public Safety)

Guy Howard Heckle

Missing Person

Name: Guy Howard Heckle
Age at Report:
Date of Birth:
December 20, 1961
80 pounds
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Missing From: Cedar Rapids / Toddville, IA
Linn County
Investigating Agencies: Des Moines Police Department
and the Linn County Sheriff’s Office
Case Number:
NCIC Number:
NamUs MP #
Endangered Missing
DNA Status: Sample submitted —
Tests complete
Missing Since:
February 3, 1973


Case summary compiled by Jody Ewing

Guy Heckle was reported missing to the Linn County Sheriff’s Office in Cedar Rapids late on Saturday, February 3, 1973, after disappearing while on a Boy Scout camp-out near the Duane Arnold Energy Center northeast of Palo, Iowa and two miles northwest of Toddville.

Linn County

Linn County in Iowa

The 11-year-old Heckle — a member of Linn County’s Boy Scout Troop 101 — had been camping out with fellow scouts at the Kiwanis Cabins along the Cedar River between Palo and Toddville for the scheduled Feb. 3-4 event. Heckle was last seen at approximately 8 p.m. while playing a game of “Capture the Flag” with other troop members.

He’d been wearing a light blue nylon quilted parka, striped multi-colored maroon jeans, and chukka boots.

The Eisenhower Elementary School fifth-grader wasn’t missed until bed-check that evening, and troop members spent 90 minutes searching for him on their own before summoning the Linn County sheriff. Regular and reserve deputies, Marion police and Civil Defense volunteers searched the reserve near the Cedar River’s ice-clogged backwaters that night.

On Sunday, Feb. 4, a searcher found the boy’s blue parka — still zipped at the bottom — snagged on a log along the river’s east bank. Heckle’s mother, Nancy Heckle, identified the coat as her son’s.

cr-boy-disappears-CRG-guy-heckle-duane-crockCourtesy photo Duane Crock, Cedar Rapids Gazette
This Gazette photo published Feb. 5, 1973, shows just a few of the 500 individuals who searched for Guy Heckle’s body in a heavily wooded area near Toddville on Sunday, Feb. 4.

That same day, about 500 people searched a heavily wooded area about a mile west of Toddville, not far from the Cedar River.

In addition to the 500 persons on foot, a helicopter, airplane, all-terrain vehicle and horses were employed for the search, the Gazette reported on Feb. 5, 1973. The search was called off once darkness fell and scheduled to resume the following day.

On Monday, 250 searchers scoured the area, along with a bloodhound and a special search-and-rescue team from California.

Investigators theorized Heckle may have slipped into the river and drowned, but admit it is possible something else led to his disappearance. Though weather was mild at the time of the camp-out, snow arrived shortly afterwards.

Guy Heckle lived with his parents, Nancy and Howard Heckle, and two older sisters, ages 12 and 13, at 1505 48th St. NE in Cedar Rapids.

School officials considered the boy a good student.

The blue parka remains the only known trace of evidence ever found in Heckle’s mysterious disappearance.

Family believes foul play involved

According to Mike Mason — Guy Heckle’s cousin — the family always thought there was more of a chance foul play was involved versus the drowning theory, particularly since the boy’s body was never recovered. Heckle’s disappearance also coincided with a number of 1970s media reports about Iowa Boy Scout leaders allegedly molesting troops in their care.

Heckle had disappeared after dark. On Feb. 3, 1973, the sun set over the camp at 5:24 p.m., and Heckle was last seen at 8 p.m. while playing the game “Capture the Flag” with other troops.

“Capture the Flag” (as defined by Wikipedia) is a traditional outdoor game where two teams each have a flag (or other marker) and the object is to capture the other team’s flag, located at the team’s “base,” and bring it safely back to their own base. Enemy players can be “tagged” by players in their home territory. These players are then — depending on the agreed rules — out of the game, members of the opposite team, sent back to their own territory, frozen in place until freed by a member of their own team, or “in jail.” (One variation of the game includes a “jail” area in addition to the flag on each team’s territory.)

The game is often played at night, where players might use flashlights, glowsticks, or lanterns as the “flags.” Wikipedia says of the night time game:

It is also suggested that teams wear dark colors at night time to increase the difficulty of the opponents to see them.

Different versions of the game have different rules, both for handling the flag and for what happens to tagged players. A player who is tagged may be eliminated from the game entirely, be forced to join the opposing team, sent back to their own territory, or be placed in “jail,” which Wikipedia defines as:

The jail is a predesignated area of the group’s territory which exists for holding tagged players and is normally towards the back of the group’s territory. It is usually located a good distance from the flag to minimize the possibility of simultaneous flag grabs and jail breaks.

While tagged players may be confined to jail for a limited, predetermined time, the most common form of the game involves the option for a “jailbreak.”

Generally speaking, there is nothing sinister about the game itself, though when played in the dark — particularly if an adult child molester is in the vicinity — it provides a perfect opportunity for a child to become isolated from other team members and/or lured away by a trusted leader.

Please Note: We at Iowa Cold Cases are in no way insinuating that any troop leader for Linn County’s Boy Scout Troop 101 was involved in Guy Heckle’s disappearance and/or death. The information and game rules about “Capture the Flag” has been noted only because Heckle went missing while in the midst of playing this night time game, which may or may not have played a role in his disappearance.

Courtesy The Cedar Rapids Gazette
On May 26, 1974, The Gazette published an announcement for a $5,000 reward offered for information in Guy Heckle’s mysterious disappearance. The reward went unclaimed.
Reward Goes Unclaimed, Years Pass

On May 26, 1974, the Linn County Sheriff’s Office and the Iowa Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI — now Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation) announced a $5,000 reward for information leading to Guy Heckle’s discovery.

Both the Cedar Rapids Gazette and the Des Moines Register published copies of the reward poster in hopes of generating new leads.

The reward went unclaimed.

Twenty-two years after their son went missing, Howard and Nancy Heckle told the Gazette they still held out hope that someday their son’s remains would be found. Other than having their son back alive, the most they could hope for was for someone to find his remains, they said.

Not knowing is very hard,” Nancy Heckle said in Gazette article published July 24, 1995. “The chances of him being alive . . . We have to be realistic.”

Howard Heckle, 65, had since retired from his job at Iowa Electric, though Nancy, 63, continued to work as a registered nurse at Mercy Medical Center.

For years, the Heckles had kept Guy’s room the same as it was when he disappeared, but eventually turned it into a spare bedroom, they told the Gazette. They’d finally given away most of Guy’s toys and clothing, but said they’d kept a Boy Scout’s shirt similar to the one their son had been wearing when he disappeared.

The couple had conducted their own search for Guy for more than a year after he went missing, and would go out after work each day and on weekends, sometimes searching with a boat.

Guy was then — and remains today — listed as a missing person with the Linn County Sheriff’s Office, and the Heckles said knowing the case remained alive offered them hope that one day they’d know what happened to their son.

nancy-heckle-by-mark-christian-crg-2-3-2002Courtesy photo Mark Christian, The Cedar Rapids Gazette
In this February 2002 Gazette photo, Nancy Heckle sits on a sofa in front of photos of her many grandchildren.

Howard Heckle died, still waiting, on January 20, 1998.

In a Cedar Rapids Gazette interview published February 3, 2002, Nancy sat on a sofa in front of wall photos of her children and many grandchildren.

“I don’t have any hopes that he is alive now, but we would like to know what happened,” she told Gazette reporter Steve Gravelle. “If someone knows that Guy met with foul play, it’s not too late to give Guy’s family some peace,” she said.

About Guy Heckle

Guy Howard Heckle was born December 20, 1961, to Howard F. and Nancy Heckle. In addition to his parents, he left behind two older sisters.

“I remember him the age he was,” Nancy Heckle said in a Cedar Rapids Gazette article dated February 3, 2002. “I think about him every day.”

Mrs. Heckle described her son as “comical” with a marvelous sense of humor.

“If it was foul play, at least one person knows, if they’re still alive,” she told Gazette reporter Steve Gravelle. “If someone knows, it’s not too late to give Guy’s family some peace.”

The family, who long clung to hope, never had a funeral or memorial service for Guy.

“When do you say it’s OK?” Mrs. Heckle said in the ’02 interview.

Howard Heckle died January 20, 1998, without ever learning what happened to his son.

Information Needed

If you have any information regarding Guy Heckle’s unsolved disappearance, please contact Lt. Gene Parks at the Linn County Sheriff’s Office at (319) 892-6100 or the Des Moines Police Department at (515) 283-4800.



Copyright © 2025 Iowa Cold Cases, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

87 Responses to Guy Heckle

  1. Chris says:

    Why would there be a Boy Scout camp-out in February? It’s the second coldest month of the year, on average, in Iowa. Were they actually sleeping in tents outside or would they have been in a building? I find it kind of bizarre to be camping outside in the winter. Most campgrounds in Iowa are closed that time of year.

    • Jim Farrell says:

      I found that alarming too but apparently it was the norm.
      I never fell in with extra curricular activites so I’m no one to judge.
      It does appear strange though that not only was it cold February but they were also playing outdoors AT NIGHT.
      That poor family.

  2. Rae Brady Elson says:

    I agree 🙄just wondered where is this Boy Scout camp , or Kiwanis cabins ? Exactly 🙄in toddville or Palo ?

  3. Constance Combs says:

    Have the police rocated and re-interviewed all of the people who were at the camp? Both leaders and former children attendees should be interviewed again. If children targetted him as a joke, they may not have desired the outcome and then didn’t want to admit it once he was in the river. Now someone might be more willing to tell if they were only an observer. Secondly I belueve that all family members of missing lived ones should take an Ancestry DNA and 23 and Me dna test and upload the results for free to Famiky Tree, My Heritage, abd especially Ged. If a body is ever located it can then be identified through the dna. If a person ran away or was kidnapped and they eventually grow up and do a dna test. they will find out who they are and locate relatives. Also save a stamped envelope or toothbrush of the lived one because soon these items will be able to be tested to match someone’s dna.

  4. Karen Reno (Baldwin) says:

    I was a classmate of Guys. I remember talking to my mom after his disappearance. I remember missing him from my class the rest of the school year.

  5. thedeathstormer says:

    My condolences to the family. I hope that you will find closure soon

  6. LakwLife says:

    Praying that the truth comes out!

  7. Jeff says:

    Hello Laura.
    I’m not very familiar with how this works so please forgive me if I’m duplicating messages. I’ll be happy to share with you what I know and if you or your family have any questions I’ll be happy to answer.

  8. Janell says:

    Was John Wayne Gacy ever checked out? I know he was in Iowa/Illinois around that time and there are still unidentified bodies. Just wondering. I have prayed about this off and on or many years since I was a little girl.

    • Janet Helmich says:

      Guy Heckle is my nephew. As I remember it, Guy’s dental records were sent to the authorities investigating the John Wayne Gacy case with no match found. One detective in particular was in touch with my sister regularly and would send dental records whenever unidentified remains were found. Thank you to everyone for keeping this unsolved missing person case in the news.

      • Lilly Usher says:

        Hello Janet! My name is Lilly Usher, and I would like to do an episode on Guy for a podcast I run about missing people in Iowa. I would like to get permission from his family before I would make an episode on him, and possibly interview his family. If you would email me that would be great! my email is


    • MikeD says:

      The timeline doesn’t match for Gacy. Gacy was already back living in Chicago at the time.

  9. laura barlow says:

    looking for any further information…

    • Laura Knowles says:

      Laura Barlow….how do you know Guy and about his case?? Im his cousin..his mom is my Aunt Nancy…we would love to hear about any informationyouve gathered..please and thank you. Thank you for not letting his memory just fade💖

      • Brian says:

        How far away from the archery club where they? Was anyone from there interviewed? I am a mushroom hunter. For years i walk those hills. Always looking..Thanks.

        • Laura Knowles says:

          Thank you Brian….we so appreciate you keeping him in your thoughts when you are in the area! Not sure how far from the archery area the camp was but we will look into it for sure. All of the scouts and scout leader were interviewed…but not sure how far out they reached.

          Please let us know if you think of anything else.
          Laura Knowles

          • Jeff says:

            The scout master and scouts were interviewed in depth. I can promise you without a doubt that there was no foul play. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

            • Erin M Mulvany says:

              Hi Jeff! As I have talked to my family extensively and understand that you have spoken to each of them extensively. Please know the next generation of Guys family has surfaced and doing everything and anything we can to try and solve this case. Thank you for your honesty and know we are doing anything and everything we can to solve this case. I have seen how many times you have claimed to know information and I have no doubt that you do. This child has not been found and I make it my life’s mission to solve who kidnapped my second cousin. We would love to speak to you but already know the information that you have given. Fresh eyes is ultimately what this case needs and we won’t sleep until there is justice for guy!

      • Laura barlow says:

        Small world. I am also a cousin. My mom and Howard were brother/sister. I think of Guy very often. And always on this date 😢

        • Laura Knowles says:

          Hi Laura – Uncle Howard was one of my absolute favorite people in the world! His sweet nature and contagious laugh will never be forgotten. I just wish there had been some closure for him while he was still living. Aunt Nancy is still alive and doing well. We spent time in the summers with Howard and Nancy and the kids regularly – Guy was about 6 years older than me, but was always kind, sweet and fun. It’s just not right that people have to go their whole life without closure for something so personal and close to the heart. Thanks for replying and reaching out. I hope someday there will be some answers.

          Laura Knowles

  10. Laure (Mitchell) Kottman says:

    Hi, my name is Laure. My maiden name was Mitchell. Unfortunately I don’t have any information about the Guy Heckle case. I wish I did though. My family lived in the same neighborhood as the Heckles. We lived on Benton St NE shortly before the disappearance took place. We moved away from the neighborhood in 1968. My younger sister, Lisa, was in kindergarten with Guy. My older brother, Jeff was in the same class as Holly Heckle at Eisenhower Elementry School. Of course my family heard about the disappearence when it happened. I can’t imagine anything this horrible happening to anyone. It’s very haunting whenever a child is a victim. My heart goes out to the Heckle family. I hope this case gets solved and the family gets some closure. The sooner the better. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family.

  11. Kat Eichacker says:

    I was only 7 when Guy disappeared. From the age of 17-23, I worked at Iowa Electric as a janitor. Howard Heckle was one of my absolute favorite people there; I never connected that he was Guy’s father. This absolutely breaks my heart. Howard was such a sweet, funny, caring fellow. I have thought of him often over the years, very sorry to see he passed. He and I were buddies. He called me Sunshine.

  12. Olivia says:

    I’m so glad i found this article. The only piece of evidence that was found was found by my great grandpa. I remember my dad telling me about this case, and I never knew how big it really was! RIP Grandpa, and I’m proud that I am the granddaughter of the man who found the only piece of evidence

    • anon says:

      what was the piece of evidence?

      • Jody Ewing says:

        I’m wondering if it was Guy’s blue parka, still zipped at the bottom, found snagged on a log along the river’s east bank.

        • Laura says:

          Do you still work this case??

        • upinomaha says:

          That’s very interesting Jody. If it were zipped up and he fell in the river the coat would act like a parachute and balloon open when the current hit him from that direction and most probably would have caused the body to slide out. But since it was zipped only from the waste it should have remained on as the ballooning would not have been as much. This would indicate that it was “removed.” My guess would be from a struggle such as someone grabbing it as he attempted to escape. I questioned why it would be unzipped but can remember those parkas could get very hot as polyester does not breath and the running he was doing would have heated up quickly.

  13. Rob Heslop says:

    Yes Elaine Heslop-Clark Donell

  14. I remember this..Do you Rob Heslop

  15. Such pain for the family

  16. Diana Wilson says:

    Wow!!!! Poor child. I can’t imagine the family never knowing what happened to their child.

  17. "Kate" says:

    Guy Heckle was abducted. Guy was wearing his black eyeglasses and didn’t know, what kind of danger he was in, until it was to late. John Gosch was taken by the same trafficking ring. John Gosch should have had an hearing aid in his left ear. I’ve informed the police but nothing happens.


    • laura barlow says:

      why do you say that Kate??

    • Tracy says:

      Nothing happens because they know you’re a loon. Leave them(and all other cases) alone. People like you do nothing but make these cases worse with your moronic “theories”. It just muddies already muddy waters.

      The cases are not linked. I cant stand how so many people act like its the same group kidnapping/murdering children. Either that or its a bunch of cop conspiracies. Pure nonsense.

      I wish the net had never been mainstreamed to this extent because it caused it to drown in an ocean of idiocy.

      • Tim Hansen says:

        Tracy Watch ADVENTURES with a Purpose oct 2020.on U -Tube These guys solved in 30 min. Of searching what local town and county law enforcement coyld NOT Do in 7 yrs .
        ( You give to much credit IMO ) to the boys in blue who havnt solved the case correct? Please explain why you feel people cant voice their concerms when their intent is to help? .
        Or you trying to say the cops cant handle all that info and get so confused? I doubt that.

        • GL says:

          Because people giving bad information (like authoritatively claiming he was abducted by a human trafficking ring…. with NO evidence) hampers an investigation.

    • Heeby12 says:

      It was likely one of the pedo Boy Scout leaders not a pedo ring and not anything related to Johnny Gosch. I swear it drives me crazy to hear Johnny Gosch on every single thread just because he has a documentary on Netflix. Use your brain.

      • Jeff says:

        It was ABSOLUTELY not a pediphile scout master. You’re uninformed and have no idea what you’re talking about.

        • Phil says:

          WHAT DO YOU KNOW???????? you seem to repeat sveral times the same response then accuse others of being “Misinformed”
          WHAT DO YOU KNOW? This boys family DO NOT deserve this..

          • Jeff says:

            I don’t accuse people of being misinformed, I inform them they’re misinformed. I’ve heard so much misinformation on this thread and I feel I owe it to people to tell them the truth. Things like the scout master was a pedophilp which I know for a fact that’s no true. The scout master was in a child kidnapping ring which is absurd. I also heard the scout master was never questioned by the FBI, I know he was intensely interrogated more then once. He cooperated as all the scouts did. There was no foul play, it was a terrible accident. You ask me what I know, i know quite a bit. If you’re interested in what I know I’ll be happy to share it with you.
            You say the family doesn’t deserve this. You say that as if I’m holding back information or somthing like that. For your information I had a nice long talk with Guy’s aunt about a year ago on the phone. I told her some details she wasn’t aware of and she greatly appreciatea it. Truth be known most of what people say is incorrect.

            • Lindsay says:

              No offense, but you don’t know for a “fact” that the boyscout leader was/is not a pedophile. You for know a “fact” that the boy scout leader was never accused or convicted of being one and that he never expressed any personal sexual preferences to you, but you CANNOT know for a “fact” that he isn’t one. This type of thinking is a part of the reason why so many victims face shame and ridicule and are never believed. Believing you know for a “fact” someone isn’t a pedophile/abuser/rapist/etc. is also why so many of these monsters’ victims never come forward to report the crimes committed against them. Most of these predators are the people you think you know for a “fact” would never do something so heinous to another human being, let alone a child. Predators can be and most of the time are family members, close friends, friends, acquaintances, upstanding citizens, etc. whom everyone knew for a “fact” were a good person and would never hurt someone. You have no idea who a person is behind closed doors. On top of that, one top of that, these predators don’t just groom and manipulate their victims. They groom and manipulate everyone around them so that they can commit their crimes without suspicion or fear of consequences.

            • Lindsay says:

              Jeff I should’ve included this in my first response to you, but I’m not trying to insinuate that any of the scout leaders were involved with anything in this case or anything. And I’m not saying you’re wrong for defending the scout master nor am I saying I believe they are a pedophile or guilty of any crimes. I am saying it is impossible to “know for a fact” anyone is or is not one way or another.

      • GL says:

        It’s LIKELY that he drowned.

        • Tri State Girl says:

          While they did interview the scout leaders at the time his disappearance happened when scout leaders were being accused of misconduct. It says that in the article. If he drowned I think a body would have turned up. His jacket also seemed to be placed there, like by a person. Maybe one of the scout leaders was a weirdo. Maybe a weirdo was hiding out in the woods. I guess it could have been a fellow child, but I don’t think they would have properly disposed of a body. Unfortunately all we can really do is make sure children of today are watched more.

  18. FFB says: This John Doe is the only likely match I could find in the missing persons database.

  19. Mike says:

    I lived in Palo as a kid during the late 80s and early 90s. A few times we went fishing and hiking in the area he went missing. There were a lot of large snapping turtles that would hiss at us, which was pretty scary. Also in a lot of areas there are steep river banks that give away easy. I always thought the most likely scenario is that he fell in. Back when I was in the area the river was very muddy and had a lot of debris.

    It was said previously in the comments, but I too would like to know what the other scouts had to say. What was Guy’s task during the game, where was he supposed to go?

    • Todd Wolfe says:

      During the game, his role was to stay to the side of the base in the trees and come out when opposing team players approached to guard it.

      • Laura Knowles says:

        Todd, if you remember anything else we woyld appreciate hearing about it. Im Guys coysin..his mom is my Aunt Nancy…we are still trying to find any informationwe can. Thank you !

  20. LeaAnn Thompson says:

    Sarah -were the names of the cub scout leaders ever made public? If the leaders were interview, were the results of the interview made public?

    • jeff says:

      We were all interviewed by local authorities and the FBI. I don’t remember if they were made public or not.

    • Sarah says:

      I’m sorry LeeAnn, I’m just seeing your comment now. I have no idea if the names or interviews were made public. I wasn’t even born yet and have not done much research on this case.

      You could try looking up newspaper archives if you want to try to pursue that line of research.

      It’s good to hear that every one was interviewed. I’m sure the police did their best. I wish they could find him though :(

      • jeff says:

        If you’re looking for information about the night Guy disappeared or about the boy scouts and staff that was there I’ll be happy to tell you everything I know.

  21. becky manship says:

    Please know I care, you are in my prayers . I pray that some day you will have answers.

  22. Carole says:

    I went to school with Guy, and really liked him. My friends and I set up collection cans at local stores to raise money to find him. At 11, I wasn’t sure what else to do. I think about Guy and his family often…you are all in my prayers. I still look at his picture and remember his personality. May you find peace.

  23. andrea says:

    February 3 1973 was a Saturday. John Gosch, Mark Warren Allen, and Eugene Martin all went missing on weekends. The July 1989 attempted abduction of a paper boy in Indianola occurred on a weekend. Could Guy Heckle’s disappearance be related to the others? It would appear that the perp worked weekdays and therefore conducted the abductions on weekends.

    • Sarah says:

      It’s possible of course but I don’t think it’s likely. Guy Heckle went missing 10 years before the newspaper boys. Also, camping near the Duane Arnold Energy Center (outside Palo) would be much more isolated than a paper boy delivering papers. If Guy was abducted or harmed by another person it was either a crime of opportunity or someone at the camp who knew him. The paper boy disappearances seem much more planned.

      In the case of Guy Heckle, I assume the camp leaders were all interviewed? What about the other scouts? Usually when you’re playing capture the flag, your team comes up with a strategy and every member has a role to play. I’m interested to know if Guy was sent down to the river as part of his team’s strategy and what exactly he was doing the last time he was seen. Had Guy been sent to “jail”?

      I hope the Heckles find answers!

      • Jeff says:

        Sarah. .. I was there and we were all interviewed.

        • rob says:

          Could you please call me at 3194316568 , guy came to me in my dreams an spoke to me . Im investigating on my own

          • Tracy says:

            So you just happen to be “investigating” this case and he spoke to you in a dream? You should be ashamed of yourself posting such nonsense.

            Find a different hobby. This is a real kid with a real family. They don’t need to be indulging your games.

          • Pamela Matney says:

            Rob, Guy is my 1st cousin
            My sister and I are looking at his case. Please feel free to contact me, Pam Matney @ 515.5209071. Tyvm

        • laura barlow says:

          Jeff, what do you remember?

        • Laura Knowles says:

          Jeff, My Name is Laura..I’m Guy’s cousin..his mom is my Aunt Nancy. My sister’s and I would love to talk with you..please contact me by email as listed. We appreciate any information you might be able to share. Thank you sincerely

          • Jeff says:

            Hi Laura…
            Pardon my ignorance but I’m very clumsy when it comes to posting comments here. Am I the Jeff you’re asking for information?? I’d be happy to share with you everything I know.
            Thank you.

            • Laura Knowles says:

              Hi Jeff..I think so! It’s been awhile since I was on this site. I’m Guy’s first cousin..his mom is my Aunt Nancy. She’s still doing well….and his sister’s too. If you remember any specifics that would be great to hear. I will talk with my sister tonight and see if we have specific questions…. She talked with the Linn County sherrifs office not long ago. Back in touch soon! Thanks, Laura

              • Jeff says:

                I would be more than happy to answer any questions you or your family may have. And I’ll be more than happy to share everything I know. I’ll check back here tomorrow evening to give you time to speak with your family.
                Thank you

                • Laura Knowles says:

                  Thanks so much for getting in touch with my sister Pam..we were very thankful to hear the info you were able to share! We are so appreciative of your willingness to talk about Guy and that night. Thanks again!!

            • Jeff says:

              My previous message to you came out awful.. I’ll check back here tomorrow evening (3/7) to give you time to speak with your family. I’ll be happy to answer questions about share everything I know.
              Thank you

            • John says:

              Hey Jeff, if your so bad at comments why do you have a half dozen comments practically saying the same thing in all of them?

      • Todd Wolfe says:

        As i recall, and it has been quite some time ago, Guy’s role was to guard the flag. He was placed behind some trees just off to the side of the flag and he was suppose to come out and guard the flag if opposite team members approached the base. That was the last I ever remember seeing him. 40+ years now? Wow.

    • Heeby12 says:

      Andrea- No they are not tied together and why would you think they are? Stop trying to tie everything to Johnny Gosch and Eugene Martin (which likely aren’t related). You sound as ridiculous as Noreen. Let’s honor Guy and his memory here. Thanks

      • Laura Knowles says:

        Im Laura.. Guy’s first cousin..I truly appreciate the fact that a few of you are still interested in his case and keeping his memory going. We are looking harder at the case files..and still hoping for some answers. Thank you!

      • Laura Knowles says:

        I’m Laura.. Guys first cousin..we are thankful there are a few of you that are still interested in his case and keeping his memory going! We are looking deeper into the case files and still hoping for some answers. Thanks!

  24. M ike Mason says:


    My name is Mike Mason,
    I am the cousin of Guy Heckle and I want to make sure that Guy is NOT forgotten in all of the media attention on the Iowa Boy Scout leaders that were reportedly molesting children from the 1970’s on, that has been coming to the forefront in the news the past few days!
    Our Family has always thought there was more of a chance of foul play than Guy drowning, as his body was never found.
    Then this, coming out from the Boy Scouts hidden files!!!!!
    mm 2012

    • "Kate" says:

      Hi Mike!
      I would like to share with you my memory of your cousin Guy. How can I do that? It is something I’m sure you will appreciate, but I don’t want to write it here.

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We encourage thoughtful discussion here but ask that comments remain civilized and constructive … i.e. without personal attacks or name-calling. Be respectful of others and remember that victims' family members visit these pages, too. If you'd like to provide us with information regarding a suspect or have other sensitive details to relay, please email us directly. Thank you in advance.

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