Lisa Vander Esch

Lisa Ann Vander Esch


Lisa Ann Vander Esch
19 YOA
Ireton, Iowa
Sioux County
Tuesday, September 14, 1982
Case Summary compiled by Jody Ewing


In the News

Darwin Vander Esch, an expert marksman who said he “accidentally” shot his wife in the head in September 1982, was arrested by the Idaho County Sheriff’s Office on Sunday, Dec. 1, 2024, and charged with several domestic violence-related charges, including felony attempted strangulation and domestic battery, according to a Lewiston Tribune article dated Dec. 2, 2024.

Darwin Vander Esch (Courtesy Idaho County Sheriff’s Office and the Lewiston Tribune)

Idaho County Dispatch received a report of domestic battery at 12:26 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 1, 2024, on Seven Devils Road outside of Riggins. Idaho County Sheriff’s Office responded and Vander Esch, 61, was arrested for felony attempted strangulation and cited for misdemeanor domestic battery and misdemeanor intentional destruction of a telecommunication device, according to a news release from the Idaho County Sheriff’s Office.

Full Story

Case Summary

Her favorite color: red. Favorite car: the Chevy Camaro. Favorite television program: MASH.

Lisa Vander Esch, 19, had barely started building her list of life’s favorite things when she was killed by a bullet to the head on Tuesday, September 14, 1982, while playing with her 16-month-old son in her rural Ireton home’s backyard.

lisa-vander-esch Courtesy The Hawarden Independent
In her 1981 “Senior Interview,” Lisa Vander Esch says her favorite saying is “Live one day at a time.”

Her shooter’s identity was never in question.

Lisa’s husband, Darwin Vander Esch — a man well trained in gun safety who’d been hunting and trapping since age 5 — told investigators his rifle “accidentally discharged.”

darwin-vander-eschCourtesy The Hawarden Independent
In his 1981 “Senior Interview,” Darwin Vander Esch cites his Uncle Henry as the person he most admires because his uncle has given him many useful tips about trapping and hunting.

According to an (Alton, IA) Democrat article published Thursday, September 16, 1982, Vander Esch reported the incident to authorities shortly after shooting his wife. Officials from the Sioux County Sheriff’s Office and the Iowa State Patrol arrived at the Vander Esch residence 4-3/4 miles southwest of Ireton between 7:30 and 7:45 p.m.

Sioux County Attorney Harold O. Postma, the Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation (now the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation), and Sioux County Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow investigated the circumstances surrounding Vander Esch’s death.

Sheriff’s office personnel and the DCI stayed at the Vander Esch residence around the clock following the incident, and not all investigators believed the “accidental shooting” story; evidence suggested the homicide may have been a murder.

Postma noted the concerns.

An autopsy was scheduled for Wednesday, September 15, although a Sioux Center News article dated September 22, 1982, said the Sioux County Sheriff’s Office reported it would be “some time” before the autopsy results came back.

Vander Esch home where Lisa was shotCourtesy photo The Alton Democrat
A special DCI lab van is called to the Darwin Vander Esch residence 4-3/4 miles southwest of Ireton to help state and local authorities investigate the shooting of Lisa Vander Esch.

The DCI and county officials held a conference in the sheriff’s office Thursday morning, September 16, 1982, to discuss the incident.

Postma waited for reports from law enforcement officials — reports that by law must be provided to the county attorney — but they never arrived.

Grand Jury records disappear amidst political battles

In a county fraught with one political party’s infighting, Vander Esch’s homicide laid the groundwork to thwart the incumbent county attorney’s run for reelection and sabotage the suspected murder investigation.

1982-10-28-grand-jury-may-probe-lisa-vander-esch-deathCourtesy photo The Democrat
Sioux County Attorney Harold Postma assembled a seven-person grand jury and subpoenaed witnesses, but the Grand Jury records disappeared from the courthouse before he could take further action.

On September 22, 1982, Sheriff Schwiesow said it would be “some time” before they received Vander Esch’s final autopsy report.

The following day, September 23, the Alton Democrat reported that William Watkins Jr. and his wife, Brenda (both from Alcester, SD), had filed a suit in federal court seeking damages for Watkins Jr.’s March 3, 1982, wrongful arrest during his mother’s funeral in Hawarden.

Schwiesow denied Watkins’ charges, calling it “another frivolous lawsuit” and said he was considering filing a countersuit against Watkins.

In October 1982, Postma — after having lost the primary election to Sioux Center attorney Mark Schouten and then reentering the race as an Independent — began to subpoena witnesses and assembled a seven-person county grand jury.

In an (Alton) Democrat article dated Thursday, October 28, 1982, Postma declined to comment on what the pending grand jury session might consider during its term, including whether or not the grand jury might be looking into Lisa Vander Esch’s death.

“I cannot divulge the nature of content of any possible pending grand jury probes,” Postma is quoted as saying.

darwin-vander-esch-with-polar-bear-2008Courtesy photo
Darwin Vander Esch poses with a polar bear he says he killed with a shot taken at 450 yards. “There is no second guessing, range the game and set the scope, get a good rest, relax, and make the shot,” he says in a 2008 testimonial published at

The article said the State DCI and county sheriff’s office had not officially closed their investigation of the Ireton shooting incident. In fact, Darwin Vander Esch had taken a polygraph, which he clearly failed.

Many questions remained unanswered, including why Darwin Vander Esch would be holding a loaded rifle in such close proximity to where his wife played in the yard with the couple’s young son.

Darwin Vander Esch was already an excellent marksman, and in his April 1981 “Senior Interview” with the Hawarden Independent had cited his Uncle Henry (Vander Esch) as the person he most admired because the two loved to trap and hunt and his uncle had given him many useful tips.

Before Postma could take further action, the Grand Jury records disappeared from the courthouse in Orange City, Iowa.

More Lies, Bigger Kill

Darwin Vander Esch moved west and set up two registered guide/outfitting companies, one in Idaho and one in Alaska, where he engaged in taking customers on big game hunts. He populated both websites with proud kill shots of slain brown bears, polar bears, gray wolves, and other magnificent animals caught unaware in their natural habitat.

According to Alaska’s Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development Division of Corporations and Business and Professional Licensing for Big Game Commercial Services Board, Darwin Vander Esch obtained his 2010-2012 biennial license renewal through fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation. He was convicted in 2013 for unsworn falsification in the second degree, and in April 2015 the Big Game Commercial Services Board permanently revoked his license under both state and federal statutes.

According to a draft of meeting minutes dated April 21, 2015, the Big Game Commercial Services Board stated in AGENDA ITEM 4, OAH 0.14-1498-GUI:

Ms. Metz moved to adopt the Administrative Law Judge’s decision for OAH No. 14- 1498-GUI, Mr. Tiffany IV seconded.

Discussion: Mr. Tiffany IV read the decision: “there is no need for an evidentiary hearing in this case because Mr. Vanderesch’s licensing violation under AS 08.54.710(d) is conclusively established by his 2013 conviction for unsworn falsification in the second degree. Based on the facts established by his 2013 conviction, the Division proved that Mr. Vanderesch obtained his 2010-2012 biennial license renewal through fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation.

The Division also alleged, in Count II of its Accusation, that Mr. Vanderesch’s 2013 conviction is grounds for discipline under AS 08.54.710(a) (1) (imposing discipline for conviction of a violation of a state or federal statute or regulation related to hunting or the provision of big game hunting services). However, that allegation is now moot; since Mr. Vanderesch’s license must be revoked under AS 08.54.710(d), no additional sanction can be imposed under AS 08.54.710(a) (1).

Mr. Vanderesch obtained his 2010-2012 biennial license renewal though fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation. Accordingly, effective on the thirtieth day after the Board adopts this decision, his license is permanently revoked pursuant to AS 08.54.710(d), and under AS 08.54.710(g) he may not engage in the provision of big game hunting services or transportation services during the period of license revocation.”

Full document available here.

In a roll call vote, the Board voted unanimously to permanently revoke Mr. Vander Esch’s state and federal big game hunting services and transportation services license.

Approximately seven years before Vander Esch permanently lost his big game hunting license, he sold his Idaho outfitting business to another individual, who retained the company’s longstanding business name. The new business owner contacted Iowa Cold Cases in early 2015, asking that the company’s name not be mentioned in this case summary, as Vander Esch no longer held any interest in the new owner’s legitimate business. Iowa Cold Cases respectfully complied with that request.

Vengeance is mine…

While the Vander Esch family had plenty of publicity — largely ads by ‘Pizza Ranch’ owner Lawrence Vander Esch, who was Henry Vander Esch’s son and Darwin Vander Esch’s cousin — Postma’s press releases went unpublished. In his final months as county attorney, Postma fought an uphill battle with the county sheriff to bring about justice in Lisa Vander Esch’s homicide.

Schwiesow, who’d been elected as Sioux County sheriff in 1976 and took office in January 1977, was still “furious” over the September 1982 federal court lawsuit filed by Watkins Jr., and had publicly disputed most allegations made by Watkins.

The year already had presented many changes in Schwiesow’s political circle, including the July 1982 resignation of party chairman Lawrence Vander Esch of Hull, who’d stepped down as chair on July 20 and then was elected to serve as county finance chairman for an indefinite period.

Darwin Vander Esch with bearCourtesy photo
This kill shot photo of a brown bear is one of several that appear on Darwin Vander Esch’s “JD’s Kniktuk Outfitters” Alaskan website. In 2013, Vander Esch was convicted of violating state and federal statutes relating to big game hunting services. His state and federal licenses were permanently revoked in April 2015.

After Postma’s defeat in the November 1982 election, it first appeared that questions about Lisa’s shooting would quietly fade into the background … just an unfortunate accident. The new county attorney, Schouten, wouldn’t have to worry about the missing Grand Jury records or the reports never delivered to his predecessor.

It didn’t turn out to be that easy.

Some law enforcement officials who’d examined the logistics and taken statements from Darwin Vander Esch still questioned the “accidental shooting” story based on crime scene evidence. They also, however, would have to work with Schwiesow if they wanted the new county attorney to file any charges.

Although many admired the county sheriff for his bullish accountable-to-no-one approach, it didn’t help quash his growing rage toward other officials who demanded answers and expected accountability.

  • According to one former elected official involved with Lisa’s homicide investigation, whenever her case was brought up, “turmoil” and “retaliation” followed.

“What we need is whistleblower protection and meaningful First Amendment protection,” the former official told Iowa Cold Cases. “Also, a way to get the DCI involved without going through the sheriff, county attorney or police, and an internal affairs unit that has statewide jurisdiction and authority.”

(* Note: In efforts to ensure the personal safety of our sources while still preserving the integrity of this case summary, names of all sources will be provided only to Iowa DCI and FBI officials.)

In March 1999, while still serving as Sioux County Sheriff, Jim Schwiesow was accused in an Americans United article, “Apocalypse Now? How Religious Right Fear Mongers Are Exploiting The Y2K Computer Problem For Cash and Political Gain,” as having taken it upon himself to warn the populace about Y2K-spawned chaos, “mixing Christian fundamentalism, Bible prophecy and Y2K hysteria into a “potent cocktail.”

Americans United for Separation of Church and State” (AU) is an organization founded in 1947 with a nationwide focus on educating members of Congress, as well as state and local lawmakers, about the importance of maintaining church-state separation.

Wrote Rob Boston in the “Apocalypse Now?” piece:

Schwiesow believes Y2K has been sent by God to punish America for its wicked ways. “Our persistent unfaithfulness,” he wrote, “includes decades of idolatry, Sabbath-breaking, abortion, a Messianic view of government, broken marriages, rampant immorality, and sad to say, much of the Christian church losing its savor, saying precious little about many of these things, and neglecting to bring the light of God’s word to these matters.”

Schwiesow recommended that the entire county “repent of our sins and rest our hopes for salvation fully and only upon [Jesus], and then live in obedience to his law.” He also suggested that local residents and Christian churches store up extra food, wood and coal to help out neighbors and added that the sheriff’s office might need “able-bodied young men, as special deputies, to help keep order in a potential time of great disorder.”

— Rob Boston, Americans United, March 1999

Loren Bouma, chairman of the Sioux County Board of Supervisors, said he planned to ask the county attorney to determine whether the sheriff had illegally used county supplies to further a religious agenda, Boston said.

Harold Postma, who more than 16 years earlier doggedly fought Schwiesow for records in Lisa Vander Esch’s case — records to which Postma legally was entitled but never received — said he learned firsthand what can happen when one questions those who believe they’re above the law.

The former county attorney, who initially felt reluctant to go on record with Iowa Cold Cases out of fear for his family’s safety, said his Iowa driving records were repeatedly altered by county officials after he left the state, landing him in court. And though he still worries for his loved ones’ safety, he feels it’s important that those with knowledge about any crime not be intimidated into silence by the very officials who’ve taken an oath to protect and serve.

Sioux County in Iowa
Sioux County in Iowa
Ireton in Sioux CountyIreton in Sioux County

He also can’t forget how intimidation methods broke down a legal system and let an innocent young mother’s murder slip through the cracks.


Two decades after Lisa Vander Esch’s homicide, the Vander Esch name would still be splashed in news headlines across the state, garnering far more attention than Lisa’s death ever received. Schwiesow’s name would also resurface, as would that of Sioux County Attorney Mark Schouten.

Sexual abuse charges, political party revenge tactics, and public name-calling would nearly eclipse news of the county’s other homicide victims.

The following short historical timeline (from dated news articles, available for download in ‘Sources’ section at the bottom) details one county’s struggle to fight injustice and restore dignity to local law enforcement.

  • April 19, 2001: Hawarden native and Pizza Ranch co-founder Lawrence Vander Esch faces several counts of sex abuse charges for molesting teenage boys who worked at Pizza Ranch.
  • May 10, 2001: In a ‘Letter to the editor,’ an elementary principal asks how local citizens can remain so complacent toward Lawrence Vander Esch’s “atrocious behavior” when “the acts are committed against youth in our community?”
  • Aug. 23, 2001: Lawrence Vander Esch pleads guilty to four counts of sexual abuse in the third degree. He will later appeal his convictions.
  • Nov. 20, 2002: The Iowa Court of Appeals denies Lawrence Vander Esch’s appeal.
  • July 2003: Sheriff Jim Schwiesow demotes Chief Deputy Dan Altena after learning Altena is going to run against him in the next election. Schwiesow tries — twice — to cut Altena’s pay.
  • Aug. 7, 2003 (story published Aug. 14, 2003): Sheriff Jim Schwiesow bypasses yet another new county attorney and files first-degree murder charges against Christie Van Oort, 26, in connection with the death of a nursing home resident. Sioux County Attorney Melissa R. O’Rourke says the charges weren’t brought to her attention until Aug. 13. Under Iowa law, only the county attorney can file these formal charges and pursue them in court. Schwiesow refuses to meet with O’Rourke to discuss the unauthorized charges he’s filed.
  • May 16, 2012: Jim Schwiesow (in writes a damning article targeting both political parties; it is rife with sneering adjectives and name-calling.
  • Jan. 15, 2013: Schwiesow posts another vitriolic, name-calling harangue in, which he titles “The Regimentation of Idiots.”

No charges were ever filed against Darwin Vander Esch in his wife’s shooting death.

In a 2008 customer testimonial published at, Vander Esch talks about taking out game from several hundred yards away and the confidence needed to make the perfect shot. The testimonial page’s top photo shows a smiling Vander Esch, rifle in hand, kneeling behind a majestic polar bear, its mammoth right leg tucked behind the extended left leg and paw, its fur and the brilliantly white snow-covered landscape starkly juxtaposed with blood.

Vander Esch begins his testament with one powerful statement:

“There is no second guessing, range the game and set the scope, get a good rest, relax, and make the shot.”

About Lisa

Lisa Vander Esch, age 19
(Courtesy GunMemorial)

Lisa Ann (Hamstra) Vander Esch was born June 23, 1963, in Cherokee, Iowa, to John and Gertrude Hamstra.

She attended Ireton schools and graduated from West Sioux High School in 1981.

She married Darwin Vander Esch on Nov. 1, 1980, in Ireton. The couple lived near Ireton, where Lisa was a member of the Lebanon Christian Reformed Church.

Lisa died Tuesday, September 14, 1982, from a gunshot wound to the head.

Services were held at 1:30 p.m. Friday, September 17, 1982, at the Lebanon Christian Reformed Church, with the Revs. Kenneth Eiten and Paul Siebeking officiating. The Memorial Funeral Home of Sioux Center was in charge of arrangements.

Lisa Vander Esch gravestoneCourtesy photo RH,
Lisa Vander Esch is buried in the Lebanon Cemetery.

Lisa was buried in the Lebanon Cemetery in Lebanon, Iowa.

Survivors included her husband; one son, 16-month-old Jason Michael Vander Esch; her father, John Hamstra; her mother and stepfather, Gertrude and Eugene Vander Hamm of Ireton; one brother, Lyle of Sioux City; two sisters, Lana and Lori, both at home; and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit J. Vermeer of Boyden and Mr. and Mrs. William Hamstra of Merrill.

Postscripts …
  • Lisa’s sister, Lori Lynn Hamstra, died Nov. 2, 1994 at age 23.
  • Former Sioux County Sheriff Jim Schwiesow died on Dec. 19, 2018, at age 80.
  • Darwin Vander Esch went on to drive a 40-foot billboard on wheels — a family bus dubbed the Vander Esch Express — promoting his son Leighton’s 2018 draft into the NFL. According to a Dallas Morning News article published Sept. 26, 2018, Darwin, who commuted back and forth from Alaska, also continued to lead wolf and bear hunting trips into the wild from an outpost in Dillingham, Alaska. The Morning News story did not address Darwin’s 2013 conviction for having obtained his big game hunting services license through fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, and falsification, and did not address the fact that Darwin’s state and federal licenses were permanently revoked in April 2015 after he was convicted of violating both state (Alaska) and federal statutes. (PDF document: RESOLVED to adopt the Administrative Law Judge’s decision for OAH No. 14-1498-GUI for Darwin Vander Esch R#1270). 
  • Darwin Vander Esch arrested by the Idaho County Sheriff’s Office on Sunday, Dec. 1, 2024, and charged with several domestic violence-related charges, including felony attempted strangulation and domestic battery, according to a Lewiston Tribune article dated Dec. 2, 2024.
Information Needed

Anyone with information about Lisa Vander Esch’s unsolved homicide is urged to contact Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation Special Agent in Charge Darrell Simmons at (712) 322-1585.


38 Responses to Lisa Vander Esch

  1. Melanie Wood says:

    Big man likes to kill animals. Evil SOB! guilty. Murderer. Takes a big man to shoot someone and animals that will kill you because you have a gun
    You’ll get yours on earth or after big man.

  2. Jerry Hamstra says:

    My name is Jerry Hamstra.She was my niece and will always miss her.

  3. Doris Keehn says:

    Lee is exactly right bob

  4. Lee says:

    Please do not stop commenting or talking about this case! Lisa’s son is defending his father. Who wouldn’t? His anger is raw and to be expected.

    This Cold Case File is written and aimed at a specific person or persons with the information needed for justice to prevail. Keep talking, praying and passing this Cold Case on.

    If you are one of those with information, please come forward! Please don’t go to your grave in silence, as Lisa was forced to do.

    If Darwin is innocent then he also deserves for this to come to an end.

  5. Jason vander Esch says:

    I am Lisa’s son Jason. My number is 208-807-0760. My dad Darwin never has had,nor ever will have any reason. Period. Whatsoever. Period. To ever act in any way at all with a firearm towards anyone. I have never even seen him in a fistfight or act with direct violence towards anyone. This posting is a tactic enacted by persons or people who don’t know how to accept the truth. Why is it that some adults act more childish than actual children. Know this always god is an absolute and my dad was devastated by my moms death . Also I am a dick,so if you do choose to call me,and offend me in any way, I will use profanity and you will be offended. You got a problem with that,then that’s your problem,just calling it like I see it

  6. This case just bothers me. So many cases here in Iowa where law officials put their own agendas before justice. Thank God for the good guys in law enforcement.

  7. That’s so sad that we know who did it and nothing is done shame on those people who aren’t about justice no matter what…

  8. Jack, I’ll have to look back through my records – I have so much info on this case but a lot of it has not been included in the case summary for obvious reasons.

  9. So he was never charged?

    • Vickie Lynn Maxwell, you are correct – Darwin Vander Esch was never charged in his wife’s death. He went on to lead hunting tours in Alaska and Idaho (learning to shoot with high powered rifles from incredible distances) but recently had his license fully revoked for numerous state and federal violations.

  10. Jack Toomey says:

    So a grand jury considered the case but the records were lost? Did they indict him or not. There are 23 people to ask. Has anyone bothered to ask any of the grand jurors whether they returned an indictment?

  11. Linda Ruff says:

    So sad so young and no justice

  12. Jack says:

    If I could bottle up half the energy we Christians spent in the last few years wringing our hands over gay marriage and directed it toward ending domestic abuse, we wouldn’t find ourselves needing to pray for another family like this. Shame on us all.

  13. L&J says:

    Just how DO files “go missing”? They don’t walk away by themselves. They must have help. Who had access to these files? Who helped them get lost? And why? Where did they go? And what became of them?

    There seem to be more questions than answers…

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      Your question on missing files is a good one. There was a recent program on the Cold Case of the Lady of the Dunes, in Provincetown, Massachusetts. She was found dead in 1974, and several detectives and police officials worked over the years to identify her.

      However, the Massachusetts State Police threw the physical evidence away many years later. Plus the last detective working the case was told to leave it alone, by her actual by her acting chief, the local District Attorney and the State Police.

      However, she finally got the FBI involved as she was found on National Park Service land. The FBI did the DNA to finally identify her, and basically claim her husband did it. However, he was deceased. However, he had a criminal record and was a suspect in two missing persons cases.

      There are numerous stories of records that disappeared, f destroyed by natural disasters. There was physical evidence submitted to the New York State Crime Lab, many years ago
      They have no clue what happened to it, or records that received it, or records that the agency involved sent it to them.

      Some agencies got rid of stuff, from over 30, 40, or more years ago, based on the assumptions that the case would not be solved.

  14. Doris and Jeff says:

    We hope and pray that this case will see resoulution soon. We knew Lisa and she was a wonderful person. How can Jim Schwiesow sleep at night. He is disgraceful..It makes me shutter to think such injustice can happen in this county.It is not to late to bring justice.People know what happened. I just hope they find the courage to come forward
    It is very apparent Mr Schwiesow has no COMPASSION for people.

    • Jody Ewing says:

      Doris and Jeff, thank you for sharing your thoughts about Lisa. (Yes, she did sound like a wonderful young woman and mother.) I’ve learned over the years that one may call him- or herself a Christian, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they live the proverbial “Christian” life. While researching this cold case, I learned far more about Schwiesow than I ever wanted to know. I don’t believe I’ve ever known anyone who could be filled with such seething hatred toward people in general. It’s sad, really. Imagine living one’s life always filled with rage. He redefines “name-calling.”

  15. Diana Wilson says:

    I noticed how young she was. How sad. What’s wrong with these people???? Spouses killing spouses. Scary. Who can you trust????

  16. Lorrie says:

    This is just unbelievable !!! how can these people have a clear conscious with their unlawful acts. Prayers to the family and may they get long deserved justice soon.

  17. tina carroll says:

    her case still open

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We encourage thoughtful discussion here but ask that comments remain civilized and constructive … i.e. without personal attacks or name-calling. Be respectful of others and remember that victims' family members visit these pages, too. If you'd like to provide us with information regarding a suspect or have other sensitive details to relay, please email us directly. Thank you in advance.

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