8 Responses to jade-colvin-NamUs-165px

  1. Summer Love says:

    JUSTICE WILL NE SERVED IN GODS NAME!!!! this will forever be heavy on my heart. its a nightmare and i will never be ok. Jade you deserved so much more from this life im so sorry the ones who were supposed to protect you, failed you ao miserably. I will never every forget our childhood memories playing and being kids and i will forever cherish that i had you growing up ❤️ I love you Jade You are forever another part of me, as my sister and I will always have u in my thoughts heart and prayers. I cant process this still… No no no this didnt happen Jade is ok this isnt real 💔💔💔

  2. Christina says:

    Hey jade! I miss you and think about you often. I don’t know where you are but we used to be best friends in school. I have picture’s of us. Your family have been in my heart and prayers. I hope they continue this case.

  3. Summer says:

    Happy 20th my love! I hope so much you had a good one. Autumn and I think of you everyday and we need you.. No matter what . We will do anything to get you back in our life and keep you safe . No matter what it is, we will go thru anything and anyone to find you. You are our world .. we love you so much Jade. -summer </3

  4. Summer says:

    I think of you everyday. I love you forever, Im waiting for the day to hear your voice again. Autumn and my heart is broken for every second that goes by missing you. Love you always – Summer

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