Burlington in Des Moines County

Des Moines County in Iowa
Cold Cases in Burlington, Iowa

Dorothy Miller
Dorothy H. Miller
48 YOA
118 Grand Street
Burlington, IA (Des Moines County)
Case # 69-00950
August 18, 1969
On Monday evening, August 18, 1969, 48-year-old Bolick Realty saleswoman Dorothy Miller was raped and stabbed 22 times when she went to show an unoccupied, two-story frame house at 118 Grand Street in Burlington, Iowa.

Mary Lange
Mary Bernice Lange
37 YOA
Long Creek
Danville, IA (Des Moines County)
Residence: Burlington, IA
Case # 70-01291
December 17, 1970
Mary Bernice Lange — engaged in a bitter divorce with her husband Marvin — was found dead nine miles west of Burlington on December 17, 1970. The 37-year-old mother of three had been struck several times in the head and left to drown in Long Creek, a mere 15-minute drive in a path that led directly back to the couple’s farm.

Lisa Miller
Cause of Death: Undetermined
Lisa Elaine Miller
15 YOA
Sullivan Slough Rd.
Burlington, IA (Des Moines County)
Last Seen Alive: October 7, 1977
Body found October 9, 1977
Est. Date of Death: October 8, 1977
On Sunday, Oct. 9, 1977, six days after her parents reported her as a runaway, Lisa Elaine Miller, 15, was found dead in a wooded area off lower Sullivan Slough Road near the Iowa Southern Utilities generating station 3-1/2 miles southeast of Burlington, Iowa. An autopsy ruled cause of death as undetermined.

James Harsch
James A. Harsch
31 YOA
Burlington, IA
Des Moines County
Case # 78-03075
May 13, 1978
On May 13, 1978, the Burlington Police Department received a call and discovered the badly decomposed body of James A. Harsch in his trailer.

Audrey Dill
Missing Person
Audrey Dill
Age at Report: 32
Incident Type: Involuntary disappearance
Missing From: Burlington, IA
Des Moines County (Jurisdiction)
Missing Since: August 18, 1978
Audrey Eileen Dill was reported missing to the Des Moines County Sheriff’s Office in Burlington, Iowa, on August 18, 1978. She was last seen wearing blue jeans and a blouse.
Terry Lee Page
36 YOA
1205 Franklin Street
Burlington, IA
Des Moines County
Investigating Agency: Burlington Police Department
June 25, 2013
Terry Lee Page, 36, of Burlington, Iowa, was shot and killed outside his 1205 Franklin Street residence on the edge of North Hill in the early morning hours Tuesday, June 25, 2013.

Steven Leasure
Missing Person
Steven Ray “Stevie” Leasure
Age at Report: 52
Weight: 200 lbs.
Height: 5’10”
Race: White
Hair: Unknown or Completely Bald
Eyes: Blue
Sex: Male
Incident Type: Endangered / physical
Case Number: 15-15321
NamUs MP Number: 29265
Missing From: Burlington, Iowa
Des Moines County
Investigating Agency: Burlington Police Department
Missing Since: May 2, 2015
Steven Leasure, 52, went missing from Burlington, Iowa, on Saturday, May 02, 2015. He was last seen riding his blue GT bicycle, which was found June 9, 2015, and is in possession of the Burlington Police Department.

James Poggemiller
Suspicious Death
James Poggemiller
62 YOA
1127 S. 13th St.
Burlington, Iowa
Des Moines County
May 24, 2019
James Keith Poggemiller, 62, was found dead Friday, May 24, 2019, inside his 1127 S. 13th Street home in Burlington, and officials are treating his death as suspicious. The facts and circumstances surrounding the death are being investigated by the Burlington Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Division, the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI), and the Iowa DCI’s Criminalistics Laboratory team, Burlington Chief of Police Dennis Kramer said in a press release.
Yes, it was Stevie’s foot, absolutely.
If you truly do encourage thoughtful discussions that are respective of others please take the rantings of anon on Jeffrey Rose down! My children and grandchildren do not deserve to have to relive any of this hatefulness!
Diana, how are these “hateful”? How are they “rantings”? These are factual newspaper accounts from the beating death of your son. These are factual newspaper accounts from the trial, which report your own sworn testimony.
You sound like someone who either wants to re-write history and deny reality, or who wants to cover up a crime.
Your son was beaten to death. Let’s hear an admission to this undeniable truth from your mouth (or your keyboard). And since you appear to be the only living person who knows exactly what happened, perhaps you can enlighten us now as to who was responsible, and exactly what they did.
Also Diana, don’t you think that your children and grandchildren deserve to know the truth so that they can make *informed* decisions regarding who to allow their own children to have unsupervised contact with?
This isn’t an unsolved murder. Someone was brought to trial for it and found not guilty. Law enforcement likely believes they arrested the correct person and there isn’t any more investigation to be done. If you have information to the contrary please share it with the appropriate authorities.
There were clearly two people involved, as is demonstrated by Diana’s own testimony. Only one (the man) was brought to trial.
I pray that you never experience what we did! People just like you are why details are misconstrued in the media! You need to find something in your life that gives you joy and try to focus on that rather than trying to destroy someone else! A judge ruled there was no evidence to charge anything! Why would you think that is?
@Concerned Citizen, child abuse medicine was in its infancy back then, and our judiciary was in denial. Someone tortured baby Jeffery to death, either William or Diana, or both of them. Please specifically identify what you audaciously claim was “misconstrued in the media.” On a related note, the murdered boy’s nieces, who are now old enough to be parents themselves, or almost old enough to be parents themselves, need to be able to make an INFORMED decision as to whether or not to allow their children (if they have any) to have contact with Diana. The family structure appears to be built on lies, denial, and cover-up, which is unsafe, dangerous, unhealthy, and perpetuates dysfunction from generation to generation
Find a new hobby and let the justice system do it’s job as it did back in 1969. The entire family is aware of this story and it changes nothing. “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone.” John 8:7
You must be a family member in denial. And I reiterate that the murdered boy’s nieces need to be able to make an *informed* decision as to whether or not to allow their children (if they have any) to have contact with Diana, and, if so, whether supervised, unsupervised, etc.
Yes, I’m a family member. They’re my parents and I’m lucky enough to be their daughter. My parents are (were) great parents and both my brother and myself are successful members of society that they raised, loved and supported every step of the way. Again, get off your high horse and quit harassing people you know nothing about.
An unsolved murder that should be listed in the Burlington page is the 1969 murder of 18-month-old Jeffrey J. Rose who had injuries to his genitals, buttocks, and head, with brain injury and a blood clot on the brain. He died after being “physically corrected” after his mother, Diana May Rose (who later became Diana May Miller) and her boyfriend, William Edward Miler, had used “physical correction” on him while toilet training him. William was criminally charged but acquitted. Diana married William while the case was going on.
I am going to post a few news articles here:
From the Boone News Republican, April 14, 1969 at page 5:
Study Charges in Child Death- BURLINGTON, Iowa (AP) — Additional charges may be filed against a man in the child beating case of a baby who died Sunday in Iowa City, authorities say.
Des Moines County Atty. Desmond Waples said he was studying Sunday what additional charged should be filed against William Edward Milar, 21, of Ottumwa. Milar was charged with assault with intent to do great bodily injury after doctors notified police Saturday that 18-month-old Jeffrey J. Rose had been brought to a Burlington hospital with injuries apparently from beatings, Waples said.
Milar was arrested in Iowa City Saturday night.
The baby’s mother, Diana May Rose, 21, of Burlington, told police she and Milar had been attempting to toilet train Jeffrey Thursday when the boy became stiff and unconscious after he was physically corrected for wetting his pants, police said.
She took him to the hospital Saturday.
Doctors there notified police and rushed little Jeffrey to Iowa City where he underwent surgery Saturday night. He died about 1:30 pm Sunday.
An autopsy was scheduled Sunday night to determine the exact cause of death. Doctors said Jeffery showed bruises about his head, genital organs, and buttocks.
From the Ottumwa Courier- January 17, 1970 at page 8:
Prosecution fights motion in Miler case.
Des Moines County Attorney Alan Waples has filed notice in District Court at Burlington that he intends to fight a defense motion to suppress evidence in the murder case against 22-year-old William Edward Miler of Keokuk, a former Ottumwan. The prosecution asks the court to set a hearing date soon to determine whether or not Miler’s wife may testify against him.
Miler is accused of killing 19- month-old Jeffrey J. Rose in April of 1969. The little boy died in Iowa City following brain surgery. He was transferred to University Hospitals after his mother had taken him to a Burlington hospital unconscious from severe head injuries. The child’s mother, then Diane Lee Rose, testified at a preliminary hearing April 17 in Burlington Municipal Court, after which Edwards was released.
The July grand jury renewed the indictment against Miler, however, a few days after he and Miss Rose were married in Keokuk. Defense lawyers are seeking an order prohibiting the state from calling her to the witness stand and from submitting any of her previous
testimony into evidence.
My thoughts on the above article: What sort of twisted values did it take for Diana to marry the man who authorities said beat her child to death?
From the Ottumwa Courrier, May 29, 1971 at page 12:
BIRTHS – … May 29 to Mr. and Mrs. William Miler Sr. of Keokuk, a daughter; the father is a former Ottumwan.
My thoughts on the above: How could she allow her son’s alleged murderer into her body???!!! Jeffrey died in April 1969. Melissa (the baby girl) wasn’t born until 1971. That necessarily means that Diana was having sexual intercourse with William after the death of Jeffrey.
From the Burlington Hawk Eye June 11, 1971 at page 7:
Testimony is heard on child’s injuries.
An Iowa City pathologist who two years ago performed the autopsy on the body of 19-month-old Jeffrey Rose testified Friday in the murder trial of William Edward Miler that
death was by a blow to the head caused by more than a simple fall.
Dr. Earl F. Rose said the head injury and the numerous other bruises found on the body of the child had been received between 12 and 48 hours before the time of death. The child died at 1:35 p.m., Sunday, April 13, 1969, in University hospitals in Iowa City following surgery to remove a blood clot from the brain.
Miler, 23, now of Keokuk, was charged With murder following the death, but the charge was dropped after Municipal Judge Gary J. Snyder refused to bind Miler over to the grand jury. Five months later a grand jury indicted Miler on an open charge of murder, to which he pleaded innocent in October, 1969.
Blunt-type Injury Dr. Rose testified the head injury was a “blunt-type injury”, as opposed to a head injury caused by a fall. He said a fall on a sharp instrument would “usually always leave some mark,” and he said there were no such marks on the head of Jeffrey. Bruises were found on the left and right side of the child’s forehead.
He said the blunt-type injury “could have been the type injury received from a man’s fist,” and said unconsciousness would have been rendered “almost immediately.”
Autopsy Slides
Prosecution attorneys also introduced into evidence 17 slides of the bruises on the
child’s lower body and crosssections of the brain taken during the autopsy.
Johnson county medical examiner Dr. T. T. Bozek of Iowa City also testified the cause of death was a head injury. He described all other body bruises as “non-fatal injuries.” Dr. Bozek, who ordered the autopsy, testified the child’s mother, now Mrs. Diane Miler, told him the child had been spanked and “indicated Bill Miler did the spanking.” Dr. Bozek said the mother told him the child had started vomiting Friday, two days before death.
Child Was Listless
“She said the child appeared listless Saturday morning and had no appetite,” he said. Dr. Bozek said Miss Rose told him she went shopping about 2 p.m. Saturday (April 12), at which time she put the child to bed. When she returned about 90 minutes later, Bill Miler
attempted to arouse the youth and the “child was not responsive,” Dr. Bozek said he was told.
He said Miss Rose did indicate “they had problems training the child, and they had spanked the child.” The sandy-haired, bespectacled Miler sat tightlipped and expressionless by his attorneys through the first day of testimony Thursday and the previous two days of jury selection. He heard Dr. Foss and Dr. R.G. Paragas, a Burlington pediatrician who also treated Jeffrey that Saturday, tell a jury of 11 men and one woman there were bruises on the head, left side, both buttocks, and groin area of Jeffrey when brought to the emergency room.
Nurse Testifies
Testimony was also given Thursday by Mrs. Janet Dellsite, a registered nurse who cared for Jeffrey on the ambulance trip from the Burlington hospital to Iowa City about 5:30
p.m. April 12.
Mrs. Dellsite said the child had several convulsions during the 50-minute trip end vomited about seven times, She said the child’s mother also rode in the ambulance but appear “rather complacent” and “composed.” Both doctors said the child already showed signs of brain damage when brought to the hospital because he would not respond to several reflex-type tests. Both also indicated the child had received the numerous bruises in from 12 to 48 hours before he was brought to the hospital. When asked to give his opinion as to what may have caused the bruises Foss said he felt “one possibility was that
the child had been mistreated and beaten.”
Dr. Paragas said it was his opinion it “was a child abuse,” and informed Iowa City of his opinion when the child was transferred.
From the Burlington Hawkeye, June 17, 1971 at page 1:
Mrs. Miler ‘requested’ discipline
The mother of 19-month-old Jeffrey Rose, flatly denied Monday that William Miler ever showed dislike or jealousy for the child, or ever disciplined the child without her approval.
Diana Rose Miler, 23, who married Miler July 12, 1969 — three months after the death of the Rose child — took the stand as a “hostile” prosecution witness.
Court resumed at 9 a.m. Monday after a weekend recess in the murder trial of Miler, 23, now of Keokuk, who was charged after the April 13, 1969, death of the Rose child. Jeffrey
died in Iowa City following brain surgery. Cause of death was reported to be a head injury.
Mrs. Miler underwent over two hours of questioning by county attorney E. Dean Metz, during which she disputed earlier testimony given by several other witnesses and refuted many statements she made in a preliminary hearing two years ago in municipal court.
“Bill was very good to Jeffy,” Mrs. Miler said. “Jeffy liked Bill but didn’t like Bill and I to show our affection to one another because he was jealous.”
She described the child as spoiled because she didn’t like to discipline him, but said she
had asked Miler to discipline Jeffrey. She said he “undertook some discipline because I asked him to,” but he never did it without her approval.
Spanked Child
“I usually had to tell him to do it,” she added. Mrs. Miler said she asked Miler to spank the child Thursday, April 10, three days before the child’s death, and said Miler took the child over his knee and swatted him “two or three times.” She said the spanking caused the bruises to the groin and buttocks area testified to by several doctors and hospital employees who testified earlier. Metz referred to the transcript of the 1969 preliminary
hearing — in which Municipal Judge Gary J. Snyder refused to bind Miler over to the grand jury — and asked Mrs. Miler why now she said “two or three” swats when
before she said more.
No Immunity
(The transcripts of her testimony at that municipal court hearing were made available only after several months of court proceedings and a Iowa Supreme Court ruling stating husbands and wives have no immunity of testimony in child abuse cases.)
The sandy-haired Mrs. Miler, her voice and composure failing a little as she referred to the time following the death of her son, said she said some things “that were untrue” at the hearing. “At the time of the preliminary hearing .. . I was made to believe Bill had done
something wrong and I was mad and I said things that weren’t true,” she said.
‘Upset by Death’
“I was trying to make it look as bad for Bill as I could,” she said and added she was still extremely upset by Jeffrey’s death and almost four months pregnant with another child.
“I just wanted them to leave me alone,” she said. She said the police had given her the impression Bill had done something wrong.
Mrs. Miler said she was told by University hospitals officials that bleeding on the child’s brain was from a bruise on his forehead, but said she didn’t know how the child received the bruise.
She said the child fell down quite often and said Miler guessed the child had fallen and struck his head. Neither knew when the bruise was received, she said. She could not recall bruises covering most of the child’s forehead as earlier witnesses testified.
Mrs. Miler also quickly denied ever telling anyone Miler “had dropped the child on it
head.” Two earlier witnesses Bonnie Garman, a neighbor and Donald Henry, a newsman testified they heard Mrs. Miler say Miler had dropped the child. She said a policeman asked her at the Burlington hospital if the child had been dropped on his head, “and I denied it,” she said.
Denies ‘Beating’
She denied police reports that she ever told them Miler “beat” he child. She said she got the impression at the hospital that police “thought we had done something.” She said she noticed Friday the child apparently didn’t feel well, and Saturday she said he was “listless and very, very white.”
Mrs. Miler said she put Jeffrey to bed upstairs in the 343 Grimes Ct. apartment in the afternoon while she went grocery shopping. She said when she returned the child was
downstairs with Miler. She said the child was lying on the bed and “his legs were stiff and his eyes were staring.”
Mrs. Miler then broke down in front of the jury of 11 men and one woman.
I hardly know where to begin when reading this. What sort of a sick parent tells their boyfriend to hit their eighteen or nineteen-month-old? What sort of woman marries the man accused of killing her toddler? What was going on that she lied on the stand, either at the trial, or at an earlier hearing?
William Milar was acquitted. Diana was never prosecuted.
From the Ottumwa Courier July 14, 1972, at page 3:
Galen Miler Jr. and Donna Davis from California have been visiting in Ottumwa. They came to attend the class reunion of Galen Miler. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Vinyard and of Mrs. Edward Snelling and of Neoma Miler. Other guests of Mrs. Snelling were Mr. and Mrs. William Miler Sr., William Jr., and Melissa of Keokuk and Mr.
and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Snelling and children of Texas
In 2013, William Milar’s misleading obituary read:
William E. Miler, 65, of Chariton, Iowa, died at 11:04 AM Saturday, August 3, 2013, at Circle of Life Legacy Lodge in Chariton, Iowa.
William was born September 9, 1947 in Ottumwa, Iowa, a son of Galen K. and Neoma Snelling Miler, Sr. He married Diana Rose of Keokuk, on September 12, 1969, in Keokuk, Iowa. She survives.
He lived in Hamilton, Illinois, for 22 years; in Solon, Iowa, from 1996 to 2009; and in Chariton for the last three years. He earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Western Illinois University at Macomb, Illinois. He was employed as facilities, grounds, and safety supervisor for Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, Iowa.
In addition to his wife, Diana, he is survived by a son, William E. “Will” Miler, II of North Liberty, Iowa; a daughter, Melissa M. Burbridge (Jim) of Chariton, Iowa; three grandchildren, Grace Miler, Abigail Burbridge and A.J. Burbridge; two brothers, Galen Miler, Jr. of Arizona and Roger Miler of Ottumwa, Iowa; his stepmother, Marylin Miler of Bloomfield, Iowa; and several brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law.
He was preceded in death by his parents, his grandparents, and a son in infancy, Jeffery J. Miler.
My comments on the obituary are these: First of all, Jeffrey was not his son. Second of all, Jeffrey’s surname was Rose, not Miler. Thirdly, Jeffrey was a toddler, not an infant. Fourthly, why would Diana have stayed with him all these years?
Just who in the family wrote this misleading language in the obituary, and for what purpose?
That is a shocking case, painful to read! (Carol at ICC)
You are a very sick and vindictive person who needs help! Get a life and leave others alone! You are neither judge or jury!
Concerned citizen!
Who killed Jeffrey J. Rose and how did it happen? This toddler died, and the autopsy revealed injuries to his genitals, buttocks, and head, with brain injury and a blood clot on the brain. He was clearly beaten to death. With no conviction, it is a cold case and people should be aware of it. The public has an interest in the criminal justice system, and its failures. The public has an interest in history, including legal history. Everything posted here is from what came out at the trial. It is public record, and was reported on in the news at the time. One possible perpetrator was prosecuted, and acquitted. The other possible perpetrator has not been prosecuted. Perhaps this other possible perpetrator SHOULD be prosecuted for killing this toddler. Being a person who wants justice for those who no longer have a voice isn’t sick and vindictive. Being a person who is concerned for the potential safety of children in the family isn’t sick and vindictive. What is “sick” is that the State of Iowa didn’t put both Diana and William on trial. There are other “sick” things that happened, but I’ll leave it at that. As an aside, there is no invasion or privacy, nor is there defamation, for sharing matters of public record of this nature.
You need to find another mission in life! Destroying other peoples lives is not a good one! This child died and not for the reasons that were published in the newspaper! These are not “sick” people! The only sick people were those people making up the stories about them!
You mean that all of the ER doctors, the paramedics on the scene, and the police officers concocted the same general story, and then formed a conspiracy to stick to that story? And then the coroner decided to conspire with them also, and falsified the autopsy report? Amazing!
The reports on this were very distorted! Unfortunately between rumors and news media it happens! I don’t believe it is up to you to judge what happened! I was there and I know what happened! Don’t you have your own life to worry about? Maybe you should be doing that!!
Btw I can honestly say that I have never caused physical harm to anyone! Can you? You can believe that or not! Your chose but please stop the harassment!
You can’t run from GOD no matter how many stories you make up. No matter how many lies you tell. He knows the truth. I wouldn’t be too concerned about what anyone on earth thinks. I’d be more concerned about what’s to come. Everyone takes that road alone.
If they can’t even solve thefts god help thes people and 911 don’t seem to make some of bpds officers from being good peace keepers .reported attempted stabbing I’ve never heard back from them wow and ya want to solve cold cases?pray the new chief gets them doing their jobs oh now let me guess ya will still be on my aaa for being a good citizen I even reported it with the presence of a Burlington social worker and victim will testify because she lived
Hope these peoples families are at peace. It’s sad n sobering to think somebody misses them and they’re lost. Crazy.
I would like to help out finding these people.
is the foot found at lake west possible steve leisure
No that wasn’t his.
Yes it was. They just determined foot found at lake west to be Steve’s.
Here is the most recent information:
Yes, it was Stevie’s foot, absolutely!
Good luck on finding anything on these people. Rest their souls. Hek they can't find Steve