Wilbur Brown (Courtesy Sioux City Police Dept.)

Wilbur Brown (Courtesy Sioux City Police Dept.)

Wilbur E. Brown


Wilbur E. Brown
47 YOA
603 West 5th St.
Sioux City, Iowa
Woodbury County
September 14, 1997


Case summary provided by the Sioux City Police Department
Woodbury County in Iowa
Woodbury County in Iowa
Sioux City in Woodbury CountySioux City in Woodbury County

On September 14, 1997, around 5:30 a.m., a Sioux City resident returning home noticed 47-year-old Wilbur Brown lying on the ground between the curb and the sidewalk in front of 603 West 5th Street.

Brown appeared unconscious but was moaning, and the neighbor was unable to rouse him.

Sioux City Police were called at approximately 5:34 a.m., and Brown was transported to an area hospital where he died shortly thereafter.

An autopsy revealed Brown had been beaten about the head and body and died as a result of those injuries.

According to Sioux City police, an investigation revealed Brown had recently received and cashed his paycheck, though no money was found on his person.

Where Wilbur Brown foundCourtesy photo Sioux City Police Department
Sioux City police found Wilbur Brown’s body between the curb and the sidewalk in front of 603 West 5th Street early on Sept. 14, 1997.

Police interviewed numerous people but no suspects were arrested and the case remains unsolved.

About Wilbur Brown

Wilbur E. Brown was born May 29, 1950.

Information Needed

If you have any information about this case please contact the Sioux City Police Department at 712-279-6390.




One Response to Wilbur Brown

  1. Jim john says:

    Sad no life story on him he was my uncle’s friend

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