Harry Dennis Milligan

Harry Dennis Milligan

Missing Person

Harry Dennis Milligan
Age at Report: 21
DOB: October 4, 1962
Missing From: Albia, IA
Monroe County
Height: 6′ 01″
Weight: 160 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Incident Type: Involuntary Disappearance
NCIC Number: M-126380624
Missing Since: July 1, 1984


Charity Event Planned To Raise Funds To Help Locate Albia Man Missing Since 1984

Charity Event Planned to Raise Funds
Harry Dennis Milligan, 21, vanished from Albia during the early morning hours of Sunday, July 1, 1984, after a night out with friends.

“Light the Night Charity Event and Fun Ride” is set for Saturday, July 9 on the Albia Square. The day will begin with the Harry Milligan Charity Bike Ride organized by Alex Weldon. A car show organized by John Carter begins at 2 p.m. with live music from Nashville artist Jake McVey to follow. There will also be a live auction and vendors will be set up on the square’s west side.

More Information at the Ottumwa Post

COLD CASE SPOTLIGHT — From NBCNews.com/Dateline

Brother hoping to reignite search for Harry Milligan, who disappeared 38 years ago in Albia, Iowa

The 21-year-old was last seen in the early morning of July 1, 1984, after a night out with friends, where he was dropped off at his 1977 maroon Pontiac Grand Prix.

Harry Milligan, Marine Corps Reservist

July 3, 2022, 8:53 AM CDT
By Kyani Reid

“We were real close,” Mark said of his older brother Harry. “We were the only ones we had.”

Only two and a half years apart, Mark and Harry Milligan grew up in the small town of Avery, Iowa with their four older siblings. “They were a lot older than us,” Mark said. “When I was like two, they were 18 or 19 years old.”

Mark told Dateline that he had been raised by his grandparents since he was two years old, but he was officially adopted by them when he turned 18. “That’s how me and Harry became brothers,” Mark said. He told Dateline that Harry had been adopted by Mark’s grandparents when he was just a few months old. “We don’t know who Harry’s birth father or mother is.”

Read More of this Phenomenal Story about two brothers at NBCNews.com/Dateline

Previous Updates

From Mark Milligan, Lori Milligan and Michele Floen

For Harry’s benefit on the 1st of July (the 38th anniversary of Harry’s disappearance) we have been receiving tons of help! We have a pastor and singers for the vigil. We have a venue and a DJ for the meet & greet. Let us know if you can volunteer food or drink or your help during the meet & greet. We’re still accepting donations for the online auction! Also if someone could design shirts for the event and get those made that would be fantastic! Things are moving right along and we can’t thank everyone enough for all of the support! Would love to have you ALL join us!!

Visit findingharrymilligan.com or the Facebook group “Harry Dennis Milligan :: Still Missing” for more information, and stay tuned for further updates about this event.

Anonymous tip line for : Finding Harry Milligan

Don’t miss KTVO’s May 12 story, “Missing Iowa man cold case reopened,” by Zach Richardson.

Monroe County in Iowa
Monroe County in Iowa
Albia in Monroe CountyAlbia in Monroe County

Harry Dennis Milligan, a 21-year-old Marine Corps reservist, went out with friends in Albia, Iowa, on Saturday night, June 30, 1984.

He was last seen alive in Albia’s business district between 3 and 3:30 a.m. Sunday morning, July 1, 1984, and later reported missing to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office in Albia.

Witnesses said Milligan was last seen traveling north on Main Street in Albia and at that time was believed to be en route to his family’s home in Avery, where he failed to show up.

Milligan owned and was driving a maroon 1977 two-door Pontiac Grand Prix, which had current 1984 Iowa license tags with plate number EIJ-244.

He was described as a 6-foot-1 white male with brown hair, blue eyes, and weighing about 160 pounds. When last seen, he was wearing a blue plaid, short-sleeved shirt, blue jeans and white tennis shoes.

1977 maroon Pontiac Grand Prix

Harry Milligan drove a 1977 maroon Pontiac Grand Prix similar to the one shown here. The vehicle, like Milligan, has never been found.

His family posted a $500 reward for information about his whereabouts and distributed the posters nationwide.

Milligan’s father, Leonard Milligan, said in a Jan. 8, 1985 Monroe County News article that some rumors had been checked out, but nothing definite had shown up to indicate Harry’s whereabouts.

“Losing our daughter (she died the month after Harry disappeared) hurt, but we know where she is and we can’t bring her back. We’ve done all we can do to locate Harry and now we just sit back and wait. We don’t know what else to do. I don’t know what I’d do if I wasn’t working.”

Neither Milligan nor his vehicle has been seen since the night he disappeared under suspicious circumstances.

The Iowa Department of Public Safety classifies Milligan’s disappearance as “Involuntary,” which defines a person of any age who is missing under circumstances indicating that the disappearance was not voluntary (i.e. an abduction or kidnapping).

Strangely enough, on Tuesday, July 17, 1984, The Monroe County News — under “SCHEDULED FINES” — listed the following:

Harry Dennis Milligan, Albia, failure to use headlamps when required, $22 plus costs.

Hunters on lookout for three young missing Iowans

In November 1984, as an expected 250,000 pheasant and quail hunters and some 20,000 to 22,000 trappers prepared to venture into some of the state’s streams and most remote areas, officials urged them to keep eyes open for clues to the disappearance of three young men from Iowa.

Eugene Martin

Eugene Martin disappeared a month after Harry Milligan.

In addition to Milligan, rewards totaling $125,000 had been offered for information about Eugene Martin, who disappeared from his newspaper route in south Des Moines Aug. 12, 1984, and Johnny Gosch, who vanished from his route in West Des Moines on Sept. 5, 1982, the Albia Union-Republic said in an article published Nov. 8, 1984.

Johnny Gosch

Johnny Gosch went missing in 1982.

Persons with information were instructed to contact either the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office or the Des Moines Police Department.

According to the Union-Republic, officials said hunters and trappers could constitute, in effect, the largest search party ever put afield.

Additionally, wildlife biologists and Iowa Conservation Commission officers were expected to be out in force to help game wardens with law enforcement.

Experts estimates that if hunters and trappers in the five states surround Iowa were alerted to look for the three missing boys, that the potential search party could swell to more than 1 million persons.

None of the three boys has ever been found.

Harry Milligan was born Oct. 4, 1962, and in 2015 would have turned 53 years old if still alive.

Milligan’s Brother: I WILL finish this…

Harry Milligan’s brother, Mark Milligan, has spent more than 30 years being told different stories about his brother’s disappearance. Mark Milligan — a police sergeant with the Ottumwa Police Department — has taken to social media in efforts to discover what really happened to his brother.

Harry Milligan marker

Courtesy The Ottumwa Courier

He is tired of the rumors. Tired of the outright lies. And tired of false assumptions.

On January, 7, 2016, Sgt. Milligan posted a message on Facebook addressing the lies, misconceptions, and his ongoing search for truth and justice. “All I know is that I will never quit looking, never quit asking, never quit hoping for an answer,” he said. “I WILL finish this so there is answers.”

Below is Sgt. Mark Milligan’s post in its entirety, courtesy Facebook:

PLEASE SHARE….I Think with the New Year and the rumors that seem to have spread rather quickly lately I need to clarify some things with my FB friends and family. Before I get into this (which may be rather long) please understand I may offend some people, I may surprise some people, but one thing I am not going to do is pull any punches or try not to hurt any feelings. So if you don’t want to know what I think, or what I am asking for then stop reading this now.

This is one of the hardest things I have ever had to deal with and has completely torn me up for over 30 years. So I will start with what I know as of recent, and hopefully it clarifies the rumors.

What I know is that the ex-wife of Jay Owens (I believe Loria) has made claim that she has information regarding Jay Owens being involved in or committing a murder in Albia Iowa approximately 30 years ago. I know that it is being looked into by DCI agents. That is what I know as of now. Could it be my brother, yes. Could it be Tim Earney, yes. If you are familiar with this you know both of these tragic incidents happened within months of each other in Albia. I wish I could tell everyone I had an answer FINALLY, but that is not the case. I am once again left with the same thing I have held on to for years, HOPE, that someday there is an answer. 

I guess that leads to this, and the fact that I have tried several different things over the years and now with the overwhelming use of social media I thought I would reach out to everyone I know and use you and your extended friends and family to see if somehow I can get an answer. I am clearly asking for help, not opinion, not some preconceived idea of what happened, or an assumption. I am strictly asking for facts. Things that people know. 

July 1st, 1984 my Brother, Harry Milligan disappeared from existence, in Albia Iowa. A town of approximately 3000 people and it seems that no one knows what happened. At the time of his disappearance I was on active duty in the Marine Corps so I do not know the events that lead up to this Saturday night early Sunday Morning other than what I have been told. So that is why I am asking for help. I am going to put out all the information that I know or have been told. I am going to put out all the opinions and misnomers that have been told to me and see if I can obtain more useful information and also hopefully stop some of the formed opinions and rumors. So like I said If I mention a name and my opinion and it offends you, Tough. It is mine and I will own it and defend my opinion.

Here is what I think I know…. My brother was at the bar (Waterworks), owned and operated by Mike Stocker located in North Main Street in Albia. I know that he was drinking and playing poker that night at the bar. It is my understanding that he did rather well that evening, taking several hundred dollars from Mike Stocker and the others (unknown to me, but would like to know) and closed the bar.

I know he left that bar with what I have been told was Steve Rockwell and Jeff Adler. I was told that they purchased a six pack of beer to go and got into Steve Rockwell’s car and drove around finishing the beers. I was told that at approximately 3:00 am Harry was dropped off back at his car parked in front of the bar on Main Street facing north and that he was observed by at least Steve Rockwell getting in his car. It is unclear and I do not know if Jeff Adler also got out of the car or not. (It may be that I was told but I do not recall ever being told.) I know that I was told that Steve then saw Harry start his vehicle and start to drive north, which would be in the direction of home since we lived in Avery Iowa. That is the last time my Brother was ever seen that I know of other than years later an individual, Raymond Ostermeyer stated that he possibly saw Harry’s vehicle going south in town at some point that early morning.

SO very limited information as you can see from the night’s events.

Things I would like to know:

  • Who saw Harry at the bar that night and was he playing cards?
  • If he was playing cards who all was playing?
  • Was he winning and were there any persons that could have had hard feelings or was upset? 
  • Who may have seen him leave the bar that night and was he with Steve Rockwell and Jeff Adler? 
  • Did anyone see them return to the bar and where exactly was his car parked that night? 
  • Did anyone see him leave in his car and was anyone with him? 
  • Who was the bartender that night and did anyone stay after to clean the bar or continue to drink? 

I need to explain one thing that has always struck me as very strange since this night. First of all after I returned and began to search and ask questions I want everyone to know that Steve Rockwell has spoken with me in regards to what transpired that night. He has also stayed in contact with Mom and Dad for several years trying to help them out.

What I find strange is that JEFF ADLER has never spoken to me or my parents in regards to this night nor has he ever made himself available to speak with law enforcement that I am aware of. I know I have a copy of the case file and nothing in regards to that is in there. When I was in Albia looking and talking to people every time I entered a place where he was at he would leave. This I find very strange. 

To be very honest the entire investigation was minimal cause it was a 19-year-old male and I personally do not believe it was taken seriously at the time it happened. 

Now to rumors and such that has been told to me over the thirty years and my opinion of them. Again if you don’t want to hear my opinion now would be the time to stop reading. 

#1 My dad (Leonard) killed him and buried him and the car in the house on our property in Avery. 

*Absolutely not true. Most people don’t understand that Harry was adopted, and the life and soul of my dad’s. Just as most people don’t understand that Leonard (I refer to as dad) is actually my grandfather that raised me absolutely something he would not do. 

#2 My mother (Vicki) killed him because they argued on occasion. 

*Absolutely not true, most people don’t understand that my dad worked on the railroad and was away from home a lot because of work so mom was the disciplinarian in the house. We were teenagers arguments happened enough said. Did not happen. 

#3 Harry decided to just leave.

*Highly unlikely, if you knew his situation he had it made. He was very intelligent, going to college at NMSU in Kirksville, was in the Marine Corps reserve and came home every weekend to party etc with his friends as he was this night. 

#4 He was involved in some top secret thing in the military and they moved him away.

*Really, then I don’t think they would have declared him as a deserter at one point and made us jump through all sorts of hoops in regards to other issues. 

Those are the opinions that have been told to me personally that I absolutely know to be nothing but stupid people’s imagination running crazy. But now to things that makes more sense but has never been able to be substantiated or proven to be a part of his disappearance. 

#1 Harry was mistakenly killed by some unknown person or an individual with the nickname “Flame” that was actually intending to kill Doug Maddy. It was explained to me that there was a serious drug debt owed by Maddy and that this person was sent to collect the debt or kill Maddy and he mistook Harry as being Doug. My opinion is that this is a possibility and since Doug and Harry were friends. Harry was no angel and partook in some drug use and of course well Doug Maddy… Enough said… Him and I have a history he knows my opinion of him and what he does. However, it should be known he has never been questioned or volunteered any information. 

#2 It was rumored that during this supposed card game that night at the bar Harry took a considerable amount of money from Mike Stocker and he was very upset. I have been told that Mike or someone Mike paid was waiting on Harry to return to his car that night and that person is who killed Harry. 

I was told that the car was then buried since Stocker had family with the capability and equipment to make that happen. My Opinion is that this is a possibility. I knew Mike Stocker and I was no Angel at that time and frequented the bars myself. I knew that beer was not the only thing being sold out of the bar. Part of why I question who all worked there or was there after hours is because years later Steve Townsend made a very clear comment to my wife one night at McGee’s bar as he looked at me. “How much do you think it would cost to make someone disappear?” She really didn’t reply and he stated something to the effect “I have done it before for less than $500 dollars.” Might not be a cop now if she would have told me that comment at the time and not waited till we were home, but then again… Steve Townsend he also knows my opinion. Enough said. 

This is the information I know after thirty years and I just cannot believe that someone DOESN’T KNOW what happened to my Brother. Someone or a group of people know what happened and all I ask is for someone to come forward and let my family put this to an end with some answers.

No one can imagine the shit I have heard, been told, or even been threatened with since that day. Everyone knows I’m a cop, have been for almost twenty years. I have been told numerous times by persons I was dealing with on a professional level that they wish it had been me instead of him, (really dumb asses you don’t think I have thought that too after watching what my mom and dad have gone through), I have had my wife’s life threatened from a god dammed murderer (Mike Jespersen that killed one of my good friends Jeff Woolums) when he sent word from the prison if I didn’t quit messing with his son she would come up missing like Harry. He also made claims of knowing what happened but would never tell. I have had to listen to people Like Doug Chidester, Steve Dye and others tell me that they know exactly what happened from being in prison but would never tell me what they know. 

All I know is that I will never quit looking, never quit asking, never quit hoping for an answer. All I ask is if you know or think you know something please contact ME or the Monroe County Sheriff’s office with the information that you have. You never know how it could help. 

Thanks for caring and reading my post. 

Please share it and ask your friends to share it you never know who may hold the key to my 

Question: What happened to my Brother, Harry Milligan 

As for the current investigation that is taking place. I hope that if you know something you are smart enough to contact me or the Monroe County Sheriff with that information as soon as possible. I am not hard to find I am on Facebook and I am currently employed at the Ottumwa Police Department. Better to be part of the answer than to be implicated. I plan to NEVER let this die and now that I can reach more people easier TIME IS NOW ON MY SIDE. 

Rest in peace my BROTHER, someday I WILL finish this so there is PEACE.

~ Sgt. Mark Milligan, Jan. 7, 2016

Click Here to View and Share the Post via Facebook

Information Needed

If you have any information regarding Harry Milligan’s mysterious disappearance or whereabouts, please contact the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office at 641-932-7815, or the Missing Person Information Clearinghouse / Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation at 1-800-346-5507.



155 Responses to Harry Milligan

  1. […] Ewing, Jody. “Harry Dennis Milligan.” Iowa Cold Cases, February 24, 2011. https://iowacoldcases.org/case-summaries/harry-milligan/ […]

  2. Brian Wolfe says:

    first id check any waterways on route from albia to avery 2nd id find out what cop stopped harry the 17th to give him ticket seems shady but this case and albia iowa are seeming shady the more i look into it someone has to know something.god will judge them in the end 3rd id interogates the two men who last seen him alive they would be 1 suspect.

  3. […] Harry Milligan – Iowa Cold Cases Harry Dennis Milligan – NamUS Harry Dennis Milligan Still Missing – Facebook […]

  4. Russ Heiser says:

    Feathers Plucked per say Turkey. SEEMS reveals a HAM per say? More SO than a TURKEY. I had both this year.

  5. Russ Heiser says:

    Another “Turkey Day” or “Ham”?
    Anything to Add? The DIVERS and probally “Cavers”!

  6. […] was adopted at 18. Harry was adopted by Mark's grandparents when he was just a few months old. Iowa Cold Cases reports that Mark told Dateline, "That's how me and Harry became brothers. We don't […]

  7. […] at 18. Harry was adopted by Mark’s grandparents when he was only a few months outdated. Iowa Chilly Instances experiences that Mark instructed Dateline, “That is how me and Harry turned brothers. We do […]

  8. […] was adopted at 18. Harry was adopted by Mark's grandparents when he was just a few months old. Iowa Cold Cases reports that Mark told Dateline, "That's how me and Harry became brothers. We don't […]

  9. Russ Heiser says:

    Mark Millihan did Interesting PODCAST “UNFOUNFD” Harry and Car, I.ll Check bsck or “routte” to CONTACT remain “Jim for NOW.

  10. Russ Heiser says:

    Jim(per say)

    July 1? Turkey Day obvious passed as MANYbhave since 1984
    Davis Brother or (s) you had mentioned Richard would be 80s in PRISON if Still ALIVE. Did you get Chance to Speak with or ANYTHING to ADD?

  11. Russ Heiser says:


    Listen To Vanushed Episode 283 Harry Milligan(By the way Very Well done)

    “thar day” you mentuined

    Vickie(mom) Hot ob the Trail by 730 pm LE Stopd ny Missing REPORT

    Initially Indicates Lenard and Vickir Home unless had Left and Returned

    ok Plausiable leaning more towards not Probable

    Riual Farm AREA Quiet(Very) hear Cricket Chitp Block away.

    You outsude? Saw heard Harrys Car Driven across Street to Shed?

    1984 Vickie and Lenard imagine 30s to 40s? No mention Deaf mutes

    2 to 3 guys did something Harry, No NOISE.

    Heard LOT Names ie last known Harry with Jeff and Doug.

    Never HEARD ANYWHERE POCAST any DAVIS Mentuined? Person Interest or OTHERWISE.

    Jim you have Audiance. me Included. (Reaches for POPCORN per say

    Reported weather FOG. I dont know how THICK.

    I’m Interested who “jim” is now?

    You Blame me? You told me(audiance).

    Note” Last FARM gig Security I did SO Dark. so DARK placed Light senors motion Dwtecrors know if something MOVED and what. Had 12 gauge on my shoullder.

    cone on jim
    37 years?

    recall saying s*** or get OFF thr Pot(maybe both types) 37 years?

    listen Vanished

    Tho now Im Interedted hearing from Jeff and Doig Disscussion basis or simple what happened rgeir version “thar day”


    • Russ Heiser says:


      :Power, drtunk or Dugged induced.

      Don’t wanna wake Up Next Day. Gal or Guy Friend like Harry his “Buddies” and ASK “Did we have Nuce Time”?

      Harry apparently did not at point to Missing.

      • Jim says:

        Here is my Theory to that all three of them were inside the trailer harry was thought to be sleeping for what they may have thought passed out drunk but harry didn’t drink as much as they thought and tryed to take his winnings while he was sleeping but harry woke up and harry got into it with them made to the front porch the porch faced tords the field away from the road only possibilites up to the point moving forward

        • Russ Heiser says:


          recommend VideomAbott and Costello “whos on Firsr”

          Tho Cute, himrtous. Not thid CASE to some. I am NOT Monotised and dont NEED to Draw Large Audiance to You.

          My Offer 3 days 2 Nights, meals, LE or Mark Milligan in “Safe” Enviroment,

          Ypi can Purchase Cheap Throw Away Phone $20 WalMart, Walgreens ect

          I Would NEED substancial Answers First, as LE or Mark Milligan.

          “SAFE ENVIROMENT “ALL Concerned.

          I do NOT wanna Play “Whos on First”

          Consider ONCE at Fla 7 Elven going in.

          Street Guy got $5 for Bus fair?

          Both walkrf out same Time,

          Street guy Bottle Wine, Me less $5 Bicks for the purpose.

          Like Trailer? Have to REVIEW, thought you mentioned Hattys House.

          REVIWED You dsid Harrys Property.

          My understanding Milligans haf HOUSE.Lived with Vickie and Leonard.

          Wont write OFF Utailrt on Property. Till Researched



          • Russ Heiser says:


            Matk as Town Albia and Avery want HRRY and maybe VEHICLE RCOVERED.

            37 years? Come on Jim.

            Iv Put Out to ANY Mine Shaft Explores Interested wanna Drop Cameras or repel contact info Monroe County
            already posted.

            Text into Mr Beast possiable Funding. Already has Millions in Donations.
            Sometimes may take interest.
            Liked Jimmys last VideoLast take Hand OFF LAMBO keeps it.
            Jimmy I mentioned 1sr Put Hands on 21977 Pontac may be Cool Challenge.

            Endining to Half Century(close) Cold CASE

            Batter Up? [er say


        • Russ Heiser says:


          Will Continue Interest in CHAT as long as can VERIFY as we go.

          I this Point you said Harrys Property. I dont Know if TRAILER pn PROPERTY 1984

          YOU indicated SO. HARRYS Property you said.

          Facing away from Street.

          REFRESHING Uou said in THEORY what YOU Did not SEE.

          However mentionrf YOU did SEE car Driven to SHED across Street and 2 to 3 GUYS(no names) Did SOMETHING to HARRY.

          Oh excuse ME you did MENTION Ricjhard Davis.

          Very limited Cell Phones 1984 tho I had Bulky pne
          Were YOU at Albia know someone Used Pay Phone?

          Richard waiting Trailer? Brings mote Questions. SEE

          Understand Richard IOWA Prison IF hasnt PASSED. Maybe Charles(?) pther brother knows.

          IF YOU wanna Fill in Blanks go ahead.Would recommend make Contact Mark Milligan as he requested.

          I will listen to POINT

          Answer PREVIOUS make Lomg STORY Short

          Keep ME INTERESTED

          DO YOU KNOW or SEE what happened HARRY or WHERE he is?

          Then Fill in the Blanks.

          Go fot it,

    • Russ Heiser says:

      Avery and Albia. ANYONE care to Provide VISUAL “Mikkigan” Property and House 1984?

  12. Russ Heiser says:


    Today I’m finding, a Turkey Plate~ Shouldnt be to difficult lol

    My Mind races in Wonder place like Albia or Avery this time year.

    Snow, XMas Lights, Enjoyment Holiday Season.

    Ok Cities do also. One my Favoritr Xnas Trees about 12″ tall delivered,

    Sleds, horses and walking about, tho extra Eye passing Drug Stores or Large Dept Stores, Albia imagine few small stores.

    Ill be Lurking Background. Info Checkrd OUT you Threw ln Revelent

    Harry Made it Home(checks out, seperated from car9do not know how long)

    Any 3 Giys Mentioned Harrys House Disappear few days recalled revelent.

    Imagine cute quaint Resrarauint Albia, Enjoy

    Might catch you later

    You mention them and I(you) imagine said what wanted

    see anything INTEREST May pop IN now and then

    gone for now

  13. Russ Heiser says:

    Leathal Weapon Christmas Opening Scene (1987)

    Gret Start,, kinda Bummed me Out, The Drug Scene Drug Induced

  14. Russ Heiser says:


    Jibgle Bell Rock

    Non Repeting

    Once is Fine(maybe twice)

  15. Russ Heiser says:


    Not Playing Patty Cakes

    other things to do.

    Romper Room came to Mind. Lady with Spy Glass. “I See” “I See Jim, I See Richarf,, I SEE Harry ect.


    thanks for initial reply

    Factual” Harry moves into Avery out of Albia per say.

    YOU Obvious have REASON Needing to REVEAL 37 years Later.

    Right Now actuall Wanna find some Turkey, and NONE repetitive version Jingle Bells

    • Jim says:

      Sometimes you just want to forget and then one day a drunk old man desides to run off and make comments about the situation people would not believe how dangerous one person may be but if you would go as far as your own brother says a lot just saying

      • Russ Heiser says:


        Mentioned Me Former Military Police Jnvestigator Plain Clothes
        . Arrive. Intial Interview. No Indication Drugs.
        Wgat happened to Mother? Spoke well not errational
        No drugs, no beating, calm woman ecr ect

        Turned case Over to CID complete

  16. Russ Heiser says:

    Mark Milligan

    OBVIOUS LE will Vet(quaify or discard)

    “jim” siaid that day” Me lot more Questions

    Matter Discussion ONLY

    Seems refering to

    Sunrise 543am. July 1sr `1984 “that day”

    Didnt check Visibility, ie tain, fog distance Sighting or hearing factors, sure Avery and Albia on it.

    or Jim still peekin in?

    Obvious ypur leisure care to.

    Color Shed
    Metal or wood
    Big enough Car?
    barn doors or open ended
    How far sighted, clos
    neighbors recall
    close enoigh hear
    rain. fog rhat day?
    Trees 1984 impair sight, bushes ect
    colot clothes All contrasting car, maybe Harry Stoog OUT
    Obvious Who Drove Car across Street
    1984 Description Housings, Scenery ect for Visual
    Cell Phone? I started using 83 – 84
    Dusturbance wake you or headed out

    Iowa NEXT Chapter us Yours.

    Other Issues for me tho will Look IN now then


  17. Russ Heiser says:

    Mark Milligan


    Recall Harry `1sr Reported Missing Hoq Handled 1984

    Yoir FORMWR LE.

    Plenty of Qualified LE to Resolve Incliding NONE LE can RESOLVE.

  18. Russ Heiser says:

    Mark Milligan

    Saw News HAVE Harrys DNA obtained. Would ask LE Examine Helmet. Confirm,
    according to where stored.

    If Matches Sourse, Not Criminal Case but should be BEYOND Reasonable DOUBT.

    This “Point” have what belived Harrys DNA from “sourse”? Sibblong or Bio Parent?

    Thats THEIR DNA believed part HARRY.

    Harrys DNA is Harrys and ONLY when TAKEN from Harry and match, maybe personal items Secured or Stoted.

    May have something USED with Harrys DNA Im NOT Privy to.


    Not Red Herring, a Fact.

    Then “Harrys ” DNA matched to Sourse for comparrison Match.

    If LE did HOMEWORK Cool.

    Reason MENTIONED Helmet.

    Which LOTTA People may Tried On thru years Inless Stored.

    Not just Courthoise Paperwork for bio mother . Tho accepted by LE as bio Mother or Sibling.

    Point “if yuo HAVE Harrys DNA from Persobal ITEMSa snd Matched with RECORDED BIO Mother, You have Part Harry and a BIO Mother. FACT

    RECALL Dragnet? Only the FACTS Mam during questioning?

    All with a REASONING ONLY Why Jphn or Jane Doe NO DNA DATA Bases NO MATCH,

    Babies Bought Sold, given away r, kidnapped from Hospital, financial reasons ect

    RUNNING DNA from accepted SOURSE why John or JAne Doe still Mystery. to % pSTILL some Missing.

    Take to Next Level Unless Satisfied and USED Harrys DNA for for search


    Harrys DNA ran or Recorded Bio Sibling or Parebt Data Base?

    Mark would ASK LE “Harrys DNA or Outside Sourse recorded as Part of Harry?

  19. Russ Heiser says:

    Mark Milligan

    Facebook was Public gander Overer for Info. I do not Facebook so locked OUT has changes. Ok

    DNA seems like your Dad did All Legal for adoption ‘ so Bio Parents KNOWN,

    If Not KNOWN ? Nice PHOTO “Harry” with Marine Helmet if you Kept Gear, My Army Helmet liked to keep few Hairs and LOT sweat ect. Stick in Closet>?

  20. Russ Heiser says:


    Suppose if yoir in Toich LE may not want Info Divulged LE reasoning

    however Mark Milligans whole Senerio Changes at END if VERIFIED dates and times

    Ibstead Harry riding off to Sunrise, NOw Trouble House believed Headed to?

    come on Jim?

    At least date” Shouldnt be Issue with LE

    New Chapter or not?

    Ill reapect LE asked. ypu only said “them and I” keep beyween

  21. Russ Heiser says:


    Mentioned 2 to3 men fid”something to Harry?

    Van at LEAST say DATE Harry went Missing?


    Someone may wanna do Reasonable Metal Detecror Search Dog Tags or Glasses ect if Tossed could still be around.

    I posted time Sun Rose Harrys Day. Can mention if Harrys Date early Morning?

    Ill stay away to many questions

  22. Russ Heiser says:

    Suggestion Only

    Move Up Few Years

    Harry may assumed Unwanted NEW NAME “John Doe”

    Would Conder if HAVEN’T

    LE or Mark would Understand You know or Located Biological Parents for Harrys DNA to bust OUT the Data Bases? John Does Found ect

  23. Russ Heiser says:

    Ember to Fire Up ir out OUT

    Anypne ASK FBI or Matines CID to Run Harrys Prints SEE Any Activity, on FILE

    Marines should or at Least Maybe have on File. Even change name Lot Jpbs require Prinra

  24. Russ Heiser says:

    Important Side Note

    Notice Harry with Big Glasses?

    Latenr Prints research Indicate have been Raised (llifted) ip to 40 Years. Research Indicates No Scientific Evidence How Long will last.

    Tho Avery or Albia May wind up with the Answer..

    Harry was Young Marine. As “Jim” Mentioned 2 to 3 Giys on “point to subdue no Knife Gun. Would probally Knock off Harry Struggle. Example ONLY Jim only said “Did something” with Harry.

    Both Towns Probally Full tems sitting atound 60 to 80 years

    Wonder LE Interest on Fingerprint training? Might be Fun find some Old Furnitire

    If was Atruggle can determine may picked up glassea TOSSED 20 30 yards or into Car.

    Avery and Albia Hot on TRAIL per say Handle with care. Even Locate car CONSIDER Fragile to this day.

  25. Russ Heiser says:

    self orrected

    Marines Semper fi

    Army? (me) More like “Get it Done)

  26. Russ Heiser says:



  27. Russ Heiser says:


    Cool. Thanks Return Post Reply. Me? Former PI Manager Miami New Orleans and DC

    Independent Operator NOT for HIRE tho what involved with since 70s
    l do not “hang shingle” in buisness per say

    personal interest? To Long . Lots embers ect Put um out or Fire them Up

    Like reading Nancy Drew Mystery cept has LIVE Brother Waiting.

    Harrys case caught my attention. Anything Important? May be willing Meet and apay Expenses, room, travel, meals. Short Window tho but will pass oN as needed.

    Never in News, except NO Name Case resolved; Nor No Intention

    YOU? Most Direct to issue. pointed, no BS. Somewhat REFRESHING. I will be Shadow bpxing in Background per say”

    my Interest Resolved Not Headlines Except “Harrys been Found like to SEE

    Army to Marine this case “Simpi fi”


  28. Russ Heiser says:

    Mark Milligan

    Jim BEST Clue ir Person lnterest Iv SEEN Comment Yet “jim”

    Factual Obvious Revelent. They Did Something to Harry? Jim said

    Time Date Large Factor for Fpllpw UP ie Hatty Missing Date ect

    Car Driven Off?

    Even IF Red Herring Revelrnt

    Jim Why TOSS in 37 Years Later on Missing Person is Question?

    Small Roewn Albia got some Interesting Cases

    • Jim says:

      Russ I would love to answer each and every question you have but at this time I can’t irs not that I don’t have an answer but the people that need the information at this time needs to only stay between them and me however there are a few things I can point I grew up around the Davis family most of my life and the question about gary Richard and jb gary did not want any part of Richard and JBs doings Gary did not use his practice in any way to benefit the other two

      • Russ Heiser says:

        Russ looks into Cyber Space. Knock knock, Jim you in their?
        Not like Zach 2 Words gone. Figure Supernowl NEWS Chasing
        Never heard reporter tell someone “Shit Up” Scratches Head

        Lil Off Subject

        Hey Zach srill around? May SEE Superbowl. Told Ford Think Once Look Twice “Futurlitically. Optimized. . Reliably, Driven, FORD

        Excuse me Harry. Sjort Pause for the CAUSE

  29. Russ Heiser says:


    Mentioned 2 Eaglea Fighting Earlier 2 Birds of Feather Flock Together earlier Posting

    37 yeares later Saw Harry argue, 2 men, “the car Driven OFF?

    Red Hetting keeps popping up to me.

    A Davis, maybe Brother who Murfered Brother their. I don’t know if same Davis Btothers

    This is getting endless


    Raises eyebrow.

    Lets Talk. Ill buy if using factual bassed internet address

  30. Russ Heiser says:



    the day observed Harry argue and Car “The Car” Driven ACTOSS stteet, Was SAME Date Harry went Missing with :The Car:?.
    Jim Im an IO. Anything IMPORTANT to say? Ill buy YOU Ticket Weekend Dinner meet YOU, Know few LE mighr have Interesr, or arrange meet with LE,

    Not doing Much today my end.

    The Poker Room Ill throw in $100 biuy i
    chew the the Steak.(Fat per say) ight Ruffle FEW FEATHERS

  31. Russ Heiser says:


    Is Richard Davis same wo killed Dtr Brother 2011 Driveway?.

    ome on Jim.

    Could Google address wpould prefer 1984 Visual on recall.
    Why would someone Drive Car across Street? Bacck dirt road exit another roadway behinnd a Jouse?

    If Davis Brother Connection Id Check who RECEIVING Presctiption Drugs. Then and NOW.
    1984 Prescription Drugs Showing Up. Popular 84 still today.

    IF Doctor Davis Brothers(killing)

    recent video post 2 Eagles Locked together by Talons Tussling on Ground

    2 birds same feather flock together. To me expressing Focal Point of Interest

  32. Russ Heiser says:

    l found interesting
    richard davis killed gary davis his brother doctor 2011 in driveway 2011(convicted)

    lim WHP are YOI? How connrected?

    what was the shed? you mentioned, tools ect?

    any OVERJEARD Argument?

    You POSTED PUBLIC left us Waiting Part 2

  33. Melissa Huston says:

    Sorry if this has already been mentioned. Can they run or have they been running cars VIN numbers?

    • Russ Heiser says:

      said they did lol(scroll)

      • Russ Heiser says:

        Missing Report taken Harry and VEHICLE should ENTER VEHICLE VIN into National Crime Information Center Data Bank. Someone ATTEMPTS Reregister “BINGO per say
        Even on Reopened Case Should be DONE again. At Least make SURE proper VIN was Entered 1sr TIME. Good Question

  34. Jim says:

    Start with Richard Davis for one I believe I was standing in drive way that day and Richard Davis and two others did something with harry on his property the dorve the car to the shed across the road

    • Mark Milligan says:

      Jim, please reach out to me. I would like to speak with you in reference to this comment.

      • Russ Heiser says:

        Matk Mulligan

        Suffestion Only

        Break into Teams Since a Large GROUP if haven’t ALREADY

        Trd Team Example

        Research Hicory Grove Cemetary aka Pyramid Cemetary

        Any Caretakers 1984?
        Cemetary Plot Map Names
        Any Names Especially Civil war Vets Misplaced?
        May have Severak People Interested.

        Blue Team Old Albia and Avery Photo’s

        Mught be WHY Private Groups INFO that can VET a “Caller: with

        Example ONLY

      • Russ Heiser says:


        Previous Comment to me. Said something to effect. Im working Jimmy Hoffa Case?

        No. Have not Delved INTO Hoffa

        Pyramids Close to Avery. was Secluded

        Research is Middle Nowhere Comments

        Grass instead FRESH DIrt

        Probally No Regular Visitors Probally to NOTICE Grave “Change ect

        If Headstone Sjift may be PC KE Cloder Look

        Could Obvious Bury Body on top Original occupent wrapped sheet no coffin.

        Why mentioned Caretaker(s) Questioned. UNUSUAL 1984 not enough to report.

        Nove Headstone Civik War era probally not NOTICED Excdept MAP

        ok Maybe Hoffa could have ASSUMED New Idenity.

      • Russ Heiser says:

        Mark Mulligan

        My OPION

        Common Law

        Meets Requiements of Lindberg Act

        and Modern BASED on Facts

        Might want to CONTACT Feds FBI

        1, InVoluntary Dissaperance

        2. No Phone Contact 36 Years Previous KNOWN To

        3, Known Large amounr Cash Reservist Check Poker Room.

        4 Car ALSO Vanished No Re-Registrtion KNOWN ro be WORKING ORDER

        5 No Fingerprints SHOWING LE(Jail) or JOB

        6 Declared DECEASED

        7 “Jims Statement” Tho Vauge Linked with above may be enough

        8 Harry NO MEBTION Suicide, “good mood”

        9 No Show Baseball Game Jul 1st 1984

        10 Various COMMENTS thru YEARS Not FOLLOWED UP ect

        “DESERTER” Dropped by Marines CID

        Talk to Feds? SEEMS May have INTEREST

        Interesting Reading

        Attnys Stimell’ Stimnel, and Roser KIDNAPPING

        The FBI-

        Who Probally Could NIP in BUD DEA or Drig Involment

  35. Russ Heiser says:


    I’m Bot Cplumbp

    Cprrected to I’m NOT Columbo

  36. Russ Heiser says:

    Öne More Thing

    Again Im BOT Columbo


    Several Videos LOTS CARS FOUND by Exploers

  37. Russ Heiser says:


    In Closing

    Sink Holes and *Mibes

    *Christophrt PelCzarski “CAVER”Black HAWK South Dakota

    SEE Article

    Found Several Vehicles in MINES and Sink Holes


    May be of INTREST to CHRIS to Explore

    Oruginally Starteded SIMPLE Comment

    May havr Local CAVERS tho IF Harry and Car DOWN Shaft CONSDER is POINT

    Saw Iowa Recently Solved d Triple Homicide 1984 tho Bodies LEFT Fields

  38. Russ Heiser says:

    Anyone Mention NEW TIRE PURCHASE Time Frame Area on BEFORE Jiuu 1at 1984? Could be Indication PLANNED ROAD Trip Especially “Harry” Lighlty saod to Associate tho “Good Mood” at time I Read Ï might Disappear

  39. Russ Heiser says:

    Iowa Known Hunting Country

    Harry? 21 at time. ANY ^Registered WEAPONS?

    Understand Mentioned YOU San Diego Marines. May not of Discussed.

    I O PERATED NCIC at a Point Out of Hawaii.

    “Dad”mention Harry lost or Stolen Weapons?

    Might be INTERESTING RERUN NCIC see ANYTHING Surfaced since

    ReRegistered> Mught be of Interest Interview, Coulf been thru “Lot”Hands”by NOW,

    or ANY Lost Stolen Property REPORTED from AVERY HOME 1984? May be REPORT on file. May NOT MENTIONED to YOU.

  40. Russ Heiser says:

    Mark Mllligan

    If ANYONE Should have Idea, You May. What type routine Harry have Mornings. Especially Breafast. Bpwl Wheaties at Home? Maybe Favorite Local Dinner? Cute Waitress ect.

    Idle Chit Chat with waitress even not Dating can Reveal a lot. Harry BROKE Routine reveals some type Reason, OBVIOUS as NOT RETURNING Home. One thing your looking FOR. If Frequented Paticular Dinner Still around?(Waitress Somewhere.Example Yes Harry seemed Nervous or Out Place. Mentioned had to go INTO Ksnsas City(Example Only)
    21 and $1800(maybe) or so $. Ever mention an Adventure or Trip Wanted to do?
    Thought read Harry made “Light”talk”Disappearing after Poker game in Square. One of his Associates. Was he Laughing after REMARK. Understood SEEMED good Mood.

    College Military Base ect OBVIOUS.

    Military had Grad Books like Universities and High Schools.EMBERS that Burn.

    Innovation and Ideas Varried WIDE Range @ You Tube el Loco Motion Virtual Train

  41. Russ Heiser says:

    Harrys Incident

    Broght to THOUGHT
    Wikipedia Traffic Cameta Enforcement”The Harry Projecr”” Per Say

    National BULLETUN put Out

    Hpld ONTO All Box of OLD Traffic Enforcemrnt Photos For Cold Cases

    Especially DATED Ect

    Yes its a “harry””Project” Narrow DOWN a Missing Person Date APPOX TIME

    Any Courthouse REPORTS Avaiable ect Photos PUBLIC Intrest Research

    Even IF Only ONE Case Resolved? Yes Long Shot

    Vehicles Caught Nearby ect ect ect

  42. Russ Heiser says:

    Wikipedia On LINE Ubformation Service

    Indicates1st Fil Traffic Enforcement Cameras USED 1960s

    Some Rual Courthouse THO SLIM Probally has Dusty Old Box sitting AROUND

    If NOT THIS CASE Open for Would ne Sleuths

  43. Russ Heiser says:

    Mark Milligan

    Only Very Brief on Automated Traffic Control Records

    Your Case Supreme Court? Imagine Extensive Research.

    I Dont Know if ALBIA Iowa USED 1984 Just BUMPED ino article some places started 1972. Iowa One of Limited States that USES

    If EVEN still around Micro Can Imagine Dust

  44. Russ Heiser says:

    Interesting Note

    Mark Milligan saw Supreme Court Case you Lost on Automated Red Light Ticket around 2016.
    Automated Traffic Control was in USE all the way Back to 1972.
    Saw not Public Record.
    May be why Harrys Headlight Incident Not RECORD. Just Newspaper.Sometimes MICRO Taped placed In Box Stotage, Lil Dusty by NOW
    LE may have access if FILED X # Years. Sometimes Do May NIP Harrys Ticket ISSUE in the Bud.

  45. Russ Heiser says:

    ORIGINNALY “Perked” my Interest. Still Does. Hpwever taken Up enouhj Comment SPACE.

    I’m Gone for NOW. Think Mark Milligan Mentioned LE has Opened “CI”Case.

    Plenty County, State , City Investigators.


  46. Russ Heiser says:

    Painting(Sketch) Time Board Albua Iowa

    July st 1984 Albia Iowa Poipulation1984?

    Sunrise 543AM Didnt GiveHARRY Long Prior to SUNRISE if Left üptown 5-530

    Weather Conditions? read

    `977 Pontiac Grand Prix average 15mpg at 16 gallons

    Gasoline stations?

    AVERY approx 7Miles Away..

    In Portrait WHO Standing inin Business District with Harry

    1977 Pontiac Grand Prix Average 60 MPH Country Backroad

    On Full Tank Can Plot Where “Harry” Could JAVE been VARIOUS Roads EVERY 10 Miles or 10 MINUTES

    Avery(House 10 Miles or 10 Minutes?.

    Daylighr CLOSE

    Ticket Issued for Headlamps What Day? ANY OTHER Tickrts By that COP Near Time Frame? The Lag Newspaper DATE Published and Written,

    Small Town “Harry turn Your Headlights ON”!(Warning per say) Wasnt LIKE Midnight

    Imagine Festive DAYS Picking Uo. Small TOWN with 4th July Activities CLOSE

    Anyone ASK if “Harry”had Part 4th? Should BEEN Returned

    1977 Grand Prix 240 Miles Full Tank Gas(Most Daylight Driving)

    Imagine MONTHLY Marine Reservist CHECK? If Active. When did Harry Cash Last Military Check or ANY Deposit. EVEN if BANK No RECORD Military Finances?

    Clothes or Suitcase Obvious in CAR Preplanned Trip.

    “Harrys” Civilian Job?

    ect ect ect The Picture Will Fill In with more Colors.

    Put TimeLINE in Perspective and Not GARBBLED or Haywired

  47. Russ Heiser says:

    To Mark Milligan

    My Apptoach from INVESTIGATIVE Stanfpoint


    Things Should have been looked INTO even on “Suspious” Disapperance

    For whatever ‘reason(s) were NOT

    Haven’t Seen Mention Military “Dog Tags” 1984 WERE Popular as your aware FORMER Marine. Do you RECALL if “Harry” wore Regular? 21 at time Missing LOT young guys WORE even if NOT Active Status. VITAL in itself ïf” did. Lotta Open Country Iowa Understood. Lot of things GONE by now. Dpg Tags still around Somewhere UNLESS removed from “Harry” Even if removed. Maybe Metal Detector on ANY UNIDENTIFIED Suspect Sites may provide clue(s).

    * Former Military Police Investigator (Army)

    SAW LE has OPENED as CI Case. The Military Jacket “Harrys” last KNOWN timeline on Base. Medical, Dental and or ACTIVITIES on File?

    Reason mention Hospital CHECK and Marine VA? Any Visits that time Frame.

    Likely had Reservist ID possibly SSN “Printed” on front, Another “Door” Cracked.

    Someone had ACCESS even 1984 to SSN Nip in BUD May still be PAPER Trail( electronic) Now if Financials Tampered with.

    The Credit “Bureau” Giants Emerging in 80s

    Know mentioned POSSIBLE $ around $1800 “Poker” Lot Money 1984. IF taken from “Harry” Spent SOMEWHERE or SOMEONE else. New Car Show up in Neighborhood?

    I’m approaching as COLD Case with EMBERS still Burning.

  48. Russ Heiser says:

    May be of Interest How a Car Can Change

    Inspection 1970 Chevelle AUTHENTICATION on You Tube

    I’v had Fun with CARS thru the Years. 1969 Challenger 1969 Mustang and 1976 Ford Stepside.

    How a CAR can Change. Nothing wrong with THAT. NOTED. May “Perk”Intrest.

    Not VISIBLE except Close INSPECTION. Car Collector. “Gives 1970 Chevelle Once Over “per Say (No Spell Check obvious)

    The Original Car “Somewhat”Vanished. Owner(s) FIXED to Personal Liking.

  49. Russ Heiser says:

    John. Got a Chuckle if Anything.

    Speculation? Listen What you just said.

    If you Jump in the Pond and Find Car. You wont be Speculating.

    If YOU don’t FIND Car guess What?

    Think they Welcome Comments. Someones “kid” Reads this May have Idea

    or Speculation meant in Sincerity.

    FACT: Harry is Missing and has Not Returned. No Video Survveillance has SHOWED Up(yet) Tho even 1984 would seem Video Poker Room.

    Winner might wanna Keep Hidden……for Later Laugh

    yet. No Conversation with “Harry” revealed of What he said to indicate What or Where

    other than SPECULATED Headed *(yet)* 36 Year Old Cold Case’. Did Not Know

    Personally. Have Not Spoke to Neighbors or Friends.(or Harry) So I Even Speculate

    What was “Harrys”” Hobbies, Hang Outs, Best Friends, Cop Issues 1984 (dtugs ect not to SAY Involved.

    Someone OTHER than “Magecian” Make Car Vanish. Most Magecians work on Illusions.

    Fence? Strip? Water?

    This Case be Nice Harry showed up, been in Mexico. Might Slug him then ask “Want Beer”?

    Was YOU Wondering if I WAS Still Around. Lurking in Background?

    More of Question to Draw Out ANY Responsw

    Water issue SOMEWHAT Searched. (Similiar to Recent Find of Man in Car) Arrest Made believe.

    LE Advised believed Dived Twice. Then Found Car

    • John Collins says:

      Sorry if I rained on your speculation spoltight Russ! Judging by your amount of posts you feel your answers are the most correct even if not really probable. My suggestion was based on likely probability and not speculation. Many times (several) when some one and their vehicle disappears as well, it quite often went in the water somewhere near. You obviously feel there is a major conspiracy like Jimmy Hoffa disappearing and are enjoying the spotlight for your conspiracy theories!
      Enjoy your limelight Russ!

  50. John Collins says:

    Looking at the comments they appear to be a lot of hearsay, rumor, and speculation and few if any real facts. If you look closely at Google earth at the road from Albia to Avery, you’ll see a fair sized pond right next to the road on the outside of a curve along the way. If some one were to doze off or pass out going into that curve, they’d obviously end up in that pond with little to no evidence of it even happening.
    Instead weaving a bunch of speculation, you should do something factual and positive and seriously check that pond out!

  51. Russ Heiser says:


    Hyden Harris over VEHICLE Cpl US Army

    December 2020

    Indicates Heated Exchange Meet Over Vegicle

  52. Russ Heiser says:

    Example *See Article* Nov 2020

    missing SOILDER Cpl Hayden Harris

    See Article

    How Fast Went DOWN Over VEHICLE

    Found Dead New York 2ps Age

  53. Russ Heiser says:


    Wanted Running or NOT. 1977 Pontiac (Example) Reward Offered. Send Photo and VIN#

    Check Your Barn Under Tarp ect

    Should Stop ANY Unpaid REWARDS Offered

  54. Russ Heiser says:



    National Car Recovery REWARD Club. Flyers Sent Out.

    Suprised FBI or LE as MANY Divers Not REQUIRED to Conduct ONE EXERCISE AT LEAST fot Training.

    Marines Army Navy Air Force Coast Guard. Training Exercise REAL TIME “If Happen” Recover Suspious ITEMS Should NOT be Violation Posse Com a tatous(No Spell Check) Approched as Training with Coordnated Data Base.

    Fun and Interesting.

    Would Put to REST “We ALL live in a Yellow Submerinr”(Song) Cute tho……Pun Intended Beattles.

  55. Russ Heiser says:


    Yes Few Drails “Off” from PUBLISHED Info. RePubed here.

    I Am only “Glancing” Information. As if MYSTERY Novel

    I am NOT Investigating. MANY Aves Open or UNCHECKED

    Suspious Missing SHOULD Have WARRANTED “Full Investigation!

    No CONNECTION to St Louis Car Dealership.

    As with Ponds and LAKES. FLYERS of 77 Gtand PRE to AUTO Dealerships?

    Different “Twist” to Msgnet Fishing Per say.

    Even Song Private Malone. What Xoulf Happrn to Car.

  56. Russ Heiser says:


    JustLlisten to Song Pvt Malone by David Ball You Tube

    Saw 1977 Pontiac Grand Prix Sold by Dealer Same Cplpr body and Seats
    Two Different Vins Indicated One Dealer TYPED 2nd Photo BUT have to Scroll.

    Only 10K Miles. Had to Sit SOMEWHERE that few Miles?

    Dealer in Buisness 50 YEARS Could be Simple MISTAKE

    Daniel Schmitt Dealership St Louis Mo

    Simple Phonr Call Should Clear Up IF Intrest

  57. Russ Heiser says:


    Said Im OFF this. I get started and,,,,,,,,,,,,Puzzle?

    To Avery . Already was KNOWN to MOST . and Albia also LE and Mark Milligan “Off Duty”

    Ks and Ms CONNECTION?

    Consider 1984 Mo Drink Age 18 Kansas City other side Line Downtown 21 (or other way around. Read Harry Drank at LEAST BEER.

    Consider 1981 1982 1983 Age 18 to 20 Made LOT “Beer Runs” Kansas City. Not Harry Particular. Tho MARK May Know.
    Large Flea Market Lil Fun Shopping?.
    3hrs Out 3 Back. Full Day “FUN”

    1984 Drinking Age Kansas City Changed Both Sides State Line to 21

    KSB(Kansas City Butcher) Operating 1984 Did NOT Have to Visit TOWN or send Recruiter per say(only read~Video thought had one)

    Bar(s) Open Longer Kansas City want Party Contibue

    More “Options “FENCE” or Strip Nicr CAR

    Any FLYERS of Harry SENT to Kansas City? “IF” Harry KNOWN to VISIT Occassionally? Ages 18 to 20 This “COULD be something DUE to KSB Victims ALL KNOWN(op Word) 18 to 21, Tho Another Video Believe LOT MORE Victims.

    MAY have NOTHING To DO With KSB(deceased)

    A Flyer Might PERK Intrest that would NEED Factual Verificaton Simple PHONE Call.

    If NO KSB Connection, Fence Car? Favorite Bar? ect ect

    Your Ball.

    Im Gone for NOW

  58. Russ Heiser says:


    Rope or light Chain from Shore attached to Magnet. Videos HOW on YOU TUBE.

    Even FROM Shore BUDDY SYSTEM any ISSUES. DRONES on SUNNY CLEAR Day with Camera. IF IF IF Car DRIVEN In probally CLOSE Shore UNLESS Lake or River has Current(maqy have DRIFTED by NOW)

  59. Russ Heiser says:

    Recall COLUMBO Detective Series?

    Im Not HIm

    However ONE MORE THING!

    Anyone TRY “Magnet Fishing? The Dive Researchers Would be Cooll.

    Your Generally NOT Gonna Pull Car OUT, HOWEVER Magnet VERY STRONG)

    ) May Warrent further Research STRONG(VERY) May Also Find Gun or Knife Metal Pipes Ect.

  60. Russ Heiser says:


    Yes FACTS the Best. Someone Calls with a Tip. But Needs Verification on Factual Basis Unless YOU Prtsonally KNOW Tipster.

    This is Considered COLD. Other words Not much ACTIVITY. Call still could Come

    Spmetimes Discussions May Develop Lead Which Lead to Tips Investgated to Facts

    SEEMS Money at Poker Table 1984 WARRENTED sucjh Investugation

    Murphy in Knoxville wound Up Missing 20 July 1984 Body Found Nov 1984 by Hunters. REPORTED as Missing. The Murder Investigation dif not began till body Discovered

    I’v Worked with FBI Secret Service DEA Local SD Task Force as IO (Independent Operator) and Military

    Usually did not ask me to sit around wait fot Phone to Ring. Perp say “I did it” without Developing Lead or Hunch and Speculation ar Times Ferreted Out. Tho Drank lot Coffee.

    These Comments Pointed Towards LE

    Yes Easy way solve Mystery. Start back book Read Foward 2nd Read If POINTS nissed 1st READ.

    Ill Respect Your 1st POST and LEAVE at rhat. Phone or Visit May Happen Still with FACTS and Closure

    Im Outside “Looking In, Perked my Intrest from FACTS you Do Have

    Like Im Reading Mystery Novel Front to Back tothe Conclusion.

    Ill Respect Not Interested.

    Something Not “sitting” quite Right. Chapter Missing.


    • Darlene says:

      The word fact us very important here and I disagree with you on if you know the person. From personal experience I believe if you read the letter above. which I can not say for sure but believe his information came Steve .This letter has caused me alot of anger know how many false statements he made.Jeff did corporated but mark didn’t know this at the time.Steve however was confused on the car parking and it was no big deal but it was wrong. We have learn alot this past few months I understand why a 3rd person was with them and his car was park there. They have been coroporating with law enforcement however they don’t have a friendly relatelationship with Mark I don’t know what happens to Harry he was my friend to I was who his mom called that morning to go looking I asked questions first. Mark never called me.or reply to my tex in 2016 I miss Harry I don’t recall ever being so upset when he didn’t come .but I don’t ever want to excuse of knowing something or or having my words turned around. I would love to have the facts and Harry home but it the facts not just what someone says or here.

  61. Russ Heiser says:

    In Cosieng

    Any Witness or Suspect Connection to Kansas City?KSB has Lots Photos again deceased, Found No Photo of “Recruiter” per Say. Small TOWN may Reconize KSB Visiting Bar or Poker Room LE may be Worth Showing KSB Photo SINCE DECEASED since 1992 oe so

  62. Russ Heiser says:


    KSB Called Cops on a MO-Ks Victim so NO Misunderstanding NOT Murphy, But PERKED Intrest Similarities “Hospital” Since KSB Deceased might be worth Check 1984 Hospital Logs.Also again Interesting Only Victims Murphy and “Harry Similiar age LOOKS. NO DOT Connection
    Google dearcj Avert and Slbia Iowa Only approx 7 Mile Drive. Knoxville 35. Kansas City 3hrs Out. Tho KSB again had Trained “Recruiter

  63. Russ Heiser says:

    Find LOTS of “Circles” Per Say No LINES to Connect

    Interesting Murder Victim Murphy Mussising From Knoxville Iowa Hospital GENERAL INFO ONLY 20 July 20 1984 Body Found Nov 1984 Rapid Decomp what gathered

    Intrest Kansas City Butcher(KSB) actually Called Police and went to HOSPITAL as Victim BIT his Penis. No Charges FILED. Murphy was at or NEAR Knoxville Hospital before Missing. May be Ave to Connect “Dots” if ANY. KSB Operating IOWA 1984?

    Saw Mulligan(Mark) Mention Paper Published Ticket to Harry 17 July 1984 HO Specifics. News Probally had LAG between Issue and Printing Such incigence.

    Would be Sleiths LOTS Vids on KSB(Deceased)

    KSB also had “Recruiter for VICTIMS. Doesnt Mention SO FAR his Recruitment Area(s)
    MO Drinks and Drug Victims “Haul Away” Lots Digging by LE Co Op KS MS and Iowa.

    Its There for LE to Check

    Apparently Being “Gay” was NOT a Requirement of KSB Victims. But could have Increased % of Target.

  64. Russ Heiser says:

    “Murphy” same Age te Knoxvillr Iowa Missing 29 July 1984 Body Found Nov 84 by Hunters 35 Miles approx from AVery Iowa

    Murphy it says Hospital’ last KNOWN Interest did “KSB” Visit Hospital?

    Once again SURE Iowa LE Working. Some Areas if Havent Corrlated SIMILARITIES

  65. Riss Heiser says:

    Note ONLY

    REASON “Perked” my INTREST this CASE

    KNOWN as OPERATIVE Word ALL KNOWN VICTIMS Kansas City Butcher bwlive 18-21 Age

    “Howell” 1sr KNOWN Similiar Apperance “Harry” Same TIME Frame in “Striking Distance” General Sense

    The Butcher Died Heart Attack

    Did not MENTION any YOUNG TEEN Victims age range Newsboys

    informative videos kansas city butcher You Tube

    From General INVESTIGATIVE POINT “Only Suggestive” this POINT. Lot Leg Wprk per SAY

    Nip in BUD? (Maybe) ANY UNIDENTIFIED DNA LEFT “KSB” House or Vehicle?

  66. Russ Heiser says:

    Was “Harry” Gay/?

    NO Connecuion FOUND but May Check Out

    FIRST……KNOWN Victim of Kansas City Butcher July 1984 about 3hrs away.

    KSB in Kansas City 3hrs Out

    1st Victom “Howell 19 White Male 6 others Known.

    NO “Dot” to Newspaper Boys. But PERKED My Intrest

    Victims DISAPPEARED “Litterally KNOWN START July 1984

    THIS POINT SIMILIAR Time Frame Occurance

  67. Russ Heiser says:

    Side Note

    Harrys Car Very NICE in Photos

    Probally worth more Couple Hundred $ 1984

    You Mentioned Drugs MAY(may have) NOT KNOWN

    Being COP Someone “JazziN” for Dope CAR may look like Big Baggie. Steal? Pre Planned or KNEW where or Who to FENCE. Strip Down takes KNOWN Time. Farm Country Obvious Many Corn Stalks Park Behind Per Say

    Friends Avoiding? Originally at LEAST Spoke with LE? I Imagine Hammered so MANY TIMES “Tell Us what you Know” Domt want Anymore Unless Interrogated. Most Likely SEEMS would WANT to HELP. I imagine Small Town approached MANY

    TIMES. May USE Approach MAKE STATEMENT ask Paper to Indicate shouldnt be

    Bothered Anymore Unless New Evidence Shows Up to Implicate

    The Car? Looks to NICE to DUMP Unless Heated Spur Moment Even then more $ Signs than Few $ Piker game.

    Curious may ask to SEE Military Jacket Nip that in Bud

    Clpse? Harry INDICATE Dug deal Issues? Other than SO and SI dies This or that?

    Not INTO more Questions than ANSWERS

    Your Cop you have training and background to follow thru Ill LEAVE it ar that.

  68. Russ Heiser says:

    Side Note

    Harrys Car Very NICE in Photos

    Probally worth more Couple Hundred $ 1984

    You Mentioned Drugs MAY(may have) NOT KNOWN

    Being COP Someone “JazziN” for Dope CAR may look like Big Baggie. Steal? Pre Planned or KNEW where or Who to FENCE. Strip Down takes KNOWN Time. Farm Country Obvious Many Corn Stalks Park Behind Per Say

    Friends Avoiding? Originally at LEAST Spoke with LE? I Imagine Hammered so MANY TIMES “Tell Us what you Know” Domt want Anymore Unless Interrogated. Most Likely SEEMS would WANT to HELP. I imagine Small Town approached MANY

    TIMES. May USE Approach MAKE STATEMENT ask Paper to Indicate shouldnt be

    Bothered Anymore Unless New Evidence Shows Up to Implicate

    The Car? Looks to NICE to DUMP Unless Heated Spur Moment Even then more $ Signs than Few $ Piker game.

    Curious may ask to SEE Military Jacket Nip that in Bud

    Clpse? Harry INDICATE Dug deal Issues? Other than SO and SI dies This or that?

    Not INTO more Questions than ANSWERS
    Your Cop you have training and background to follow thru Ill LEAVE it ar that.

  69. Russ Heiser says:

    Former Military Police Investigative Supervisor Atmy Former PI Agency Manager Offices Miami New Orleans and Wash DC

    What “Grabbed” My Attention……..Very Close to Brother. No Calls or Hangups Even time Diapperance?. Unlless Wanted to Disappear. Hang Ups could be Indication Wanted to Reach Out……No Contact may Indicate didnt want FAMILY in Trouble WOULD Seem have rto be BIG Issue this Many YEARS.

    2nd What was MOS and Rank.

    Military SOMETMES Don’t Willingly REVEAL actual “Duties” own Reasons UNLESS
    Nudged. Shipped to Timbuck Too Per Say.

    1984 Dog Tags were Big Issue Still. So if harry Found?(without) Indication Pre Planned
    Someone knew had monies to “play”

    Foul Play Car Obvious Bigger harder average person ri HIDE Spur Moment Most KNOW Lakes FAST. Pre Planned READ Cases not ONLY Grave Pre Dug but Car Burried especially FARM Country

    Same Farmers in area Many YEARS ago but may REPORTED Farm Tractor Founf MOVED or Stolen

    I Could Go On, Originally intended Simple Comment.

    My You Tube is NOT MONOTISED nor LOOKING to.

    You SEE Harry WEARING Regular? If HARRY Found should be ONSIGHT. Local Metal Detecting Ckub? Or Even National Up to Challenge?

    If Found with Dog Tags. Indicate Possiable “Heat of Moment” Incident, Other words. Grab Money and Run.

    Use to Operate FBI NCIC on CASES Stolen Property. Shoulf have been Entered.

    Would ALSO say MANY People as Previous Comments indicate have RAN into Lakes Drinking or NOT. If Not Driven ino Such.

    Again Dog Tags Missing Usually Worn. Possiable FOUL Play.

    Money Flowing at Table Suspected Wow. Seems LOCAL LE wpold have mote INTENSE Investgation ar Time REPORTED

    Some Cases “Perk” my Intrest from READING. Use to have PI License 7 States Civil and Criminal. No Longer.

  70. Patrick Kerrigan says:

    In regards to checking the VIN on his vehicle, a Carfax report might show something. The other option is for a law enforcement agency to contact the National Insurance Crime Bureau. They might have more detailed information in their databases, that might shed some light on the vehicles history.

  71. Mark says:

    There is alot more information and comments on there recent face book page for Harry Milligan. Just if anyone has not had questions answered as some of them are answered there.

  72. Wanda says:

    Sgt. Mark Milligan: After reading your entire post & seeing that you have uncovered a “Vehicle Ticket” of your brother’s Harry’s car 17 days after his disappearance, tells me that someone had his car, probably even his ID, maybe his wallet. If you had known about the ticket early on, I’m sure the Officer could’ve contributed more. As far as some of his buddy’s not speaking to you, speaks volumes. Those are the ones who need to be pulled in & questioned! As far as the rumors, made up stories, etc., welcome to the world of murdered loved ones with worthless weirdos trying to insert themselves into cases. Someone had your brothers vehicle, possibly even his body & was caught with the headlamps not turned on & got pulled over. Is there a data base where you can put in the VIN # to that car from the old Title or registration papers?

    • John says:

      Looks later that he was pulled over around 9pm that night and may have gotten thr tickect then. It takes the 2 or 3 weeks for it to hit the newspaper is where they got the later date and not the ticket. Could still have been the same night as never found the ticket for time of day.

  73. Caylene says:

    Harry Milligan’s search actually has a Facebook group now. A lot of people in the Albia/Monroe County area want to bring him home.


  74. SEAN says:

    I think his brother is probably on to the reasons he went missing however is it possible nothing nefarious happened and he accidently drove into a lake and submerged? Looking at the route to his house I see a small pond on a curve near 165th St and 67 2nd Ave. Is the pond deep enough to hide a car?

  75. Carole Ann Kelderman says:

    I remember when this happened as I worked in Albia at the time. I often wondered about water. I have recently been binge watching a YouTube channel called Adventures With Purpose. I am not tech savvy, but I wonder if someone here can bring this to their attention? They specialize in underwater vehicle recovery, and recently brought up the car and remains of Ethan K. in Hampton, Iowa, bringing some resolution to a tragic case that had remained unsolved for decades. If there is any reason to believe the car is in water, we need to talk with them. They refer to “open source investigations” where we can share ideas, but I am not sure what that means or where to find it. I am asking if anyone here can help hook AWP up with this case if you believe it is a possibility Harry may be in the water somewhere. Thank you. I am so sorry for the loss this family has had to deal with.

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      Carol, that is a great idea, since the car is missing also. Their are a large number of missing person cases where the vehicle they owned or were driving is missing. Also, a number of these cases have been resolved by finding the vehicle in a body of water.

      About a year or two ago, a surveyor was looking at a Google Earth image of an area of Florida. On the image he saw what CV looked like a yellow in color vehicle in a man made Lake. Ne notified authorities and they recovered the car and closed a missing persons case.

    • Michael says:

      I think a simple answer would be a drunk driving accident?,how messed up was he that night?,did he simply drive into a lake or pond and drown?,maybe that’s why nobody knows anything? new to this site and just throwing it out there,I mean c’mon someone should have talked by now?

    • Darlene says:

      Carol Mark has them involved they have searched a few places of interest. Will continue until we have answers.

  76. Deb Galloway says:

    I was reading the Cold Case Files on your
    brother Harry and I read your letter, I hope
    and pray you will find him. The people that
    know what happened have kept silent this
    long so they will never tell it’s up to someone
    else or to the police to find him.
    I will keep Harry and you in my prayers.
    God bless you both.

  77. Jotee Jo says:

    Do the police not think the 3 boys disappearances are connected?

    • Jotee Jo says:

      Yes I continued to research all 3 cases and I agree with you 100%. I think there is more than one person in that town that knows what happened to Harry and they need to speak out. Some perp most likely took advantage of the other two boys paper routes and watched them. Sickening when your a kid just starting your life and you can’t even keep a paper route cause of these sickening bastard. They are all my heart and I pray for answers. ???

      • Zach says:

        paper routes cases were hours from alliance. Absolutely nothing to do with this case. Young Boys from des moines area… 20 something from albia…

    • Jotee Jo says:

      That’s cool. I had a flyer route too when I was 13.

    • Jotee Jo, police are fairly certain Eugene Martin’s and Johnny Gosch’s disappearance are connected, but I don’t think (then again, I only know what I’m told) that Harry’s disappearance is connected. FWIW, a Google map shows the two locations are less than an hour apart. In my personal opinion, I think locals were responsible for Harry’s disappearance, and that pedophiles were responsible for Eugene and Johnny’s disappearances.

    • Jotee Jo Exactly. When I think of my childhood and my own paper route, I remember looking forward to going to one house in particular because even at 4:30 a.m., the elderly woman already up and playing the piano, and she played it beautifully. Those are the kinds of memories paperboys/girls should have.

  78. It’s amazing how many newspaper articles (especially from small-town newspapers) have been digitized into online archives since ICC began 10+ years ago. I’ve gone back and added PDF files for some of those articles published when Harry first went missing. Jody @ ICC

  79. Theresa Brown says:

    Never give up hope I had a cousin who went missing my 99 year old aunt waited till he was found before she would pass they found his boots at a landfill in California upon further investigation found out a group of Mexicans murdered him I will share share share

  80. Is it possible the car could be submerged somewhere with him in it?

    • Rita Knights says:

      I was thinking the same thing. Looking at a map of the area there are several ponds around Albia.

    • Carole Ann Kelderman says:

      I remember when this happened as I worked in Albia at the time. I often wondered about water. I have recently been binge watching a YouTube channel called Adventures With Purpose. I am not tech savvy, but I wonder if someone here can bring this to their attention? They specialize in underwater vehicle recovery, and recently brought up the car and remains of Ethan K. in Hampton, Iowa, bringing some resolution to a tragic case that had remained unsolved for decades. If there is any reason to believe the car is in water, we need to talk with them. They refer to “open source investigations” where we can share ideas, but I am not sure what that means or where to find it. I am asking if anyone here can help hook AWP up with this case if you believe it is a possibility Harry may be in the water somewhere. Thank you. I am so sorry for the loss this family has had to deal with.

  81. the friends know what happened, is my guess

  82. Greg Stephens title says 1977

    • Jody, thank you so much… I appreciate it and hopefully it helps find the answers.

    • Mark, I’ve just added more articles and info to Harry’s page, with PDF links to articles published right after Harry first went missing. Jody at ICC

    • Who made that statement? I’m curious… and I’m sure the DCI will want to know.

    • Sorry, miss read that. .. but I’m about to make another post with some updated information as soon as I can get it all in order.

    • Mark, I think it’s going to boil down to you having had the courage to put the names out there that will end up solving Harry’s disappearance. Once names appear, people start talking. I recently added several new details to one case summary (naming names), and one of those mentioned immediately posted on her FB page: “I didn’t say anything — I swear!” (Right there that tells us she ‘knows something’ and is afraid others will think she’s the one who ‘snitched’ and contacted ICC with the info.) Like with Harry’s case, there were plenty of names to go around, and I implicated no one in the summary … simply reported the facts, just as you did. Nothing libelous whatsoever. It *gets people talking* (especially those involved or who know something) and that’s always a good thing.

    • Mark, you’re right in that the it-wasn’t-me FB post wasn’t about Harry but another cold case. I used it as a comparison because the girl only left the comment after I’d updated “that” person’s page and included names of known individuals who’d spent the evening with the victim.

  83. Mark Milligan ^^^

  84. Sure on the 1977 grand am. Production stopped in 75 and resumed in 1978

    • Greg Stephens, thanks for noticing this. I went through several more articles tonight and found out it was a 1977 GRAND PRIX, not Grand Am.

    • Greg Stephens, in cold cases, every little detail matters, and this makes a big difference! I did find a similar photo of a maroon ’77 Grand Prix and posted it on Harry’s page. Hopefully some people might remember the car. I personally believe there are several individuals who know what happened that night. Officials need just one of them to “break,” and the rest will fall like dominoes. I’m so glad Mark Milligan had the courage to “name names” in his post; as a rule, newspapers won’t publish names of suspects, but our site is different. We never accuse anyone of anything but only point out the truth of who was doing what with whom when last seen alive, and so on. Young guys like to boast to girlfriends, but (fortunately) the girlfriends soon become ex-girlfriends. Now that Mark has put the names out there, maybe one of them will have the courage to come forward with what she knows.

    • John says:

      Grand prix

  85. LuAnn Eggers says:

    My sister & brother in law use to live in Albia Iowa for 18 years. My sister had said thah Harry’s brother use to work for the Monroe Police Department..I’m not sure if he still is in law enforcement or not..But I was reading this and I was thinking how could he just vanish like that into thin air.? He was seen with friends downtown on the Albia square and then people seen him drive off to head home..So u know he had to vanish in between uptown and his route home…Another speculation that I have is that he either picked someone up and met with foul play, his car could be in a quarry somewhere or that Lake outside of Albia(cannot remember the name of it now).. If drugs where involved in some way, maybe he could have been an informant and is in a witness protection program…It just seems real odd, and the fact that none of his friends have any clue where he could be…….Hopefully someone will come forward with information on Harry and then his family can have some closure….

    • Monty says:

      I was friends with Harry, and with him the night before, along with a lot of other people… All was good, then no one could find him after that!!!

  86. I pray the family finds him.

  87. Paula Devore says:

    He was such a nice kid I can't believe someone would do something to him. I have wondered for years if he is in a pond somewhere as it is hard since him and his car dissappeared.

  88. Tiffany Williams says:

    His brother is now the head of southeast iowa drug task force i pray for answers for the family.

    • LuAnn Eggers says:

      I was wondering if his brother was still in law enforcement because my sister and her ex husband use to live in Albia for 18 years and she had mentioned to me once that Harry’s brother was on the Monroe Police Department..

  89. Nancy Potter says:

    I didn't know he went missing. Wow. I pray for his family. Miracles can happen.

  90. Christy Judge says:

    Weird huh! You would think someone in this small town would know something??

  91. I agree, it’s under water somewhere.

  92. Have they checked lakes in the area he went missing?

  93. Sue Herman says:

    What about the abandoned coal mines and quarries in the area? The car must be hidden from view. I say that because the DOT would have about every car found, sold, crushed, abandoned, auctioned, etc. in its database. Those databases could be cross referenced to other states, so if that car was/is on the road, it probably could be traced. Perhaps no one has tried since, we didnt have all the data at our disposal back then. If someone could get a VIN from the courthouse, his famliy, the police report, etc. even a simple Car Fax might pull some records. I have found info on cars back to 70’s. If it was found abandoned in another state back then with no plate, they may have documented it, then finally sent it to a crusher. That’s the kind of thing cold case people should be re visiting. A 21 year old man and his car in a small town don’t just disappear.

    Does the DOE Network automatically cross reference the Iowa Missing Persons and Cold Case databases and vice versa? I saw one DOE case where they list who it is not ( Not Jodi Huesintraut (sp.?) specifically), but do they all do that? Case 2UMIA seems to fit this one..

  94. Jane says:

    He left friends on the town square and was headed to his parent’s house in his car.

    • LuAnn Eggers says:

      It’s strange that he was reported missing on the same night he disappeared..I think his friends or some other person knows where he is or what happened to him and they are scared to come forward with information..There are so many different avenues here that could have happened to him…His car could have been buried or drove into that Lake outside of Albia….He could have picked someone up and met with foul play, and like I said before if drugs were at all involved maybe Harry was an informant and is in a witness protection program…So many speculations here…but what is also strange is that I posted a comment on here awhile back about what I feel might have happened to Harry and it somehow disappeared…huh..wonder what happened to it??

  95. Theresa says:

    It appears suspicious that he would be seen by friends on the evening of the 1st, and reported missing on the 1st as well since he was 21. I hate it when information is withheld for the purpose of the case. I wonder what those who saw him last said about where he may have said he was heading, what they were doing when they saw him, etc.

    • Michael says:

      Did anyone ever consider drunk driving? Maybe he simply drove into a pond or lake and that’s why nobody knows anything,how messed up was he that night? Might be a simple answer why him or the car has never been found?

  96. marcia says:

    I’ve heard rumors about Lake Miami, but I had also heard he was driving a motorcycle.

  97. Has water ways been searched to possibly finding the car?

    • Bion Thompson says:

      not the right one

    • Adam says:

      If all they know is that he was last seen driving north on Main then maybe he didn’t head towards Avery. Maybe he headed towards Albia Reservoir Park? Doing sonar and a drive around the boat ramp there wouldn’t hurt, if it hasn’t been done already. I saw the Facebook group is trying to get Adventures with a Purpose’s attention to do some dives in the area.

      • mary says:

        Stop acting like a detective you are not one Adam your blog is total garage you are going to ruin a lot of cases the case wasn’t handed to you you are a liar because I know I asked the detective on the case the detective said that they going to look into to you and I also sent them the link to your linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/posts/lolly-adams-43937a201_truecrime-unsolved-missingperson-activity-6742660940442996736-W-Dl and sent them your blog link and twitter accounts stop playing detective YOU ARE NOT ONE again you are going ruin a lot of cases by playing a detective people like you are the reasons why cases can’t get solved it’s sad really for the victims and their families

      • mary says:

        Another thing I’m following you on both twitter accounts which you following me back I think it is sad that you retweet and like your own tweets on both accounts which means you are liking and retweeting your own tweets that is sad you don’t have your followers tweet or like your tweets because your blog sucks and your theories on cases are not good by making those theories you are hurting the cases

        • Cody says:

          Seems to me that having a blog and writing about unsolved murders & missing persons would HELP bring continued awareness to these cases not hurt them. And having a theory about a case wouldn’t hurt anything either.

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