25 Responses to Cari Farver

  1. Diane Stasko says:

    Who paid the phone bill? The cell phone that sent the messages must have been paid for somehow?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Unblemished hope!

  3. Sarah Rushton says:

    Leslie Rule, daughter of the late true-crime writer Ann Rule, has published a book about this case called “A Tangled Web.” Very good book, and a terrifying story!

  4. anon says:

    And she went by “liz dayton,” “liz golyar,” and “Shanna Elizabeth Golyar.”

    Also, for some reason the perp (or someone else) announced her own death on this website back in 20091: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:z4FD5L9rzRMJ:memorialwebsites.legacy.com/shanna/MemorialSite.aspx+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

    The memorial has expired, but from the google cache it at least says:

    Surived by daughter Elizabeth Golyar; son Jasen Gagnon. She was a saint to us all. There will be no veiwing or service. She is to be cremated in Michigan…

    The “memorial” itself says that she was born June 28, 1975 and died December 9, 2009.

  5. anon says:

    Wow, and here is a weird police report that the perp, Snanna Golyar, made in which she complained in December 2015 that she had been shot in the leg by an unknown female. https://www.ketv.com/article/council-bluffs-police-respond-to-big-lake-park-shooting/7656695

  6. anon says:

    I tried to post this a short while ago but for some reason it didn’t post. A woman was arrested and charged yesterday with Cari’s murder

  7. so then she really isnt missing?

  8. She has a Facebook page. Says she needed to get away…

  9. Same thing here! ! Says site isn’t secure and won’t open. I can’t even bypass it to open. Cold case admin..any ideas?

    • Jody Ewing says:

      Re the “secure site” warning: According to our web hosting service, InMotion Hosting, the reason some of the pages on ICC render a warning about security is because the ICC page contains one or more “links” to other websites that “aren’t” SSL (or https) enabled. In my opinion, this makes no sense because a great number of news websites — including the Des Moines Register — provide perfectly valid “links” to articles. They simply begin with http:// instead of https://. I also provide links to specific police departments and sheriffs’ office websites, all of which are legitimate but not yet SSL enabled.

      A good example to highlight this problem can be seen by visiting Julie Benning’s page. If one uses the https://iowacoldcases.org/case-summaries/julie-benning/ link, there is a security warning because the page includes a “video” provided by the Des Moines Register. Yet, remove the “s” from https, and the video appears.

      I will soon be upgrading ICC with a new template and hope it will address this issue, because we rely heavily on “news sources” (with http urls) for these case summaries and updates. While I agree SSL is a must-have for sites and/or web pages where one purchases products online, I don’t understand why it creates so many problems for product-free, ad-free pages like ICC displays.

  10. Davi Jean says:

    My phone won’t let me open them. Says the site isn’t secure and people may try to steal my info. It’s too bad because I like to read the articles! Dang phone!

  11. Haven’t been able to open a lot of links on Iowa cold cases lately.

  12. Tina Carroll says:

    Dennis G. Farver, 63, of Newton died on December 7, 2012 at his home. Memorial services will be 1 p.m., Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at the First Lutheran Church in Newton. The family will greet friends from 5-8 p.m., Tuesday, at the Wallace Family Funeral Home in Newton. Memorials to the Dennis Farver Memorial Fund may be left at the funeral home or at the church on the afternoon of the service. Memorials may also be mailed to the funeral home. He is survived by his family including his wife, Diane of Newton; children, Adam R. (Tara) Farver of Fountain Hills, Arizona, Cari L. Farver of Macedonia, Iowa, John J. (Hilary) Farver of Des Moines, Iowa, and Jarod W. Farver of San Diego, California. Dennis G. Farver

    Published in Topeka Capital-Journal on Dec. 11, 2012
    – See more at: https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/cjonline/obituary.aspx?pid=161644844

  13. anonymous says:

    She has a youtube account and it says that 6 months ago she uploaded a video called “husband’s cheating place.” Very weird, like whomever filmed it was engaging in stalking.

  14. Terry Wright says:

    What is she wanted for

  15. Kelly Kinne Gillespie says:

    any idea where she might be

  16. Kelly Kinne Gillespie says:

    do you know her

  17. She is not missing she is wanted.

    • Jody Ewing says:

      Shelly, we still have Cari listed here because she’s still listed as a missing person with the Iowa Department of Public Safety’s Missing Person Information Clearinghouse. Once law enforcement officials notify MPIC she’s been located, she’ll no longer be listed here as missing. Thank you for your input and information about her case.

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