Shopping for Just the Right Look

On March 17, 2011, in Thinking Out Loud, by Jody Ewing

We at Iowa Cold Cases might like to spend a lot of time digging around in the past, but every so often we’re reminded we can’t get there without first taking a ride on that information superhighway called the Internet. For example, we were plenty happy just to get the last of our old html […]

Do I Look Funny?

On October 9, 2010, in Uncategorized, by Jody Ewing

Dear Reader, Please excuse the clumsy mess here right now as we experiment with putting the ICC pages on WordPress. Host for Web’s “yellowknife” server (which hosts both our website and the blog) has been down almost nonstop since just before 7:30 p.m. Friday night. (It’s now 1:47 a.m. Saturday morning.) I’ve tried, and tried […]

Cold Cases blog now merged with website

On November 8, 2009, in News, by Jody Ewing

The Iowa Cold Cases “Blog” is now hosted on the same server as the website and may be accessed at the new address: We’re now using WordPress, and though the blog has a different “look” than the regular ICC pages (just as it did with Blogspot), we hope you’ll find the new format easier […]


On February 17, 2008, in Uncategorized, by Jody Ewing

Welcome to the Iowa Cold Cases Weblog. We are currently revamping the entire Iowa Cold Cases website, and the blog will be up and running within a day or so. Thank you, and please check back soon!