7 Responses to Janice Snow

  1. Catherine says:

    I hope that they give Janice her own article. There might be someone that is out there that may know something.. I live in her home currently and finding out about her tragic death I feel so connected to this home and her. I wish her soul peace. We go to her grave and give her flowers that her father planted many years ago that still pop up..

  2. I am a retired police officer and SVU detective, investigating a cold case homicide in Nashville, Tennessee, from 1969. I am following all leads in my case and have a person-of-interest in-common with my case and Janice’s case. I am not able to release the suspect’s name, but he was in Des Moines at the time of Janice’s disappearance.

    I am seeking information on Janice, and would like to talk to anyone willing to talk to me.

    My website is http://www.stevendavidlampley.com and my email is steven@stevendavidlampley.com

    Thank you in advance.

  3. Gail Lewis says:

    I lived on the next street over she was always sun bathing and her little brother would play outside:/. I was very young about 10 years old:(

  4. Leif says:

    There does not seem to be a page detailing this victim.

  5. Cindy Ball says:

    Jan, my sister-went missing and was later found-having been killed- in the spring of 1965. If anyone has any stories to share of her, please post. I never met her and would like to learn more about her. I know she was a caring, loving daughter of my parents.

  6. Jackie Williams says:

    Is Janice the teenage girl who disappeared in December 1962 in Des Moines?

    • Brenda Magee says:

      No , Janice was only missing for several days , in April 1965. Our families went to the same church , so we knew Janice personally.

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