Buena Vista County

Buena Vista County in Iowa

Cold Cases in Buena Vista County, Iowa

NOTE: Some of these cases in Buena Vista County may fall under the Storm Lake Police Department’s jurisdiction. They are listed here for cross-references purposes for researchers. Please see individual case summaries for the proper investigating agency.


Baby Doe
Two days old
502 C West 8th Street
Vista Estates Mobile Home Park
Storm Lake, IA
Buena Vista County
Investigating Agency: Storm Lake Police Department
October 15, 1995

On Tuesday, October 17, 1995, officers on foot patrol in Storm Lake, Iowa, found a newborn dead baby boy in a vacant and boarded-up mobile home located at 5020 W. Eighth Street. According to police, the infant — believed to have been two days old — had been left alone to die in a closet.

‘A Child of God’ Baby Boy Doe
24 hours old
Harold Rowley Recycling Center
Storm Lake, Iowa
Buena Vista County
Investigating Agency: Buena Vista County Sheriff’s Office
May 30, 2002

On May 30, 2002, an infant baby boy between 24 and 48 hours old was found in a shredder at the Harold Rowley Recycling Center in Buena Vista County outside Storm Lake. Workers found the baby’s remains in the trash chute on the conveyor where recyclables were separated, and the infant’s body had been damaged by the shredder. This second abandoned Storm Lake baby was dubbed the “A Child of God.”


3 Responses to Buena Vista County

  1. Teresa says:

    I think both cases, are mexician decent and went back to mexico, I hope they find out who did this

  2. Teresa Ann Bannister Handy says:

    my dad was neighbor to the one found on 8th street, only thing could tell them they wee mexician and never heard them speak english

  3. Cindy Willilams says:

    Just sickening how anyone can do that to an innocent child!

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