Nora Springs in Mitchell County, IA

Nora Springs in Floyd County, IA

Floyd County in Iowa

Floyd County in Iowa

Cold Cases in Nora Springs, Iowa




Gary Lack

Gary Lack

Gary Lack
58 YOA
1475 325th Street
Nora Springs, IA
(Section 11, T-97-N, R-18-W)
in Mitchell County
January 14, 2004

Gary Lack, who’d developed hormone feeding tumors that spread to his colon and liver due to point source polluting plumes from upstream Mitchell County, Iowa, farmers, died January 14, 2004 after a Hospice nurse associated with Mitchell County officials overdosed him with an unprescribed medication the nurse stole from one of her other recently deceased patients.


Adam Lack

Adam Lack

Adam Michael Lack
33 YOA
Resided at 1475 325th St.
Nora Springs, IA
Killed on Hwy 9
Mitchell County, IA
July 13, 2008

Adam Michael Lack, a 33-year-old Ivy league graduate from Brown University, was repeatedly tortured and then crushed to death on Sunday, July 13, 2008, after being lured away from his Nora Springs home by upstream landowners involved in a longtime illegal point source pollution plume. He became his family’s second casualty in their fight for Iowans’ and animals’ health and clean water.

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