Tyrese Parson

Tyrese Parson (Courtesy Media Iowa)

Tyrese Robert Parson


Tyrese Robert Parson
17 YOA
2223 E Rose Ave.
Des Moines, IA
Polk County
Friday, June 8, 2018


Case Summary Compiled by Carol Kean

Tyrese Robert Parson, 17, of Des Moines was shot dead on a sidewalk Friday morning, June 8, 2018, on the east side of Des Moines.

Officers found Parson when they responded to a call of a person down about 6:30 a.m. in the 800 block of East 27th Court in the city’s Fairground neighborhood, authorities said in Des Moines Register story published later that day.

Sgt. Paul Parizek, a spokesman for Des Moines police, said Parson had been dead “for a considerable amount of time,” possibly a few hours. Parson sustained a gunshot wound, and police were investigating his death as a homicide.

Parizek did not know about any calls of shots fired in the area before Parson’s body was found. When medics arrived, they pronounced the teenager dead, The Register reported.

No suspect information was released and no arrests have been made.

Parson’s death was the city’s fifth homicide of the year. His body was found about half a mile from where Josue D. Alonzo, Jr., 20, of Des Moines, was shot and killed on the corner of Garfield Avenue and East 30th Street on April 27, the third homicide of the year. No one has been arrested in his killing.

Parson’s and Alonzo’s killings are the only two 2018 Des Moines homicides that remain unsolved of the city’s 13 murders that year.

Parson, a teenager who had participated in the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, was shot less than a mile from where Alonzo’s body was found, the Register reported on Jan. 2, 2019. 

His smile could light up a room, and that light was extinguished on June 8, 2018. Tyrese Parson, age 17, loved bicycling, listening to music, and most of all spending time with his family and friends. Tyrese was quite a character, and had a large personality, but was also polite and kind.

He was born in Des Moines, Iowa on July, 27, 2000, to two parents who loved him dearly, Morris and Heather Parson.



Police are searching for a gunman they say shot and killed a 17-year-old boy on Des Moines’ east side, where a neighbor found his body lying on a sidewalk.

Authorities said Des Moines resident Tyrese Robert Parson‘s body was found just before 6:30 a.m. Friday in the 800 block of East 27th Court near Maple Street, just west of the state fairgrounds.

Officials blocked off Maple Street from East 27th Street to East 28th Street for several hours Friday morning as investigators sifted the scene for evidence in Des Moines’ fifth homicide so far this year.

Tyrese Parson was shot and killed Friday, June 8, 2018 in the 800 block of East 27th Court near Maple Street in Des Moines. (Courtesy KCCI.com)

Des Moines police Sgt. Paul Parizek said Parson’s body was lying on the sidewalk “for a considerable amount of time,” though circumstances surrounding his death are still under investigation.

“(There’s a) lot of work ahead of us, but we’ve got some witnesses now at the station that we’re interviewing,” Parizek said. “We’re getting some decent information that we can work with there, and we’re hoping to get to this thing moving forward.”

James Hill, who lives nearby, said there’s been an increase in suspicious activity in his neighborhood.

“The past five, six months there’s been more traffic in and out of houses down on that end, down on this end,” Hill said.

He didn’t see or hear anything Friday morning, and “you don’t expect to see it, especially in your neighborhood. And here it is.”

Parizek said the area is not known for homicides, and it’s something they’re taking into consideration.

Hill hopes with a police presence and neighborhood pride, they can clean up their street.

“We got to bring the east side back together and get everything calmed down and where it needs to be,” Hill said.

It is unclear why Parson was in the area or if he has any association with any home in the area.

Authorities have not released any suspect information as of Friday afternoon.

Police: 17-year-old found on sidewalk died of gunshot wound by , Updated: 5:18 PM CDT Jun 8, 2018


Des Moines police investigating man found dead on sidewalk on the east side https://www.weareiowa.com/news/local-news/police-17-year-old-shot-to-death-on-des-moines-east-side/, Erica Rankin and Sarah Beckman, Posted: Jun 08, 2018 09:29 AM CDT, Updated: Jun 08, 2018 05:09 PM CDT

About Tyrese Robert Parson (From obituary


Tyrese Parson

Tyrese Parson (Courtesy Hamilton’s Funeral Home)

Tyrese Parson, 17, was taken from this earth far sooner than we wanted. He was known for his smile that could light up a room, and that light was extinguished on June 8, 2018. He was born in Des Moines, Iowa on July, 27, 2000 to two parents that loved him dearly, Morris and Heather Parson.

Tyrese loved bicycling, listening to music, and most of all spending time with his family and friends. He previously attended Scavo High School. Tyrese was quite a character, and had a large personality, but was also polite and kind.

His family that remains to cherish his memory include his dad, Morris Parson (Rhiannon Hill); mom, Heather Parson (William Green); brothers, DeMarkus Ruckman, Morris Parson Jr., DeAndre Parson, Chrishawn Hunt and Donte Parson; grandparents, Tim (Susan) Ellsworth, Alfreda Sanders and Jimmy Parson.

A visitation will be held on Wednesday, June 13 from 5 to 8 pm at Hamilton’s Funeral Home, 605 Lyon Street. A funeral service will also be held at Hamilton’s Funeral home at 1:00 pm on Thursday, June 14.

Memorial contributions may be directed to the family in loving memory of Tyrese.

Condolences may be expressed at www.HamiltonsFuneralHome.com.

Information Needed

If you have any information about Tyrese Parson’s unsolved homicide please contact Des Moines police at 515-283-4811, or Crime Stoppers of Central Iowa at 515-223-1400. A tip may also be submitted online at www.crimestoppersofcentraliowa.com.



4 Responses to Tyrese Parson

  1. LakeLife says:

    Praying this man gets justice!
    What a beautiful soul & it breaks my heart that he was killed let along so young & then just left there to die!!

  2. carolkean says:

    Jody Ewing should be cited as author of this case summary. I had started it, but she added so much to it and put on all the finishing touches. Thank you, Jody, for taking time to do that. I want you to have full credit for your work.
    I’m so sorry that one year later, this case is still unsolved, and so sad for the loss of this young man, so loved and treasured, so missed, so senselessly taken from this world.

    • Jody Ewing says:

      Carol, you know neither of us are in this for the credit. I just added his obit and used your blog post to include Tyrese on a case summary page. It really is haunting that his case remains unsolved. We have so many senseless murders on here, but these young kids with such bright futures always hit particularly hard. You did a fantastic job of tracking down the articles and getting the photos, and your blog post introduced us right away to this amazing young man. Thank you for getting his name out there and letting the family know he’s not been forgotten.

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