Naomi Wilson (Courtesy Iowa Department of Public Safety)
Naomi Wilson
Missing Person
NAME: Naomi (Pollard) Wilson
DOB: August 20, 1948
WEIGHT: 112 lbs.
HEIGHT: 5’03”
RACE: African American
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
INCIDENT TYPE: Endangered / physical
MISSING FROM: 1618 13th Ave. SE
Cedar Rapids, IA
Linn County
INVESTIGATING AGENCY: Cedar Rapids Police Department
CASE NUMER: 81006770
NCIC NUMBER: M-955526709
MISSING SINCE: April 12, 1981
Case summary compiled by Jody Ewing
Linn County in Iowa
Cedar Rapids in Linn County
Naomi Wilson was reported missing to the Cedar Rapids Police Department in Cedar Rapids on Sunday, April 12, 1981.
She was last seen by her boyfriend — Colbert “Billy” Beets — at her Cedar Rapids home located at 1618 13th Ave. SE, about 4 p.m. The couple had been dating for about three years.
Raised in Birmingham, Ala., Wilson had moved to Chicago after high school, where she married Bennie Wilson, Colbert Beets’ nephew. The couple had moved to Cedar Rapids in the late ’70s and divorced three years earlier, at which time Wilson began dating Colbert Beets and got to know the rest of the Beets family.
According to Colbert Beets, Wilson did not attend church that day as she usually did but otherwise behaved normally. Beets told police he went to Wilson’s residence after attending the church’s noon services, and that he and Wilson left her residence within minutes of each other.
She wore a two-piece black pantsuit, he said, and planned to get gas for her vehicle before going to visit a friend with whom she worked at the Harnischfeger Corporation plant.
Beets said he went to his mother’s house with some ice, but said he passed Wilson’s car about an hour after he left her residence.
Wilson never made it to her friend’s house for the Sunday evening visit.
Expected to work Monday night at Harnischfeger — where she first worked in materials handling and later at a factory “checkpoint” — Wilson didn’t show up there, either.
Those who knew her said it was uncharacteristic of her to leave without warning. Described as a level-headed and reliable individual, she’d just purchased her Cedar Rapids home and her vehicle the previous summer, and hadn’t given any indications there might be problems at work or in her personal relationships.
“From what we’ve found out about her, it’s not like her to not show up for work,” Assistant Chief James Barnes of the detective bureau said in a Cedar Rapids Gazette article dated April 16, 1981. “She had good work habits.”
Beets brothers deeply involved in Wilson’s life, take lead in search parties, occupy Wilson’s home
Two days after she went missing, one of Colbert Beets’ brothers (not identified by first name) found Wilson’s white 1978 Ford Fairmont (license plate no. DOY 622) in a K-Mart parking lot at 2727 16th Ave. SW., just two-tenths of a mile from the Rev. Wendell Beets’ church at 2325 16th Avenue SW.
Wilson, however, was nowhere to be found.
According to The Gazette’s April 16, 1981 story, the Rev. Paul Beets (one of the Beets brothers) borrowed four walkie-talkie units from the Linn County Civil Defense Department, and on Wednesday morning, April 15, led about 30 citizens in a search for Wilson. Civil defense director Bill Bjorenson said Beets and the volunteers started the search near the west-side K-Mart parking lot — the same area where Wilson’s car had been found.
Wallace Johnson, assistant chief of police in charge of the patrol division, said police had no evidence to suggest foul play was involved in Wilson’s disappearance.
By September 1981 — just five months after the 32-year-old woman mysteriously vanished — Colbert Beets had moved into and was living in Wilson’s house. He was not, however, paying the monthly mortgage.
Charges of drag racing and reckless driving were filed that same month against Richard Beets, 17, after his car slammed into the rear of a station wagon driven by James E. Pirtle, causing Pirtle’s car to roll over.
Richard Beets listed his address as 1743 Sixth Avenue SE, the same address as the Rev. Paul Beets. Passengers in Beets’ car at the time of the incident included Melissa Carr, 16, of 720 15th St. SE, and someone who identified himself as “Colbert Beets, 17,” and gave his address as 1618 13th Ave. SE — Naomi Wilson’s home address.
The passenger was not Colbert Beets, but teenager Terry Lee Beets, who allegedly had tried to pass for Colbert Beets.
Colbert Beets continued living in Naomi Wilson’s home for nearly a year — without making any of the mortgage payments — before the bank finally foreclosed in January 1982.
Burglaries, check fraud, embezzlement, arson fires, rape and sexual assault charges follow Beets brothers, sons, for decades
In the years long before Naomi Wilson went missing and the years after her mysterious disappearance, the Beets brothers — and their sons — continued to make news as both plaintiffs and defendants in several investigations and other unusual mishaps and misfortunes. A brief timeline of events follows.
- On April 10, 1968, The Gazette reports that a federal warrant for unlawful flight to avoid prosecution has been filed against 22-year-old Wendell A. Beets, formerly of Cedar Rapids. Beets faces some 15 counts of writing bad checks, plus a forgery charge. This comes on the heels of a 30-day suspended sentence on check charges twice in early 1967.
- The Gazette reports on April 30, 1968, that Wendell Beets, who lists his address as Thornton, Ark., has been located by the FBI in Arkansas. Two warrants had been issued for Beets’ arrest — a municipal court warrant and a felony bench warrant — but he refuses to waive extradition. Beets returns to Cedar Rapids on Monday, April 29, 1968, and turns himself in to the Rev. John Thomas. District Court Judge I. Paul Naughton gives Beets a 7-year sentence on a false uttering of a check charge, and Beets is placed on probation to Rev. Thomas under the condition that Beets makes restitution for all outstanding checks.

Paula Oberbroeckling (Courtesy Susan Taylor Chehak)
- Paula Jean Oberbroeckling, 18, disappears after leaving her 116 10th St. NW Cedar Rapids residence in the early morning hours on Saturday, July 11, 1970. Her remains, though not immediately identifiable due to decomposition, are found Nov. 29, 1970. According to the What Happened to Paula website, the Cedar Rapids police chief had the opinion that Wendell Beets was wholly aware of what happened to Paula Oberbroeckling and his (Beets’) sister’s role in Paula’s murder.
- In 1978, Naomi Wilson and her husband Bennie Wilson are divorced, and Naomi begins dating Colbert L. “Billy” Beets.
- Colbert Beets, 1019 Sixth St. SE in Cedar Rapids, files bankruptcy in U.S. District Court in Cedar Rapids in September 1979, listing debts of $16,879.54 and assets of $17,275. He claims $15,275 as exempt.
- The Gazette publishes a “Sheriff’s Sale Notice” on Jan. 2, 1980, against Gospel Tabernacle Church of Jesus Christ, Donald Kopecky, and Paul Beets.
- On Jan. 17, 1980, five charges are filed against Charles R. Tate, 19, after allegedly arguing with and hitting Terese Beets of 1743 Sixth Ave. SE, and then driving to her residence and threatening to injure the Rev. Paul Beets with an 18-1/4-inch machete.
- In July 1980, Naomi Wilson purchases a Cedar Rapids home at 1618 13th Avenue SE and begins buying things to fix it up.
- On Aug. 15, 1980, the Rev. Paul Beets of the Gospel Tabernacle Church at 716 Eighth Ave. SW files a theft complaint against Walter Hickey of Hickey’s Truck Service over a disagreement about the price of repairs on a church-owned bus and the bond Beets says he was forced to pay to gain possession of the bus.
- On Dec. 2, 1980, the Rev. Paul Beets alleges that someone entered and burglarized his residence sometime between 1 and 3 p.m. Items stolen from his 1743 Sixth Ave. SE home, Beets says, includes a television, a silverware set, a full-length leather coat, and the reverend’s police-band scanner radio. The insurance claim for losses exceeds $4,000, according to police reports and The Gazette.
- On Sunday, April 12, 1981, Colbert Beets says he went to Naomi’s home mid-afternoon, and the two departed the home in separate vehicles at 4 p.m. He says he passes Wilson on the street one hour later, but Wilson vanishes without a trace and is never seen again. Colbert Beets alleges he searched for Wilson until 3 a.m. Monday.
- When a Harnischfeger employee phones Colbert Beets on Monday, April 13 to say Wilson didn’t show up for work, Beets calls the police.
- On Tuesday, April 14 at 2:55 p.m., one of Colbert Beets’ brothers finds Wilson’s white Ford Fairmont near the west-side K-Mart parking lot, just two-tenths of a mile from the Rev. Wendell Beets’ church at 2325 16th Avenue SW. Cedar Rapids police check the car and its trunk at the scene, and then Colbert Beets drives the car back home to Wilson’s 13th Avenue SE home.
- On Wednesday morning, April 15, 1981, the Rev. Paul Beets borrows four walkie-talkies and leads 30 citizens on an apparent search for Wilson.
- In a Gazette article published April 25, 1981, Colbert Beets criticizes Cedar Rapids police for not taking fingerprints off Wilson’s car at the scene when found, but does not explain why he didn’t address those concerns on April 14 before driving her car back home. In his Gazette interview with staff writer Kurt Rogahn, Beets says he suspects foul play in his girlfriend’s disappearance. Wilson’s brother, John Pollard, says he has a more positive attitude about the case, and that his parents in Birmingham are already upset at having lost two of Pollard’s brothers — one in 1958 and one in 1972.
- On Sept. 13, 1981, Richard Beets of 1743 Sixth Ave. SE is charged with drag racing and reckless driving after his car crashes into the rear of a station wagon, causing it to roll over. Richard Beets’ car also crosses the median and crashes into the side of an unoccupied apartment house at 1407 Mount Vernon Rd. SE. Three people are injured in the two incidents. Coincidentally, Naomi Wilson’s ex-husband lived at that same Mount Vernon Rd. residence in 1976.
- On Saturday night, Nov. 21, 1981, the “Soul Survivors” gospel singing group from Waterloo performs at Rev. Paul Beets’ Gospel Tabernacle Church at 716 Eighth Ave. SW in honor of the Rev. Paul Beets’ service to the church.
- Marcus Beets, son of Colbert and Sandra (Waddell) Beets, is born in Cedar Rapids Sept. 25, 1982.
- On Monday, Aug. 17, 1987, the Rev. Paul Beets, now pastor of another Gospel Tabernacle Church located at 749 Old Marion Rd. NE in Cedar Rapids, leaves for a two-week-long theological conference in South Korea hosted by The Unification Church — also known as the “Moonies” — led by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
- By October 1987, the relocated Gospel Tabernacle Church lists both Paul Beets and his brother Wendell Beets as church pastors.
Courtesy photo wordoffaithcogic.org
Two years after the Rev. Wendell A. Beets was found guilty of sexually abusing a teen parishioner for years, he was back in business as a pastor serving in capacities that often included Sunday School students and youth.
In 1992, allegations surface that the Rev. Wendell Beets — now leading the new Sound Doctrine Church — has sexually abused a teen parishioner for years. The accusation brings forth similar allegations, and in early August 1992, Wendell Beets admits — in front of 50 members of his 150 parishioners — to sexual impropriety and misdeeds. Wendell Beets resigns from his new church, but before leaving town with his family tells Louise Ellis — a minister in Beets’ former church and the victim’s mother — that “Nobody’s going to stop me from preaching.”
- Authorities issue a warrant for the 47-year-old Rev. Wendell Beets’ arrest, and at 1:30 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 23, 1992, arrest him on charges of criminal sexual misconduct. By the time The Gazette goes to press for Thursday’s paper, Beets has already posted the $26,00 bond and been released.
- In a one-day trial on Wednesday, Dec. 15, 1993, Associate Linn County District Judge Michael Newmeister finds Wendell Beets guilty of assault with intent to commit sexual abuse against one of his young female parishioners.
- Less than two years later, brothers Colbert and Wendell Beets are back in business together as reverends of the Gospel Tabernacle Church.
- On Nov. 28, 1995, The Gazette reports that Colbert Beets’ son, 31-year-old Tony L. Beets of 1019 Sixth St. SE, has been charged with felony assault with intent to commit sexual abuse with bodily injury. Tony Beets is accused of entering the residence of a female acquaintance, carrying a knife, striking her, and announcing he is going to force her to have sex. The woman escaped.

Traci Evenson
- On June 21, 1997, 22-year-old Traci Ann Evenson of 438-1/2 Ninth Ave. SW is beaten and suffocated in her Cedar Rapids apartment. The Rev. Wendell Beets, now senior pastor of Word of Faith Pentecostal Church of God in Christ, officiates the services. Traci’s unsolved murder is also included here on the Iowa Cold Cases website.
- Richard DeForest Beets, the 33-year-old son of the Rev. Paul V. Beets Sr. and Nedra (Phillips) (Beets) Juenger, allegedly commits suicide by drowning on Monday, Nov. 3, 1997. His uncle, Elder Wendell A. Beets of the Gospel Tabernacle Church, conducts the memorial services.
- On Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2003, Colbert Beets’ 21-year-old son Marcus Beets, a premier drummer, dies from an alleged self-inflicted gunshot wound. During a memorial celebration of his life, his uncle, Pastor Wendell Beets, says of his nephew’s death: “This is a tragedy, but it has a Divine purpose.” Wendell Beets also says “This didn’t happen for no reason,” and urged those present not to give up on God but to “Cleanse yourself of your sins.” Marcus’ uncle, the (now) Bishop Paul Beets, helps conduct his nephew’s services.
In subsequent years, the Beets brothers continued to make news and suffer financial and personal difficulties as they swapped church locations regularly, dealt with year-after-year property tax delinquencies, and one by one by one officiated funeral services for their closest family friends and young family members who met mysterious deaths after very short “illnesses” or alleged “suicides.”
Iowa Cold Cases victim catches eye of Doe Network volunteer
In May 2010, a volunteer with The Doe Network — an organization that performs research and provides information to law enforcement about unexplained disappearances and unidentified victims — read about Naomi’s disappearance on the Iowa Cold Cases website and saw similarities to a woman listed in the Texas Missing and Unidentified Persons Clearinghouse Online Bulletin. The female homicide victim had been found on Peach Street in Houston, Texas, on August 7, 1981.
Courtesy photo The Doe Network
This unidentified female homicide victim found in Houston in August 1981 was compared to Naomi Wilson, who went missing from Iowa in April 1981.
Her height, weight, age, and other physical characteristics appeared to match those of Iowa’s Naomi Wilson.
The Doe Network volunteer submitted the possible match to the Texas Department of Public Safety, who in turn contacted the Iowa Department of Public Safety’s Missing Person Information Clearinghouse and the Cedar Rapids Police Department.
Police had no dental records, fingerprints, or a DNA profile for Wilson, who was childless, to compare to the Texas body, but Iowa Cold Cases provided the Doe Network volunteer with family information that put him in touch with Naomi Pollard Wilson’s two surviving brothers, who said they would provide their DNA.
The Pollard family said they were encouraged because even if the DNA failed to match the Texas victim, it would now be in the system for future comparisons to other unidentified bodies that might be their loved one.
Foul play has long been suspected in Naomi Wilson’s disappearance, but without a body and with little evidence to indicate what happened to her, the case remains cold.
About Naomi Wilson
Naomi (Pollard) Wilson was born August 20, 1948, in Birmingham, Ala., where she and her brothers were raised.
After high school, Naomi moved to Chicago, where she married Bennie Wilson, the Beets brothers’ nephew. The couple divorced in 1978 sometime after moving to Cedar Rapids, and Naomi began dating Colbert “Billy” Beets.
Bernie Wilson remarried and moved to Denver.
Naomi was employed by the Harnischfeger Corporation, where she first worked in materials handling and later at a factory “checkpoint.”
In addition to her parents, she was survived by two brothers, John and Lorenzo Pollard, of Atlanta, who came to Iowa to help search for her. Two other brothers preceded her in death.
Her remains have never been recovered or positively identified, and her case remains unsolved.
Information Needed
If you have information regarding Naomi Wilson’s unsolved disappearance and suspected murder, please contact Lt. Craig Furnish at the Cedar Rapids Police Department at (319) 286-5478.
If you have any information about the unidentified woman found in Houston on August 7, 1981, please contact the Texas Department of Public Safety in Austin, Texas at (512) 424-5074 or (800) 346-3243. You may also contact The Doe Network at (931) 397-3893.
NOTE: Wendell Beets, 75, died Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2021.
- Iowa Department of Public Safety Missing Person Information Clearinghouse
- Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation
- Cedar Rapids Police Department
- Texas Department of Public Safety
- NamUs (National Missing and Unidentified Persons System)
- The Doe Network
- Attorney Andrea Olmanson, ongoing correspondence
- Iowa Cold Cases: Paula Jean Oberbroeckling
- whathappenedtopaula.com
- Iowa Cold Cases: Traci Ann Evenson
- Obituaries: Wendell Beets, 75, died Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2021, The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Friday, Feb. 26, 2021
- “Elder Wendell A. Beets, Senior Pastor,” Word of Faith Pentecostal Church of God in Christ, March 29, 2014
- Beets Family Tree, whathappenedtopaula.com
- “Finding the lost, naming the unnamed,” by Deb Nicklay, The Globe Gazette, March 30, 2008
- “Marion, Iowa Obituaries: Lavernia “Smokey” (Beets) Johnson,” The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Tuesday, February 12, 2008
- “Delinquent Property Tax List,” The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Thursday, June 1, 2006
- “C.R. drum corps performs at service for suicide victim,” by Elizabeth Kutter, The Cedar Rapids Gazette, November 9, 2003
- Missing Persons Bulletin, Iowa Department of Public Safety, October 2001
- “Wendell A. Beets, Appellant, Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern District of Iowa vs. Iowa Department of Corrections, Services, Director; State of Iowa,” Filed Jan. 8, 1999; Submitted Oct. 19, 1998, before BOWMAN, Chief Judge, RICHARD S. ARNOLD, and MORRIS SHEPPARD ARNOLD, Circuit Judges, caselaw.lp.findlaw.com.
- “Assault Charges: Tony L. Beets,” The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Tuesday, November 28, 1995
- “Deaths: Eastern Iowa: Services: Alvin “Bo” R. Beets,” The Cedar Rapids Gazette, July 25, 1995
- MISSING PERSONS: Guy Heckle, Jodi Huisentruit, Naomi Wilson, Barbara Elms,” by Cindy Hadish, The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Monday, July 24, 1995
- “Ex-minister found guilty of assault,” by Tom Fruehling, The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Thursday, Dec. 16, 1993
- “Pastor quits amid sex allegations,” by Rick Smith, The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Saturday, August 29, 1992
- “Murder, Missing, Unsolved: Answers elusive in many murders, disappearances,” by Rick Smith and Jeff Burnham, The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Sunday, March 22, 1992
- “Minister arrested Wednesday,” by Donna Lee Olson, The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Thursday, September 24, 1991
- “Iowans to attend Moon church meeting,” by Lyle Muller, The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Sunday, August 16, 1987
- “Missing persons pose different kind of puzzle,” by Mark Glenn, The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Sunday, September 18, 1983
- The Charley Project: Naomi Wilson
- “Anniversary service,” The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Saturday, November 21, 1981
- “Car crashes into house; 3 injured,” The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Sunday, September 13, 1981
- “Where is Naomi Wilson?” by Kurt Rogahn, The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Saturday, April 25, 1981
- “Friends help search for missing C.R. woman,” The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Thursday, April 16, 1981
- “Burglaries reported,” The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Tuesday, December 2, 1980
- “C.R. News Roundup: Theft complaint,” The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Friday, August 15, 1980
- “5 charges against man,” The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Thursday, January 17, 1980
- “LEGAL NOTICES: SHERIFF’S SALE NOTICE,” The Cedar Rapids Gazette, January 2, 1980
- “Bankruptcies: Colbert L. Beets,” The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Wednesday, September 5, 1979
- “Armed Forces,” Cedar Rapids Gazette, November 20, 1970
- “Former C.R. Man Sentenced on Check Count,” The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Tuesday, April 30, 1968
- “Federal Warrant Out on Wendell Beets,” The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Wednesday, April 10, 1968
Copyright © 2014 Iowa Cold Cases, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
And Alvernia Beets died this year, also. Her obit mentions that James Junior Browning (her son) predeceased her. All of the likely psychopathic perps are now dead, except for Wendell’s psychopathic, homicidal, sex offending, son Tony.
I meant that Tony was Colbert’s son, not Wendell’s son.
You don’t know what you are talking about because for 1 Alvernia Franklin was a great woman that had no involvement in anything any lived a full blessed life! Unlike your scary self hiding to be anonymous thinking you know something you don’t know anything about! Since you so about trying to put false allegations out here be bold and put that name out here as well!
I’ll not put my name out here because although the psychopaths of that generation are gone, there are still certain psychopath descendants and I don’t want to be the next missing person murdered by a member of the Beets clan.
So just what is a false allegation on here?
Alvernia’s son was James Junior Browning. That is indisputable. He was clearly a psychopath based upon the number, versatility, and violence of his criminal convictions. Are you saying that the newspapers made these things up? Did the police, the courts, the juries, the newspapers, and everyone collude? Of course not. James Junior Browning committed these acts. James Junior Browning — Alvernia’s son — sexually violated a number of girls in the 1960’s. Alvernia’s son also was a convicted thief, extortionist, batterer, and forger. Purse-snatching, car theft, theft of marble chips, you name it, are the diverse types of theft alone that Alvernia’s son James Junior Browning perpetrated. Alvernia’s son threatened to kill a woman he had beaten. James Junior Browning was a one-man crime wave.
And just like Alvernia’s son James Junior Browning committed the crimes that have been reported in newspaper articles over the years that have been reproduced here, various of Alvernia’s siblings have committed terrible crimes, such as Alvernia’s brother sex offender Wendell Beets committing a sex offense against a young lady who was a member of his congregation, or Alvernia’s brother Alvin Roland Beets committing murder and other crimes. Both Wendell’s and Alvin’s criminal convictions are part of the reported jurisprudence of this nation. Their criminal appeals have been published in state law reporters. Those convictions, and the facts behind them, are undeniable.
Various of the children, and grandchildren, of Alvernia’s siblings have committed terrible crimes as have been partially detailed in this page.There criminal records, as detailed in the newspapers of this state, speak for themselves. Heck, Tony Lee Beets, the son of Colbert L. Beets, and Alvernia’s nephew, attempted to rape a woman at knife-point.
Moving on, the former Cedar Rapids police chief publicly stated that Alvernia knew exactly what happened to Paula Oberbroeckling. How can you possibly deny this?
Yet you have the audacity to claim that these are false allegations and that I don’t know what I’m talking about. What a hoot! I have spent hundreds of hours of my life looking into the Beets family, mostly because of this case, but also because it is a very interesting study into a case of presumptive genetic psychopathy.
We know that psychopathy is largely genetic. Certainly, it is necessary for childhood abuse and/or neglect to really set it off and create violent people. But we know that it is largely genetic.
Given the number of crimes that the siblings, nieces and nephews, and grandnieces and nephews, of Alvernia committed, and given the extreme violent nature of those crimes, including sexual violence, I think that it’s safe to say that there is significant genetic psychopathy in the family, and that many of the children were abused behind closed doors (or, for that matter, in the presence of family members who covered up for the adult perps.).
Don’t be a gaslighter. Don’t be a false denier. Don’t be a liar. Don’t be an apologist. Don’t be an enabler.
Instead, embrace truth, science, and reason.
Wendell Beets has now died. Now the only brother left is Colbert. https://www.murdochfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Wendell-Beets/#!/Obituary
Also, that obituary is misleading, and contains at least one serious outright lie. The family continues to enable.
Wendell Beets has passed away:
Thanks so much for this update, Kim!
Alvin Beets Jr. just died. The obit says that Alvernia Beets Franklin is still alive. It reads:
Alvin R. ‘Stone’ Beets Jr.
August 21, 1949 – July 12, 2018
Alvin R. “Stone” Beets Jr., 68, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, passed away Thursday, July 12, 2018, at Mercy Medical Center, Cedar Rapids.
Services will be 11 a.m. Saturday, July 21, 2018, at Gospel Tabernacle Church, Cedar Rapids. Pastor Jackie Horton and Pastor Anthony Smith will officiate. Inurnment will be at a later date at Linwood Cemetery, Cedar Rapids.
Alvin was born Aug. 21, 1949, in Kokomo, Indiana, the son of Alvin R. Beets Sr. and Lucy Margaret (Young) Snow. He graduated from Kokomo High School and served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. He married Jacquelynn Ballew on Oct. 1, 1994, in Cedar Rapids.
Alvin was a syrup system operator at Quaker Oats for 33 years before he retired. He loved going out to eat, playing golf, watching westerns and Judge Judy. His quick wit and sassy sense of humor always got a lot of laughs. Alvin loved spending time with his children, grandchildren and extended family and close friends.
Alvin is survived by his wife and companion of 38 years, Jacquelynn, Cedar Rapids; children, Reba, Daylene, (Keever), of Fort Worth, Texas, Luther, Lester “G”, Paris, LaRhonda (Dillion), Isaiah (Ranee); 15 grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; sisters, Carolyn S. Bell, Kokomo, Indiana, and Rose Merry Thomas, Iowa City; brothers, Richard R. Beets and Oscar Snow Jr., both of Kokomo; a special aunt, Alvernia Franklin “Aunt Berna”; and lots of special nieces, nephews and cousins.
He was preceded in death by his father, Alvin R. Beets Sr.; mother, Lucy Margaret (Young) Snow; son, Rolondo; daughter, Jacqueline (Johnny).
The sister of Wendell Beets who allegedly was involved in the Paula Oberbrockling case was Alvernia Beets Franklin.
Then a decade later, Elizabeth died unexpectedly:
Cedar Rapids
Elizabeth “Liz”
Hemminger, 52, of Cedar
Rapids, died suddenly
Thursday, Aug. 13, 2015, at
Mercy Medical Center,
Cedar Rapids. A memorial
service will be at a later
Liz was born Jan. 29,
1963, in Cedar Rapids to
Thomas and Carolyn (Null)
Hemminger. She worked at
Goodwill, and liked cats
and birds. She enjoyed
sewing, embroidery and
cooking. She was a
member of Father’s House
Survivors include her
longtime partner, Shawn
Franklin; father, Thomas
Hemminger; mother,
Carolyn Marquez; sisters,
Terry Marquez of
Kingman, Ariz., and
Michelle Hemminger of
Amana; brother, Matthew
Hemminger of Fairfax; her
stepbrothers and
stepsisters; special cousin,
Dwayne Janey; and many
aunts, uncles, nieces,
nephews and friends.
Liz was preceded in
death by her grandparents,
stepfather and uncle.
From the 2005 Cedar Rapids Gazette (again pertaining to Shawn Franklin, son of Alvernia Beets Franklin):
Shawn Franklin. 52, of 530 Bentley Dr., Marion, for assault
causing bodily injury (domestic abuse) at 1:30 p.m. Friday;
accused of assaulting Elizabeth Hemmnger at their residence
1978 (pertaining to Alvernia Franklin’s son Shawn):
Judge refused to throw out riot charges against seven
Seven persons facing aggravated
misdemeanor charges in connection
with a confrontation with Cedar Rapids
police outside a southeast Cedar
Rapids tavern on May 20 have been
thwarted in their attempt to have the
charges dismissed.
Charles Hodges, 25; Roy Williams,
27; Edward L. Williams, 25;
Daniel J. Morgan, 21; Shawn Franklin,
26; Rufus Lea, 33; and John
Pledge, 42, face a rioting charge in
connection with the incident outside
the L & H Lounge.
From the January 21, 1976 Cedar Rapids Gazette, pertaining to Sammie Franklin, the son of Alvernia Beets Franklin (demonstrating more genetic psychopathy in this family, and no doubt yet another possibility in Naomi’s disappearance):
Police nab man wanted in Milwaukee
Sammie Franklin, 29, was arrested at a Cedar Rapids residence Tuesday on a charge Filed by Milwaukee police. Franklin was arrested shortly after 9:30 p.m. on a charge of “injury by conduct regardless of life.” Police reported Franklin listed his address as 1041 Fourth avenue SE, the place of his arrest. Franklin was being held in the county jail pending extradition to Milwaukee.
Two Beets siblings (Alvernia Beets Franklin and Thomas Beets, siblings to Colbert, Wendell, and Co.) were present at the scene of a shooting death in November, 1952. From the December 21, 1952 Cedar Rapids Gazette:
Woman Fatally Shot; Police Call Death Accidental
Mrs. Jack Reed, 22, of 908 Ninth street SE was fatally shot about 8:45 p.m. Saturday. Police termed her death accidental.
Sam Franklin, 28, who lives at the same address, told police that he was an eye-witness. Franklin’s story was this:
Mrs. Reed had been changing her clothes in one room of the second-floor apartment while Franklin was in another room. The woman then walked into the room where Franklin was and said “Sam, look what I got here.”
Displayed Pistol.
She was holding a small automatic pistol in her hand. Police identified it as an Italian 7.65- caliber automatic. Franklin said that he told Mrs. Reed to put the gun away but she continued to hold it. “Let me show you how it works,” Franklin quoted the woman as saying. Then, she started to pull back the slide on the gun and it went off, according to Franklin’s story.
Franklin’s wife backed up her husband’s story. She said that she too saw Mrs. Reed shoot herself by accident. “Don’t play with that thing,” Mrs. Franklin said she told Mrs. Reed just before the gun went off.
Detective Captain John Kuba said, after all witnesses were questioned, that the shooting was apparently accidental.
The clip to the gun was found on the floor of the apartment and Captain Kuba surmised that Mrs. Reed had removed it and thought the gun was not loaded. One cartridge remained in the firing chamber, however. Kuba also noted that the gun’s safety catch was worn so that the gun could be fired even with the safety on.
In another room at the time of the shooting was Thomas Beets, 21, of 84 Eighth street SW, a brother of Mrs. Franklin. He said that he heard the shot but didn’t realize it was a gun firing.
Taken to Hospital.
Then, Beets said, he saw Mrs. Reed walk past the room where he was sitting. She stood at the top of a stairway, he said, and then turned back. Beets said that he noticed then that there was blood on the front of her clothing.
Beets said that he ran over and caught her just as she fell. She was taken to a local hospital by Ambulance service and was pronounced dead on arrival.
Police recovered the fatal bullet on the kitchen floor of the apartment. By the time officers arrived a number of neighbors and friends were in the apartment.
The dead woman’s husband arrived about 20 minutes after his wife was shot. The Reeds and others in the apartment at the time were all Negroes. Witnesses Franklin and Beets were taken to the police department for questioning.
It’s truly sad and disgusting to know that this family has taken part in so many predatory events. They seem to be sexual predators that hide behind bibles and smiles. I know that someone somewhere knows some things have occurred. Until people speak up they will continue creating victims, and that is not okay. They are known for telling accusers that they will go to hell or their words “Get a stroke at the mouth”. This basically means they wish this person would have a stroke in hopes of them being forever silent. This is so twisted. Hiding behind pulpits while committing crimes is indeed cowardly. Your wrath shall come, each of you Beets’ that hurt others in secret.
From 2003:
“Tony L. Beets, 39, of
Jacksonville, Fla., formerly of Cedar
Rapids, charged with
seconcd offense violation of the sex
offender registry law, pleaded guilty
to first-offense violation of the
same statute. He was accused of
moving from his registered address
in the 500 block of Seventh Street
SE in March 2002 without notifying
the Linn County Sheriff’s
Department. Beets was fined $500
and sentenced to 120 days in jail.”
Why couldn’t he just have had the book thrown at him and sentenced to the max?
from 1994:
“A charge of assault causing bodily
injury (domestic abuse) filed against
Tony L. Beets, 30, of 1019 Sixth St. SE,
was dismissed due to unavailability of
the complaining witness. Beets was
accused of assaulting Nolita Gretten
during a Sept. 30, 1993, incident at
2269 C St. SW.”
Yes, I know that Nolita was a victim, but at the same time, her failure to make herself available allowed a psychopath to avoid a conviction for a very serious crime. Yet another woman enabling a psychopathic Beets male to avoid incarceration.
From 1990:
Tony Beets, 26, 1021 Ninth St. SE,
and Willie McCall, Jr., 31, 1122 23rd
St. SE, both arrested Thursday at 3
p.m. in the 400 block of Second St. NE,
on a warrant for assault while
displaying a deadly weapon; accused
of striking Frank Orr with a baseball
bat and threatening to shoot him May
25 in the 1600 block of B Avenue NE”
Tony, of course, is my prime suspect for Naomi’s murder (he was the one who attempted rape while holding a knife, among many other crimes, plus his father was Naomi’s boyfriend).
One of the brothers of Wendell, Paul and Colbert was Alvin Beets, Sr. As is shown elsewhere on this page, he was convicted of murder in Nevada (but was somehow paroled).
Alvin, Sr., is fortunately now deceased, but he passed on his psychopath genes by having kids, including Alvin Beets, Jr.
Here are snippets of their assaultive conduct, their involvement with violent persons, the criminal lives that they and their associates lead, etc:
1953, involving Alvin, Senior:
“2 More Members Of Breakin Gang Are Apprehended . Cedar Rapids and Davenport police Sunday rounded up two more members of the gang accused of committing a number of breakins in Iowa and Illinois. Detective Inspector Frank Bukacek identified them as Charles Jones, 28, of Mineral Wells, Texas, and Wayne Carter of Davenport. Both men will be turned over to Illinois authorities for a Jan. 9 breakin of a highway tavern between Galesburg and Rockford. Bukacek said the men had worked with two arrested earlier on several Illinois breakins, but apparently had not taken part in the Iowa burglaries. Last Friday police arrested the first two members of the gang. They were Alvin Beets, 24, of Arkansas and LeRoy Watson, 29, of Davenport. They were charged with breaking into a number of Cedar Rapids service stations and one in Center Point. Arraigned in district court Saturday, they pled guilty and were given 10-year terms. Under questioning they triplicated Jones and Carter.”
More from 1953, involving Alvin, Senior:
“Ten-Year Terms On Guilty Pleas. An intensive investigation by Cedar Rapids police and detectives resulted Saturday in penitentiary sentences for two men who admitted Jan. 8 service station breakins at Center Point and Cedar Rapids. LeRoy Walton, 29, of Davenport, and Alvin R. Beets, 24, of Arkansas each pled guilty to breaking and entering charges. Judge Floyd Philbrick gave them each terms up to IO years—Walton at Fort Madison penitentiary and Beets at the Anamosa reformatory. The two men had shared a room in Cedar Rapids. Beets was arrested here Thursday. Walton had gone to Davenport, police learned. He was arrested there Friday and returned to this city. Walton has an extensive criminal record. In 1944 he was sentenced to IO years at Anamosa after admitting three breakins in Cedar Rapids and two in Marion… One detective, referring to the earlier questioning of Beets, commented: “It was the darnedest thing I ever saw; he’d just sit there and laugh at you.”
From 1982 in Cedar Rapids (involves pointing a gun and assault):
Leaf fire heats tempers
An argument between two Cedar Rapids neighbors about a pile of burning leaves culminated in the arrests of five persons Sunday afternoon. According to Cedar Rapids Police reports, Elizabeth Beets, HOO Sixth St. SE, and Eugene W. Morse, 1126 Sixth St. SE, were arguing about a pile of leaves burning in a vacant lot between the two residences. Police went to the scene when it was reported that Beets, 34, had pointed a gun at Morse, 37. After officers arrived, Morse allegedly hit a woman, and officers arrested him for assault. Before police could leave, Alvin Beets, 30, of HOO Sixth St. SE, hit Morse. Another man, Michael Jackson, 29, of 1705 Fifth Ave. SE helped subdue Beets, but then struggled with officers to keep them from arresting Beets.
Jackson was arrested and charged with interference with officials acts, prohibited acts and intoxication. Elizabeth Beets faces two charges of assault, as does Morse. Alvin Beets is charged with assault and interference with official acts. A juvenile at the scene also was arrested for assault.
From 1990 (regarding a murder of Alvin Jr.’s fiance’s gang-banger son):
Both Rolondo’s mother and her fiance, Alvin Beets Jr., were livid that authorities would not provide them with any information about the killing. They first heard Rolondo was dead, they said, around I a m. Sunday. Kids off the street were telling me that Rolondo Ballew was shot and killed, and nobody would tell me what was going on,” his mother said, fighting to control a shaking voice. “ It’s been five days since he died, and I still can’t get anybody to talk to me.” Beets said the couple “just wants to get some information, anything…”
From 1983 (regarding Jacqueline Ballew, the mother of Rolando who was murdered in 1990, being beaten up by Alvin Beets Jr):
“C.R. man charged. A 34-year-old Cedar Rapids man turned himself in to police early Saturday in connection with a Friday evening assault on a woman, police reports said. Alvin R. Beets Jr., 11OO Sixth St. SE, was charged with willful injury after he came to the police station shortly after 3:30 a m., reports said. Authorities charged Beets with repeatedly kicking Jacqueline M. Ballow, 30, of 1128 10th St. SE in the head, causing a broken nose and a cut that required nine stitches. When she asked Beets to leave her residence, reports said, he became upset and knocked her to the floor. Beets was released Saturday from the Linn County to the state Department of Correctional Services following an initial court appearance.”
SO LET’S GET THIS STRAIGHT. Alvin, Jr., kicked his girlfriend in the head multiple times in 1983, and she was still with him in 1990??? Yet another woman enabling a male member of the Beets clan in perpetrating violence. And also, why was he not sent to prison for the max when he did this in 1983. Kicking someone in the head???!!!
Then look at this story about a fire (lots of unusual fires in homes owned or occupied by the Beets clan):
“Fire may have started under bed in house. A fire that gutted the lower level of the Alvin Beets residence, 11OO Sixth St. SE, late Sunday, remains under investigation today by the Fire Prevention Bureau of the Cedar Rapids Fire Department. The five members of the Beets family were provided shelter overnight by the Red Cross at a hotel. No injuries were reported. Lt. Larry Spielbauer, investigator of the fire for the Fire Prevention Bureau, said three of Beets’ children, ages 15, 14 and 12, and a 3-year-old grandson, were at home when the fire broke out. Two of the children, 14 and 12, were in a first-floor bedroom watching television. Spielbauer said the fire is believed to have started under a bed in the room. The children told Spielbauer they noticed the flames and called their older sister, who was on the second floor of the house, and told her of the fire.
“The older girl ran down the street to get her parents from an uncle’s house in the 1000 block of Sixth Street SE, Spielbauer said. When firefighters arrived on the scene, flames were shooting out of windows and the children were out of the building. The family was able to move “quite a bit of clothing” from the house, a Red Cross spokesperson said. Fire damaged the bedroom, living room and bathroom on the first floor of the I x/ i-story frame house, as well as a stairwell to the upper floor. Smoke and water damage was noted throughout.
“Police responding to the fire call at 8:59 p.m. Sunday observed flames shooting from every window and doorway on the first floor of the home and also from a north window on the upper level. Spielbauer said firefighters had extinguished the flames and the house was cleared of smoke, for the most part, when he arrived on the scene at 9:30 p.m.”
1986- Alvin Beets, Jr., convicted of 2nd offense drunk driving
1996- at least another drunk driving charge for Alvin, Jr.
2006, at least yet another drunken driving charge for Alvin, Jr.
From 1990 in Cedar Rapids:
Richard D. Beets, 25, of 4208
Zeman Dr. SE, charged with two
counts of assault causing bodily
injury; accused of striking James
McDonald in the head and kicking
McDonald’s sister, Diane McDonald,
in the stomach Friday night in the IO
block of 16th Avenue SW”
Definitely no shortage of suspects for Naomi’s murder, and all of them are in the Beets clan.
From 12-15-2010 in Cedar Rapids:
Linn County/Cedar Rapids
Richard D. Beets, 23, of
Central City; for two counts of
third-degree burglary; accused of
entering vehicles to remove property
at two locations in Central
City on April 15”
From 9-1-2011 in Cedar Rapids:
Linn County/Cedar Rapids
Richard D. Beets. 23, of
Central City; for assault causing
bodily injury: accused of striking
a woman Tuesday.”
From 10-3-1988 in Cedar Rapids:
“Richard D. Beets, 24, of 4298 Zeman Dr.
SE, pleaded guilty to a charge of assault
causing bodily injury. He was accused of
striking Traci Dixon with a chair leg, his
hands and his feet during a June 29 incident
at 710 F Ave. NW. Beets was given a 60-day
suspended sentence and placed on probation.”
Like father, like son. The violence against women passed through the generations of Beets men and their enabling wives and enabling parishoners, and Naomi was one of the many female victims, of one Beets male or another.
From March 29, 1991:
“Probation of Richard D. Beets. 26, of 4298
Zeman Dr. SE. was revoked for violation of
terms of three 60-day suspended sentences received
in June 1990 after conviction of three
counts of assault causing bodily injury. He was
resentenced to 60 days in jail, with credit for 21
days served”
The entire family needs their DNA mapped, and should be required to spend days discussing who did what to whom, while hooked up to polygraph machines. Only then could the depths of depravity in this family be uncovered.
Yet more evidence of familial criminality in the Beets family (one of which must have murdered Naomi). From June 11, 1990:
Richard Beets, 25, at large of
Cedar Rapids, arrested 1:45 a.m.
Sunday, charged with second-degree
burglary and false imprisonment;
accused of forcing his way into the
residence of Traci Dixon, 23, at 710 F
Ave. NW early Sunday; also accused
of physically restraining Dixon and
covering her mouth to prevent her
from responding to police, who were
called there; Beets released Sunday
from Linn Jail on his own recognizance.
More evidence of a violent family. One of the Beets just “happened” to be present during a shooting homicide, and then lied in court, recanting his initial statement. From the Cedar Rapids Gazette in 2008:
Richard Beets, 21, formerly
of Cedar Rapids and now
of Central City, testified the
statement he made to police
the day after the shooting isn’t
the truth.
Beets said he never saw
Bush with a gun the night
Horvath was shot. In his statement
to police, he said Bush
fired gunshots in the air and
Bush told him he hid the gun
after they left the Raintree
Naomi’s ex husband died in 2015. Here is the obit:
Bennie Wilson Cedar Rapids
Bennie Wilson, 65, of Cedar Rapids, passed away Thursday, Aug. 13, 2015, at the Dennis and Donna Oldorf Hospice House in Hiawatha due to end stage liver disease. A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 19, at Oakhill Jackson Community Church, 1202 10th Ave. SE.
Bennie was born Nov. 15, 1949, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the son of Lavernia “Smokey” Johnson and Bennie Wilson.
Survivors include his children, Demetrius Wilson (Bonnie) of Denver, Colo., and Lakeelah Wilson of Cedar Rapids; stepchildren, Heidi Shields of Cedar Rapids and Shimekal Gorseline (Ken) of Los Angeles, Calif.; seven grandchildren, Analyce, Deon and Allysa of Denver, Colo., Kenya and Isaiah of Los Angeles, Calif., and Jaelonte and Jovonta of Cedar Rapids; two sisters, Beatrice (Harlen) Mitchell of Cedar Rapids and Chylinda Pritchett of Calumet City, Ill.; one brother, Larry Wilson of Cedar Rapids; and special friend, Lori Johnson.
Bennie served in the U.S. Army from 1971 to 1973, when he was honorably discharged.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Lavernia “Smokey” Johnson and Bennie Wilson.
Murdoch-Linwood Funeral Home & Cremation Service is handling the arrangements.
Memorials may be sent to Oakhill Jackson Community Church in lieu of flowers.
Posted on Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Read more at https://www.thegazette.com/obituaries/bennie-wilson-20150819-0001076784-01#G7D0iDco7mwi4IOH.99
The obituary for Richard DeForest Beets (the son of Paul Beets and Nedra Phillips Beets Juenger) identifies Jason Juenger as one of Richard’s brothers. Jason shot his wife in the head in 1999 in Cedar Rapids, and then shot and killed himself. Yet another violent individual identified in this violent family.
And the hypocritical Nedra had this (lying by omission) ad in the Cedar Rapids paper following Jason’s death:
“The family of Jason A. Juenger Would like to say thank you for the flowers, food, cards, visits, moral support, memorials and prayers. Also to Pastor Elder Wendell Beets, relatives and special friends who helped the family endure a tragic ordeal. May God bless and keep you all. — Nedra J. Juenger & family”
Once again a family member pretending that the family is normal and pretending that perps are good people. The entire family structure appears to be based upon lies and deception and pretense, where nobody acknowledges just how deep the violence and misogyny run through it.
The entire lot of them should have to take both the MMPI and the Milon Multiaxle Clinical Inventory while hooked up to a polygraph, should have their genomes mapped to see what psychopath genes they carry, and should have to spend hours describing (while hooked up to a polygraph) who abused whom in what way. They all need neuro-psych evals. Only then would there be some honesty and a true grasp of the depths of violence, dishonesty, enabling, and misogyny that are rampant in this family.
Why doesn’t Iowa have a grand jury or John Doe hearing procedure, where all of the still-living family members can be subpoenaed and forced to testify as to what they know?
Regarding the sentencing of Wendell Beets for his sex offense, the Cedar Rapids Gazette wrote: “Despite pleas from Beets’ wife, his attorneys and from Beets himself for probation and counseling, Associate District Judge Michael Newmeister gave Beets the stiffest possible prison sentence…”
Why on earth would Beets’ wife be pleading on his behalf? She’s just an enabler.
Also, as an aside, she either is, or was, a home child care provider. How on God’s green earth did it come about that she was licensed to do so, in light of her husband’s conviction? Doesn’t the left hand talk to the right in government administration?
And can’t there be some sort of grand jury proceeding where people are forced to testify about what they know?
What need did the reverend Beets possibly have for a police-band scanner? Why did he own such a thing?
Good Lord in heaven. What a terrible set if genetic psychopathy runs in the family this poor lady married in to. Talk about wolves in sheep's clothing.
Don’t forget the obvious– the last sighting of her by someone *other* than a member of the Beets clam was at work on Friday, April 10. The fact that she didn’t go to church on Sunday indicates to me that she was killed before then, and that Colbert’s claim that he’d seen her driving around was a lie.
So did the Cedar Rapids police ever even bother getting and then checking alibis for each and every member of the Beets clan from the time she left work on Friday, April 10, to the time she was reported missing?
Have the Cedar Rapids police even requested that Colbert submit to a polygraph? Have they looked at his violent (sexually and otherwise) son Tony Lee Beets as a suspect? Have they ever requested that Tony submit to a polygraph?
I agree, his story about driving past her several times doesn’t make sense. She wasn’t in church that day because she was already dead :(
Which of Wendell Beets’ sisters was involved in the Paula Oberbroeckling murder? The ‘What Happened to Paula’ site only says it was a sister of his, but doesn’t identify which sister. It’s very interesting that Wendell’s sister Lavernia was the mother of Naomi’s former husband Bennie…
A bit more digging today reveals that Wendell, Paul, and Colbert Beets had brothers named James Oliver Beets, Thomas Lee Beets, and Alvin Roland Beets. Alvin Roland Beets was convicted of First Degree Murder in Nevada. Here is a link to the court case: https://www.leagle.com/decision/19781166575p2d59111161.xml . Science knows now that there are a number of different genes associated with increased psychopathy and propensity to commit violence. If this isn’t evidence that these genes run in the Beets clan then I don’t know what is. Murder, attempted murder, rape, sexual assault, batteries, forgeries, you name it, they’ve done it.
Praying she will be found!
this link provides a sketch of a woman with very similar facial features and is within 2″ in height, something to poss look intohttps://identifyus.org/en/cases/11020,
Furthermore, the address of 1407 Mt. Vernon Rd. SE (where Naomi’s ex husband had been living and where her subsequent boyfriend Colbert’s nephew crashed the car) was also involved in the Paula Oberbroeckling investigation.
Another observation. Paula Oberbroeckling’s car was recovered near the Eagles parking lot on Mt. Vernon Rd. and 14th Street. That’s the same block where Naomi’s ex husband had been living and where her subsequent boyfriend Colbert’s nephew crashed the car.
OK, a little more on James Browning, Jr., the nephew of Colbert Beets (the son of colbert’s sister Alvernia Beets Browning Franklin). Specifically, if you look at the “What Happened to Paula?” website you can see that in the course of the Paula Oberbroeckling investigation a femaled police science student reported to law enforcement that she had been raped by James Browning, Jr., who she thought was capable of foul play in connection with that investigation. She detailed sexual aggression by James Browning, Jr., perpetrated upon other young women, also.
Given Naomi’s long-term involvement with the Beets family, my money is on either Wendell, James, or Colbert’s brother Tony Lee Beets. All of them have been sexually violent individuals. The Cedar Rapids Gazette really hasn’t done its job.
Another potential suspect in the Beets family is the nephew of Colbert Beets’ sister, Alvernia Beets Browning Franklin. Here are some stories about his criminal history, from the Cedar Rapids Gazette:
March 10, 1976 (Cedar Rapids Gazette)
“James Junior Browning received a sentence of up to seven years in the penitentiary, on his jury conviction on a false pretenses charge. The 28-year-old Cedar Rapids man was charged as an aider and abettor in the passing of a check at the Eagle store, 2828 First avenue NE, last Nov. 30.”
April 7, 1976 (Cedar Rapids Gazette)
“Three Jailed After Marble Chips Stolen “Three Cedar Rapids men were being held in lieu of $125 bond each in the Linn county jail Wednesday on charges of larceny. James Junior Browning, 28, of 1019 Eleventh avenue SE; Willie Benjamin Love, 32, of 523 Seventh avenue SE, and Jesse James Clark, 24, of 511 Tenth street SE, were arrested by Cedar Rapids police at about 2 a.m. Wednesday in the 1700 block of Fourth avenue SE. They are accused of stealing $8.89 worth of marble chips from Drug Town, 2405 Mt. Vernon road SE.
May 10, 1976 (Cedar Rapids Gazette)
“Woman Enters Pleas to Pair Of Linn Charges A 25-year-old Cedar Rapids woman Friday pled innocent to a charge of possession with intent to deliver heroin, but pled guilty to conspiracy to commit a felony, as action was taken against her in two Linn district court cases. Pamela Sue Collins, 846 Fifth avenue SE, pled innocent to charges that she possessed heroin and intended to deliver it. The charge was a result of a search of her residence April 21, in which Cedar Rapids police officers say they found three foils of heroin inside the house. However, Collins pled innocent to the charge while her attorneys continued to seek a test of the legitimacy of the search warrant under which . the drugs allegedly were found. A hearing on the search warrant is scheduled for June 15, while the trial is set for June 28. In another court action Friday, Collins pled guilty to the conspiracy charge, which results from her allegedly conspiring
with James Junior Browning of Cedar Rapids to utter a forged instrument. That charge was filed Friday
in connection with a forged check given the Times Camera Center at 1413 First avenue SE. The check passing, according to court records, was made on Nov. 18, 1975. Sentencing on the conspiracy charge will be June 4 at 1:15 p.m.
May 5, 1977 (Cedar Rapids Gazette)
“James Junior Browning received a sentence of up to five years in the penitentiary on a charge of receiving stolen property. The sentence is to be served consecutive to earlier concurrent sentences of up to seven years and up to ten years imposed earlier on charges of obtaining money under false pretenses and uttering a forged instrument. The 29-year-old Cedar Rapids man was accused of having possession of speakers valued at $3OO on Jan. 10, knowing they had been stolen. They had been reported stolen
from a Cedar Rapids man. He remains free on appeal bond.”
June 22, 1977 (Cedar Rapids Gazette)
“James Junior Browning, 23, of 1251 Fourth avenue SE, was charged with larceny of a motor vehicle 1 a.m. Tuesday. The arrest was made in connection with a report filed by Pam Orr, 32, of 1432 A. Avenue NE.”
March 16, 1981 (Cedar Rapids Gazette):
“Theft charges. Two Cedar Rapids men were arrested Sunday on theft charges related to a purse-snatching incident Saturday afternoon. Jimmie L. Maclin, 27, of 1529 A Ave. NE and James Junior Browning, 33, Dubuque, were arrested at 5 p.m. Sunday at Town and Country Shopping Center. Maclin was charged with second-degree theft and Browning with third-degree theft. The charges were based on the complaint of a woman who told police her purse was taken from a shopping cart while she was shopping at the Eagles store, 4444 First Ave. NE. Browning also was charged with second-degree theft in connection with merchandise stolen from Kmart West Sunday afternoon. Both men were being held at the Linn County Jail this morning.”
April 7, 1981 (Cedar Rapids Gazette)
“2 men charged with extortion. Two men were arrested this noon on extortion charges as the result of a Cedar Rapids man’s complaint that someone had been extorting money from him for the past week. Arrested were James Junior Browning, 33, of 1019 11th Ave. SE and Jimmie Maclin, 27, of 1529 A Ave. NE. Both were arrested during the noon hour at the Exel Inn, 633 33rd Ave. SW, according to police reports. Maclin and Browning also were charged with possession of controlled substances. Marijuana was found in their possession when they were arrested, police said.” [
NOTE: April 7, 1981 was a Wednesday. Was he bailed out during the week? Or did he spend the weekend in jail? If it can be determined that he spent the weekend in jail, then we can say that he was not responsible for Naomi going missing]. ALSO NOTE: a July 17, 1981 article speaks of him remaining free on bond.
July 17, 1981 (Cedar Rapids Gazette)
“James Junior Browning, 33, of 1019 11th Ave. SE, was found guilty Thursday of third- degree theft and conspiracy. A jury of six men and six women returned their verdict at 8:30 a.m. Page 5A. …
“Browning guilty of theft, conspiracy. James Junior Browning, 33, of 1019 11th Ave. SE was found guilty Thursday of third-degree theft and conspiracy. A jury of six men and six women in Linn District Court returned the verdict at 8:30 a.m., Thursday, after-hearing closing arguments Wednesday afternoon by assistant county attorney Harold Denton and Browning’s attorney, Louis A. Merrifield. The charges stemmed from a March 14 purse snatching incident. His March 15 arrest followed a complaint by a Cedar Rapids woman that her purse had been taken from a shopping cart at the Eagle Supermarket, 5824 Council St. NE. At the time the purse was taken it contained a lady’s watch, checkbook
and identification cards, according to police records. On March 14, a juvenile female forged a check for $500 in merchandise at K mart West, 2727 16th. Ave. SW.”
“On March 15, two more checks were forged at stores in Westdale Mall. Those checks were for $350 in merchandise at Mr. Mark’s and $179 worth of merchandise at Radio Shack. However, an employee at
Radio Shack, according to court records, thwarted the female’s efforts when he refused to take the check and notified Cedar Rapids police. The employee also gave police the license number of the female’s
car. He testified at Browning’s trial that there were two men and two women in the car. Browning was apprehended at Town & Country Shopping Center on March 15 where he was seen leaving the car identified by the Radio Shack employee. When arrested, Browning had the watch in his possession, according to police reports. Merrifield stated in his closing arguments that if Browning knew the watch was stolen he would have discarded it before he was arrested by police at the Town & Country Shopping Center. Denton said in his closing arguments that in order to bring a verdict of conspiracy, the state had to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Browning had entered into an agreement with others to forge
checks to obtain merchandise. The theft charge would have to be substantiated by proving that Browning was knowingly in possession of the watch, which was “in effect stolen,” he said.
“It has not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Browning entered into an agreement” with the juveniles involved or had knowledge of such an agreement, Merrifield said.
“Jury foreman, Raymond Wadkins Jr. of Cedar Rapids said in an interview following the trial, “there was quite a bit of discussion” among the jurors. “I think we arrived at a verdict that we were all comfortable
“Browning remains free on bond. Judge Harold Swailes set a second trial for Browning for Aug. 10 on charges of being an habitual offender. Browning is also charged with extortion stemming from a
previous offense on April 7, 1981.
August 12, 1981 (Cedar Rapids Gazette)
“Browning convicted as habitual offender. James Junior Browning has been found to be a habitual criminal and faces another charge for failing to appear in court for the verdict that led to the habitual offender ruling. The 33-year-old Cedar Rapids man was found guilty of conspiracy in July, but he denied being the same James Junior Browning who was previously convicted of two other felonies, so another trial was scheduled to determine if he is the same person. If a person convicted of certain felonies, such as conspiracy, was previously convicted of two felonies, that person faces a jail term of up to
15 years and must serve a minimum of three years in prison. In a trial Monday on the identity question, an assistant county attorney and a former assistant county attorney testified Browning was the same person convicted of false pretenses and receiving stolen property in cases they prosecuted in 1976 and 1977. Defense attorney Lew Merrifield argued that since there was no fingerprint identification, the jury should find that the identification had not been proven. The jury notified Judge Paul Kilburg after deliberating about an hour Monday afternoon that a verdict had been reached. Authorities were unable to contact Browning, so after about an hour the judge sent the jury home for the night and issued a warrant for Browning’s arrest.
“When attempts to find Browning were unsuccessful, the jury returned its verdict about 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, finding that Browning is the same person convicted of the earlier offenses. On the basis of that verdict, the judge ruled that Browning is a habitual criminal. The county attorney’s office has filed a charge of failure to appear and has brought another count of being an habitual offender against Browning. The conspiracy charge and failure to appear charge carry a five-year-sentence each.”
October 16, 1981 (Cedar Rapids Gazette):
“Browning back in jail. Law officers picked up James Junior Browning, 33, in Seattle, Wash., Wednesday and returned him to Linn County, where he had been free on bond after being convicted of being a habitual offender. Browning, formerly of 1019 11th Ave. SE, was found guilty in July of third-degree theft and conspiracy. He remained free on bond when he was charged with being a habitual offender, and he did not appear in court when he was convicted of that count Aug. 10. At his July trial, Browning claimed he was not the same James Junior Browning convicted of two previous felonies. The August trial determined he was. Also arrested in Seattle Wednesday was Nancy J. Gowdy, 25, of Route 1, State Center, who was returned to Linn County to face a first-degree theft charge. Gowdy was charged July 16 with writing over $5,000 worth of bad checks on an account she knew to be closed. She formerly resided at 1600 A Ave. NE.”
August 31, 1983 (Cedar Rapids Gazette)
“Linn convictions upheld. The theft and conspiracy convictions of a Cedar Rapids man were upheld. The court ruled 3-2 that there was adequate evidence to support the Linn County District Court convictions of James Junior Browning. Browning had been charged with third-degree theft and conspiracy to commit false use of a financial instrument in connection with an incident at a Cedar Rapias shopping mall. Browning had argued that there was no evidence that he was involved in a conspiracy to use the stolen checks, but the majority of the court disagreed. “We are of the opinion that the facts established in the present case raise a reasonable inference that a conspiracy involving (Browning) was afoot,” said the decision. Browning had been accused of being involved in a stolen check conspiracy with two women. The women allegedly bought items at the mall using checks that had been in a purse stolen earlier that day, but left the mall when clerks became suspicious. They were seen getting into a car in which two men were sitting. Later, a similar car was seen at another shopping center. Browning was arrested a short time later hiding in a restroom. A watch that had been in the stolen purse was found on Browning and several items which had been purchased with the stolen checks were recovered from the car.”
April 20, 1995 (Cedar Rapids Gazette)
“ASSAULT CHARGES. James Junior Browning Sr., 47, 1060 Center Point Rd. NE; charged with assault while displaying a dangerous weapon; accused of striking Christina Blair in the head several times on Monday and displaying a knife and threatening to kill her.”
September 30, 1995 (Cedar Rapids Gazette)
“James Junior Browning, 47, 1060 Center Point Rd. NE; charged with assault causing bodily injury; accused of punching Christina Blair in the mouth on Sept. 23 at 1513 Bever Ave. SE.”
Naomi was not the only young woman who worked at the Harnischfeger plant to mysteriously die/disappear in Cedar Rapids in 1981:
September 10,1981 (Cedar Rapids Gazette):
“Donna Marie Garth, 30, of 2801 A Ave NE [NOTE: These were known as the Lancer Apartments] died in a fire at her apartment early Wednesday morning. Story on page 1. Born Dec. 24, 1950, in Des Moines, she lived there until 1971. She was graduated from North High School in Des Moines, and began her career there. She was an employee of Harnischfeger in Cedar Rapids for the last seven years. Surviving are a son, Derrick Garth; her mother, Edna Marie and stepfather Douglas Cooley of Des Moines; four sisters, Evangeline Ruth Lee, Deborah McCaleb, Victoria Garth and Christine Willis, all of Cedar Rapids; five brothers, Donald Graves, Centerville; George Brown, Cedar Rapids; Robert Brown, Tracey Cooley and Jeffrey Brown, all of Des Moines; and grandparents, Alice Johnson and Charles Daye, both of Des Moines. Services: 1 p.m. Monday at the Estes Funeral Home, 13th & Forest, Des Moines. Friends may call at 1157 11th St., Des Moines.”
Could Donna have been the one that Naomi was purportedly going to see, and was knocked off to keep a homicide quiet? The Beets family has been associated with a number of strange fires in houses over the years…
I think it would be helpful for me to provide the various articles and legal notices from the Cedar Rapids Gazette pertaining to Naomi, and then, as I have time, provide information on the more criminally-minded members of the Beets family.
Naomi went missing on April 12, 1981, purportedly, but I think it could have been as early as 6:00 a.m. on April 11, 1981, based on the newspaper articles and the lack of anyone other than a Beets family member to say that she was purportedly seen on April 12.
April 16, 1981, Cedar Rapids Gazette:
“Friends help search for missing C.R. woman
“Citizens and police today continued their search for Naomi Wilson, 32, of 1618 13th Ave. SE, who was last seen Sunday night Police received reports from Wilson’s friends Monday that Wilson had left home at 5:30 p.m. Sunday to visit a woman friend, but she never made it to her friend’s house. Wilson
was also expected at work at the Harnischfeger Corp. plant Monday night, but she never showed up for work either, police said.
“From what we’ve found out about her, it’s not like her to not show up for Work,” said Assistant Chief James Barnes of the detective bureau. “She had good work habits.”
“Wednesday morning, an estimated 30 citizens, led by the Rev. Paul Beets, a friend of Wilson’s, borrowed four walkie-tailie units from the Linn County Civil Defense Department, according to Bill Bjorenson, civil defense director. Beets and the citizens started a search near the west-side K mart parking lot, where Wilson’s car was found Monday night, Bjorenson said.
“Members of Beets’ family said the search was continued today. Bjorenson explained his role in the search. “I went out there and showed them how to set up a search pattern,” Bjorenson said. “We checked through a big forested area near the parking lot behind the truck service center to the east of K-mart. We formed lines and crisscrossed a huge area. We didn’t find anything,” Bjorenson said. While Bjorenson and Beets’ search party covered the ground, the city’s police helicopter hovered over-head, assisting in the search, Bjorenson said.
“Police have no evidence to suggest foul play was involved in Wilson’s disappearance, according to Wallace Johnson, assistant chief of police in charge of the patrol division. Barnes said Wilson was last seen in her personal car, a white 1978 Ford Fairmont, license DOY 622. A black woman with medium-length hair, she was last seen wearing a two-piece black pantsuit. If anyone has any information on the whereabouts of Naomi Wilson, they are asked to contact the Cedar Rapids Police Detectives Bureau.”
April 25, 1981 (Cedar Rapids Gazetts).
“Why would a 32-year-old Cedar Rapids woman walk away and leave her house, her car, a good job and friends and family who love her? That’s the puzzle behind the disappearance of Naomi Wilson, 1618 13th Ave. SE. Last seen on Sunday afternoon, April 12, her car was found two afternoons later in the K-mart parking lot at 2727 16th Ave. SE. Police have not ruled out foul play in connection with Wilson’s disappearance. But neither is there enough evidence at this point to suggest someone may have killed her, according to police sources. Wilson is one of three adults reported missing to Cedar Rapids Police since Jan. 1. Three detectives have been assigned to investigate her disappearance, and the investigation has generated a thick file of reports. Wilson’s is one of 23 unsolved missing-person cases on file with Cedar Rapids Police since 1978. Fourteen of those reports involve juveniles.
BUT Naomi Wilson was more than just another name on a list to people who knew her — people such as her brothers John and Lorenzo Pollard, who hurried here from Atlanta last week to join in the search for their sister; and Colbert “Billy” Beets, her boyfriend for three years.
“Naomi Wilson would not go away without letting someone know where she was, agreed both John Pollard, interviewed this week by phone, and Beets, who was interviewed at The Gazette. “She’s very level-headed,” Pollard continued. “She thinks about building up her life in many ways.” “She’s real friendly,” Beets said. “She’s pleasant to talk to,” not necessarily outgoing, he said. Her temper occasionally flared, “but she was plain-spoken. She didn’t beat around the bush. If she didn’t like something, she’d say so.” Both men said they knew her to be a reliable worker at Harnischfeger, where she worked in materials- handling and later at a factory “checkpoint.” “It’s most unusual for someone to up and leave a job where you’re making $1,000 a month,” Pollard continued. “She has acquired furniture, a car, and bought a house last July. She had been buying things to fix up the house,” he said.
“Naomi and her brothers were raised in Birmingham, Ala. After high school she moved to Chicago, where she married Bennie Wilson. The couple divorced three years ago, some time after moving to Cedar Rapids. Since remarrying, Bennie Wilson now lives in Denver. Sunday, April 12 started normally, Beets said, when he went to church. Although she didn’t go that day, Naomi also usually attended church. Beets said he returned from a noon church service during midafternoon. The two left Naomi’s house within minutes of each other about 4 p.m., Beets said. Beets went to his mother’s house with some ice. Wilson went to get gasoline for her car and to visit a woman she worked with at Harnischfeger.
“But the friend told Beets later Naomi never showed up. Beets and Wilson passed each other on the street an hour later, he said. That was the last time he saw her. When she didn’t return home, Beets said he searched for her until 3 a.m. Monday. He and others searched again for her Monday. “I still didn’t report it to the police, and I still didn’t put it out on the street, because I didn’t want to get everyone’ all stirred up and have her drive up all of a sudden.” When another Harnischfeger employee phoned Beets to let him know Naomi never showed up for work Monday, Beets called police. Friends searched the city by car Tuesday and Beets’ brother found Naomi Wilson’s car at the K-mart at 2:55 p.m., according to police reports. More friends, aided by the Linn County ‘Civil Defense office, searched a wooded area near K-mart Wednesday, April 15. Beets feels police could have done more the day after they were told Naomi Wilson was missing. For example, at one point he flagged down a uniformed police officer while he was trying to find Naomi’s car. He asked the officer if he’d seen the car, and the officer didn’t know that the police had put out an “attempt to locate” report on Wilson’s car. “I don’t believe they even looked for the car,” Beets said. And when the car was found at Kmart, police didn’t take fingerprints off the car at the scene, Beets added. Instead, officers checked the car and its trunk at the scene and allowed him to drive it home.
“I think they’ve done a poor job,” said Pollard. “I don’t think they took the missing person report seriously when it was first reported. Being from the South, and being black, I grew up knowing that if you’re white, the police jump on the case. If you’re black, they wait around a little before acting.” Beets and Pollard seem to have opposite “gut feelings” about the case, when each was asked to speculate her fate. “I guess I have a positive attitude,” Pollard said. “I don’t have that gut feeling that something is wrong with her right now.” He just hopes that “if some person or persons are holding her,” that she can break free and call her family. “My parents in Birmingham are upset now,” Pollard added. “They’ve lost two of my brothers, one in ’58 and one in ’72.” Beets seemed to suspect foul play. “Something would just have to have happened to her,” he said. “I can never believe that she would just leave town,” he said.
January 21, 1982. Cedar Rapids Gazette, legal publications section:
In the Iowa District Court for Linn County
vs .
To the Defendant, Naomi Wilson.
You are notified that there is now on file in the office of the clerk of the above Court a petition for a judgment in rem against real estate situated in Linn County, Iowa, described as follows:
Lot 12, Block 3, Oak Park Addition to Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowa, and known locally as 1618 13th Avenue SE , Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Plaintiff prays its judgment in rem against the real estate in the a m o u n t of $35,068.89 together with interest from December 1, 1981 at the rate of 11½ percent Interest per annum, for the costs, including reasonable attorneys fees for Plaintiff’s attorneys, Shuttleworth & Ingersoll, and for future deficiencies in the trust account, and foreclosure of the mortgage given by Naomi Wilson to Plaintiff covering the real estate previously described and that the lien of Plaintiff’s mortgage be found and decreed to be superior to the rights, interest and lien to each of the Defendants. No personal judgment is sought against any of the Defendants.
The Plaintiff’s attorney is Kevin H. Collins of Shultleworth & Ingersoll, 500 Merchants National bank Building, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401.
“You are further notified that unless you serve and within a reasonable time thereafter file a written special appearance , motion or answer in the Iowa District Court in and for Linn County, at the Courthouse in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on or before the 5th day of March, 1982, judgment by default will be
entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition.
Kenneth L. Perry , Jr.
Clerk of the Above Court
Linn County Courthouse
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401
By Linda Barrett, Deputy”
January 28, 1982 and February 4, 1982 (Cedar Rapids Gazette, legal publications section)
ORIGINAL NOTICE. Probate No. PR9665-0182
In the Iowa District Court for Linn County
TO PROPOSED WARD NAOMI WILSON: You are notified that there Is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the above Court a Petition for Appointment of Conservator for Absentee pursuant
to Iowa Code Section 633.580. The Petitioner’s attorney Is Kevin H. Collins, Shuttleworth &. Ingersoll, whose address Is P.O. Box 2107, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406.
You are further notified that this matter shall come on for hearing on the 5th day of March, 1982, at
10:30 a.m. at which time the Court may appoint a conservator.
Kenneth L. Perry , Jr.
Clerk of the Above Court
Linn County Courthouse
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401
By Linda Barrett, Deputy
September 18, 1983 (Cedar Rapids Gazette):
“Missing Persons Pose Different Kind of Puzzle
At least three cases of people disappearing under unusual circumstances remain on Linn County records but no arrests have been made in these cases, because law enforcement officers are not sure that crimes were committed.
The cases are officially filed under “missing persons,” and remain a puzzle despite extensive, searches and investigations. The disappearance of Naomi Wilson two years ago is the most recent case. Wilson, who was 32 at the time, left her house, car, job and family, never to return. The woman, who had a reputation for reliability, was last seen on April 12, 1981. Her name is among 26 on a recent police computer printout of missing persons. The list, compiled over the past three years,’ includes the names of 16 teenagers. Police said it changes almost daily, as missing persons
are found or return home…Without evidence of foul play, said Assistant Police .Chief Jim Barnes, there is not much police can do. Even if police find someone, adult or juvenile, who has been reported missing, there is little officials can do except advise them that-their- relatives are’ worried about them, he continued. Many “missing persons” turn out to be juveniles who have run away or adults who have chosen to “drop out,” he said, Police officials will not comment publicly on the disappearances, but privately they indicate they believe both Lynn Schuller and Naomi Wilson are dead. They won’t comment on whether they believe the women were murdered.”
March 22, 1992 (Cedar Rapids Gazette – general article on missing persons). Naomi’s portion reads:
“Naomi Wilson, CEDAR RAPIDS — Why would a woman walk away and leave her house, her car, a good job and friends and family who love her? That’s the puzzle behind the disappearance of Naomi Wilson, 1618 13th Ave. SE. The single woman disappeared April 12, 1981. Her car was found two days later in the K mart parking lot, 2727 16th Ave. SW.
“Foul play has long been suspected, but police found little if any evidence indicating what happened to Wilson. There have been no developments in the case for years.
Repeated attempts by The Gazette to reach Wilson’s family were unsuccessful.”
July 24, 1995: (Cedar Rapids Gazette) (article about missing persons mentions Naomi):
“In Cedar Rapids, several cases are at a standstill because officers have nothing to go on, said detective Joel Kessler of the Cedar Rapids Police Department. The department keeps files on cases such as Naomi Wilson, who was last seen April 12, 1981. If she disappeared of her own ‘accord, Wilson, 32, who had a reputation for reliability, walked away from a house, car, job and family. Unless new information is received, officers do not actively investigate such cases, Kessler said…”
So we know from the early articles that Naomi worked the night shift, which would be about 10 pm to 6 am, more or less. Her work-week started Monday night. If we exclude what Colbert says regarding when he last saw her, and anything that the Beets family may have claimed back in the day, then we can see that she likely would have last been seen by a reliable source about 6 a.m. Saturday, April 11, 1981.
I meant to write below that Colbert was purportedly in April of 1981 Naomi’s boyfriend of the past three years, not just a year. I was too tired when writing.
I’m not sure that law enforcement has ever realized that Bennie Wilson, Naomi Wilson’s ex husband, was none other than Colbert Beets’ nephew, which puts a hugely different spin on things. Creepy? Scary? Putting a new spin on things? Specifically, Bennie’s mother was Lavernia (Beets) Wilson, who was Colbert Beets’s older sister. Colbert was purportedly in April of 1981 Naomi’s boyfriend of the past year.
At least one member of the Beets family is wholly capable of covering up and/or ignoring serious sexual assaults, and I don’t see why such an individual wouldn’t be capable of covering up serious homicides. Specifically, if you look at the “What Happened to Paula?” website you can see that the Cedar Rapids Police Chief had the opinion that Wendell Beets was wholly aware of what happened to Paula Oberbroeckling and his sister’s role in it. So if Wendell is capable of covering up for a family member’s role in Paula Oberbroeckling’s death, he’s capable of covering up for a family member’s role in Naomi Wilson’s death (if he didn’t do it himself).
I’ve also been doing google map searches. IF Naomi was killed at her home, and if the perp is familiar with Cedar Rapids the most logical thing is, if the perp does NOT have a car, to wait until it is dark and drag/carry her out the back of her house, down the alley, into St. John’s Cemetery, from there into Van Vechten Park, and then either bury her there, dump her in the Cedar River, or find somewhere down Otis Road and dump her along the river, in the woods, etc. HOWEVER, Wendell would have been aware from his involvement in or knowledge of Paula Oberbroeckling’s death and the hiding and discovery of her corpse, that dumping a corpse in the Otis Road area would be a bad idea. Now, if there was a car involved, then who knows where the body was buried/dumped (likely buried, given the three decades without remains being found).
It is also VERY weird that the K-mart parking lot at 2727 16th Ave. SW where her car was found (by Colbert’s brother, not identified by first name in the newspaper article) is exactly two tenths of a mile by foot (a very short walk, in other words) from where Wendell’s church is presently, which is 2325 16th Ave. SW.
Also, there’s another coincidence that likely is not relevant, but is still strange. In 1976, Naomi’s to-be and ex- husband Bennie Wilson (evidently from Cedar Rapids who then moved around to various places including Chicago and Denver) was living at 1407 Mt. Vernon road SE. That is the same address of the purportedly vacant residence that Richard Beets crashed the car into, in September of 1981.
It is interesting to me that Naomi’s house at 1618 13th Ave SE was six tenths of a mile from 1007 6th Street Southeast, which was one of the addresses of a house OWNED by Tony Lee Beets (the knife-wielding would-be rapist son of Colbert).
Naomi’s house at 1618 13th Ave SE was also only four tenths of a mile from the house that Colbert bought at 1021 9th Street Southeast on contract in 1976. Of course, that in itself is not suspicious, but what the bloody heck was he doing living in her house after her disappearance considering he owned a house himself at the time?
Moreover, Naomi’s house at 1618 13th Ave. SE was only four tenths of a mile from the house that Wendell was living in in 1981, that being 1123 19th Street Southeast.
Numerous houses owned by the Beets brothers and their kids and their churches have been involved in serious criminal activity over the years. It most certainly also appears that the so-called Reverend Paul Beets condoned his sex-offender brother’s actions and covered up for him and immediately after Wendell’s sentencing got him right back in the position of being a church minister. It also appears that the Beets family, and their associated churches at times, swap houses for no apparent reason (leading one to wonder just what the real reason is).
Naomi was definitely killed by someone in the Beets family, be it with the last name Beets or a different last name but nonetheless related
Or else we could be looking at her boyfriend Colbert Beets’ son, Tony Lee Beets, who attempted to rape a female acquaintance at knifepoint. According to the Cedar Rapids paper in 1995:
“Tony L. Beets, 31, 1019 Sixth Street SE, charged with felony assault with intent to commit sexual abuse with bodily injury, accused of entering residence of a female acquaintance carrying a knife, striking her, and announcing he was going to force her to have sex. The woman escaped”
The 1019 Sixth Street SE residence had been used by various of the Beetses over the years as a residence, including by Colbert Beets.
Another interesting thing is that after Naomi’s disappearance, her boyfriend Colbert was living in the house for months, until it was foreclosed on.
In September of 1981, Colbert and his kid were living in Naomi’s house, and the Cedar Rapids paper reported this:
“Car crashes into house, 3 injured.
Charges of drag racing and reckless driving have been filed against the driver of a car involved in an accident early Saturday on Mount Vernon Road near 14th Street SE. Three persons were injured in the incident. Richard beets, 17, of 1743 Six Avenue SE [by the way, this was at the time the address of Paul Beets, one of Colbert’s brothers] was charged after his car slammed into the rear of a station wagon driven by James E. Pirtle, of 1513 17th Ave. SE, causing Pirtle’s car to roll over, onlookers said. Apparently out of control following the impact, Beets’ car crossed the median and crashed in into the side of an unoccupied apartment house at 1407 Mount Vernon Road SE. Pirtl was taken by Area Ambulance to Mercy Hospital, where he was listed in good condition on Saturday. “Two passengers in Beets’ car apparently walked away from the scene of the accident but were treated at Mercy and released. They were Melissa Carr, 16, of 720 15th St. SE and Colbert Beets, 17, of 1618 13th Ave. SE. The “loud crash” of the collision brought more than 30 onlookers to the site to see what happened.”
Now, the 1618 13th Ave. SE. address was none other than the address of Naomi’s house. Also, there was no 17YO Colbert Beets. Rather, there was a teenage Terry Lee Beets who was 16 or 17 at the time. Presumably, Terry was in the car and had given a fake name.
In fact, another article provides additional insight:
“Drag-racing car hits house.
Police responded to the scene of a personal injury accident at Mount Vernon Road and 14th St. SE shortly before 1 a.m. today. Initial reports were sketchy, but it is believed the car slammed into a house into the residence at 1407 Mount Vernon Road SE and burst into flame. The Cedar Rapids Fire Department was summoned to extinguish the blaze. A Linn County Sheriffs Department spokesman said a deputy was attempting to stop two drag-racing vehicles which reportedly were traveling faster than 100 mph shortly before the accident happened. After the crash, the spokesman said, several occupants of the vehicle ran from the scene. Cedar Rapids police and deputies were combing the area in an attempt to locate them early today. At least one of the occupants was taken to St. Luke’s Hospital for treatment of injuries. It was not immediately known in anyone was in the residence when it was struck.”
Also, later on Colbert had a son Marcus, born September 25, 1982. Marcus would have been (assuming he was born on or about the right date) conceived around New Year’s Eve.
What, if anything, did Colbert know about Naomi not coming back?
Also, Naomi’s house was put into foreclosure in January, 1982, meaning that nobody had paid the mortgage on it for quite a while. Why was Colbert living in the house in 1981 if he wasn’t paying for it?
In any event, both Colbert’s brother Wendell Beets, and Colbert’s son Tony Lee Beets, have significant criminal histories, even if Wendell is holding himself out as a pastor of a church. Wendell attempted to assault a 19YO girl, and also assaulted a different 19YO for several years, starting when she was a juvenile. Here is from a 1992 Cedar Rapids article:
“Pastor quits amid sex allegations, By Rick Smith, Gazette staff writer.
There was no regular Friday evening prayer meeting last night at the Sound Doctrine Church on Cedar Rapids’ southwet side. In fact, though a church building remains at 716 Egth Ave. SW there isn’t a church congregation there anymore. Its pastor of nearly 20 years — The Rev. Wendell Beets, 828 Camburn Ct. SE — has been forced to resign, his congregation left to reel amid an accusation of Beets’ sexual impropriety with a 19-year-old female church member. And one accusation is bring similar ones from other females, say two ministers in Beets’ former church, Louisa and Clarence Ellis of Cedar Rapids. The Ellises say Beets– the brother of Bishop Paul Beets of Gospel Tabernacle Church in Cedar Rapids — allegedly abused the 19-year-old victim for several years. And they say he admitted misdeeds three weeks ago in fromt of 50 members of the 150-member church. He then resigned and ince has reportedly left town with his family. The alleged victim has been interviewed by the Linn County Sheriff’s Department and the Cedar Rapids Police Department, the Elises say. They expect criminal charges against Beets will be forthcoming. In a recent interview in their Southeast-side home, the Ellises shared their distress over Beets’ actions. In one breath, they admitted that he was a pastor they held in high esteem for his abilities in preaching to his church. “He always taught the word of God. He was a great teacher,” said Mrs. Ellis. But in the next breath, they admit that is a word that has come tumbling down. “That he would attack a 19-year-old girl,” said Mr. Ellis. “I knew him very well. But not well enough.” The accusations against Beets, though, are not a complete surprise, the Ellises conceded. Beets was a “flirt” outside of church, the Ellises alleged. “He was another man when he was not in the church,” said Mrs. Ellis. Among her wishes, she said, was that the public know exactly why Beets resigned from his church, in hopes that knowledge would prevent him from establishing another church. They feared he would victimize some other female who had come to trust in him as a spiritual leader. “Nobody’s going to stop me from preaching,” Mrs. Ellis said Beets promised in the wake of his resignation. He also promised he would surrender to authorities to face a criminal charge, the Ellises said. “Clarence Ellis said Beets’ resignation has destroyed the Sound doctrine Church. He said some members were hoping to start a new church in a new building with a new name in an effort to find a fresh start. In the three weeks since Beets’ departure, the Ellises, to their surprises, have found themselves criticized for talking about Beets’ resignation. Mrs. Ellis said last night she expected a new round of criticism now that Beets’ story is going public. “I’m so tired of it all,” said Mrs. Ellis. “After tonight, I expect it to start up again.””
I don’t have much more time tonight, to continue my commentary, but will later on. I” provide additional quotes from newspaper articles, and so forth.
By the way, Wendell Beets was convicted of attempting to assault his young parishioner, just like his nephew was convicted of attempting to rape the other victim.
Also, please note that Wendell did, indeed, start up another congregation. Until the past few days (when I started poking around and the church’s website then mysteriously was taken down) his lying and misleading bio on his church’s website said:
“Elder Wendell A. Beets, Senior Pastor
Elder Wendell A. Beets is a native of Thornton, Arkansas, born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beets. He is a veteran who served his country in the United States Air Force. He also attended COE College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Elder Wendell Anthony Beets was united in holy matrimony to Ms. Lenora Carpenter on October 22, 1975 in Louise, Mississippi. From this union were born three children: Tamara Lynette, Patrick Anthony, and Erika Navette. In 1994, the Lord blessed the Beets family with the precious gift of Eric Gibson.
Elder Beets accepted Christ and his call to the ministry under the leadership of our Present Jurisdictional Presiding Prelate, The Honorable Bishop Hurley Bassett Sr. he was subsequently ordained in the Church of God in Christ, Inc., and founded Sound Doctrine Church of God in Christ in October of 1977. Elder Beets pastored Sound Doctrine COGIC for fifteen years before resigning in 1992. After his resignation, he notified Bishop Hurley Bassett Sr. that he was recommending his Assistant Pastor, Elder Joseph A. Pledge to become the new Pastor of Sound Doctrine COGIC. Elder Pledge was appointed pastor, and later changed the name of the church to New Life Church of God in Christ which is presently located at 1328 K. Street SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Elder Beets evangelizd until a small bible study group began to meet in his home in 1992. From this group Word of Faith Pentecostal Church of God in Christ was founded. Supt. Richard L. Daye was appointed the first pastor by the Honorable Bishop Hurley Bassett Sr., Presiding Prelate of the Iowa Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ, Inc. After one year of pastoralship, Supt. R.L. Daye recommended that Elder Wendell A. Beets become the Pastor. Pastor Beets’ greatest desire was to build the new modified architectural design of the future Word of Faith Pentecostal COGIC Worship Center.
Pastor Beets’ vision to build the people of God a new worship center has come to pass. In the spring of 2004, God blessed Word of Faith Pentecostal COGIC to complete the remodeling of its present facility, which is located at 2325 16th Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Elder Beets continues to excel in ministry and God has allowed him to find favor in the sight of men. Elder Beets served and continues to serve the church fervently in many capacities such as: Assistant Supt. Of the WD Smith District COGIC, YPWW Youth Dept. President of the WD Smith District, President of the WD Smith District AIM Convention of the Depts of Evangelism, Home & Foreign Missions, Music, Sunday School, and Youth. Pastor Beets is also a United States’ Chaplain’s Association member. He has completed advanced ministry courses such as Growing Through Bible Study, Good News About Jesus, The Way in Marriage, and Roman’s Bible Study Courses Series.
God has so blessed the Word of Faith Pentecostal Church under the influence of Pastor & Missionary Beets. They continue to endeavor to serve the Lord’s church, His people and to fulfill the vision that the Lord has given them.
“It has always been my desire to never turn the people of God to myself but to always teach them to walk, trust, and depend on God. I have observed many ministries that have turned the people to themselves and not to God. In the words of the Apostle Paul, ‘I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.’” – Pastor Wendell A. Beets”
And, before the church’s website was mysteriously taken down in the past few days, his wife’s bio said:
“First Lady Lenora Beets
Missionary Lenora Beets is a native of Louise, Mississippi, born to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Carpenter. She is a graduate of Mississippi Valley State University, earning a degree in Office and Business Administration. In October of 1975, Ms. Lenora Carpenter was united in Holy Matrimony to Elder Wendell Anthony Beets in Louise, Mississippi. From this union were born 3 children: Tamara Lynette, Patrick Anthony, and Erika Navette. In 1994, the Lord blessed the Beets family with the precious gift of Eric Gibson.
Missionary Beets was called to the Missionary field and received her Evangelist Missionary license in 1979 from the late Mother Ruth Robinson, Jurisdictional State Supervisor of Women, and the Honorable Bishop Hurley Bassett Sr., Jurisdictional Prelate of Iowa Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Church of God in Christ, Inc., while attending the Sound Doctrine Church of God in Christ under the pastoralship of her husband, Elder Wendell A. Beets.
Evangelist Beets has certainly proven herself to be a virtuous woman. She exemplifies the roles of a wife, mother, and missionary. Her spiritual gifts have allowed her to excel in ministry. She has served the church in such capacities as Sunday School teacher, secretary in the MW Goodman District, WD Smith District YPWW chairlady. She presently serves as District Missionary of the WD Smith District and Assistant Supervisor to Supervisor Rosalie J. Kaiser of the Iowa Jurisdiction Women’s Department.
In addition to her works in ministry, she is also the owner and operator of Cuddley Duddley Childcare Services. Evangelist Beets also volunteers her time in the community. She has represented Faith Community Building the Gap for over 20 years. She is an activist for accessing health care for the African American community and is active in a federally funded Anti-Drug and Violence Coalition, which presently focuses on HIV/AIDS, cardiovascular health and cancer. Evangelist Beets has proven to be a true advocate by bringing awareness to the value of health screenings to her local congregation. She is trained and certified for the fright against HIV/AIDS. She also participated in the 2006 three mile walk to increase public awareness of the spread of HIV/AIDS in the community. Evangelist Beets works hard to empower her congregation and community to become more involved in a proactive stand on health issues.
Evangelist Beets is a member of the Linn County Prayer Ministry. She also works closely with her husband in the ministry at Word of Faith Pentecostal Church of God in Christ. Together they continue to work in areas to enhance church membership and strengthen spiritual development. They stress the importance of acknowledging God and following the direction of the Holy Spirit. They strive to demonstrate positive attitudes toward church development and growth without failing to let men and women know that the greatest gift is love and the only security is in Jesus Christ.”
Another weird thing is that one of Colbert’s brothers (presumably either Wendell or Paul, was the one that found Naomi’s car in the K-mart parking lot. Gee, how convenient! I wonder how, in a city of over 100,000, he knew to look there, even though it was miles from her house. I’ll try to get going and type up a copy of that article and post it, also.
We need to start looking at Wendell Beets, the sex offender pentecostal minister brother of Naomi’s boyfriend Corbet Beets.