Never Another New Year’s Celebration

On December 31, 2015, in Anniversaries, The Families, by Jody Ewing

When Charles Dickens wrote A Tale of Two Cities, published in 1859, he wasn’t thinking about the days leading up to Christmas, the short time between Christmas and New Year’s Day, or the beginning of yet another year without long-awaited answers. Yet in the first few words of this remarkable novel, he seems to capture […]

Willie Rucker

On April 12, 2011, in , by Jody Ewing

Courtesy photo Waterloo Police Willie Ann Rucker Willie Ann Rucker Missing Person – Presumed Homicide Willie Ann Rucker Age at Report: 27 DOB: August 11, 1951 Weight: 110 lbs. Height: 5’03” Race: Black Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Sex: Female Incident Type: Involuntary disappearance Missing from: Waterloo, IA Black Hawk County NamUs Number: 20229 Missing Since: […]


On October 16, 2010, in , by Jody Ewing

Rewards for Information The following Iowa cold cases are those where law enforcement/Crime Stoppers and/or other agencies or individuals have offered a cash reward for information leading to an arrest or conviction in a particular case. More specific details about how to collect a reward may be found by visiting the victim’s individual case summary […]

Missing Persons

On October 12, 2010, in , by Jody Ewing

The Missing Persons Cases For so many — including Iowans — it is the book thousands of families have long wished someone would write. It doesn’t provide just hope, it offers clear and insightful methods for those who want to get involved in finding out what happened to a loved one who went missing long […]