Guest Blog: I Never Knew You

On December 5, 2015, in Anniversaries, Guest Blogs, The Families, by Jody Ewing

Today’s guest blog post is written by Cindy Kraft-Chevalier, the niece of Council Bluffs Police Officer John L. Stephens. Stephens, 32, and Paul J. Rayer, 51, were shot and killed on Tuesday, December 5, 1967, during a robbery of “Club 64,” an upscale steakhouse about a half-mile east of Council Bluffs’ city limits where Stephens moonlighted […]


On November 28, 2010, in , by Jody Ewing

Cold Cases in Washta, Iowa         Homicide Dung Kim Truong 37 YOA Case # 97-12883 Washta, Iowa Cherokee and Ida Counties Went Missing: September 22, 1997 Body Found: November 27, 1997 Dung Kim Truong, a 37-year-old female Vietnamese legal alien authorized to work in the United States, left the Omaha home she […]