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0 Responses to Images tagged "frank-goff"

  1. JDF says:

    Of course I have no evidence or proof but there’s not a doubt in my mind that those two creeps killed Mr. Hatcher. I have relatives that were neighbors and that whole house was a nest of drug addicted vermin.
    Was Bob working at the casino the night he was killed?

  2. Bryce says:

    The sick things humans do to other humans!

  3. Brian says:

    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Brian Wise, I work at KAAL-TV in Rochester, MN.
    We recently ran a story on 25th Anniversary and I was hoping to get some answers for Gerald’s family.

    Here is the story link:

    I am hoping to connect with anyone that has information about the case.
    You can email me at

    Anyone with information can reach out to CID Lieutenant Brett Hollander with the Mason City Police Department at (641) 421-3644 or by email.

    You can also call the general investigations line at 641-421-3636.

  4. Patrick Kerrigan says:

    As a former detective with a federal government agency, it bugs me about records issues. We have cold cases, where the cause of death information has not been released to protect the investigation. This involves some cases that are decades old.

    In Pennsylvania, a woman was found stabbed to death. The medical examiner classified her death, as a homicide, until the police said there was no signs of forced entry. So, he reclassified her death as a suicide.,

    Her parents disagreed, and have been fighting, and had another autopsy. The medical examiner finally reclassified it as a homicide.

    However the crime scene was cleaned by the apartment landlord.

    The other issue on these investigations, is that who is going to get the credit. It’s part of the reason the FBI, was not well liked many years ago. The Washington Field office used to take credit for recovering stolen cars that the D.C. Metro Police actually recovered.

    Another detective was concerned that are department was not getting credit, for some arrests we made, that we turned over the Chicago Police Department. Like we were not getting credit.

    I could care less, because of the arrestee, pops up on a warrant or is tied into something better, then the Chicago Police officers involved might owe us a favor.

    Many agencies are concerned about who gets the credit. That’s why am big on state wide cold cases units, that are staffed with federal, state, and local agencies.

    The U S. Marshal’s Service has had fugitive task forces made up of their people, and many local, state law enforcement agencies, which various resources, and expertise.

  5. Anonymous says:

    “Hedin said he left the saloon about 10 minutes before Blachut.” – How did Hedin know, just curious, if Hedin left early… How do they know Blachut left later, hmmm,.

  6. Kim says:

    Linking a reddit thread discussing Jacob’s case, along with Gladys’ case as well:

  7. Kayla BuffaloChief-Sirom says:

    Thank you for this, I have looked on here so many time, only to not find this. Lori was my mother, I am Kayla, Thank you Danielle.

  8. Me myself and i says:

    Ask her drugged out mommy enough said

  9. Me myself and i says:

    Maybe someone should investigate our crooked Sheriff Marty Fisher and his retired Deputy Cheif Hames Davis and the affair Marty was having with Wade’s mommy dearest.

  10. sukdev says:

    Soo creepy story

  11. gay a appelhans says:

    its been almost 7 years since Paul was tragically murdered there are answers I am sure someone knows something!!!let gets answers for this family!!!

  12. mike says:

    ever heard of aliba middle school students at that time lost there hair in a card game to a marine i belive harry was the only one at that time i know these guys and they were eigth grad at the time

  13. Wally Nelson says:

    I was married to his sister and would like an update on this case.

  14. Delta Richardson says:

    The October 1946 shotgun murder of Dr. Ady Royal McKeown of Conesville was never solved, at least from what I can tell. His neighbor, Conesville mayor George Brown was arrested but the grand jury did not indict so he was released.

  15. mike says:

    could it be that aperson is using domestic acts of vilonce to cover a serial killer acts ther edoing or mybe for hire i mean there ernie there is amos from albia also knoxville a man convicted of shooting his mom ottumwa deputy shoot his wife all these a family killing or ex supposidly done this see the patern each done with a difrent weopon and the fry killing down i melrose mybe this sick person is from an abusive parentents or there parente used to fight in front of them and they think its okay

  16. just asking says:

    is it possible that the amos lady tim erni and the smith boy all the same reson mybe those involved were involved with the martin kid and gott kid or difrent cases it seems all military involved has the farm where the hills and martins lived out side of avery searched it has a pond in it and people i lknmow lived there got sick after drinking the water from tap mybe just asking

  17. Anonymous says:

    33rd and Pavonia Street don’t cross or intersect…??

  18. wondering says:

    wondering what gun did they recover i read here they took a gun from his house

  19. mike says:

    did tim have three girl freinds heard that from albia just wondering

  20. Aimee Goldsberry says:

    Any updates??

  21. Ton says:

    Nice to see an arrest has been made in this case after 41 years.

  22. Kim says:

    Here’s the article in the local Cedar Rapids Gazette about Terri’s case:

    So glad to see an arrest has finally been made!

  23. N/A Prefer to stay Anonymous says:

    I am pleased to see that an arrest was made after 40 years of going unsolved. I have followed her case for years and have always hoped this day would come.

    Thinking of her family through this difficult time and I hope this brings you some peace after everything is said and done.

  24. Laura Benson says:

    I am so happy to hear that there is an arrest. I love this for the family it’s about time! Ummm

  25. Candy K Schott says:

    A day we never thought would happened – finally did. An arrest made 40 years later! The same man many guessed was the murderer will finally be held responsible. The arrest of Thomas Duane Popp!!!!

  26. Cindy Laube says:

    Norma was married to my grandfather’s brother. I wasn’t very old when this happened but I do remember the talk about it.

  27. Sarah says:

    Here’s a YT video that includes this story, which starts at 9:25. It sounds like she engaged in a lot of very risky behavior, especially for a youngster her age, then or now.

    • Stay Strong! says:

      I watched the video. Multiple errors on the parts of multiple LE agencies over decades compromised LE investigations; or lack thereof as the case may be.

      Seems to me she deserved better than her home life and absentee father coupled with the inept handling of her case.

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      Tonya, the age range is close, and height is spot on. However, the eye color, and hair color is not a match. Their is no mention of the missing guy having freckles, or tattooes.

    • Sue says:

      I was just going to suggest the same person. I just saw this on FB

  28. MikeD says:

    Looks like Timothy W. Fortney has been found and identified. KCRG in Cedar Rapids has a story on their site about it.

  29. Dare says:

    What I want to know is…When was the last time she was seen by someone other than her husband? Why wasn’t the alligator and snakes x-rayed to see what they had eaten? Those would have cleared Pogo and the snakes from being involved. Was the places he says he visited that day checked?

  30. Keith Schuller is guilty says:

    Is it possible to take a three year old fishing in Iowa? Yes. For five hours? Probably not. That is a long time for an adult to go fishing. This piece of shit killed his wife. All of these faggots who say “he was my science teacher, nice guy” are fuckin clueless pieces of shit. This motherfucker will get what is coming to him. No doubt about it. He deserves to die.

  31. Paul Andrew Anderson says:

    Jerry Lee Huff the man who was acquitted of kill Sanda Kinney died in 2023.

  32. Jeff Bentson says:

    I wonder if they ever looked into Theodore Anthony Hoerstman as the possible skeleton that was found in Winneshiek County?
    Theodore Anthony “Ted” Hoerstman, a 45-year-old disabled adult, was reported missing to the Dubuque Police Department in Dubuque, Iowa, on December 6, 1982.
    Weight: 175 lbs.
    Height: 5′ 09″
    Hair Color: Brown

  33. Jeff Bentson says:

    I wonder if they ever looked into Theodore Anthony Hoerstman as the possible skeleton that found in Winneshiek County – March 31, 1986
    Description: White male, 33 to 36 years of age, five feet six inches to five feet nine inches, 145 – 160 lbs., brown hair, medium build
    Details: Skeletal remains found March 31, 1986, between hay bales at a farm site in Winneshiek County, Iowa

  34. Mary says:

    Was there ever a possible motive suggested? Why is there no mention of whether or not there was evidence of a sexual assault?

  35. Stay Strong! says:

    It’s been over a year since Burns’ remains were found and no release of autopsy results – at least what I could find via web searches.

    I would think the autopsy would ascertain if foul play was suspected (e.g. knife wound markings on his bones, compressed trachea indicating strangulation, gun shot wounds, etc.), inconclusive results, or no foul play – suggesting he perhaps wandered off and succumbed to the cold Iowa winter elements.

    Maybe their holding off on releasing any information to not compromise the investigation but it sure seems like the case is very, very cold.

  36. Rick Wright says:

    I worked with Lana from time to time for Trison Corp as a maintenance tech/heating-cooling & plumbing tech, I worked the West Desmoines properties, Lana was a very nice lady to work with. If you slacked off on your job then she had no problem letting you know, this came from a couple of her maintenance techs that worked there then but I vehemently disagreed, she was always pleasant to me, her techs were lazy to a point, thus myself & another tech were called there to help out from time to time. Her husband Tom was very kind also & was like the vice president I beleive at the time, very nice people, we were sick to our stomachs as the news spread that day from property to property. Great family! Not sure if there was ever a connection but the other tech I worked with every day was Raymond Countryman, he is the maintenance super at 3000 grand who murdered the Milotech (sp?) elderly sisters there. That happened after leaving the property we worked at together for Trison. He had stolen a large tractor from there for mowing, he had been in prison prior to that, he was also on meth as we come to find out later. The building he lived in also “just” happened to burn to the ground even before that, he received a insurance settlement from that also. Ray was a small man but violent as the murders of the 2 sisters showed, he & his wife were sentenced to 2 life terms, he kept the bodies there for some time behind a false wall in that case, it was violent. I remember once that he came back from landmark south apartments after being told to report there to help the other techs, he came back ranting & raving about Lana being a “b” to him, he said he couldn’t stand her & would never work that property again, that they could fire him, he didn’t care. He was always in need of quick money, I’m not sure why because Trison Corp paid us very well but found out after the murders it was likely due to his meth use. Many residents would state that he creeped them out. I’d put my money on Ray for Lana’s murder, I really would. As I said Tom, Lana & the kids were very nice & always was kind to me & other techs, landmark was a very large property & it was a tough property but Lana was turning the place around for the good. I miss those days as it seemed all who worked for Trison were great people & seemed like family. I weeped for 2 days for this family & still think of them often. Tom, if you or the kids read this I pray all has been good for you folks, I felt horrible for you guys, &Lana was a pro, I admired how she was turning that rough property, rough properties such as landmark south are very, very tough to get under control, I admired her work ethic & intelligence & commitment. She was a great lady, R.I.P. my friend & co-worker😪

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      Rick, I wonder if the police ever interviewed you. Since you and the other repairman worked there and had contact with Lana.

      Plus the fact you point to a fellow repairman as a possible suspect, because of his anger at Lana, his apparent drug use, and his conviction on the murders.

  37. Patrick Kerrigan says:

    I wonder if the police ever had any of the forensic evidence retested. The murder weapon, was supposedly stolen, a few days before his murder. But, I assume the police have not released the name of the person, who had the weapon originally.

    Plus, was anything else stolen,besides the weapon. Also, the original witnesses should be less afraid after the passing of over 30 some years.

    I assume he was born in Sioux City, but lived in California. In fact he is buried there. There is no mention of how long he loved in California. I wonder if there was a reason he came back

  38. Patrick Kerrigan says:

    I was reading the following story: Forgotten Wisconsin Cold Cases; Christopher Revek – Deadly Connections. Although deceased, he is connected to the disappearance and murder of two women, one in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin and another one in Missouri, where he worked as a paramedic

    There appears to be sexual connection to his murders and authorities believe that there may be more victims. He killed himself while in custody for the Missouri murder.

    Well, the article seems to suggest that he might be connected to Jodi’s disappearance. Since they don’t know where he went after graduating from high school in Wisconsin Rapids.

    They did not provide any date or year of birth, but he may have been about 36 when he died.

    So, another person to look at. His former wife helped him dispose of the body of the Missouri victim. She claims she was afraid of him

    She supposedly has remarried and moved to an unknown location.

    If they tie him to any other cases, he will be considered a serial killer. I have no opinion. But they referenced Jodi, I had to share the information.

  39. Heath Jacob says:

    Yea, from I heard from a Deputy I contacted earlier this yr is they know who did it but didn’t have the truck. I forgot to question then as to why they went after Brown when it was one the Boys who’s Dad just passed away recently. If that truck is still around, they are about to have a major estate auction tomorrow I believe. I’d love nothing more then if they showed up and hauled every single one of those vehicles in for forensics testing even after all these yrs. He’s gotten away with it for 22 yrs.

  40. Eye says:

    Is this man related to the Newton Forsyth family murder? Because, if so, I’m related to this person.

  41. Patrick Kerrigan says:

    As usual, there is no mentioned of the possible caliber of firearm used. His wife supposedly found his body by his truck Monday morning. However, there is no time frame mentioned about when he was last seen alive and found dead.

    I would assume the bullet that killed him, came from the Elk Creek Marsh, but it appears that was not confirmed. The county may have not had the ability to determine that with any accuracy.

  42. Kathy Overton says:

    It would be more helpful to sort with a map that you can filter by neighborhood (i.e. River Bend, Oak Park, etc.), year, street, age of victim, and other things. The homicide that happened in my apartment at 712 E. 7th St. is not listed. I know that was not solved. A woman was killed in my old apartment. I know that, because the apartment manager at the time said no one had lived there in 6 years because of it. I was the first to live there after it happened. I moved in December of 2003. I still don’t know her name.

  43. Patrick Kerrigan says:

    I noticed there is no mention if there any signs of forced entry into his apartment. Also, no mention what type of weapon may have been used, in the attack.

    I would guess that it might have been related to his drug trafficking.

  44. Crystal Booth says:

    Year after year, I come here to check on any updates. Still a huge void in our life not knowing who murdered my uncle. Hope there is still hope. Somewhere in this world.

  45. Bobby Michaels says:

    Did Ruth ever live in the San Francisco Bay Area. More specifically(, Vallejo, CA?

  46. Jerry says:

    Patty’s mother just died. In her obit it stated that she and her former husband owned Veach Fish Market in eastern part of downtown Des Moines (now called the East Village) Patty’s mother worked at their market which was near Bernie’s Italian Deli, owned by Bernard Grandanette whose first wife was murdered (unsolved) in a mob style hit in Windsor Heights, IA in 1958. This same man was listed as Etta’s (Patty’s mother) companion of 27 years, he died in 2006.

  47. Margaret says:

    Was the wife ever looked into? He was fooling around on her after all. Whose to say she didn’t know,. The article doesn’t mention her until the obituary. Having a wife at home would be pretty good incentive for Mrs Carley to go anywhere else to call the police.

  48. Sir says:

    Has anyone noticed that where Geraldine lived, Maureen Farley lived/worked, and where Maureen’s killer(George smith) lived is all in the same area and within 5 years. Both young women dumped in ravines. All lived around that area on first ave. Coralville res, where she was found is just a short distancee from Ely road. I might be reaching but very similar.

  49. Laura Dyann says:

    I’m truly so sorry for the tragedies you’ve had to endure. I shouldn’t say that I understand your drive now, but I do see what has driven you. And I commend you so much. Your family has suffered some very big untimely and unfair loss. That is a feeling I am all too familiar with. I’m honestly in awe of you and your work. I really wish I had done something as amazing with my grief. Thank you for sharing your story. 💜

  50. anon says:

    Her son Carl Edward Maynard died in 2006 at age 57. I’ve viewed a couple old articles that do cast suspicion on her son.

  51. Margaret says:

    It would be interesting to compare DNA between these two babies at the very least. They were killed similarly, close in time, and in the same area. They could be siblings. It would take a special kind of monster to do this not once, but twice.
    Back in the 50’s this may have been a woman married to an abusive man and unable to leave. If he killed these babies, she wouldn’t have had much say in the matter.

  52. Margaret says:

    I’m stunned to hear myself say this. But I think it’s perfectly possible that the husband was not involved. At least no more than he could have been.
    He was clearly running around with an unsavory bunch. He could have been the target for just a little “talking to”. She could have been collateral damage.
    Also, people often don’t remember specific details during a traumatic event. She could have simply jumped back and he could have perceived her as turning.
    I know nothing more of this case, so I could be way off the mark. But unless if I’m missing something, there is not near enough evidence to know for sure enough to insist it was the husband.
    I can’t help but think of a slew of cases in which the husband is wrongly imprisoned; on trial for having bad friends or being bad husbands, but being sent to jail for murder. That’s a dangerous jump to make.

  53. Kim says:

    There was a recent search done in Minnesota by Iowa and Minnesota investigators. It was due to a tip sent in regarding Jodi’s case:

  54. Patrick Kerrigan says:

    Yellowbag, may have have dropped an interesting tidbit in his September 26, 2022 comment. He mentioned the guy was wearing an orange and blue reflective jacket. Now, we need to think who would normally be wearing that type of jacket. One thought might be someone who works as maybe ground crew at an airport, maybe loading luggage into a plane, etc.

    Also, he talked with an accent that seems the guy was from out East.I am originally from New York City, from many years ago. But don’t seem to have an accent from there. However, while in the Navy, was stationed in New Hampshire, and Connecticut

    So maybe Yellowbag can expand upon the accent part. Would it have been someone from New England area, or further south.

    • Yellow Bag says:

      Hi Patrick,

      I have always thought the jacket is the key to figuring out who the Fairmont man was/is. It could have been a paramedic jacket (which is what I thought at the time), or someone who worked at the airport or Air Guard. It was unusual in the 80s to see someone wearing a heavy blue and orange reflective coat at night. The guy was wired and aggressive at 6 AM, so I assume he was getting off work and not going to work. It was snowing heavily, so it is also possible the man was wearing the jacket while removing snow someplace.

      I saw the man for less than a minute, 42 years ago, but I do not think he resembled the Gacy associate from Chicago, or the sketch of the man seen at 42nd and Ashworth when Johnny was kidnapped. When he said “with you,” it sounded like “wit-chew.” I think that is pretty common from New England to Virginia, so I am not sure how much that narrows things down. If the guy who tried to kidnap me is the same guy who kidnapped Johnny (the car is exactly the same), then he must have been around the DM area for at least a 7 month period (March through September, 1982).

      • Patrick Kerrigan says:

        Yellowbag, I was also thinking along the lines of someone getting off work. I threw out the idea of working at an airport, was a guess. But the reflective jacket would be required for someone who worked outside at night, and needed a jacket that that would be seen, especially at night.

        I was hoping that the colors would trigger a memory of someone who worked a certainly job. The other thought was someone who served in the military, that might have been in the military, and was from the East Coast, and decided to stay with in the area.

      • Patrick Kerrigan says:

        Yellowbag, you mention a an associate of John Wayne Gacy. The Chicago Tribune on May 16, 1977, wrote about John David Norman, who ran a nationwide homosexual ring, headquartered in Chicago, known as the Delta Ring.

        His assistant was an individual identified as Phillip R. Paske (25), at the time. Paske, worked for the City of Chicago. I seem to think he worked for the Chicago Park District.

        There is a reference to a Michael J. Rossi, as an employee of Gacy’s Construction Company, however they don’t provide any more information on him.

        Norman, had 30,000 index cards with names of pedophiles who paid for sex with young boys, and their preferences.

        The index cards mysteriously disappeared. They were discovered by Dallas Police.

        I wondered in anyone can connect Paske, who was born in 1953, Norman, or Rossi to Iowa.

      • Patrick Kerrigan says:

        Yellow Bag, I was writing up a case file of sorts on my computer on Johnny’s case. In regards to the reflective jacket.

        In my former profession, we purchased certain uniform items like shirts, pants, uniform belts, handcuffs, holsters, shoes, jackets etc.

        Many law enforcement agencies, firefighter, security guards, postal employees, municipal bus drivers, would go to certain uniform shops in Chicago or their suburbs.

        Also, there was a place in Kentucky, that carried all kinds of stuff for law enforcement, firefighters, etc. I remember paying through their catalog, and ordering something for one of our government agency vehicles.

        In your case, orange was one of the most bright colors around. In this day ang age there are more options, such as lime green or bright yellow. It appears they most used item are the reflective vests.

        So, someone might check uniform shops in the area, that might seem to remember carrying that type of jacket in their stock.

        But if it had been a paramedic or security guard, There would be something on the jacket to further identify their profession hopefully.

        • Yellow Bag says:

          Hi Patrick,

          I wish I could remember if there was any kind of emblem on the coat, but I cannot. I think the coat was primarily blue, with orange stripes and outlines.

          When I was talking to the man, he kept looking in his rear-view mirror. I took off running at the point I felt like he was about to jump out and grab me. I remember being surprised he drove off in a hurry instead of running after me. So, I am sure the man was coming home from work at 6 AM, not going to work. Why would someone try to kidnap a kid on the way TO work?

          • Patrick Kerrigan says:

            Yellow Bag, I was not putting any pressure on you. I was just adding something that came to mind in regards to the jacket.

            I sort of putting out stuff that comes to mind, that might get some people thinking, or trigger a memory.
            It could be someone knowing someone wearing a similar jacket.

            Quite often in cold cases, it’s the little things that an investigator might stumble upon, and it triggers something to look at.

            There have been offenders identified through DNA 🧬 n cold cases, that were never on law enforcement radar screen of sorts.

  55. anon says:

    Could Aaron possibly be this Arizona Doe?

    I just donated $10 for the DNA sequencing, in Aaron’s name.

  56. anon says:

    I have more information on Dennis Rhomberg. At age 43, slightly under 2 months after Crystal dissapeared, Dennis (kidnapper and rapist, who grew up in the area from where Crystal was taken, and who at one point lived just a few blocks down the street from Knickers) died, after falling or jumping from a bridge in rural East Dubuque.

    Given Dennis’s prior kidnapping and rape history from downtown Dubuque, his cousin Randy’s abduction, participation in the gang rape of, and murder of Jodi Bausman (one of Randy’s roommates and participation in the Bausman attack was Craig Otterbeck, who we now know to be a serial rapist and probable serial killer, given his murder of Thomasina Dunavant and participation in the murder of Jodi Bausman), Dennis’s cousin Sean Rhomberg’s high level of psychopathy as evidenced by his conduct including his murder of the elderly woman, and what one might wonder is possible genetic psychopathy running through that family, maybe one should be looking at where Dennis was the night Jodi disappeared. Did he commit suicide by jumping off that bridge?

    I’ll post a link here; I don’t know if it will go through or not.

    Again, this is just one possibility among many. I used to own a couple rentals very close to Knickers Saloon and have had interactions in that capacity (and some in my professional capacity) with a number of the local psychopaths.

    • Stay Strong! says:


      This is all good info.

      I’d be interested in your assessment of the most likely perpetrator(s) and motive after all of your research and knowledge of the neighborhood.

      The usual qualifiers of course… your conclusions are alleged only, opinions are your own, you possess no direct and substantive proof, etc.

      If your so inclined and feel comfortable but it looks to me that you possess a unique insight into this case.

  57. anon says:

    In 1965, Leonard J Oswald, formerly of 2561 Jackson St, Dubuque, forced his way into a Dubuque woman’s house at gunpoint and violently raped her. He grew up 4.5 blocks from Knickers saloon and this would have been within the zone of comfort that most criminals operate. Oswald is alive and well. He was discharged from Anamosa in 1969 for this violent rape. According to online records, he was living in Dubuque at the time of Crystal’s disappearance. He is just one of many violent sex offenders on the loose with ties to not only Dubuque, but in fact to the very neighborhood where Crystal was taken from.

  58. anon says:

    I continue to comb through old Dubuque Telegraph Herald articles for possible perps.

    In 1966, the following Dubuque men were found guilty of kidnapping a woman who was walking down the street, so that one of them could rape her (he told her this in the car). She managed to escape: Ronald J Wallace, Sidney Wallace, James L Lucy, and Richard Dunwoody. All were convicted of kidnapping her. Sidney continues to reside at 1538 Central Ave, just a few blocks from where Crystal disappeared. Sure the Peacocks names are well known, but think of all of the other Dubuque men with violent sexual assaultive history who were and are free men but whose convictions pre-date DNA testing, the Sex Offender Registry, computerized arrest and conviction records, etc.

  59. Luke Harkness says:

    Was there any ever update on the jaw bone found in the Iowa River? Also do we know what relative she was last seen with and why she was even placed in the nursing home in the first place? This lady deserves to have her story told, but theres just so many holes and so much thats not provided.

  60. anon says:

    I commented yesterday about how Crystal went missing from a bar just a couple doors down from where Jodi Bausmann had been abducted by Randy Rhomberg, Greg Otterbeck, and Michael Shaffer.

    Anyway, Randy’s cousin, Dennis Rhomberg, was also an abductor and rapist, as it turns out. Dennis had picked up a girl who was hitchhiking in 1977, drove her out into the countryside, and violently raped her.

    Dennis was alive and well, and living in Dubuque, at the time Crystal went missing.

    I’ve been going through old newspapers to ascertain the names of other historical Dubuque rapists and/or kidnappers who had convictions before the days of mandatory DNA testing for felons, before the days of the sex offender registry, and before computerized records were kept.

    Here are various Dubuque and Dubuque-area gang rapists: Michael Betts, Timothy Murphy, Ricky Shannon, Joseph Huber, Joseph Matthess, Lenny Creger, Bernard Kalvelage, George Petersen, Kevin McDonald, Randall Reiger, Charles Breitbach, Douglas Fiedler, Steven M Becker, Michael E Glans, William Camp, Winston Blackmon, Herbert G Witt III, and Charles Lewis are Dubuque and Dubuque-area gang rapists from the 70’s.

    Those who were violent solo rapists from Dubuque and the greater Dubuque area from the 70’s include Raymond Rowell, Thomas J Weidenbach, Gary Shepard, William R Heitz, Gregory Lund, Carl Cox, Gene E Dryer, Michael W Fries, Daryl E Brooks, Steven R Gill, and Larry Damm.

    And I’m only part-way through reviewing these old records.

    Yeah, the Peacocks might be good for it, but there are so many others that might be quiet and older and under the radar.

  61. A says:

    who was she engaged to at the time of her murder?

  62. anon says:

    John Joseph Carmody Jr. died in November of 2020, in Texas.

  63. anon says:

    Dubuque can be a pretty dangerous city, and the area she went missing from has a lot of crime. This is not relevant, but just a historical fact. Jodi Bausman was taken by Randy Rhomberg, Michael Shaffer, and Gregory Otterbeck from Kelly’s Cove which was at 2126 Central, on the same block from where Crystal Arensdorf went missing. I used to own a couple rentals in the 1700 block of Washington, which was 7 blocks from there, and it was not a safe area.

  64. anon says:

    I found an article in an internet archive, plus some Deans List publications. He was an honors student at the Iowa Western Community College for three semesters in a row. Then he didn’t show up to visit his family in New York for Thanksgiving. When law enforcement checked it out, they found his apartment door unlocked, his car in the parking lot, and his wallet, car keys, and book bag in the apartment. What a terrible tragedy this, and all other cases like it, are.

  65. Cara Chaffee says:

    As Dennis’ niece, I would love to see his case be solved. My grandparents went to their graves not knowing what happened to their son and my dad (his half brother) is now 90 so I would like to see it solved in his lifetime. Wonder if there is a way to get my hands on the case file?? I always felt it made no sense for the police to think Mary had anything to do with it with her two children in the house all weekend with no food or water in 100+ degree temps in July. Time to rethink this whole thing and come at it with clear vision.

  66. Yoda says:

    Should say Fayette County Iowa. The portable brain spelled wrong by assumption.
    Additionally, the law enforcement is a reflection of the community they serve.
    If citizens refuse to testify, try everything to get out of jury duty, and blindly approve of judges on a ballot, or leave the judges vote blank, you have the system you deserve.

  67. Warren County Wonder says:

    These folks lived down by my family farm it’s so messed up this hasn’t been solved.
    Goes to show how much Warren County can depend on the sheriff….

  68. Mary Jo Frieden says:

    Sometimes firemen are arsonists. Google it.

  69. Cynthia Schultheis says:

    They need to get these aired on the TV and question witnesses again get new detectives on the case to get maybe get new fresh eyes

  70. Carrie Larson says:

    I have heard from some that Rhonda knew her murderer. I don’t know if that has any merit. I thought I would throw it out there.

  71. MarGurita Hammond says:

    Happy Heavenly Birthday ❤️ I love you

  72. Alisia Myers says:

    I guess my mother’s case wasn’t never reviewed or there was no time for anyone to contact me back Jodi I had left you a message at the top of the page quite some time back, also never received a phone call back from the detectives I would like to meet with and have this case reworked with fresh eyes new detectives my mother was abused on her autopsy report that should be more than enough evidence that he beat her up prior to killing her, she had a bite mark on her lip on the outside bruises on her face black eye and they stated she had bite marks on her tongue from being strangled how do you bite your tongue at the same time you get a bite mark on the outside of your lip he’s already bit her lip off once completely off.

    • Laura Dyann says:

      Alisia I’m so frustrated reading about your mamas case that I cannot even fathom how you feel. Why is there 0 drive or urgency to lock him up till he rots? I want to suggest for you to reach out to a few people who run you tube channels dedicated to unsolved true crime. It would maybe help not only to spread awareness but to put some pressure and accountability on the LE you’ve had to deal with. And their inadequacies. I will send a few names/channels that take their work and research very seriously and you can submit the case to them. I will too (squeaky wheel theory). I’ve had about 5 channels cover the my friends missing person case. Anything helps! This is absolutely solvable I feel.

  73. Yoda says:

    35 yrs. A LEO. Retired. In every major crime consider “cui bono” who stands to gain.
    As to evidence, look for things that are at the scene that should not be there, and look for things that should be at the scene, but are not.
    People who commit this type of crime are NOT sick, they are EVIL. The local Priests should be asked anyone confesses to this. Yes, I know, sworn to secrecy, but a yes or no answer is not divulging details.

  74. QueenLovely says:

    The material witness and his brother were charged in 2022 for a deadly shooting

  75. Janice Gates says:

    Yes, I am looking for this, too.

  76. B.B. says:

    Could this priest, Leo Riley, who’d worked in Dubuque, be linked to this boy’s death?,Father%20Leo%20Riley%20was%20arrested%20in%20Florida%20last%20week.,was%20a%20priest%20in%20Dubuque.&text=He%20then%20moved%20to%20Florida%20in%20the%20early%202000s.,-There%2C%20a%20John

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      He would be a person of interest in Kenny’s case. However, all his other alleged victims are all alive, it is assumed.

      Plus, the authorities would have to place in to have come in contact with Kenny. Did he work at the school, Would his duties as a priest require him to provide any religious services at the school or at Hillcrest.

      Also, was the school or Hillcrest located close to the church where he was assigned. Otherwise, how would he come in contact with Kenny.

      I would assume his victims most likely were children at the church where he was assigned.

  77. MB says:

    Crystal was in my class in the early 90s. I remember that they lived in a rural run down house that caught fire and they remained there. Her and her brother smelled of smoke for days. She rode my bus route. I was at a Burger King a few years after graduation and saw a missing person picture there.

  78. Brandy Hippen says:

    I think that he bears a striking resemblance to the circumstances and the physical characteristics of Marion county John Doe from Florida. John Doe was the victim of being hit by a vehicle. The accident occurred November of 1990 in Marion county Florida.

  79. extensionferret says:

    A long shot but maybe they could use Mvac to retrive any dna from his register bag. The abductor likely discarded it. Might even have used it to strangle Eugene.

  80. Shelly Read says:

    Nobody brings up the kidnapping from starlight village, Rebecca / her daughter, how they cover it up, use are town as a plot, landfill of death..BS, how long term residents are treated, for safety. Solve these cold cases, what are they scared of?????

  81. Unknown says:

    Iowa, Fort dodge wrongfully charged her boyfriend, he didn’t do nothing wrong.

  82. John says:

    just adding stuff. The car that left the area we thought we heard a girl murdered had unfamiliar tail lights and longer trunk at the time. but I matched them to a 78 Chrysler Newport decades later. when the car stopped for a bit in Gitchie, we were discussing what had happened. and the discussion was pointing that it could be law enforcement. I was sceptic the Law Enforcement could do such a thing. So I was focused on the car and didn’t see and sign of a law enforcement logo on the side of the car. I also watch for lights on the roof and definitely there was no light on the roof of the car. I remember as were were watching the car, I was looking around to make sure nobody was walking up on us. Dean said he saw someone outside the car. but we decided it was nothing because no doors had opened because that would turn the car interior lights on. they though it looked like someone had walked past one of the rear tail lights. and we decided it was nothing. At that time we didn’t realize that there was a truck parked near that spot. For decades I could not figure out how the guys in the truck would have had time to run back to the spot the girl would have been killed. it never seem possible for them to go back after they left gitchie. the car stopped in the area of the truck but no doors or trunk opened. but I had forgot about the part where they thought someone passed by the tail light. but the evidence from the cold case says that she had a rope around her and she was drug at some point. It seems totally possible that when we were driving up on the truck that one of the guys from the truck could have just drug her body behind the truck. they could have untied her from the rear bumper or the passenger in the car could have held the rope thru the window. it would explain how we might have seen a guy walk past the rear tail light and the transfer of the girls body to the truck.

    Something else. I’ve always remembered the plate as 9803ME. But there’s a memory of when we had decided to follow the truck to get the plate number. we were going to each get a part of the plate. I was going to get the last digits. which was 03 not ME. 9803 is primary and ME was secondary. I continually said 9803 in my head and added ME Later. So I think its ME9803 because I thought that the ME was less important. I repeated 9803 a half dozen times then added ME. then repeated it to myself. when I looked up ME9803 it went to a 2007 Harley motorcycle. I looked up 9804 and 9805 and it no motorcycles showed up. you’d think motorcycle plates would be in sequence. South Dakota had a way of reusing your old plates on new vehicles. so I was wondering if someone had the plate reregistered to a different vehicle since the plate number was documented as the plate of the truck that left Gitchie that night and was on the road where Wilma was found months later.

  83. Christine says:

    There seems to be many cold cases, or suspicious deaths in Iowa. Thinking about Truck driver David Schultz where his truck was found in Sac County. According to what I been hearing on headline news, that when David went missing in November 2023 his truck was pulled over on side of road. David’s wallet, credit/debit cards, money, and phone were still in the truck Untouched. David “jacket, coat?” Was outside his truck on the ground. And, if I remember correctly either the local county Authorities did a super wide search around surrounding open areas. Due to Fields being down at the time they should have found David. Though, they not until later. Not sure like I said if finally a search team found David Not far from where his Semi was at All. And, they “the coroner” says David died of natural causes. Then I read today that meth was in his system. Though, during first autopsy this was not revealed. I am not sure if The deceased did drugs like that??? This leaves many questions for Authorities! Why would David get out of his truck , take his coat off, and walk a ways only to succumb to hypothermia??? It just does not make sense. If I am correct David’s wife asked for a second autopsy. After seeing all the cold cases going way back from 50’s to now. This is unreal. The two cousins, ages 8, and 10ths young in 2012 were found about 20 miles from where David was found. Thinking did someone pull David over??? And, then he exited the truck, and then only God knows what after that. Sounds like Iowa might need a bit more cold case investigators on all these cases?

    • Kim says:

      There was no foul play involved in David’s death. This article outlines what happened.

      The meth was found on the first autopsy during toxicology tests. He wasn’t found right away because there was enough stubble in the field to hide the body, plus they apparently only walked the fence lines when searching instead of actually going into the fields. At the time of his disappearance, he’d been working for 30 hours straight without any sleep, so he took the meth to give him enough of a boost to get the pigs hauled. Meth can really mess up your system. It made him have a medical emergency (overheated/racing heart), so he got out of the truck to walk it off and went into the field where he was found. He didn’t call for help because he was probably afraid of getting busted and losing his license.

      The field where he was at is not 20 miles from where Lyric and Elizabeth were found. There’s almost 200 miles (give or take) between the locations. He was found in Sac County, they were found in Bremer County.

  84. Mea says:

    It was probably Big brother/ little brother whichever James Altman. He seems to get away with murdering and assaulting woman in cold blood! I BET HIS ASS!

  85. Asshole George Klees says:

    I get paid by Noreen to discredit the truth.

  86. George Klees is a Lying Pandejo says:

    John and Noreen snaked me in the culo.

  87. George Klees is a Lying Pamdejo says:

    John and Noreen snaked me in the culo.

  88. Noreen and John Sr. killed their son.

  89. Geroge Klees Killed Johnny Gosch says:

    I am a shill for Noreen. She did it!

  90. Joan Hollar says:

    I know who killed Rhonda Knutson. I am absolutely 100% certain. I know him personally. Will someone please listen to me. 319-269-8830. I have known for 32 years.

  91. Patrick Kerrigan says:

    It would have been nice if Mr. Dill’s daughter provided more details about school reunion. Was this a school reunion that Audrey attended, or a reunion for the guy she was with. Also, the name of the nightclub would have been nice. She mentions a picture, but who has the picture, and a statement from the bouncer.

    Plus she does not provide any details on when she supposedly fled to Texas. I assume this Stan, has been cleared of his possible involvement in her disappearance. I like to quote Sgt Joe Friday, in regards to the facts.

    Also the results of polygraph exams are not allowed in court as they are not reliable. I had one many years ago, when applying for a job. The examiner seemed to think I had a thing for fires. Yet, I don’t smoke and don’t play with matches.

    I even use electronic lighters to light the candles at church and the same with the incense charcoals for funerals.

    In many missing person cases, we sometimes hear or read that the missing person was seen somewhere else, but it wasn’t confirmed. Was this appearance at the nightclub confirmed by law enforcement.

    It would be nice, if this deceased woman in South Carolina could be exhumed and DNA to properly identify her. It would give her a name and confirm or deny she is this missing woman.

  92. Kim says:

    Looks like Jade Colvin’s 2016 missing persons case is now a homicide and there’s been an arrest made in her case:

  93. JP says:

    Buzz Anderson? He spent Christmases with Heather and Drew and was CONVICTED of kidnapping a girl the same age and raping her repeatedly in the 80s. He even gave Heather and Drew a gold Camaro to drive during all those parades and motorcycle events they organized….. Someone posted this on Reddit. I’ve never heard this story.

  94. Kim says:

    Not sure if anyone posted this yet, but there’s a new docuseries out about the Evansdale case (link is to story on KWWL website):

    • JP says:

      I watched it. I still want to know why the FBI won’t tell us how they excluded Klunder? Like they say they have several reasons why it’s not him, but won’t say exactly why.

      • MikeD says:

        I remember Iowa investigators said something at one point that Klunder was ruled out as a suspect because of GPS/cell phone ping data that didn’t put him anywhere near the area along with eye witnesses verifying his whereabouts. Have to keep in mind they were under no obligation to publicly rule him out and did so anyway.

  95. Jnp says:

    A couple thoughts/questions..
    1. I saw on Facebook that Iowa cold cases said (in 2016) they thought they knew what caused the marks on Kim’s body and what connected her case to Craig’s, was this ever posted to the public?
    2. In terms of the house fire that took the lives of the Loose brothers and parents, did they ever release anything on the padlocks that were on the doors? I wondered if they were installed by the parents to make sure the brothers didn’t run away and/or get hurt.
    3. With the amount of people that seemed to come forward witnessing things that night, I’m surprised no one saw what happened? I also have to think there has got to be rumors, do they warrant any truth?
    4. I’m also very curious about Kevin and Jeff, were they in and out of trouble after this? Did they stay friends? I was able to find a picture of Kevin, but never found any of Jeff…

  96. Maureen Fennell Shepherd says:

    I am a niece of Miles Dougherty, I was 10 when he disappeared. It literally broke all of our hearts. He was my very favorite person. My parents at the time had us 5 girls & he would often just stop by & bring us candy. He babysat for us as well. He had the most gentle heart & loved us dearly. He adored his family and would never have left on his own. My Father, Tom Fennell worked as a reporter for the Journal & tried everything to find him, I remember him being so frustrated that the police department would not drag the river. He left a lasting legacy of bravery and courage. I still miss him & just pray someday……… Mo Shepherd

  97. Tammy says:

    I would like to talk to you Anonymous. Please contact me.

  98. EM says:

    Hello I wasn’t born yet when this happened but my grandfather was in the towns law enforcment at the time and went to the scene. He shared that he as well thought it was by law enforcement. The cop reported his duty baton missing even. If someone could find that it would have been solved. I grew up hearing details of the crime scene and it was horrible. My grandpa still to this day can’t believe how brutal the scene was. I hope justice is served for Rhonda.

  99. Trish says:

    Stumbled across this in 2024. will share the flyer from

    And hope it helps someone get in touch with the young man.

    My heart goes out to you.

  100. Melissa says:

    From the Des Moines Register: “Harland Shuey was stabbed in his home. He called 911 twice to report his injuries but was apparently hard to understand. Officers found him conscious in the dining room with a trail of blood throughout the house. There was no forced entry, and he had no known enemies.”

  101. Liana says:

    The Davenport Police Department has investigated and found there is no connection between Kimberly Sue Doss and Kimberly Kathleen Gardner. DPD, Kimberly’s Family, Snd Advocate FIND US are working diligently to remove any and all references ad tags associating the two. There are tags for Kimberly Gardner attached to this post that should be removed.

    Contact Det Lauren Anderson at the Davenport Police Department

  102. Ashlee says:

    The two year gap could also be him holding them captive until he killed them? There are kidnappers and pedophiles who do have their time with them before “getting rid of them”. Think for a minute. The boys were between 12-14, around when some start hitting puberty, so he could have held them for 2 years and they just got to be “too old”.

  103. Diane Stasko says:

    Who paid the phone bill? The cell phone that sent the messages must have been paid for somehow?

  104. Tom Zehentner says:

    Does it seem a bit suspicious that Steve’s Girlfriend (Paula Shimek) married another guy (Mark Wilson) less then a month (Feb 26, 1978) after he was reported missing (Feb 5, 1978)? There seems to be some obvious motives there and I wonder if investigators ever followed that lead.

  105. Amy says:

    The earliest newspaper reports state the coroner’s estimated date of death for Lois Bradley as Thursday, June 27, 1991. Neighbors reported an odor in the hallways that following Saturday. When interviewed, neighbors said Lois would leave her door unlocked or open in the hopes of talking to neighbors as they walked in the hallway. Her aunt said she struggled with living alone and had moved into the apartment when she was no longer able to keep up with her childhood home. Hopefully someone knows something.

  106. Pali8r says:

    It’s bewildering to think that this couple actually found their own grandchild. It’s difficult for me to imagine that they had no idea their son or son’s gf placed the baby in their barn. They admit their son was the last to go to bed that night and that their dog had been barking. Did the gf drop the baby off on their property or did their son place the bag with their grandchild in their barn? Extremely sad.

  107. Dale Huff says:

    It’s odd after all these years I found this.
    James (Jimmy) was my half brother. He lived with us for a time in C.R. on Mt Vernon Rd. I was around 12 or 13 when it happened. Jimmy was mentally disabled, he could dress and feed himself, I’m not sure if he was capable of cooking but he couldn’t get a drivers license. Mostly he wasn’t able to live alone.
    My dad had gone and brought him to the house on Mt Vernon Rd for Thanksgiving just before it happened. I remember that his face was very swollen with at least one black eye, he was somewhat unrecognizable. He told us that he’d fallen down some stairs. I don’t know if my dad inquired further into why my brother looked the way he did, but what ever was going on was going on for a while.
    I don’t know what the relationship was between my brother and the Huelsenbecks but he was obviously a person that needed taken care of or at least looked after. Obviously non of these things were happening. I’m not a Dr but I’m sure a persons face doesn’t become swollen to nearly unrecognizable condition from falling down, even if it stairs.

    • MikeD says:

      For sure an interesting detail that he was mentally disabled. How easy was he bullied or manipulated into saying things that weren’t true by someone else in a position of power over him?

  108. Mary Rosier says:

    I have info for Steve Ridge
    Regarding Jodi. If you can get him
    To call me ASAP. I tried very hard to pass on my info and
    Nothing happened. No one called for all these years.
    Steve Ridge should call me anytime is OK.
    My phone number is 334-598-1553.
    Or I will talk to
    Him if he is truly interested in a new lead.
    Thank you.
    Mary Rosier
    Daleville, AL
    Former Minnesotan!

  109. G says:

    Have they ever looked into the maintenance worker?

  110. Lisa Scott says:

    She went missing only a few days before Johnny goesch. I really think their cases are related. For sure.

  111. Amber L Berg says:

    Praying that the Carr family finally gets answers.

  112. We care, Iowa says:

    100 agree with Illinois findings, Casey’s on south 22nd in Fort dodge has Billy Davis wearing the clothes that was seen in the woods at fiinny park, as a white man / black man, were seen with a knife a man sitting g in a dark chairing the woods, as a older red white / silver truck that was seen recently at kwik star on 5th Ave awhile, talking to a long black hair female, , couldn’t see who was driving, Ms. Napier as her life is a hotel living, etc.. Cops have turned their badges upside down to the community/ not stopping the drug traffickers. Kathy hepp breaking into Gowrie medical clinic, Billy being tight with the black community. At a young age drugs relation. The retaliation from these people MAKE COLD CASES.

  113. Christina Wessels says:

    I pray that with the new cold case unit starting up that there is success in solving these cold cases. God’s continue blessing 🙏

  114. Kim says:

    This was on KGAN’s news tonight:
    I wasn’t sure where to put the link, so I put it here on the Polk County page.

  115. Ni says:

    Go read nee gazette article about this new info

    • MikeD says:

      Way more details in that article than the family usually shares . Interesting that the Verizon store he was last spotted at was on the other side of town from the ASAC location he was dropped off at. The Verizon store was the 1100 Blairs Ferry Rd. NE location. He would have needed to be traveling with someone and you can see he seems to be entering the Verizon store with another person. What was the business he was handling at Verizon? Who was the person he was traveling with? Where was his last cell phone ping?

  116. Anastaisa says:

    Haeeee grandma I love you an I miss you more than you would ever know , I am now 19 an I’m still in disbelief an distress about that day ,I would have never known that , that day was going to be the last day I saw you ! I never knew I was going to lose you so soon hell I didn’t even have in mind you ever leaving me everyday I wonder what life would be like if you was here cause I know good an god darn well I wouldn’t be who I am today I would someone so much better . That day still hunts me down cause I feel I could have saved you I could have ran out the store and held you down till the police came but I was so young and so clueless I didn’t know what to do some days I blame myself because I know I could have saved you but I was an a daze that day I was so lost so confused so hurt lied too everything ! So many people kept telling me it wasn’t you but the entire time it was you ! I knew something was up because you didn’t come in the store right away ! I life hasn’t been the best w/o you man out family is literally fucked up my mom man she drives me crazy an I just ask for you help an your guidance because I literally losing myself day by day I hope you hear me an know that I am so sorry an I should’ve saved you ! I always think your mad at me cause you don’t visit me n my dreams or just let me know your near I think about you all the time an I think about how much we neeed you ! Me an my siblings literally need you the most ! Idk I’m trying to get a good grip on life but this shit is hard after you left grandma it’s been pure hell there’s been happy moments but the bad out do the happy moments n my life I swear ! I really don’t be knowing what to do in life but cry an I’m getting so tired of it I wish I could just bring you back right now today ! Oh god 7 long years of nothing but pain grandma I don’t been through so much an only you would know I done seen things I shouldn’t have seen I done been in things I shouldn’t have been I always wondered when it was gone get better grandpa he’s still holding on I wonder how he dose it but he dose it I feel bad for him every day cause our talk about you ! He just says every time you was his dawg an you really was ! You had his front an he had your back ! I just hope you keep him together he’s all we got an I just ain’t ready for him to leave I just can’t manage life w/o both grandparents I get in here everyday an just wonder when will justice come but it wouldn’t even feel overly good cause we don’t have you back but I guess it’ll be some kinda peace for the family hell it won’t be any for me I want blood but god gots it All I know he do but I’m going to wrap this up I love you more than life its self you was my mother fr ! I just ask that you keep guiding meee an leading me down the path you would have raised me to be on I love you so much an I hope you getting the rest you deserve I wish shit ain’t ever have to be like this but I guess everything happpens for a reason but deep down inside I’ll never understand this one but keep watching over the family we love and miss you more than you would ever know can’t wait to catch up on all the things you know an seen me done lol cause your girl done did slot out here man wish I could go back in time an change a lot of shit cause the knowledge I have known would have definitely been needed for back n the day ! But yeah I love you so much

  117. […] Ewing, Jody. “Harry Dennis Milligan.” Iowa Cold Cases, February 24, 2011. […]

  118. Sherri Desmarais says:

    Hello, Please look into uncle on Elizabeth’s side.

  119. ML says:

    Has anyone looked into Kenneth C Scholz? He killed my uncle in 1951 when he was 13 and Kenneth was 17 or 18. Kenneth went to jail, got out a few years later and then relocated to Des Moines. His picture matches the composite. He died in Urbandale, IA in 2004

    Kenneth Carl Scholz
    DOB 4/13/33
    From Crete, IL where he killed my Uncle, Billy Rodenburg 1/17/1951.

  120. Taylor Payette says:

    Some people who are very charismatic who seem normal live right next to parks for a reason. My antisocial (sociopathic) biological father would watch for kids across the street in the local park and wait for the perfect opportunity to use a childhood photo of me to get them to run to a specific location nearby using a non-suspicious, consistent method. The location would have had everything he needed that someone else was responsible for placing in that location—He was opportunistic in that regard. The criminal behavior escalated to violence or something more serious when there was greater opportunity for it. It might not necessarily be the case in that regard that this would be a serial offender as other factors of the profile I’m proposing might indicate to an expert.

    Considering this as a similar scenario, the killer could be nearby and the profile given could be a bit off. The antisocial characteristics in this circumstance would be greater. Again, an antisocial opportunist would have identified that this individual had a disability/was naive and vulnerable. The interpersonal skills in this scenario would actually be highly evolved. Trouble “coping” with the murder would look more like “I got away with it.” Check the neighborhood for individuals, an older male, living in the neighborhood. In this case, he might be responsible in day-to-day life, but might have also displayed tendencies reflecting anger or emotional volatility and immaturity. He would have wanted to do what he did. He would have liked it. And he would have liked getting away with it. He might have been a lonely loner, too, but I think the opportunistic aspects have been overlooked in some capacity. I’d check the neighborhood again and look for public opinion to determine the presence of aggression and biased mindsets.

    (Medical research, psychology, clinical psychology)

    “In 1988, Steven Conlon, with the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI), profiled the killer and speculated he was a loner who had poor interpersonal relationship skills and had trouble making friends. Conlon theorized that even with antisocial tendencies, the killer had difficulty coping with the murder and probably told someone.“

  121. anon says:

    I heard Krystal brag about killing him drunkenly at the Red Rock in the year or two after it happened. Something about pushing him off a porch and hitting his head on the stairs. Exact details are fuzzy, but I’m certain of the main point. It stood out to me because I didn’t even know her. I think she was dancing on the bar the same night.

  122. Brenda Kirschbaum says:

    Why is Theresa LeAnn Rice-Jackson not listed as a cold case when her remains were found buried in Story county? She grew up in Polk county which is right beside Story county and although I read she moved to Vegas at some point before her death wouldn’t Story county be where she would be listed as a cold case? It appears her case is nowhere to be found.

  123. Nathan Gregory Scott says:

    Wait…. so where are the photos? I might have a first hand witness…

  124. Patrick Kerrigan says:

    I find it interesting that their is no information on whether anyone else was with him, on this weekend camping trip. Off.coursr, there was no investigation since his death was supposedly accidental.

    Also, the second autopsy revealed signs of blunt force trauma. We need to have many old autopsy reviewed under the present standards.

    Although, he was a high school dropout, he served in the U.S. Army. I would assume he served in Vietnam, but we have no information of when he entered the Army.

    I wonder if his death, may be connected to the family of the girl, who he got pregnant.

  125. Taylor P. says:

    [5](4)[6] Most of this is my opinion in the instance that this was a homicide. Unless it was an accidental drug overdose, this was probably sexually motivated. She made plans with the bartender and had fought with her boyfriend, Tim Gerlieb, on the 3rd. She was 20, underage, and Robert Mootz served her anyway. He offered to share a cab with her back to East Dubuque. She agreed and made plans to do that, but was nowhere to be seen at bar close.

    I would ask whether someone overheard Crystal speaking about the fight she had with her boyfriend and whether she mentioned that her friends would be leaving. A predator or predators might think and know at that point that 1) Crystal is emotionally vulnerable or feeling less enthusiastic about her relationship and 2) physically isolated.

    I would ask… How drunk were David and Steven Peacock? What had their behavior been like in the past? Did they often frequent bars?

    Sometimes, criminal history means nothing and a casual phrase or whisper concealed with a smile is everything. Crystal was a perfect target for a late-night assault that, to predators, might look like a late-night “snack.”

    If there is no physical evidence of a scuffle or some sort of fight, then there might have been manipulation and more than one person involved. One would hold Crystal down and the other might sexually assault her. She was only 5’6” and 115 pounds. One might cover her mouth to quiet her and/or even her nose to quiet her completely, increasing the risk of accidental suffocation or perhaps intentionally causing suffocation leading to her death.

    There was no evidence of an encounter in any of the vehicles involved, so I’d wonder whether someone told Crystal to meet them somewhere isolated where no one would hear or see what was to take place which would have possibly been a sexual assault. Crystal might have grown inpatient to leave and communicated this to people at which point they would have encouraged her to meet them somewhere or start walking. She might have left, drunk, to begin walking home as so many others I have known personally have done in a drunken state. The lack of footprints and DNA traces lead me to think that this is less likely, but might it be impossible to trace footprints on the sidewalks of such a heavily trafficked area?

    It’s a mystery how far Crystal would have gotten had she left the bar of her own accord to walk home. A staged accidental death comes to mind. I think of a bridge, and how it might be impossible to recover a body thrown and weighed down into the Mississippi and hard to determine whether the cause of death was suffocation or death by drowning at that time (e.g., the heart stopped beating before water entered her lungs).

    Law enforcement might have seen Crystal walking on camera, though I do not know whether street cameras existed back in 2001.

    What we would need to know is what footage they have of Crystal and where they found her and others’ DNA.

  126. Brenda Sue Feick says:

    I was the owner of the house at the time my son joey went into the burning house to find the boy his mother told my son that he was asleep in his room since we had lived there for years my soon knew wher e the bedroom was he was not there there was a landing where you could go to the right to a bedroom and left to another bedroom and straight into the bathroom the landing was on fire in front of the bathroom door and in the bathroom while his mother was drunk and at the neighbors she said the electricity went out which was a lie in my opinion she did it also my husband burned the rest of the house down so this could not ever happen again

  127. Tonya Marie LaFarr says:

    I remember when this happened. I was just in the area today and I wish her case could be solved. Someone knows something about her case.

  128. Candy Gomez says:

    Lillian Eileen DeMaris’ case has been closed with the Mason City PD and Namus. I have asked Iowa Cold Case to close this or at least update her file.
    Unfortunately Lillian Eileen Huff Jackson DeMaris Hunter Daily passed away in 1969 in New Orleans Louisiana.

  129. Brian Coleman says:

    What about BTK killer? He had a fantasy of abducting a girl from a laundromat..he had a regional job for ADT home security I think? Why hasn’t he been considered?

    • Erika Driver says:

      I wish someone with the authority to look into the case… would actually do, just that … because I too, suspect BTK – as Corrine Perry’s killer…
      & Really…unless someone has better evidence than the stuff I’m looking at- prove me wrong.

      However BTK- is the guy.


      • Eva Grace says:

        DCI needs to figure out if she was burried after they serched the area, and if her remains are heat tempered from a fire. Pretty sure BTK would be the bottom of the list. And that would answer my questions.

  130. Tammy Renee Lind says:

    I wonder if he had an illness that doesn’t show signs like fever etc. A brain tumor comes to mind and can have such effects on the person as walking out in the middle of winter without shoes and hat. Just an idea.

  131. Alisana harrell says:

    Hi,I’m alisana and I’m 12 years old. so from what I read , a man walking his dog found her body where other people throw there trash,it said “Just after 8 a.m. the next morning, a local resident walking his dog stumbled across Terri’s partially decomposed body in the wooded vicinity of 33rd and Pavonia Street. She lay in a thicket along an unkempt dirt road, naked except for a pair of white panties down around one ankle and white tube socks pulled slightly off her feet. She had been killed point-blank by a 20-gauge shotgun blast to the face.” as it say they think she was sexually assaulted,well just it saying that they found her with her panties and tubed sock half way off her feet, they are correct.just from reading about the man who drove her ,he was giving me a bad vibe,they found a gun shot in the dash of the car , what they should have done was take the dash apart and find the bullet and 1. see how hot it is, and 2. scan it for DNA . that is all that I got from it , I hope this helps

  132. DeNae Forthwit says:

    Richard Ball has a very lengthy history of violent crimes and is currently in Federal prison for being a pedophile. Unless he was locked up with viable witnesses to him being there, any “alibi” provided to or for him should be questioned.

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      DeNae, thanks for the update. I assume this is the guy who Johnita was supposed to marry. Not exactly a nice guy according to the news report that was convicted of these bike acts.

      It throws him into the mix, as a person of interest in her case. Off course I don’t know his full criminal history, besides his arrest for these crimes.

      But, could she have learned of his background and decided to throw him in under the bus and he took offense to it. Plus, his activities put her daughter at risk..

      I seem to remember a guy somewhere in the country, who married women, to get close to their kids especially their daughters.

      Plus, she was murdered on Christmas Eve, an important day. Plus a busy one for me at my church. I worked 13 masses in four days, at my church, at Christmas.

  133. Anonomous says:

    Well..probably not admissable in court but someone told me that Vince Spidle admitted that he and Gary Bethards had killed Ryan after catching him trying to steal Garys cattle again. Supposedly this was said during a hunting trip shortly before Vince died. And lets face it, Decatur county cops arent smart enough to solve a riddle, much less a murder case. So incompetent its pitiful. I know the twins mom very well, and Nikki would never harm anyone, much less the father of her children.
    My heart goes out to the family, especially Tammy and those beautiful girls who were cheated of a father and for what? If theres any truth to this, my guess is justice will never be served. Around here, its nit about what you do, but who you are, and for as long as I remember theres too much money and influence in the last name for them to hold Bethards accountable.

  134. Darrow says:


    • Jody Ewing says:

      Darrow, I already have a file on Sean Turnbull and he will be added to the site very soon. Recent lists from different counties and cities are being compiled as we speak, and there are names we wouldn’t have known about without the cooperation from these law enforcement agencies.

      Thanks so much for writing, and Sean will be added shortly. Jody @ ICC

  135. Don Jones says:

    This could only come back to a couple people in town (especially if there is a possible meth/drug connection), and they NEVER work alone.

    • Carol Griebel says:

      There is a drug connection. Right on!

    • Carol Griebel says:

      There is a drug connection. But who??

      • Don Jones says:

        I was born and raised in that town, moved away in the early 2000s, and moved back in 2017…gone now, thank goodness we were able to sell our house. The 2 names that have been involved the most heavily in the shady drug life since the 1990s…and have been known to make things happen to people?

        Marty Claussen
        Joe Potter

        Every law enforcement professional is aware of what they do, yet do NOTHING to stop them. Makes one wonder how deep it goes…

  136. Summer Love says:

    JUSTICE WILL NE SERVED IN GODS NAME!!!! this will forever be heavy on my heart. its a nightmare and i will never be ok. Jade you deserved so much more from this life im so sorry the ones who were supposed to protect you, failed you ao miserably. I will never every forget our childhood memories playing and being kids and i will forever cherish that i had you growing up ❤️ I love you Jade You are forever another part of me, as my sister and I will always have u in my thoughts heart and prayers. I cant process this still… No no no this didnt happen Jade is ok this isnt real 💔💔💔

  137. Donald DiMaggio says:

    My name is Donald DiMaggio and I own Genetic Genealogy Researchers LLC. Is this case still open and were there any DNA evidence collected? If there were DNA evidence collected can I assume it did not match anyone in state or federal databases?
    My company is most interested in using any DNA evidence to attempt identifying the criminal(s) through genetic genealogy research.
    Thank you,

  138. Heath Jacob says:

    I wonder what the cops on scene really know, because I think there should’ve been some more investigating down the road a bit further. I’ve always had some theories, I think it’s time to reopen this case and get to the bottom of it!

    • MEA says:

      From what I heard, the cops know who did it but they don’t have enough “evidence” to charge. I bet if it were their child they would be singing a different tune. So unfortunate.

  139. Stephanie Elizabeth Caceres Redrovan says:

    Marianna Is my aunt it’s so sad that still today there is no justice for her. She was only 15 she wasn’t even able to experience life yet because that was taken from her.

  140. Carrie Prall says:

    If this gentleman was unfortunate enough to have driven into a local body of water. The family should consider hiring one of the diving teams that post their successfull finds on YouTube. These divers have given families much needed closure.

  141. D says:

    I feel that a Bown family member did this. A male, he is still alive living in marshalltown.

  142. MikeD says:

    Curtis Padgett’s trial for the murder of Dennis First started today in Linn County. I’m sure Erin’s family is paying attention to it. Let’s hope that if Curtis is found guilty it results in more information or answers for Erin’s family in the future.

  143. Patrick Kerrigan says:

    I would assume that since his vehicle is also missing, that most likely he and the vehicle are in a body of water in the area. Supposedly there are about 700 cases of missing persons, whose vehicles are missing

    Thanks to various dive teams around the country, they are helping close out some of these cases. Vehicles have been found in a number of different t bodies of water, from lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, retention ponds

    It would be interesting to determine what route he would have have driven from where he was last seen to his home. Then look for various bodies of water, along the route.

    The use of a drone might be useful in flying over the route. Then using side-scanning sonar to look for possible targets.

  144. Jeff Bentson says:

    The lack of any backpack or luggage suggests that he was either robbed, was staying with someone or had a motel room near by. My theory is that this man was likely drinking at a bar somewhere in the area and was being driven in a car by a man, woman or group of people and a disagreement ensued and he was asked to exit the vehicle. This was likely in the winter of 1985 (October to December) as his skeletal remains were found on March 31, 1986. They likely provided him with the blanket he was found with when they asked him to leave the vehicle. He may have tried to knock on the nearest farm house and either no one was home or do to the time of night they did not hear the knock and he sought shelter from the elements in the barn between the bales of hay. He then succumb to the elements and died.

  145. Milissa says:

    You would think with DNA today there has to be something anything that con be used for JUSTICE

  146. Milissa Ford (Kennedy) says:

    She was a good friend. We always hung out and walked home together. Loved her singing a voice like an angel. In ROTC we push the rules to a point, but we had fun. I was devastated losing what I considered a close friend.

  147. sherly says:

    Happy Birthday Jeannie, don’t know much about you or your story but i hope your safe, heard about your case January of this year and remembered your birthday. I hope to hear about you anytime soon.

  148. Kb says:

    Is there any update in the case? I think about her every single day. I was born a year after she disappeared and I’m now older than her at the time she disappeared:(

  149. Jorja (First) Ackermann Brown says:

    Just now reading this in March of 2024 – I am a first cousin to Dennis. I’m thankful they feel they have found the rightful guilty party. Prayers of comfort again for his daughter, Lori, and for Christine❤️ 💔.

    • MikeD says:

      I’m sure they found the right person. I’m looking forward to the results of the trial, doesn’t it start April 9th? 15 days.

  150. Kimberly says:

    Has Robert Ben Rhoades ever been investigated regarding Bambi’s death?

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      Kimberly to a good call. But I seem to remember him terrorizing his victims. The sort of M.O. , on the long haul truck driver, appears they pick up a victim at a truck stop, in one state, sexually assaulted them in another state and then dumps them in a third state.

      However, Bambi was not sexually assaulted. She was found well groomed, but missing some articles of clothing. Which seems to point in another direction.

      Also, according to her brother on Websleuths, Bambi attended the concert with a unidentified girlfriend, who supposedly changed her story several times.

      Also Bambi, had a boyfriend. However, he lost his job, and moved with his family to Texas, prior to her disappearance. Which is suspicious, in a way.

      Also, a Sherri Ann Jarvis (14), was missing from another state, and was found murdered by strangulation in Texas.

  151. Kim says:

    The Cedar Rapids Gazette had an in-depth article about Chaffee’s death:
    This is part of their cold case series.

    • Jerry Chaffee says:

      Thank you Kim. How did you find me to send a message?
      Jerry Chaffee

      • Kim says:

        Hi, I don’t think I sent you a message, I just linked the Gazette article here to Dennis’ page. It’s part of a series the Gazette is doing about cold cases in the area. Last month the story was about Fred Coste’s murder in downtown Cedar Rapids in 1959. You might have gotten an alert to my post if you’re signed up to receive new posts or comments on the ICC site.

  152. Charles Johnson says:

    How can the police get a warrant for an innocent person, George Smith’s relative, to provide DNA? That seems like a clear violation of the 4th amendment.

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      Mr. Johnson, the police got a warrant to most likely obtain DNA, of Mr. Smith’s family. They have to submit paperwork to a judge stating why they wanted a search warrant. The basically have to show probable cause for the warrant.

      This means they have to supply information that leads them to believe that Mr. Smith was connected to her murder. This information could be in the form of an eyewitness who came forward and said that he or she saw him commit the crime or heard state that he killed her for whatever reason.

      It could be that they reviewed the physical evidence recovered and had it reviewed by the crime lab, and they found DNA, and they needed DNA from a family member, to double check it.

      Also remember that the application for the warrant is submitted by a states, district attorney to judge who has to review and sees that it meets the standards for a search warrant.

      They do this to show that they followed an established protocol in their investigation. They could have gone through the garbage,or asked the family to provide one. But they could refuse to cooperate. So, they go to a judge by filing an application for the search warrant.

      It’s an extra step, but it’s nice to go through the extra step of going through the legal process.

  153. Taylor S. says:

    IN my opinion, assuming that Dougherty was murdered, the perp must have been particularly COWARDLY for him (or her) to have targeted a defenseless individual with a prosthetic hand.

  154. Erica Womachka says:

    I knew Roger I was 11 at the time of his disappearance, His brother Gary and I talked many time after and I remember one day the suspect was pointed out to me by Gary . He wasn’t tall and black curly hair slight build. Our family and their family lived 3 blocks from each other. I think of Roger often.

  155. Brian Force says:

    I wash my hands of this filthy world. They will never clean this filthy world. I’m connected to this case somehow. And it is my believed hunch that the murders are unsolved due to it being sanctioned. It just feels that way. I’m alone in this world with nothing and no one and I know the root of all of you myself included and if the future is now? But it’s all in the past? Then time is of the peasants.!! Yours truly, Brian Force

  156. Brian Force says:

    I may be freta bostiks kid. I’m having a hell of a time and I have secret society members and authorities I do different organizations oppressing me terrorizing me and I know it is not solved because it was sanctioned. I know it in my heart. But my heart is stupid alone I. This world with nothing and no one. I wash my hands of this dirty world. Sincerely up yours everyone. It must feel good to be the center of the universe, Brian Force

  157. Tyler says:

    Some of these need updated. Like Trey Lee. His killer wasn’t charged because he had an immunity deal but the guy admitted he shot him under oath. The prosecutors made a mistake with the forensic evidence and gave the wrong defendant the immunity deal.

  158. Chris says:

    Was this in 2009 or 2004? It says 2009 at the top of the page, but reading the case summary, it states 2004.

  159. Tammy Fulkerson says:

    We are coming up on 10 years since Ryan has been gone and still no answers. Someone knows who the guilty are, we need answers.

  160. Tammy Fulkerson says:

    We meed justice for Ryan.

  161. Evelyn says:

    (Margaret had 9 kids)How did Margaret have her last kid when she was 40, even tho she killed her husband when she was 32 …….. suspicious. AND she has 20 GRANDCHILDREN THAT’S CRAZY ?!?!?!?!?

    • Gayla McGlamery says:

      The article says she was his wife “of 32 years,” meaning they were married for 32 years at the time he was killed–from 1868 to 1900. She wasn’t 32 at the time of his death.

  162. Natalia says:

    A reminder another year has gone by with no answers, no real investigation, and no justice. I really hope the new Union County Sherriff will look into the the unsolved cases in his jurisdiction.

    I wonder if the Creston News Advertiser
    will finally agree to do a story on Ricky’s case now that Kenyon is (basically) out of office…

  163. Andrea says:

    The Chief of the state Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Tillman Thompson said, “There is no question that this is a murder” in an article published in the Gazette. If that is a correct statement, why does the death certificate indicate the cause of death as “unknown”. Why or how could there be such a discrepancy?

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      Andrea, at the time, whoever conducted the autopsy most likely could not determine a cause of death, with the medical knowledge and the available forensic tools available, at the time

      I am of the mindset that the autopsy results should be reviewed by more experienced medical examiners. Then if necessary, they could recommend that her remains be exhumed, for review by them and a forensic anthropologist. Hopefully, they could determine an exact cause of death.

      However, in the minds of law enforcement her death most likely was caused by someone. Since the autopsy states her cause of death is undetermined, they can’t close it out, one way or the other.

      • Andrea says:

        I’m not sure what the autopsy report says only the death certificate. It was a doctor that signed it. It’s odd to me that detectives are saying there’s no question and the death certificate says cause of death unknown. It would be interesting to see the autopsy report.

        One would think if there’s obvious neck bruising and fractures , there would be more information than cause of death unknown. Wish there was more information available about the state of her body when she was found.

        I feel terrible for those who’ve wondered all these years what happened to their loved one.

        • Patrick Kerrigan says:

          Andrea, the other issue is that at the time, most communities had a coroner. A good number of these individuals most likely were undertakers and not certified medical examiners.

          Again this makes me to think it would be a good idea to have a team of medical examiners to review all these cases where the cause of death going bacK 40 or more years are undetermined.

          This would help law enforcement to decide whether her and many others deaths were homicides or a non-criminal deaths.

          We have teams of cold case detectives reviewing cold cases. We should have teams of medical examiners to review these cases.

          What’s interesting is the Smithsonian Institute in Washington has forensic anthropologist who have been reviewing bodies at the request of many agencies for many years.

          Quite often they have found marks and other indications that a person was murdered.

          Also, the initial investigators most likely did not have the training that a homicide investigator in many of are major cities did.

          I remember two major crimes here in Chicago back in the late 1920’s. The first one was the kidnapping and murder of Bobby Franks. He was the son of a wealthy family in Chicago.

          He was found dead in a rail yard on the far southeast side of Chicago, on the Indiana border. At the crime scene Chicago Police Department detectives found a pair of eyeglasses.

          The eyeglasses were made by a well known company of Almer & Coe. The detectives got lucky with these glasses, they were a newer model frames. Also only three people had glasses with those frames.

          It led to one of two wealthy college educated men. They were arrested and charged with murder. They were defended by Clarence Darrow, who pled them guilty to avoid the death penalty.

          The other is the St. Valentines Day Massacre. A Cook County Coroners Jury was impaled. Two wealthy members of the jury brought in a Dr. Goddard. He was a U.S. Army Reserve doctor. But he a private crime lab.

          He reviewed the crime scene of murder of Bugs Moran gang. He said that two Thompson submachine guns were used. One of them had a twenty round straight magazine, and the other with a fifty round drum magazine.

          Dr. Goddard is considered the sort Father of Ballistics.

          However we now have scientists reviewing the science behind many things that were considered a slam dunk over many years.

    • Dana Wingart says:

      It was the ex husband

      And also, why the hell are people still talking about this.

    • jane says:

      “Cause of death” will never be “homicide.”
      “Cause of death” could be strangulation, “MANNER of death” could be homicide.

  164. Olivia says:

    I believe one of his friends killed him. They obviously knew that he just sold his horse and had that money, which was a lot back then. It wasn’t the person he sold the horse to because they would’ve just stole the horse without giving him the money. Then said “friend” made up the story about him going to visit his sister. Of course it was believable because ppl trusted said “friend” word and it bought him some time before they found the body. This is just my opinion.

  165. anon says:

    The newspaper says she was in fair condition, having been shot in the face by her ex, who committed suicide. Also, she lived on 35th, not 25th.

  166. anon says:

    With a middle name like Samsoudina, I surmise that he is from Burkina Faso.

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      Anon, a good call. The other question, what is his immigration status. I assume he entered the country legally Could his visa expired and he did not want to return to wherever he came from.

      So, we should have some answers from ICE. Also, the State Department Office of Diplomatic Security Service, could a resource of information. They are the Secret Service of the State Department. Plus they have regional security officers all over the world.

  167. Tammy Fulkerson says:

    If anyone has any information please call the authorities. We are coming up on 10 years since my son passed and still nothing….Someone knows something.

  168. Colleen says:

    They should exhume his body if he was buried and see if they can extract any DNA. Then, they could send it to ancestry and get some familial links, that could very easily close this case if that information is out there.

  169. Linda jordon says:

    My uncle my dad brother please someone come forward please

  170. Linda jordon says:

    That’s my uncle my dad brother my dad is the only brother left of the jordon please if you know anything please come forward plese.

  171. brad greene says:

    I know who killed Bill and Kay Wood. I’ve tried numerous times to contact the Indianola police dept and the dci but noone will return my calls. I would like to get this case solved so the family can have some closure. I know if it was my family member I would. I want these criminals off the streets before they do it again. Someone please contact me Brad Greene email phone 515-480-5723 call or text.

  172. Alisia Myers says:

    This case is not closed there is still reward money available thru crime stoppers please notify if you have any information regarding this murder still unsolved, reward money available to who ever comes forward with information.

    • Kat W. says:

      Still holding on to hopes that her case will be solved as well. My thoughts are with you Alicia. <3

    • Jody Ewing says:

      Alisia, I’m juggling about four cold case conversations right now and will follow up on Kathleen’s case when finished. Thanks for your patience. Jody @ ICC

      • Alisia Myers says:

        Was this ever followed up on or just simply forgotten about not important enough I’m assuming money was just funded to help solve these cases what is going on and why is nothing being done , there is a new Cold Case unit that had money funded to solve cold cases in Iowa this one’s long overdue and they need to be reworked I have her autopsy report it states clearly on there she has bruises and had a bite mark on her lip she was abused by her boyfriend and they just let him go that’s all the evidence that they should need they can see she’s been a physically abused by the autopsy report what else more do you need to know, also sperm found wasn’t tested yet also pubic hairs were clipped I spoke with the coroner’s office regarding everything they got I would like to have a meeting with the detectives handling my mom’s case and you and your office that list this need to address that there is reward money still available and a murder case is never closed there is no statute of limitations it needs reworked this case was never worked word DNA can be retrieved from the spermatosis swabs and the hair clippings from the pubic hairs they got from her to rule her boyfriend out if it wasn’t him however I know it was him, the autopsy stated she had a bite mark on her lip how is she biting her tongue at the same time had a bite mark on the outside of her lip her boyfriend had bitten her lip off in the past before completely off and now at the autopsy report they didn’t realize that there was a bite mark on the outside of her lip she couldn’t possibly be biting her a lip and her tongue at the same time she’s being strangled could she doesn’t make any sense to me.

  173. Matt says:

    The roadside memorial cross was apparently removed a few years ago.

  174. Stay Strong! says:

    Interesting piece in a recent CR Gazette article about this cold case. It echoes a lot of the information contained above plus some recent developments. It’s interesting how they uncovered the daughter living in Columbus, OH to better distinguish the blood evidence for DNA testing.

    It sounds like they have a probable suspect but will likely never be officially solved.

  175. Laura Benson says:

    I found this on a list on a website called
    THE LINEUP. Thought the peach tattoo might be significant

    6. Girl with the Peach Tattoo
    The body of this murdered woman was found by a hiker in a wooded section of Long Island, New York in 1997. It was missing both arms, both feet and its head. But there was one very identifiable mark: a tattoo on the left breast. It showed a heart-shaped peach with a bite taken out of it and two drops of juice.
    Police published a picture of the tattoo and a tattoo artist came forward to say he remembered giving it to a young woman from the New York area. In 2016, investigators linked other skeletal remains found on Long Island to the torso with the peach tatton It is now believed she may have been an es
    victim of the Long Island Serial Killer, also remains unidentified.

  176. Kim says:

    The parents of the baby have been identified through DNA testing, according to the Iowa DPS website:

  177. Antoine Weldon says:

    Maybe all 3 individuals were involved with her to some capacity and she had some type of dirt on them and they got rid of her together and made some type of pact? But hey what do I know I was 11 around the time she disappeared

  178. Bronwyn M Townsend says:

    Bambi was my cousin. Aunt Evelyn dies 5 years ago and her father dies two years ago. There HAS to be some way to solve her murder, With advancements in DNA and other Forensic development the answer IS THERE! Reopen the cold case and star again, Her remaining family has a right to know what happened and that she hasn’t been forgotten on a cold storage shelve.

    • Maria says:

      I wish they would, too. I was at that concert at the Col. Quiet Riot had done album signings earlier that day at the record store at Northpark Mall. It always bugs me that Bambi was there and I wish I’d seen something. It was a small venue.

  179. Olivia Oard says:

    I would love to get my uncle and my grandfathers cold case reopened. Gary and Mike Anderson. They were murdered in mount pleasant Iowa and the men still walk free today due to lack of evidence due to it happening in the 80s

  180. Brian F says:

    i think im connected to a cold case in some way. i know that i have been lied to all my life stolen from and i even have a twin that lives in kansas city i have learned. i think i may be a child from the morningside murders i dont know. lots of corruption and big operation nvolved in this travesty. here is my dna let’s get justice!!!

  181. Dont matter wheres the justice says:

    Well what have we found it’s been 7 quite years

  182. Donnie Donnie says:

    It had nothing to do with drugs.

  183. Cathi says:

    Anyone know if this case has been looked at again with all new DNA technology? I was her friend and lockermate in Jr High. She would come to my house after school sometimes and my mom would take her home. I’ve thought a lot about her over the years. She was such a gentle soul.

  184. CARL JOHN PIKE says:


  185. Jake says:

    Any new information to this

  186. Sue Johnson says:

    Linda Mayfield was my best friend when we were kids. I hope they solve this case.

  187. […] authorities because they “understand” why she did it. This story is based on true events of the 1901 Hossack Murder Case which Glaspell covered as a reporter. A farmer’s wife (Margaret Hossack) was accused of killing […]

  188. Jonetta Clark says:

    Would be nice if the contact information provided was correct for law enforcement. The area codes are wrong they should be 515 not 712 and why is there no update…….cause the case isn’t being worked on.

    • Jody Ewing says:

      Jonetta, first I would like to offer my condolences on your brother’s unsolved murder. It gets no easier after waiting eight years for answers; by contrast, each passing year creates more frustration, anger, and mistrust.

      Wendel’s case was written a little differently, using actual news pieces in their entirety rather than just references, and some media outlets don’t always put an area code in front of the number to call. That can be confusing for those who don’t live in that particular area. I take responsibility for the incorrect area codes listed at the end, however, and have corrected them as well to reflect 515 instead of 712.

      This may not come as any consolation, but just because no updates have publicly been posted does not mean the case isn’t actively being worked. By the time the case is 48 or 72 hours old, LE officials must then contend with other crimes just committed, and try to run out every possible lead before that case starts to go cold, too.

      Cities like Fort Dodge have a slightly increased crime rate as compared with those in smaller jurisdictions, but there is always one constant theme. Killers, accomplices and witnesses like to talk. They like to brag in bars after a few drinks. They embellish details never released to the public, and police have them on their radar. (It’s true that in smaller cities “just about everyone in town” knows who did it but fear coming forward.) Agencies often must hold specific details close to the vest.

      Please don’t think your brother’s murder is any less important than the others. It isn’t. You also have something else on your side; Larry Hedlund, a former FDPD detective who proudly served 25 years as a well respected Division of Criminal Investigation agent, was added two years ago to the Webster County Attorney’s Office to fill a new investigator position.

      Don’t be afraid to call in and request a status update. You might learn something new. I wish you all the very best in seeing your brother’s killer held accountable and brought to justice.

  189. Steve says:

    What’s happened to the Hardy family mass murders please? July 1910, on farm 4 miles South East of Melbourne ( the old train station before Melbourne was as big as it is now) where only the son Raymond Hardy survived the dusk killings of his entire family.

  190. Cheryl says:

    I am the last surviving member of my family. I am Eileen’s sister. I am the only one who can describe what we knew about her disappearance. We have been silent too long.
    Bob Dill was a violent man. He was abusive to Eileen multiple times. One time he choked her till she passed out. She stayed with me for 3 days because she was so afraid of him. Unfortunately, he was quite good at sweet talking her to come back. He controlled every aspect of her life and was extremely jealous. She started hiding money in case she needed to get away.
    When my parents received a call from her friends saying she was missing, I went with my father to file a missing persons report in Des Moines County. We later heard the investigator that did Bob’s polygraph was a good friend of Bob. When my family was finally able to clean out her house, Bob showed up and began harassing us. He wasn’t concerned about Eileen being missing. He only wanted some antiques in her house. We had to call the sheriff to keep him away while we loaded the U-Haul truck. In her house we found wet clothes in the washer and a cake on top of the fridge. Her car was parked out front but her keys and purse were missing. We had to make special arrangements to get the car moved. My parents were so afraid Bob would hurt them that they started locking their house. Something they had never done before. Eileen’s disappearance nearly destroyed their marriage and we all suffered varying degrees of anger, helplessness and grief. After seven years my parents had her proclaimed legally dead. Every time a female body was discovered in the tri-state area, law enforcement would contact them and drag all the pain up again. Eileen’s name is engraved on the back of my parents’ stone. I pray her bones will be discovered so I can lay her to rest with my family before I die.
    Eileen made many mistakes in her life. But she loved her daughter Mindy with all her heart and would never have willingly left her with Bob.
    I still miss you Nene. 💔

    • T says:

      He was in excavation business. He could have placed her in one of the jobs he had been working on. I believe it was Bob. He was the last person that saw her alive. Correct?

  191. Joan Hollar says:

    I know who did this. I am certain beyond a doubt. I would bet my own life on it. I turned this bastard in 25 ago but made the mistake of going to Chickasaw County sheriff instead of DCI. The ball was completely dropped.

  192. Dorrie says:

    I think it is so sad that Bill Carter will most likely never get official confirmation as to the guilt of his son, Jason. It seems obvious that with competent investigative procedures this case would be closed.
    As it stands the guilty party must live with himself and know that his actions will be judged by the Almighty. I wonder if the internal guilt eats away at him.

  193. Dan Shireman says:

    I have heard Hurky (?) Moore may know something about this murder.

  194. Kim says:

    Adding KCRG’s story to the recent update that Brian Burns’ remains may have been found in Delaware County.

  195. Scot Korte Kimberly Korte says:

    Remains found Nov 5, 2023; info released to news outlets today (Wed Nov 22, 2023). No official confirmation yet but evidence points to this being him.

  196. Hannah B says:

    My gut tells me this is a possible Larry Hall case.
    I’d be interested to know if Iowa has made attempts to discover this.
    Also be interested to know if there were any war reenactments
    going on in iowa/around the area that time.
    Larry Hall would find his victims while he traveled to war reenactments
    He was known to target women alone- walking, riding their bikes fold victims clothes as an act of “care” and he was also
    A grave digger and would usually bury victims in fields/woods.
    Between 1980-1994. I’ve found a couple more from Iowa that fit the profile.
    Lmk your thoughts!

  197. Jennifer says:

    Hello my love another year has went by. It is now a few days before my birthday. Thinking about how we would’ve been celebrating. You are so very much missed and I’m hoping one day this will all be solved. This ways on my mind heavy every day I wanted to let you know Yeah David is having a few bumps in the road, but he will get it together. As long as you keep your hands wrapped around him ,your son Darius has moved onto the special forces. You would be super, super proud of that young man at who he become, I really really miss you and love you to death You would so love these beautiful grandchildren. We would be grandparents of seven if he was here which I fully take on by myself, you are truly missed. I really really hope one day I will see you again. forever and always

  198. Sherri says:

    There was someone else in that house just before the explosions… Cynthia, who was that?

  199. MikeD says:

    I’m guessing the private investor in South Dakota who thinks it was the same killer as Jodi Huisentruit’s was Jim Feldhaus?

    • NightWolf says:

      yes, according to this article he thought it was a serial killer who was a Newton native and moved to Arizona. That sounds like John Vancise but he wasnt a serial killer

      • MikeD says:

        Yeah, not sure if I would subscribe to JV being a serial killer, but I would be interested in knowing if he had any sort of connection to Bobbi Crawford. Did he or any of his friends or acquaintances ever date her? I guess her son could answer questions about her social life and who she dated in the past. I can’t quite place my finger on it, but I feel like Bobbi and Jodi have some similar facial features.

        • Kim says:

          Wasn’t there a thin connection between Vancise and the Copper Dollar ranch murders? I think it was mentioned in Beth Bednar’s book about Jodi H’s disappearance. Vancise either worked on the ranch or knew the owner at the time/around the time of the killings, something like that.

          • MikeD says:

            Yeah, I remember he has some sort of connection to it. If I recall correctly someone said it was a talking point for him to mention being close to it in some way. That whole case and trial got botched, but that’s a whole other topic of conversation.

  200. Fay Risner says:

    I am a niece of James Bright. Why isn’t he on this list? His nieces and nephews think about him all the time and wish we knew who attacked him.

  201. Nona says:

    Let’s pull together to convict her and wake up her husband Lord have mercy on there souls and don’t allow them into heaven palms 23 they are not wanted

  202. Tim Peffer says:

    She is in the well.

  203. Katie Jo Marie Bennett says:

    I believe you already know whom did each one you just need to find more evidence.

  204. Joji Hopkin says:

    If the Peggy Giddings murder case has not been solved after all, is there someone working on it now? Her family deserves to know who committed this horrible crime. It is just as horrendous now as it was when it happened back in 1970, and someone should be brought to justice even after all these years. Peggy did not deserve to die the way she did. She was not perfect, as none of us are, but she was a very sweet girl who had no guile. She loved her parents, brothers, and new little sister. The heartbreak her parents felt when they came home the night of Peggy’s murder was agonizing. Her dad told my friend and I the next day that the reason they moved out west from their former home near Benson High School was to provide a “safer” place for his family to live. It is unconscionable that this case has not been solved, especially with all the DNA advances in forensics since then. I often think of Peggy, her smile, and beauty, and occasionally visit her grave when I am in Omaha. Rest in Peace dear Peggy…

  205. Cathy D says:

    Paul is my uncle. His car was found in the Mississippi River near the Hawthorne boat ramp around Oct 11/12 as Newt Marine was dredging the river to make it deeper from the current drought we are experiencing. It was caught on the dredging equipment and pulled up and the detective said it was buried under around 7 feet of mud/silt. There were NO remains in the vehicle. Another vehicle was pulled up as well, a 1970 Pontiac GTO. No remains in that one either. At this point we still don’t know where Paul is.

  206. Scot says:

    From KGAN website today (Thurs Oct 26, 2023)

  207. Courtney T says:

    I am from Dubuque, Iowa. It was in the news today that Paul’s car was pulled from the Mississippi River on October, 12th!

  208. Crystal says:

    The car was found 10/12/2023- No remains found in the vehicle.
    THONLINE released this today:

    A recent dredging operation along the Mississippi River resulted in the retrieval and identification of a vehicle belonging to a Dubuque man who went missing over 30 years ago, police said.

    A 1981 Mercury Zephyr belonging to Paul J. Knockel, of Dubuque, was located earlier this month near the Hawthorne Street boat ramp in Dubuque by employees from Newt Marine Service, according to Dubuque Police Department Lt. Brendan Welsh.

    Knockel was reported missing on Nov. 25, 1990, after failing to show up at a family gathering and missing work for several days. The location of the vehicle is the first major update in the case since his disappearance.

  209. John Dalton says:

    FYI, Police indicate local dredging company found Pauls vehicle Oct 12, and Police recovered what they could shortly afterwards. No remains were found but the entire vehicle was silted in.

  210. Vic Mowery says:

    10/26/23 — For Immediate Release

    DUBUQUE, Iowa – On October 12th, 2023 the Dubuque Police Department was notified that employees from Newt Marine Services, while conducting dredge operations in the Mississippi River near the Hawthorne Boat Ramp, located a submerged vehicle. This vehicle was pulled from the river and identified as a 1981 Mercury Zephyr. Investigators from the Dubuque Police Department were assisted by Wenzel Towing in recovering the vehicle. During the subsequent investigation and while processing this vehicle, investigators were able to identify it as belonging to Paul Joseph Knockel who had been reported missing in Dubuque on November 25th, 1990. Knockel was 53 at the time he was reported missing by family and his case has remained open since then. No human remains were located while investigators processed this vehicle. Anyone with information about this case is encouraged to contact Investigator Corporal Clark Egdorf at 563-589-4430 or Anonymous tips can be submitted online via the Dubuque Police Department’s Official Page: or by calling Dubuque/Jo Daviess Crime Stoppers at (800)747-0117.

  211. Vic Mowery says:

    They just pulled his car out of the Mississippi river in Dubuque. No human remains were found. The Dubuque PD is continuing to investigate.

  212. Tammy Douglas says:

    Have they ever checked the unclaimed bodies at the police departments

  213. Tammy Douglas says:

    I don’t think anyone cares about this guy or there would be answers to questions like the phone records just saying

    • Kim says:

      It’s not that nobody cares about this guy, it’s that getting phone records that are over 33 years old would be nearly impossible. Phone companies have changed over the years or even gone defunct, so their records have been destroyed. Unless he called his family collect from wherever he was at, there’s likely no record on the family’s end. IIRC, the only numbers to show up on your bill were long-distance numbers that you made as outgoing calls. Incoming calls weren’t likely noted on the bill unless they were collect calls. Technology in 1990 was nothing like it is now and phones back then were probably landlines and not cellphones.

      This isn’t like a tv show where a mystery is solved in an hour. Investigations take time and resources are often spread thin. That doesn’t mean people don’t care about Mr. Keller. It’s just that there’s not a lot for investigators to go on for leads. If you read the comments, there’s been some folks who’ve mentioned a few John Does that have been found that kind of match Mr. Keller, but all anyone can do is submit the information to the NAMUS page or Doe Network and hope that it gets investigated.

      • Amy says:

        Thank you for responding. You are absolutely correct. There wasn’t social media documenting his adventures. There weren’t cell phones to check in. He didn’t call home. He showed up on our doorstep between his cross country trips. He was a traveler. A dreamer. A hitchhiker without a plan. It’s not that we don’t care. We’ve been on TV. We’ve been in the paper. We share on social media. We search Namus and the Doe Network. Unfortunately, after 34 years it’s hard to believe that he is still alive and hasn’t returned “home” or been seen by any friends or family. We still hope that one day we will have answers.

  214. chance says:

    this has franklin scandal written all over it

  215. Dru Pryor says:

    I have found 2 people named Eileen Jaeger (in Dubuque County) that could possibly be her. One died in 2017 and the other in 2022. I have tried to find if these could be her, and I am not sure. Is she possibly still living? Did she change her last name? Does she still live in the area?

    Any help is appreciated.

  216. Veronica M. Lack says:

    The Iowa Inspection and Appeal’s Office at the end of 2005 released their 25 pages of Citations against the Nurse and Mercy employees who drugged Gary Lack and caused him to fall and hit the area of his colon surgery on 01/13/2004, then after Gary was bleeding internally, Linda used drugs stolen from Ray Powers, after Ray died on the morning of 01/14/2004. Linda refused both Gary and Ray Powers the care they required and instead did not deliver Ray’s prescriptions to Ray, but instead Nurse Linda brought Ray’s prescription drugs to Gary’s home and administered them to Gary who had no prescription for Ray’s DBR gel and other pills. She dabbed the DBR gel in Gary’s throat and he drowned in his own blood.

  217. Treva Tyler says:

    More than 6 years ago an officer with WPD had commented on this case with me and said they reopened the case with substantial new leads. If I remember correctly there was video surveillance that had been brought to their attention. I’ve never heard anything else about it… I’d have to agree that there isn’t much concern with solving many of these cases, it’s very sad. RIP Lil’ Rod…

  218. Beau Smith says:

    None of this points to Ryerson being involved.

  219. Shy says:

    I feel that the girlfriend and the brothers who he fought with need to be looked into. The girlfriend insisted he was in the river, which is odd, she was so convinced. Why? Also, it is easy to assume that something further happened with the brothers outside of the bar. Perhaps they threw him off the bridge or simply just into the river. More needs to be looked at and done here. There are people who could clearly be involved that were skimmed over.

  220. James says:

    My thoughts are the sheriff and the pd in cresco and Howard county are lazy they take everything face value they don’t investigate I know first hand they call murders suicide there u got my opinion and as for cold cases I. Howard county they have a lot of cold cases cause they don’t investigate nothing

  221. Sherry says:

    Please check unidentified male UP8588 on Namus. Found in Illinois. Photos look very similar except UP had a mustache.

  222. Kim says:

    If you’ve got all this information on Ryerson being involved with all those murders/missing persons cases, why haven’t you gone to the police? Why haven’t you contacted someone in the DCI and said “Hey, I’ve got a suspect in these cases and here’s how to connect the dots to prove his involvement”?

    I just don’t buy that he’s this insanely successful serial killer who has gotten away with a whole list of murders/missing persons cases. From what I’ve read about him in the stories you’ve linked to this site, he seems more like an inept bumbler who MIGHT (emphasis on might) have a fringe connection to a small handful of cases. He seems like the kind to like to brag about his “connections” in order to look like Iowa’s version of Ted Bundy.

    All the cases you’ve listed that you claim he is involved in have different MO’s and different victim profiles. There’s different theories behind each one as to why the crime occurred. They’ve happened across a wide range of jurisdictions and it’s a little ludicrous to think that not only the DCI but all those different cops in different jurisdictions are ALL acting in collusion to cover up Ryerson’s alleged involvement in their cases. Even if he’s acting as a drug informant for them, the heinous nature of the crimes would essentially outweight any benefit he could give them, so you’d think they’d arrest him.

  223. Hornet says:

    In the same general time frame, there were some paper boys that were molested in Edina, Minnesota by a guy named Charles Walter Bathel. He got caught, went away for couple of years, got out and met a man in a bar and murdered him during rough sex. He actually showed up at the police station with the body in the car, saying he’d found him on the side of highway 100. He JUST got out in the last couple of years. Paperboys and Edina is a couple of hours right up 35.

  224. Melanie Wood says:

    Maybe I missed it. But it was stated a man remembered a license plate #. But I don’t see anything stated what became of it. This crime is so disgusting. Just awful. Killers ramp up. So I believe the perpetrator fantasized about children. Then went on to molesting. Then progressed finally to this awful murder I would bet the perpetrator had a history of sex crimes against children. And like 1 too many. Let out of prison early. It is STILL going on. I’m sure everyone reading this knows. IT HAS TO STOP!!! NOW!!!! The public hets it. Why are the parole boards. The ones in charge NOT getting it?!!!!It has been stated by psychologists, Psychiatrists, They CANNOT BE REFORMED!!! They ate allowing more victims!!! Have them live on YOUR block then. I bet things would change then.

    • Barbara says:

      I was wondering the same thing. They said the place who could help with wasn’t open until Monday. Weird that nothing else seems to be said about after that. Another strange thing, the man found in Nevada gave too many eerie right on details for someone who was supposedly in Des Moines during the kidnapping. They also don’t discuss anything that was done with the ones who failed the lie detectors test. So many things seemed to be missed or just moved away from.

      • Patrick Kerrigan says:

        At the time, the DMV offices probably did not have a way to access the records until, the next working day. It most likely take an order from the governor or head of the DMV, to get several staff members to dig through paper records. Iowa license plates have the county name where the vehicle is registered to. Don’t know if they did back then.

        Also, lie detector results are not admissible in court. Plus, who administered the test. Was he most likely certified to a standard as they would be today.

        Also, being strapped to one of those devices might have created a stressful situation for the person being interviewed allegedly. Plus, how many people have been convicted on false confessions.

        In Lynbrook, New York in 1986 or so. Three men were convicted in the disappearance, rape and murder of Teresa Fusco, ,(16), in November 1984.

        The lead detective basically rewrote the youngest suspect’s confession at least seven times. The suspect was a high school dropout, drug abuser and may have been still high.

        In 2003, he and the two others were cleared by DNA. The lead detective ignored and never mentioned about a car was stolen the night she disappeared and later found with a pair of jeans she was wearing in his reports. Also, he got wiretaps on the three claiming her blood was found in a van owned by one of the suspects. However, the crime lab people did not find any blood in the vehicle.

        His actions cost Nassau County millions. On top of it, the rope used to strangle her and the jeans, were never tested, in a crime lab. Also, they were conveniently lost or misplaced.

        With computers, radios, NCIC and other databases we can find information in minutes versus manually searching through paper records.

    • Carrie says:

      Neighbor Berger seems a little off considering they had farmland in the area she was found. Look up obit. for George E. Berger-Arizona Republic Archive. Let me know anyone

  225. Autumn Ruddy says:

    Hey mom, it’s me again. Little update, Freya was born a month and a half early. She is 8 months old now and today we are taking her to her first pumpkin patch with dad! She is also getting so close to crawling! Wish you were here, you’d absolutely love her. We love and miss you so much mom. Stay close. ❤

  226. Mark preswood says:

    I miss my nephew

  227. Rickey Moore says:

    I’m Praying for justice Leroy.. you should be here STILL 💔 Ur Son miss you bro !

  228. Beau Allen Smith says:

    I dont see how all these people are connected.

  229. Veronica Lack says:

    My Husband Gary and my son Adam were tortured and killed to cover up Proud Boy Republican politicians (Branstad/Kleckner/Grassley/others) on-going Point Source Contamination of 1/2 million Iowans Tap Water or drinking water.

  230. Tammy says:

    Have they ever looked in the homeless shelters cause he may have stade in one

  231. Stay Strong! says:

    Brian’s mother has now passed to be reunited with Brian and Arnie. Like Arnie, it’s fortunate that Laura lived long enough to learn who tragically killed her son.

  232. Chris says:

    I don’t quite understand though. He took a shotgun to the lounge but then was shot with a shotgun? Was he shot with his own gun? Or did the shooter already have a gun and shot John and John’s gun is the one they found?

  233. Alan R Henry says:

    Just learned about this case today. What a horrible end for such a promising young woman. I tend to believe that Arthur Charles Scott Jr. had something to do with her death.

    • Michelle Sjolin says:

      There was a lot that everyone does not know about. There was family dysfunction and so much more to the story than anyone knows. I have questioned my elders and investigated the entire family for proof of the stories, by each person’s behavior and demeanors, and patterns, as well as consistency in the stories. I know, for a fact, that there are things said that are not true, for my Aunt Mickey’s events, as well as what is. They dysfunctional patterns from Mickey’s life to the patterns of my life are incredibly parallel. I don’t believe Arthur Scott had as much to do with the situation as everyone thinks. Not sure how well he knew my Uncle Ray, Mickey’s brother, but I do know he didn’t murder her.

  234. Alan R Henry says:

    I just found out about Marlene’s story, through a YouTube video, from “Fascinating Graveyard”, posted yesterday. The more I’ve been reading about this Arthur Charles Scott Jr. person, he sounds like the likeliest suspect. The video is well presented, and very respectful. These old cases fascinate me, especially when they’re solved. And hopefully, this one will be solved as well. And then, this case, which I still find infuriating.
    When I was about 17 months old, Dr. Edward C. Branson, of Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, DC, was treating me for my club feet and pigeon toes. He and a friend, T.E. Drach, drove to Jacksonville, FL for a vacation, late May, 1955. Dr. Branson encountered an 18 year old Navy man, Robert Owen Emmett, in a Jacksonville bar, and the two went for a ride. Long story short, after falling asleep/passing out in a Green Cove Springs woods, Dr. apparently made “improper advances” to Emmett, who proceeded to club Dr. to death with a hickory branch, robbed him of his wallet, stole his car, and confessed quickly. He got virtually no punishment, since it was a “g@y panic” murder, which was a thing for years. Robert Emmett died at age 80, Dr. Branson was only 31.

  235. unknown says:

    I litteraly heard her tell me with her own voice her two lips they were at a get togather in a back yard got to argueing she hit nhim with a gallon glass alchol container then that’s when she stopped talking and would talk about it to me ever again

  236. Beau A Smith says:

    Why tied to all these other people?

  237. Jane Ray says:

    RIP Precious baby. You are too good for this horrible world.

  238. Cody says:

    So did he also work at Lowe’s?? Or nearby? What was the motive according to the State? Seems like we are missing key information here.

    • Lindsey Molloy says:

      She was murdered. Hit-and-run hired by gee husband. That’s my theory as my mother dated her nasty husband after she passed away.. . He is a very violent and abusive evil man…. started dating my mother not even a month after his wife passed away.

  239. marlene buss says:

    My son Dayton Matlock was murdered may 15 2021 in waterloo iowa and nothing done or said about him

  240. Christina m cribbs says:

    Sweet grave….

  241. christy connor says:

    yo thats my father

  242. Brian Wolfe says:

    first id check any waterways on route from albia to avery 2nd id find out what cop stopped harry the 17th to give him ticket seems shady but this case and albia iowa are seeming shady the more i look into it someone has to know something.god will judge them in the end 3rd id interogates the two men who last seen him alive they would be 1 suspect.

  243. […] Harry Milligan – Iowa Cold Cases Harry Dennis Milligan – NamUS Harry Dennis Milligan Still Missing – Facebook […]

  244. Michelle Goff says:

    Jerry Goff is my father

  245. Amber N Weik says:

    Wondering if this has ever been solved?
    A friend of my father’s came by our place the night after this happened. Said He knew who it was and had been with them at some point before she was murdered,or right after. I always wondered if He was being truthful.

  246. Shyanne Desirae Derry says:

    This was a very close friend of the family. Today is her birthday. Her children are now my siblings. Brianne’s children now all have children. She’d be a grandmother of three. All boys. We miss you Brianne.

  247. anonymous tip says:

    It was Felix Baccam, he also participated in the murder of Anthony Anania

  248. Christina m cribbs says:

    Never understood how people could live in the same town With people that murdered your family without some kind of Vigilanti justice smh

  249. Gene Williamson says:

    It’s was a Hit and my Brother took a Hit and the the plane crashed.

  250. Ida says:

    I don’t want to say these things on here.

  251. Sabrina Cohen says:

    Lonnie Bell is now residing at the Heritage Specialty Care center in Cedar Rapids 200 Clive Dr SW….was once the Heritage Nursing and Rehab Center…he is well know for his derogatory and racist comments he will call all black person whether employees or residents “N…..” and other names and continually tries to get them fired by telling lies.
    He is pure evil and hateful and very vindicative towards anyone.

  252. X38 says:

    They should get Tim McKnight’s DNA cross reference it with evidence. He is hiding out west somewhere in Oregon…

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      X38, it would be nice if you elaborate on why we should get his DNA, in connection with this homicide. The first question would be does he know the victim. Secondly is he from the area. Does he have a criminal record related to what happened to her. Also, has he made any comments that suggests that he was connected to this case.

      I am sure the police would appreciate some more details such as his description to include his age, date of birth, height, weight, hair and eye color as a start. Plus answers to the questions, I posed above, as a minimum.

  253. Shanda says:

    The Cops, facts, Dateline got it right. The fantasies and admissions of Annette Cahill’s were quite Delousional of what & who she was & meant to a bartender. It so Clear she was trying to catch & trap someone for a financial future. She wasn’t at home with her kids, but trying to trap & catch someone who was 7 yrs younger, by often getting drunk & asking for a ride. Realistic Annette was just a convenient side piece and that’s all. Annette’s claims of love was lust, and her claim they were going to go look for bars and start a life!? What a fantasy! Annette is a coward, liar, a murderer. And unfortunately She wasn’t nailed & arrested & jailed 25 years sooner.

  254. Cheryl says:

    I lived in MC in 2006. I can’t remember the guys name…he worked at Best Buy and had a French name.
    He lived in the same apartments as Jodi Huisentruet and he knew her. He was obsessed with the story and told me that they would never find her. That she had been thrown into mill. He creeped me out and I never went out with him again. 😬

  255. Laurel Walsh says:

    As I remember he was released. Saw him at a country bonfire party. I believe it was 1975.

  256. Rick Hilmer says:

    Around 1966, I spent three days in the San Francisco Children’s Hospital for a tonsillectomy (yes, that was a three day thing back then). Wilma’s sister Mona was there at the same time. I was totally transfixed by her just sitting there in a wheelchair, just staring off into space most of the time. The nurses told me that she “lived” at the hospital and I tried to talk my parents into adopting her. I never forgot her and was shocked when I heard Wilma’s story on “The Trail Went Cold.” I reached out to Robin Warder about this and he told me that Mona ended up living in a group home in Southern California for her adult life. What a sad story.

  257. anon says:

    It truly is despicable that the Des Moines police claimed that they could do nothing until he had been gone for 48 hours. Too bad the cops involved can’t be named and shamed. Even today certain Des Moines cops lie to people and pretend that the law is something other than what the statutes actually say when doing their job becomes too complex for them. For example, my disabled sister was recently the victim of theft by bailee (among other types of crimes) and despite what the Iowa statutes unambiguously state, the officer involved falsely claimed that it was a civil matter, rather than applying the facts to the lesser-known subsections of the theft statute. Iowa has a far smaller proportion of its citizens incarcerated than does Wisconsin, but having strong ties to both places, it’s clear to me that Iowa simply allows more of its citizens to be victimized without holding the perps accountable. Iowa doesn’t have less crime; it doesn’t have fewer criminals; it doesn’t do a better job with rehabilitation.

  258. Shelly Ann Read says:

    Prayers . Better investigation in this field. We suffer enough on these crimes. Bring Jacob from Minnesota

  259. A says:

    What bar was he leaving when this happened? to many things tying together with a little research about this.

  260. Patrick Kerrigan says:

    It am frustrated, with the comments by Col. Stuelke, from 2010. Well, the pathologist supposedly could not determine the cause of death, and they are waiting for the right piece of evidence to mysteriously sprout legs and walk in the door. Well, what,have they done to push the envelope to generate tips.such as the one provided by the girl she babysat.

    The LAPD, solved a cold case from the 1950’s. They periodically had it reviwee. Then a female detective was assigned to the unit. As the new York kid on the block, she was given the case. She dug and started taking notes and solved the case. Although the offender was deceased, since the 1950’s, as he had committed suicide.

    I guess other police departments don’t wait for someone to slip an envelope under the door, or over the transom. Maybe they can call NCIS, who was the first and get some guidance on investigating Cold cases. Since, they kind of established the book on it after getting with authorities.

    How about getting a medical examiner to review the autopsy report originally done. I would assume that what wasn’t understood then, should be better known. If that does not help, then exhume the body, and do another autopsy, based on today’s standards. I would ask that a forensic anthropologist be asked to review the initial one and a second one if needed.

    Most cold case units start with reviewing the case report. Then they look to see if there was any physical evidence recovered. The forensic tools available are incredible.

    So, the county sheriff needs to take the 1st step. If not then the State of Iowa should walk in and take everything. Then they get the credit, and not the county.

    Look at the recent arrest of a suspect in Long Island. It involved investigators from a mix of agencies.

  261. Tai Torres says:

    My daughter had a dream where Daniel came to her in a dream! I looked up everything she said & it matches this case perfectly! Who do i contact about this???

  262. Paul Deason says:

    They should have looked harder at Ed. I still think it was him

  263. Johnny Gosch says:

    The truth is very different than the Government Abduction Coverup’s narrative that we are expertly given by the likes of Noreen and the M.S.M. so much so that the truth is difficult to understand even if told by the abductee.
    Suppressed facts.
    Ted Gunderson found me in South Texas where I was being used to further the New World Orders agenda and Ted was made to work with the cover up by pointing at another person in Washington DC in order to draw the attention away.
    Noreen told the news and it aired locally before the coverup regained control of the narrative.
    Noreen and I were used as monarch slaves using trauma based mind control. T started awakening from my enslavement 15 years ago.
    I was made to visit Noreen with a 2 person mind control programming team to hypnotically access Noreen in order to manipulate her memories of Ted finding me.
    25% of the hundreds of people I’ve spoken with about this in the Des Moines area remember when it was on the local news here.
    This is just one of thousands of memories that Adam has become Consciously aware of. We are in the process of integrating my Johnny and Adam personalities as we become aware of each others memories.
    The technology used in these secret government programs are advanced and often extremely abusive.

  264. Sylvia Brown says:


  265. Unknown says:

    Before my Grandfather passed away he couldn’t let go without telling my mom that he knew what happened to her. He said he was afraid to come forward because he didn’t want them to come after him and his family. He said that a local biker gang took her and murdered her and put her in a one of those drums. He didn’t say what they did with the drum.

    • Taylor P. says:

      I think the presence or involvement of a biker gang would have been blaringly obvious and noteworthy to law enforcement and others who were at or around the bar that night.

    • unknown says:

      would you be willing to tell me about what your grandfather said before he passed?

  266. Ron Murphy says:

    The question is, who benefited the most financially from the alleged abduction?

    • Spooky says:

      Who and where were all the major drug dealer and hustlers in town ? No body knows anything ? Come on people, spit it out already ?

  267. Elle says:

    After watching the People’s airing of this case, Tammy, why don’t they pursue the genealogy route w that DNA they finally lifted off her clothing? Many murders are solved now by hiring a Genealogist to track a family start then begin narrowing it down. Just a thought. They family deserves closure.

  268. Alexandra says:

    I’m curious why Bob and Bonnie Swanson aren’t on this list. My (step)grandfather was Bonnie’s father. He was also the sheriff of Des Moines county during that time.. Merritt quick. They were murdered in 1969 and it’s never been solved. Me and my grandpa spent a lot of time looking into it, he’s since passed. I’ve just started getting back into it and if anyone knew the couple or anything about the case that might not be public knowledge I’d really appreciate you reaching out to me!

    My email address is please don’t hesitate to email!

    • Steph M says:

      This article says they were killed in Missouri.

      Robert and his wife was murdered during their honeymoon 1969.

      From the newspaper September 1969: MISSING IOWA COUPLE FOUND SLAIN IN WOODS, Jackson, Mo. September 1, The bodies of a missing Iowa newlywed couple were found yesterday in thick woods in southeast Missouri. Authorities said they were murdered and dragged to the spot. James W. Kinder, chief deputy sheriff, identified the victims as Bonnie Quick Swanson, 19, daughter of Sheriff Merritt Quick of Des Moines county, Ia, and her husband Robert Conrad Swanson, 19. Kinder said the couple were en route to New Orleans in late March when they were reported missing by their families. The couple had been married in February and were last seen in Burlington, Ia., about March 20 in their blue and white Oldsmobile which had Iowa license plate number 29-19347. Kinder said Mrs. Swanson had been shot in the right temple and that her husband´s skull had been fractured. There bodies were found by a timber buyer who was checking the woods.

      SLAIN COUPLES CAR FOUND AT TRAIN STATION Fort Madison, Ia., september 3. The car in which Bonnie and Robert Swanson, both 19, left for their honeymoon last March was found yesterday at the Santa Fe depot, four days after their bodies has been discovered in the wooded area of southeast Missouri. The slain newlyweds were daughter and son-in-law of Des Moines county Sheriff Merritt Quick. Charley Huck, a reserve Des Moines county officer, was driving to the depot on business when he spotted their abandoned car about 200 yards east of the depot. Local authorities said fishing equipment belonging to Quick, clothing for a man and woman, and a 22-caliber bullet were found in the car, which apparently had been abandoned on the depot parking lot sometimes between May 1 and May 15. The bodies of the newlyweds were discovered Friday in the thick woods four miles north of Oak Ridge, Mo. Mrs. Swanson had been shot in the head and her husband had been beaten about the head, police said. The couple had been killed somewhere else and dragged to the wooded area.

      • Ali Kokjohn says:

        Right.. but it says they were killed and taken to that spot. They were killed in Iowa, I believe Burlington or ft Madison and then they were moved to Missouri. Otherwise the car wouldn’t have just randomly showed up in Iowa at the train depot.

      • Kelly May says:

        I live in Ft.Mad and recently did some digging. There was a escaped inmate ( the prison is here) during thst time. The prison was not far from the train depot. I have a gut feeling he had something to do with it

  269. Marcella Hatcher-Akison says:

    Tammy…I don’t understand why you keep professing that Rose was your best friend when I understand that you and Rose had a falling out over a guy and hadn’t spoke to each other for a year or more before she died. Isn’t that true?

  270. Kevin Barrett says:

    Our family ran this motel from 1959 to 1964.

  271. Marcella Hatcher-Atkison says:

    I am the widow of Roger Atkison. I just published my book on his murder. It can be found on The title: AXED! The 1980 Amana, Iowa, Ax Murders by Marcella Hatcher-Atkison.

  272. Anon says:

    This looks like Sharla Mcahren. There is only one Sharla Mcahren in the state of Iowa according to data aggregators so she appears to be alive and posting on Facebook.

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      Anon, I attempted to pull up that Facebook page. It seem to show her as having some connection to Scripos Memorial Hospital. However she seems to list Waterloo. Iowa as her home town.

      I assume this is the one that is posting to her page. However, there is very little detail on her disappearance. I was looking for something that suggested she worked in the medical field, especially with the reference to a hospital in the Dan Diego metro area.

      Do you any further details on her background. I get frustrated that with the limited details on many missing persons cases. In this day and age there should be more details that law enforcement should develop and provide to us who like to help find them.

      Also, I don’t have access to Facebook. I had a page on there many years ago, but stopped off. Too many strangers wanted to be friends, but no enemies.

    • Jalysa says:

      I think this is the missing Sharla Mcahren on fb:

  273. Shawn says:

    They need to make a new law that in cold cases, the amount of years that they get to just go on with their lives, is automatically tacked on to the sentence, and can’t be plea dealed down.

    • JdF says:

      From to the Cinemaholic Apr 16, 2022 :
      “…According to Pilcher’s criminal records, he was in prison till 2017 and served probation till 2020. Since then, Pilcher has preferred to stay below the radar and prefers privacy. However, as things currently stand, it appears as if he is still residing in the state of Iowa.”
      The guy is 77 and undoubtably living on social security now and I highly doubt he has accumulated much of that. Personally, I don’t want to pay for his 3 meal and a cot with medical, dental and YMCA lifestyle thrown in for good measure. He will find it MUCH more difficult on the outside unless he is getting assistance.

      • Robyn Donaway says:

        He is on housing now living free of charge telling everyone the total different story he saying he was in prison for 40 yrs and the case finally got overturned that 40 years was taken from him i.was shocked when I found out the truth

  274. Berwick says:

    So Sweet .

  275. Berwick says:

    My Nigga.

  276. V. Downing says:

    He was my husband’s great grandfather.

  277. Tammy says:

    Maybe if one person does one state asking questions and another person asks in another and talks back and forth to each other Maybe we can find him if we get a lot of people asking questions Maybe it would help to find him that would work too so then you can narrow down the search

  278. NLM says:

    I’m slightly confused as there is an upcoming burial for her. I don’t see any arrests or anything to that degree. Did MPD release her remains just now, or is there something that has changed in the case? Prayers to the family.

  279. Tammy says:

    Yes they need to do that too ask these places where he could of been at to become famous if was to and ask around for information to find him too

  280. Anon says:

    Could she be the Vernon County Jane Doe?

    • Deepdish EClaire says:

      I thought so at one time, but I spoke to the detective working Vernon County Doe and this woman from Iowa was ruled out due to dna. Yes, it’s a striking resemblance.

  281. Norah says:

    What’s bizaare, which absolutely no one has explained, is why on a 9-1-1 call, the son, who is not a medical examiner or coroner, puts his mom’s death at 2 hours ago. That right there is so incredibly bizarre that I am surprised that the police didn’t interrogate Jason on it. And why did he call others before calling 9-1-1?? Another thing is that the propensity to start “crying” almost on queue. Also, the female-like screeching that Jason does, such as on the 9-1-1 call. I could understand anger and yelling, but the screeching voice at 3 raised octaves is waaaay over the top, a bit dramatic for a grown man, especially a man who thinks he’s got big enough balls that he can have an extramarital affair.

  282. Chris says:

    I have tried to tell people, there are these things in the woods. They are a cross between a dog and a monkey. They are invisible to the naked eye, until you hit them with direct light and the moment it hits them they will move away. I know how crazy it sounds. But someone actually caught one on video recently in England. You can find the video on search Demon Dog.
    Act accordingly.

  283. Teresa Hammond says:

    He was shot twice in the head . Contact me if you need to know anything else I am his daughter!

  284. Buster Bratamus says:

    My theory. He saw something upstream. a person, a dog etc,, he went over to investigate and was grabbed. or followed whatever it was..

  285. George Cossio says:

    This sounds like a textbook missing 411 case , David Politis is a investigator who has researched thousands of missing people who just vanished out of thin air. This is definitely a missing 411 case that David investigates

  286. atombudd says:

    Any details?

  287. Joseph Fournet says:

    So sad. We pray for Ackerman family today and far into the future. I believe this is a missing 411 case that fits Dave Pilaides profile points. These disappearances cannot be explained and we can only hope and pray these mysterious disappearances will one day be solved, so the pain and suffering will cease. God Bless you All!!!

  288. Spencer Hendron says:

    Anybody know the disposition of the death of one Kenneth J. Krakow ca 1970 or 1980?

  289. Sharon Lane says:

    He was a class mate it was a sad day. Can’t believe it is still unsolved.

  290. Angela F Johnston says:

    I’m sadden by this…….I’m the step granddaughter of this. I came looking for answers……..not slander.

  291. Angie says:

    I’m Jeff’s Youngest sister I think they need to do a DNA test on the towel or washcloth. I was just told two names that are involved in his death.

    • Jennifer says:

      Have you contacted a detective with the DMPD? I would start raising hell. They should have the evidence right there.

  292. Moon says:

    Another name for that style of dress was sizzle dress or sizzler dress. They had a matching brief of the same color and pattern as a dress so it blended in and didn’t show your underwear to the whole United States. My sisters had some and I wore a kid’s version (without the built in bra) in the early ’70s

  293. e says:

    why is she not on namus?

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      Normally, it’s up to the investigative agency to enter the missing person into NamUs. However, many law enforcement agencies don’t use it, for whatever reason. A number of states have laws that require law enforcement agencies to enter all missing persons cases into NamUs.

      I look at NamUs, as another tool to spread the word that a person is missing. The other issue is that many agencies are not aware of the different websites related to Missing Persons, such as Iowa Cold Cases, The Charley Project, Websleuths and The Doe Network.

      Also, the number of people who are into True Cime, Cold Cases and Missing Persons is extremely high. In fact an early PR guy for NamUs, was involved in identifying a young woman found murdered by his then future father’in-law. When the internet came along it helped him figure out who she was.

      Also, a number of missing persons cases have been solved by people connected to The Doe Network.

      I even found a missing woman to apparently ran away from Camden, New Jersey. I searched her online about five years ago. I came across an entry for her on LinkedIn. Everything seemed to match up. I called the Camden Police and spoke with a female in investigator. She was upset that I did not have the full case report number. Plus, she seemed bothered that I was a complete stranger and had basically did their job.

      Also, I almost wanted to tell her to get off her posterior and dig through the records and find the original case,report. I was a former detective with a federal agency, and would gave soebtctge time to dig through are records especially if it was from a previous computer era case file.

      I should have offered to fly into Philadelphia, wrote up a follow-up and then borrowed one of their marked cars and driven to where this,young woman was,living and working.

      Plus, it would given me a chance to visit my former partner, who lives in Philadelphia. I figured out that they did the work, when the missing woman’s entry on NamUs, was restricted. I did not fetxa thank you from them. Nut a free tour of the USS New Jersey, a retired U.S. Nsvy battleship would have been nice.

  294. John P Adams III says:

    Would be amazing to find out who killed my father. Almost 41 years of wondering why someone would do such a thing.

  295. s says:

    where is her namus profile?

    • Candy Gomez says:

      Lillian’s mamus case has been closed. Mason City was supposed to update this site and close her case. After years of searching her family finally has answers. Lillian passed away in 1969 in New Orleans. Her remains are interned in Charity hospital cemetery.

  296. Pengus Khan says:

    My family isn’t from this town originally but I grew up there. My mom knows the story to a degree and from what she’s heard from locals she knows who probably did it. He’s still alive and still lives in town. I won’t name is name because if I’m wrong it’s a terrible thing to accuse them of. But I think she’s right.

  297. Patrick Kerrigan says:

    I just checked my records, Shirley Magee disappeared on her way to Harlan High School on July 23, 1973. However. I get frustrated with the number of missing person Cases, with no further details.

    I assume that she may have been attending summer school. But this is only a guess. Because of her age, she would still be in grammar school, unless she was going there for something else.

    Also, a Kelly Juanita Staples (8), disappeared on January 8, 1980, whilexwalking to school again on the Southeast side of Chicago, about 73rd & Merrill. Again few details.

    Then in April 1984, a 10 year old was kidnapped while walking home at noon. The offender was identified as Thomas Sykes (29) at the time. He was also arrested on April 13, 1984, for kidnapping another girl, he abducted on her way to school. He attempted to bring her to a building where he once lived. The landlord denied him entry to the building and she was recovered. At his trial the judge allowed the prosecution to mention the previous kidnapping.

    There is another case of Betty Ann Moore (12), who was staying with her foster grandfather’s house in Robbins, Illinois, while her mother was in the hospital. She was last seen at on June 3, 1986, when she went to bed. It was assumed she left the house voluntarily in the morning and went school. However, her naked and beaten body was found in the Calumet-Sag Channel

    Her clothes were found alongside her body. Her father had died a,few months before her. She did not interact with other kids. The other interesting part, was that she wrote an fictional murder story for her Englush class, where an adult victim with her name. She supposedly read it in class. It was found in a,photo album.

  298. shawn says:

    its simple,fairfield police did not do thier job sufficiently.lots of evidence points directly to the culprit.a little kid could solve this case.shame on you.jefferson county p.d..JUSTICE FOR D.J. NEEDS TO BE GIVEN.

  299. shawn says:

    is it me or do we have the worst police in the history of police.if someone didnt even report the situation for two hours and had others come help (clean up) and neighbor saw crystal and other men carrying his body upstairs with blood coming out his ears ,i think the answer is there was no clothes found.i think a 5 year old could solve this case.the fairfield police dept. dropped the ball big time on this.i myself have recently contacted the internal affairs and a lawyer to make sure justice is served and the police and crystal knight answer for thier actions.pam and doug deserve better than that and so do we d.j.s family members.i love you d.j. and misss you so much.

    • Sheila R Schaffer says:

      I agree with you 100% Sean they botched my daughters investigation up left a lot of evidence untouched never even checked it I’m not real happy with them right now Fairfield police my daughter was the one that was killed and laid on the railroad tracks on Easter

  300. Laura L Westergard says:

    Sadly, no resolution as to why…very sad for his loved ones.

  301. MikeD says:

    Josh’s mother posted something interesting in the facebook group recently. She said that the detective working on this case is Matt Denlinger, who is the one who worked on the Michelle Martinko case. He recently took cadaver dogs to a Palo, IA property and also drained a septic tank to look through the contents and that it wasn’t the first time this has been done. She mentioned that Denlinger said he is very optimistic about the future of this case. Since she mentioned septic I’m guessing it was rural Palo.

  302. Shannon M Wilson says:

    Was this oitside of a bar?

  303. Judy says:

    Veronica, I am deeply sorry that your family has suffered so much by trying to do the right thing. I am appalled and saddened to see just how corrupt our system is. I applaud you for continuing the fight and doing what is right. I am glad you keeping bringing attention to this, especially for not giving up. You have lost so much to give up now and let these people win, or let other people suffer. May God bless you and keep you safe.

  304. Katina says:

    Hello. Just moments ago at the time of me typing this , ( April 25 , 2023) I came across a picture of Kimberly Sue Doss on a random missing persons website . ( It could have been Fandom, but I don’t want to back out of this post to check ) . Whenever I see photos of a young female that might fit the description of Vidor, TX Jane Doe, I stop scrolling and look at their missing dates. I looked at Kim’s age and height and hair and so I searched further and found myself on this Iowas Missing Person page. It’s very eerie to tonland on this page and find out that Kim had ties to Texas . The Vidor, TX Jane Doe’s remains were found on January 1, 1984 not far from Interstate 10. They believed that the person had passed within the three preceding months ,but most likely in December 1983 according to the reports. So If this can help her family , please look into the case of the Vidor, TX Jane Doe.

  305. Tammy says:

    Why doesn’t anyone answer anyone’s questions about this matter

  306. Tammy says:

    Sorry about repeating myself just didn’t realize you were the same website I commented on earlier in the week

  307. Tammy says:

    Sorry about repeating what I asked 2 times just didn’t know if you got my questions

  308. Tammy says:

    So did the police ever check parents phone records to check where he was last at so then you can g from there where he may be at and ask around Florida California New York City just saying you gotta start from where he was last at to find out if anyone has ever seen him since 1990 you gotta check things out

  309. Stay Strong! says:

    Wow, John Rose did some nice work in his 35 short years. Not too many can say that he actually killed his father and then was killed, presumably, by ex-cons that he looked.

  310. Tammy says:

    I would like to know if the police asked for the parents phone records to see where he last called from to go from there where he might be at cause you could ask people from that last area that he was at if they knew where he was at Did they ever ask around in Florida California and New York City if he was ever even really there plus that would also narrow your search for him

  311. Kim says:

    I found an article from 2022 that said they were investigating a man named Algene Vossen for Emma’s murder and for the 1978 murder of Anna Miller. I can’t find any follow-up articles, other than Vossen was declared incompetent to stand trial after he was charged with murdering Mae Herman in Minnesota in 1974. Recent DNA testing found his blood on her sweater. I just thought I’d pass on what I’d found, even though authorities aren’t saying if he was the killer of Anna and Emma.

  312. Veronica M. Lack says:

    Read my, 2019 Iowa Supreme Appeal #17-1933 of my case CVCV046761 it is a public record at Iowa’s Supreme Court. Branstad and Kleckner’s on-going Point Source Pollution Plume mapped out by IDNR’s Russ Tell in 2008 has taken out at least 3 public wells for Cedar Falls, at least one for Waterloo and 100’s of private wells in Russ Tell’s mapped out “Plume” in the Cedar Valley Group Aquifers. The State of Iowa and the Iowa DNR continue to cover-up their profiting from their on-going 30-year former Republican governors’ and former Head of Farm Bureau’s profiting from their promoting on-going PFAS Nitrite AG chemical point source contamination of the Tap Water of our “left” side or “Bloom” side of Iowa Source Water our drinking water. Branstad’s 2017 staff attorney C. Smith agreed in 2017 the illegal channeling of 50,000 acres of Flood Water from parts of Worth, Cerro Gordo, and Mitchell Counties Flood water to be illegally drained down the Aquifer Recharge Area Sinkholes in Cedar (W) Township, Mitchell County Iowa’s 1991 Designated National Wetland’s Aquifer Recharge Area (Sinkholes). Branstad’s profits included the damage or costs to 1/2 million Iowans health in at least parts of 8 Iowa counties.

    IDNR’s Russ Tell had mapped out the growing on-going contaminated “Plume” in the Cedar Valley Group Aquifers from Mitchell County Iowa’s 1991 Designated National Wetland’s Aquifer Recharge Area in Cedar (W) Township in 2008.

  313. Jennifer Leonard says:

    I had always heard “rumors” that the perpetrator was one of her male high school teachers or mentors. So sad! Hope they find him some day, and that he suffers a worse demise!

  314. Tom says:

    I was watching today program and was worry why no body try looking firmy camera of Tammy should be exoensive and maybe killer try selling

  315. Anthony H Zuchowski says:

    Has any one looked into the brothers drug store. Could a customer family member have a beff with the family. What was career path. We’re there any connections between the families finical dealings. Did the husband have a lady in the side

  316. Isabel says:

    Forever holding on to HOPE. ❤️ Missing you a little more today. Happy Birthday Blacky.

  317. Renée Elizabeth Lemke says:

    It is amazing how no one has mentioned or made a distinction that the victims are surviving families of WW2 and the allied American forces. I mean really Ronald Lee Nowack. The Davis’ , Sanders, Searcy, Meadows, Martin, Olsen, and I can personally tell you I’m relative to maybe %100 of the victims or they have relative or friends names. Murdered Roma murdered Auschwitz survivor name. It never stopped. Even my grandma has a nephew named Donald John Duitsman that got hit by a semi in 1983 in Harris IA. The dates case numbers everything mean something personal to me and my personal history. I think that I should leave my phone number here in case anyone wants to contact me for family tree information. (515)410-5160.

  318. Patrick Kerrigan says:

    It bothers me that there is no mention of the caliber of the weapon used in his murder. Also, were there any shell cases recovered. If there were shell casings, they could provide a fingerprint and maybe even DNA

  319. Darren Hieber says:

    My gma said a law enforcement officer from Mapleton was gonna testify who it was he was found shot and dead in in cop car and the way guns were in placed and how he was shot he did not kill himself…

  320. T.w says:

    The night she was last seen, I was in the back seat of my dad’s car waiting for my step mom to get off of work at airlight. It sticks in my head very vividly, she usually would walk out the building talking to her step brother or would often wait right out side the doors until he would come out before walking to the parking lot. However she came out and didn’t even look back and quickly shuffled out to her car she was alone when she drove past. Normally a wave to me and my dad but not even a glance that night. Moments after she left her brother rushed out and looked around then came up to the driver’s side window and asked if we seen her come out yet. My dad said yeah why what’s going on. And my dad even tried to start a conversation but Matt walked away looking all around the parking lot even walked towards the building several times but not back inside. Before he jogged to a vehicle that pulled up along the side of the building. There were two men in that vehicle. Not positive if they worked there since they had been parked a little while before everyone else was dismissed. Although my dad was sure that one man was waiting in the car prior to dismissal and the second man got into the car and it pulled off then returned for Matt all within 10-15 minutes of the second guy exiting the building however Kim was already gone. She was the fourth person to exit that night. But no officers seem to have questioned my dad. I was a minor at the time. But it was a strange behavior from Kim and Matt.

  321. Ms. Woodruff says:

    I’d look into everyone who has commented on public media with insensitive rude remarks or even comments that seem to mock the incident, poking light onto details of the case ,see if there are connections between those people and suvs as well as living proximities. I wouldn’t put it past a killer who is sick and twisted enough to do this to children, to be some way want to still be connected to them one way or another.

    • MikeD says:

      With the nature of the internet this would be a needle in the haystack method of solving the case. Unfortunately anonymity + public forum = insensitive and rude comments. Internet 101.

  322. Alice Sheehan says:

    I am familiar with this case because I was a dance student whose recital was at Hoyt Sherman close to when this happened. I was a junior in high school and moved away from Des Moines during the summer of 1962. Now that I find relatives for family members and adoptees through DNA research, I hope that the Des Moines or state police crime labs can find grant money to pay from analyzing the DNA with an Investigative Genetic Genealogist…I would even help if I could. I have never forgotten this case as it was so horrific that people around the apartment heard her screams and no one took action immediately. I know if there is enough DNA available, the killer will be found. Every day now cold cases are being solved and the group of IGG is growing to fill this need for both victims families and also Jane/John Doe cases. God Bless her family and the cold case investigators who have continued to work this case.

  323. LuAnn says:

    No DNA Or Physical Evidence Connecting Theresa To The Crime That Is Why She Was Aquitted Of The Double Murder…
    I Have Always Had My Suspicions That This Was A Murder For Hire

  324. gay a appelhans says:

    well sweet little man 22 years ago you were brutally robbed and you life stolen from your precious heart my thoughts always turn you this time of year I will never forget that cold cold morning when you gained your angel wings,my heart aches that no one was ever held accountable for your murder you never got the chance to become a young man get married start your adult life you were robbed of that!!!what a sweet little baby you were I knew you would grow up and do good things im so sorry that was stolen from you!!!! I’m also ashamed as tax payer in iowa and union county that they haven’t held anyone accountable and just brushed it under the rug!!!!!you were a human and should have had the chance to live your life!!!!I think of you often and visist your resting place but know you arent there you are flying with the angels!!!!

  325. Tri State Girl says:

    I saw this case was covered on an episode of a podcast called Missing In America: The First 24 Hours. In the episode “Into the Darkness” Marc Allen’s brother is interviewed. According to this podcast interview Marc did have a paper route. In this article on Iowa Cold Cases it says reports first said he did have a paper route, but then it was said he didn’t. I understand he wasn’t on his route like the other two boys, but there seems to be a pattern here. This is my educated guess, but the Register really wanted to hide something. It’s been decades now, and the employees from that time might not be around anymore. So there might be some cover ups that are very hard to expose. I know it also could have been a random person who took Marc as well. There’s just so much information we don’t have, and so much time has passed.

    • TRE says:

      I am with you regarding Des Moines Register connection.. Find it also odd that two of the three usually had someone with them? Were they LURED by secret offer of work bonus?

  326. Abbey eslinger says:

    I have tried to reach out to who I can. I feel maybe nothing had been done since I was never contacted for more info/leads. When I first got my info, not too long after this horrific night, I immediately called the police. Still nothing. Less than 6mo ago I gave info to I believe a grand daughter, but no one contacted me still. I’m not sure what’s going on. The mouth I heard it from was supposedly there that night and witnessed/contributed to this crime.
    Abbey Eslinger

    • Brandi Weber says:

      Contact Melonie, patty, or I, we will take your info and give/ask detectives. And I say ask because we tell them info and give them contact information to contact source, but unfortunately because it is an ope. Case we don’t always get an answer on the tip….but I know we want this solved, we want to have justice for William and Grandma, and we want to be able to bring her home!

    • Patty Shaw says:

      Abbey, my email is you can contact me there or work phone is 847-777-2647

  327. Kim says:

    Padgett was arrested today and charged with Dennis First’s murder:

  328. Mark says:

    There was never much information exposed about this case. DNA or confession may be the only hope to solving this case. The person who did this needs to pay.

  329. Alisia Myers says:

    29 year’s now still not solved, God please take the wheel and solve this for them since no one cares to do anything else or bother to at least follow up with us the family shouldn’t be our job to do their job to communicate with them they’re the ones that supposed to be reaching out to families that they have not forgotten about my mother or others unsolved!!

    • Alisia Myers says:

      Love my mother and pray this is solved before my time comes , I will see her again and then I will know and they will not be coming to heaven because I’ll kick the door shut the devil is waiting for whoever did this to my beautiful mother she wasn’t just nobody she was somebody so let that sink in.

    • Kat Wallaze says:

      Still holding out hope that the killer will be brought to justice! Although he has to live with it in his head everyday it isn’t enough. Justice for Kathy <3

  330. arlan says:


  331. Chapulín says:

    Blacky where are youuuu

  332. CMarie says:

    could she be the Barstow Jane Doe? BJD was a female hispanic head found in a back pack Feb 10, 2010 and TOD was determined to be approx 3 days prior to discovery

  333. LRN says:


  334. Cody says:

    Has it ever occurred to you that some of these shady characters may have reason to try and “claim responsibility” for Jodi’s disappearance? Has happened frequently with other high profile cases.

  335. Kendra Wessels says:

    What about Kia lorez, Indian Joe, Jake Davidson, Thompson’s, Police negligence.And all in connection with Lori Alexander’s homicide??? SOLVED, m, my ass… What about the appeal, not mentioned??? Another appeal, who shot my son Shane Wessels??? And the others who helped kill my son, and never received no charges??? Guilty as shooter. Police need to be investigated here, and I can’t wait until BIRD visits here.

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      I understand your frustration, with authorities in Fort Dodge in charging others in relation to your son’s death. takes evidence, such as witnesses to come forward, and physical evidence.

      These forensics programs such as CSI Las Vegas and Miami, have juries looking for forensic evidence that may not been recoverable, such as maybe trying to match up a mark one body, to a punch thrown or body part grabbed.

      Plus the authorities may have certain evidence to support their beliefs. However, the prosecutor has to say yes there is enough to go to trial, or he or she wants more to put before a jury.

      The prosecutor has to approve all felony charges, at least here in Illinois. We hear of a number of cases where people were wrongly accused of serious crimes and sentenced to jail for crimes they did not committ.

      One of them involves the disappearance, rape and murder of Theresa Fusco. 16. In Lynbrook, New York in the early 1980’s. Three men served almost 20 some years. Then DNA cleared them. However, the DA wantedcto retry one of them, based on his confession.

      However, the confession was basically written orxrewritten several times by the lead detective on the case. Also, he got wiretaps on their phones, claiming her blood was found in one of the offenders van. However, no blood was ever found in the van,. Plus he claimed that her hair was found in the van. However, the hairs he claimed were found in the van, had signs of banding. According to forensic experts this banding occurs several hours after death.

      It appears the drtective had unfettered access to the crime lab. He also never reported to any other detectives working the case or the states attorney, about a car stolen, when Theresa disappeared. The vehicle was recovered and her pants were found under the front passenger seat. However, another police agency took the evidence found, but never had it processed, andvit disappeared.

  336. Holman says:

    There is a whole lot of unsolved murders that are not even listed…I want their families to have closure and these “supposed to be a cop” have taken no time in arrest people who do drugs without a hint of searching for facts but they can’t even be honest with our community that they don’t have the guts to say there is murders that are not listed and it’s awfully funny that they want to help the community then why are they hideing behind their badges and be on the take and labeled everything as drug related and has SNITCHES that are guilty and let them get away with being involved in the murders because of being a SNITCH, I have never seen cops like Fort Dodge cops in any other town…..all I can say is Good Bless to the families that are still suffering

  337. My phone says:

    They were probably using drugs and that is why they were cleaning the scene . They did not want anyone to no they was getting messed up with a pregnant woman..

  338. cadenW says:

    Hey Mathew Ratliff I see you are decently active here and I was wondering if you and your sister are in any way related to the Jim Ratliff who was recently sent to prison for human trafficking and soliciting sex from minors?

  339. Aimee says:

    Also I believe “BRYCE PETERSON” was involved with the murder of “MOLLIE TIBBITS”, also, Bryce has “co conspirators, Megan Walford Baustian, and Ben Ardvinson” from Brooklyn, Iowa whom Bryce brought from Brooklyn Iowa after meeting her on a dating app, whom I caught in my apartment together, they were having sex, and smoking crack, when I came home to this, they shoved me in my bedroom and held the door closed so I could not get out for sometime, for 2 years they were covertededly in a relationship in my face, hone, bed etc, they are part of what “Bryce calls his perfect circle”, after I caught on Megan Walford Baustian and Ben Ardvinson went back to Brooklyn Iowa thinking they were going to “escape criminal investigation and prosecution”, to this day that’s exactly what is happening even after I have reported a multiple of times to the Iowa City Police Department, Johnson County Attorneys, and the Judges” THIS IS BEYOND CRITICAL AND SERIOUS”!!! I had previously just commented on Kenny Joe Johnsons “murder”, A concerned person!

  340. A very concerned person! says:

    I have been reporting “Bryce Laurence Peterson”, for the last 2 years now, absolutely NOTHING” My uncle is an “unsolved murder ” in Des Moines Iowa, and when I showed Bryce my uncle’s story, he brought up Kenny Johnson, I had not known about his murder until than, I grew up in Des Moines, Bryce Peterson wanted to take me to his hometown and take me to MAUS PARK, Bryce has an obsession with “males, knives, and strangulation during sex”, Bryce is a “COVERTEDED, MALIGNANT GASLIGHTING PSYCHOTIC SOCIOPATH, WITH BPD, WHO WAS EMOTIONALLY ABUSED BY INCEST, AND WAS SEXUALLY INCESTED BY 1 OR MORE FAMILY MEMBERS “! Bryce will tell you for “no apparent reason” his “adopted mom and dad” Lyle, and Jean Peterson made him leave the house as soon as he graduated from Dubuque High School, Bryce “pulled knives on me multiple times, stuck knives in my neck threatening to kill me, cut up my furniture, physically and sexually abused me with a multitude of people in 2 years and less, he was in jail over a year of the two years”, Bryce is now in PRISON NO ONE WILL INVESTIGATE HIM, FOR Kenny Joe Johnson, his family and all affected, and “All VICTIMS VICTIMIZED BY BRYCE PETERSON AND HIS PERFECT CIRCLE” SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS! Thank You and God bless all of us in Jesus name! SWIFT JUSTICE!

    • Taylor P. says:

      It seems like he definitely fits the profile, but I imagine they need time, place, and something more than convincing hearsay to do something about it.

  341. Greta says:

    Another body part was found in Keosauqua, IA (only about an hour from Burlington) from an unidentified male victim in February 2022. Just in case this may be connected.

  342. Renée says:

    My thoughts are that it doesn’t take a genius or rocket science to link or connect these murdered to either WW2 or my family from WW2 I mean quite many of them are on my family tree.

  343. Carrie Larson says:

    Rhonda’s brother Bob attends the same church that I do. It would be really nice for Bob and his family to finally get some closure by finding their loved-one’s killer.

  344. B says:

    What I find odd is that the B-I-L, Anthony Jackson, has no headstone. Jodi and their two kids share a headstone, but Anthony Sr;s name is nowhere to be found. There’s no separate headstone listed for him anywhere else either. It seems pretty obvious that he’s the one that killed Traci, but sadly hasn’t been proven.

    • Stay Strong! says:

      I thought the same thing when I looked at her Find-a-Grave memorial too actually. I suspect you’re right, the family suspects Jackson Sr killed Traci and rightfully is distancing themselves, Jodi, and the children from him.

      Too bad, Traci seemed like a lovely young lady robbed of a chance to live her life.

      Coincidentally, I grew up a couple of miles from where Traci’s murder occurred.

  345. Duane Kruse says:

    Harold Kempf cheated justice. He died in 2021.

  346. Katie says:

    Has there been any up dates? why don’t we put this on 48hrs or cold case !! we know the truth. What ever happened at the trailer was not good!! Craig was kill by his brother because he wanted to tell the truth!! So Jeff and Kevin got away with murder

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      Katie, I agree that the members of the Petersen family and Jeff Daly are responsible for the death of Kim. He borrows a car and pesters her to ride with him to pick up another girl for the party. Instead he takes her to a trailer and she ends up dead. He makes no effort to call 911 to get immediate medical attention for her.

      Then the authorities sort of hide the fill extent of her injuries, Then they appear not to conduct a full investigation. Then the police identify Kim, as Jeff’s girlfriend. I assume they never interviewed Kim’s family, since they told them the full extent of her injuries.

      Then one of the Petersen brothers died after an argument with his brother. Their mother appears to be non-chalant about the death of her son, possibly at the hands of another son, and their possible involvement in the death of of Kim.

      These are adults whose actions resulted in the death of a minor, and the authorities take action or hold anyone responsible. I guess the residents of this community are okay with this.

      A good lawyer, would look at filing wrongful death lawsuits at Jeff and the Petersens. Then we can get to the truth.

    • Julie Rose Loose says:

      No I have not heard anything.

    • Julie Rose Loose says:

      No updates. Thank you for asking.

  347. Cody says:

    Poor guy survived WWII only to have some gutless punk shoot him for nothing.

  348. Upoppatorra says:

    Most likely became intoxicated the night of new years eve and was abducted. She was last seen out around a large area of apartments so it is possible one of the residents of these apartments at the time might have something to do with it

  349. LakeLife says:

    She’s 7 months pregnant, gets into a fight with her bf & he says she gets out & chooses to walk the rest of the way at 7 months pregnant?
    I have a hard time buying this.
    I feel like he didn’t want the responsibility & that’s what they were fighting about.
    I feel like it gout out of hand & she ended up dead.
    Praying this is resolved.

  350. LakeLife says:

    Praying the truth comes out

  351. LakeLife says:

    Praying they are able to find his wife!

    • Patty says:

      Here we are almost to the 12 year mark. I can honestly say I was hoping this would all be over by now. Why we can’t get this case solved is frustrating as hell. Someone knows what happened and who did this…please step up and help get us answers to why…….

  352. LakeLife says:

    Praying she is found!

  353. Kyla says:

    Are these old cold case is still being worked on? I want to help solve a cold case. Is there a place we can find out more information? For example was their DNA put in CODIS? It would be beneficial if some of these cases were opened up to the public to try to solve, especially old cold cases like this.

  354. Russ Heiser says:

    Feathers Plucked per say Turkey. SEEMS reveals a HAM per say? More SO than a TURKEY. I had both this year.

  355. Shaneice Santiago says:

    Very unfortunate she was beautiful

  356. Liz says:

    I do not have any first-hand information about this case, but found my way to this webpage as I grew up in the area.

    In reading the case description, one thing I noticed that was unique physically about Ben was that he had been in an accident and sustained a skull fracture. Given the length of time between when he went missing and today, I suspect that Ben is likely deceased, but wondered if his remains may have been found but not properly identified as his. So I went to and started searching for any unidentified remains that might match his physical description. I did find one record I thought might be worth following up on. Here is the summary of the information with a link:

    White male, between 20-50 years old. Estimated height of 5’9. No estimated date of death. Found on December 3, 2012, when a hunter discovered skeletal remains in an area of wooded brush, several yards from any roadway in Sauget, Illinois.

    Distinctive Physical Features – The decedent sustained a blunt force head injury resulting in a skull fracture during life. It is likely that medical records and imaging exist for the decedent as a result of this trauma. The decedent also sustained a broken nose during life.


    Again, I have no first-hand knowledge of this case, and there is a lot that doesn’t match up here, such as the remains being found in Sauget, Illinois, which is a 4 ½ hour drive from Clinton. The description of clothing and coins found near the remains also doesn’t seem to match what Ben was wearing/had in his possession when he disappeared. However, the injuries to these remains were similar to injuries Ben sustained in life, and while the Iowa Cold Case description does not mention a broken nose, in reviewing his pictures, it appears he sustained a broken nose in the same area depicted in the FBI’s facial approximation image for these remains.

    I hope the sharing of this information does not cause any of Ben’s loved ones additional heartache. I am sincerely sorry if it does. However, as several family and friends seem to monitor this page, I figured it was worth sharing on the off chance its a lead that has not already been investigated.

    • M. Kathleen says:

      He is still alive, as of last summer and I believe he’s still alive now.

      If someone can help me get in contact with someone who might be looking for him, other than the police or anyone in the public sector who would be intimidating. Preferably a person who he’s been close with in the past or someone that has a history in missing persons cases: I would like to meet with you and discuss this further.

      My email address is or

      I have a lot more information about a lot more missing persons and it’s been very difficult to find the right person to talk about this with.

    • Anon says:

      I was looking at this case on NamUs:

      Adult male skull found in 2013 in Jackson Township, IL. “Forensic Anthropologist from the University of Illinois indicates that the fractures surrounding the left and right maxillae are more extensive than a simple broken nose and would be noticeable in life.” I don’t know if Benjamin had fractures in the area of the scarring, but wondering if anyone has compared to see if it could be a match?

  357. Jodie says:

    Any new leads or updates on the case just read about it on reddit

  358. James Knapp says:

    I am surprised that the information given regarding Ms Christopher now Mrs. Slaughter has not been looked into.

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      Mr. Knapp, thanks for the information you submitted. However, the names you provided are nice, but law enforcement needs further information on these two individuals. Thus would include a date of birth, also what information that you might know that connects them to the crime. Besides having a criminal history, for this type of crime.

      One of the other problems in this case, is that the original murder took place in 1966. Then the letter naming the woman, came in 1976. We don’t know if the original case reports still exist. Also, do they still have any physical evidence, such as fingerprints, shell cases, etc.

      Also, a district attorney has to look at the evidence and say yes or no to approving charges.

  359. Don Hanson says:

    I am Patty’s first cousin, her father and my mother are brother and sister. I just learned about this today, decided to do some research. Don’t know anything about who is who either. Have never heard any talk of any kind, Patty died in 2014

  360. Ron (Henkins) Iverson was adopted not by choice says:

    Maybe some day there will be someone with a decent soul to help solve this case for my Dad and Debbie, god rest their souls. Ray had one Child me and that is it to the person above that does not no what they are talking about.

  361. Cheri Frye (Cheryl Marie Wells) says:

    I’m Larry’s little sister.. I’m still waiting for justice for my brother and cousin’s brutal murders. Please don’t give up.

    • John f Lee says:

      I think I have information on this. I think that there was a group of people that would frame and murder people from around this town. The Mayberry case is one that is involved. The dewoody case.
      Paul sueppel was a police officer at the time. And I think the same group that killed Mayberry and killed dewoody also were involved with this

  362. batman says:

    Why are you suggesting this guy for multiple cases? i.e. Elaine Doris, Roberta Crawford, etc ???

    • batman says:

      I see…do you have any information on him? I can’t seem to find anything and I’m interested in him in relation to another case.

  363. Roberta says:

    Is John Wakefield still alive ? And why have they not work to get closure ?

    • Megan M says:

      I did some searching and I think he still is. In his 70s and is living in South Dakota. Wish they would reopen this and test those bone fragments with todays technology. It’s very clear what happened here.

  364. glenn kresge says:

    You be good to call the State! Iowa has DCI criminal Investigation.

  365. Kyle says:

    I’ve always had my own theory. People ask how no one woke up? I have always believed. They invited someone they knew over for dinner. Or they were hiding in the attic. Thus the uneaten food. And they had some how drugged everyone in the house. Through their food. Therefore they never woke during the attacks. This happened way before forensic science. So who knows.

    • sunny says:

      but Lena had a defense wound on her arm if they had been drugged then that wouldn’t make sense
      1 its a Hassel and quite difficult considering that the killer(s) had poisoned the occupants when there where 6 other children in the house not including the parents who could have walked in at any time.

      2 there where no reports of another person in the house also they had just come from a meal at the church they wouldn’t cook a whole meal if no one was going to eat it.

      3 in ur theory u also stated “people ask how no one woke up” but you’ve gotta keep in mind they where killed in there beds the lack of friction in the mattresses would have caused it to be almost silent. another point to this is that we know the parents and a few of the children had slept next to each other, if u look hard enough you’ll be able to find evidence that the axes Handel was longer by about5 1/2 inched with how elongated the axe was the killer(s) would have been easily able to reach the axe to the opposite end of the bed crushing the skull of the victim on the left while also causing substantial damage to the victim on the right.

      4. following my claim with how long the axe was the person on the left would at least have a concussion and have passed out AT LEAST then the killer(s) could have easily focused on the victim closest to them killed that person and then ended the life of the victim on the left.

  366. Amber says:

    If any of the family of Colleen reads this you may want to follow the Donal Studey investigation in Thurman Iowa. Lucy Studey Mckiddy his daughter claims he killed multiple people and was witness to it. One of the people she claims was a 15 year old which is close to Colleen’s age. You may want to follow this case if they are able to excavate and find remains.

  367. Amber says:

    Long shot but Donald Studey investigation in Thurman Iowa. Lucy Studey McKiddy claims one of the murdered victims was 15 and Colleen was 14. I just felt like I should mention this in case they find remains. I’ve continuously thought of this girl since I moved to Bedford. In case someone is reading this who’s family you may want to follow that case.

  368. Ligma Balls says:

    John Hossack an L for this

  369. Neighbor says:

    I lived right around the corner and walked down to Hyvee the same night and time as he went missing. I would have walked down the same block he did. Always wondered if I missed something, If I would have seen something if I was looking around.

  370. Marcie Feather says:

    Was there an investigation done at the time or during the time she was identified? Cause of death? Any issues in her personal life at the time? Cold cases are solved everyday with news fresh eyes and attention.

  371. Marcie says:

    Here we are in 2022. Has there been any DNA evidence processed? Even though hard to process but if DNA was not collected at the time, there is an option for exhuming the sweet baby and with advances in ancestral DNA and the popularity it might be worth a chance at finally getting justice for him.

  372. Chris says:

    Why would there be a Boy Scout camp-out in February? It’s the second coldest month of the year, on average, in Iowa. Were they actually sleeping in tents outside or would they have been in a building? I find it kind of bizarre to be camping outside in the winter. Most campgrounds in Iowa are closed that time of year.

    • Jim Farrell says:

      I found that alarming too but apparently it was the norm.
      I never fell in with extra curricular activites so I’m no one to judge.
      It does appear strange though that not only was it cold February but they were also playing outdoors AT NIGHT.
      That poor family.

  373. Patrick Kerrigan says:

    This case is frustrating. Mr. Anderson is found injured on November 30, 1987, and dies the next day. There are no details, on how he was injured. I guess he purposely walked real fast into a brick wall, and the medical examiner could not figure out how he died.

    So, the police department keeps it a secret to protect the investigation. So But wants the public’s help to them figure out how he was injured. So, I guess providing a few tidbits, such as was he shot, stabbed, beaten, thrown off a tall building.

    So, he has been dead over 30 some years and the Davenport Police are still protecting the investigation. Maybe they don’t want the public to know that they mishandled something in the investigation.

    Here in Chicago, two girls ages 17cand 13 were found murdered in September 1972, in Washington Park. They were shot with a .32 caliber firearm, also their bodies were positioned in the shape of the letter VEE. Their murder has not been solved, but we know the cause of death and the caliber of firearm used.

    I later learned from someone, that the 17 year old girl, worked at the restaurant and motel for truckers. However, the place was owned by a member of the Chicago Mob, who worked for some senior mob leaders in the Bridgeport section of Chicago.

    I recently came across a book about unsolved murder in Canaryvill section of Chicago. Canaryville borders Bridgeport. A high school senior was shot in a drive by in the same time frame. The shooting was witnessed and they went to the police. However, the offender was the son of a local mob guy, so he was protected by his dear old dad, and the senior leadership of the Chicago Police Department, and the mayor.

    The offender later shot and killed his girlfriend with a .32 caliber firearm. Again he was protected by fear old dad.

    But, at least we have some details to work with. So, maybe someday the Davenport Police will admit to some details before a certain place freezes over.

  374. Lincoln says:

    Who exactly reported that she was planning to hitchhike to Iowa City, and also who exactly reported seeing her hitchhiking around 6pm the evening of the 18th? Also, why could the firearm used never be identified? From what I understand 4 rounds were discharged and the caliber or make, model or the gun was never revealed.

  375. Russ Heiser says:

    Another “Turkey Day” or “Ham”?
    Anything to Add? The DIVERS and probally “Cavers”!

  376. Matt Drury says:

    I have been told twice,
    that jeffrey bond was the killer via his daughter and friend, Bond died last year. I dont believe anyone jokes about stuff like that.

  377. LuAnn says:

    Happy Heavenly 30th Birthday John Jr….You Have Touched So Many Lives & & Will Always Be Loved ..

    Remembering You Today & Always
    Forever In Our Hearts ❤🎈🍦🎂

    Thinking Of The Snyder Family Today ❤🙏
    God Bless

    • John Snyder says:

      Thank you LuAnn — as his killer sits in a Wisconsin prison only to be released in July 2024 we can only imagine what madness grows. This person, IMO, is a classic example of a sociopath with no feelings or remorse whatsoever. The most dangerous of the dangerous. The DCI guys commented that, “he’s something” when I asked about the conversations with him. He did try to kill his girlfriend, but got the attempted murder charge dropped. I guess he had threatened to kill her whole family too. Yeah, he’s a real gem. Good luck Wisconsin.

  378. C says:

    “At the time, Matlock was dressed in a white Denver Broncos ‘Terrell Owens’ jersey, blue jeans and black Nike tennis shoes.”

    Terrell Owens never played for the Denver Broncos. This is misleading. I would guess he was wearing a Terrell Davis jersey.

    Not a big deal and most likely not enough to make a difference but thought it should be pointed out.

  379. Debbie Poyer says:

    Why have they not done reverse DNA? I heard they had a person of interest and this may have been a murder for hire. She was a good person and did not deserve this.

  380. no says:

    Extreme negligence on the part of police department. I’d sue the hell out of them.

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      I find it really incredible, that if the local agencies had no one properly trained to process the crime scene. This did not take place in the 1950’s, 60’s or 1970’s, but in 2007.

      They should had an agreement, with the DCI, another law enforcement agency, FBI or whoever to someone process the crime scene.

      Also, they should have also had the building restricted and posted no entry until the fire department of state fire marshal could certify that it was safe for entry.

      The FBI has mobile crime scene teams that are trained, and could have been requested.

  381. Justice says:

    Why do you think it’s him?

  382. Merlyn Sanchez says:

    Sounds like one of DeBardeleben’s crimes. I wonder if he’s been looked into.

  383. MikeD says:

    I’m sure they have, if I recall his name is all over Dustin Honken trial. Mason City PD has clearly shown us who they suspect with these GPS warrant years ago,.

    • Kim says:

      The murder of Jackie Folkerts in 1999 was committed by Brad Erdahl. DNA from the scene was matched to him and he admitted to killing her. Doesn’t look like anyone else was ever involved in her death.
      Billy Pruin’s death is considered an accident by his family, as per their own investigation into it. He was carrying the gun and somehow it went off (theory is he tripped) and killed him. I think his daughters would like people to stop thinking his death was a murder or somehow connected to Jodi Huisentruit’s disappearance.

      • Cody says:

        I think you clearly are off on your own “island” with some of your theories. Billy Pruin very clearly and obviously died in a terrible accident. Haven’t you studied the evidence? And JV is 100% responsible for what happened to Jodi. Look at the timeline. The events leading up to. He lied about her being over at his place the night before. Why do you suppose he did that? Look at the birthday party video. Him picking her up and holding her like she is his in his mind. Classic case of “if I can’t have you no one ever will” by a man with a very aggressive, hair-trigger temper.

        • Kim says:

          I’d like to know what proof there is that Pruin was on the Vansice boat outings. He was never mentioned as being on the trips in any of the documentaries or books or interviews about Jodi’s case.

          I also read over Brad Erdahl’s case and there was no mention in any of the articles that were available or even in his appeals that there was a passenger in his car the night he killed Jackie. I think if there’d been someone else with him, he would’ve thrown that person under the bus and said they were the killer.

          Angela Johnson and Dustin Honken were the killers of DeGeus, Nicholson, Duncan and her daughters. Again, no other person was mentioned as being involved in those murders besides those two. And they were both cagey enough to have thrown another person under the bus in a hot minute in order to save their own evil skins.

          I just don’t think this Ryerson is the criminal mastermind who is behind a bunch of the unsolved cases in northern Iowa. The MO’s are different, the victims are different, the case situations are different. Even the investigating agencies are different, so even if one agency missed evidence in one of the crimes, surely another agency would’ve found evidence in the crime they were investigating. So if he’s behind all of them, why hasn’t there been any evidence to link him to them? If he’s cocky enough to pull off that many crimes, you’d think he’d get sloppy somewhere and leave DNA or trace evidence behind.

    • Beau Smith says:

      Hey do you know why he could be tied to Melissa Jo Olson’s death? Wasnt hers a accidental death?

  384. Joseph Rolland Wilmot says:

    I believed what my family said at the time and still believe to this day. A Dubuque Police officer committed this crime. It was known as a police restaurant and officers were known to be there at all hours. There is a reason no progress was ever made in this case and the only reason is because an officer was involved. Back then the Dubuque police was known to ” protect the badge ” at all cost. I was raised in that town in an area known then as the “flats” and I can attest to just how crocked the PD was back then. 1 honest cop in the bunch and that was “Pig Smitty”. He had a pigs head belt buckle and a tattoo the said “proud to be a pig” with a pigs head on his forearm.

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      Mr. Wilmot. I would agree with you, but her murder actually look like a rage killing. It appears someone was upset with her, for whatever reason.

      I agree that the crime scene was mishandled, but then that was sort of the way, things were done, back then. How, the crime scene is handled and processed, including taking pictures can provide many answers. It surprises me that she was hidden in a cooler. The other thing, that bugs me is this is a restaurant, yet there is no cook. Did she do everything at this place.

      There have been any number of women killed by being stabbed more than the 30 times that Jackie was. A 18-year-woman, was found murdered in New Jersey. She died on blunt force trauma, to both sides of her head. Then she was stabbed 66 times after she was already dead from a skull fracture. This incident took place in 1965.

      In Wisconsin another young woman, working late to answer the phones at a manufacturing plant, was stabbed to death over 100 times. Her boyfriend was looked at. However, hexwas basic training and laterxshipped out for Vietnam. He was killed in action.

      Plus, the weapon of choice was a pair of scissors, and not a knife. A knife in a restaurant would definitely be a weapon of choice.

      You refer to the area called the flats. I assume that is an area from the A & B bar was down towards the river. I am somewhat familiar with Dubuque. Have not been there in a number of years. I remember the single lane toll bridge going to Wisconsin, and the restaurant there.

  385. Patrick Kerrigan says:

    I have a few questions. They were last seen at an auction in Stuart. It makes me wonder if they purchased something, that someone wanted really badly and was outbid. Maybe it was something they might have sold at that auction.

    Then we have their truck stolen and then dumped 200 miles away. Which seem a long way to drive a vehicle and dump it. Also, I wonder what route they may have taken to get from Norwalk, to Kansas City. Such as taking Interstate-35 or U.S. Highway 69. It might be that Kay, body was dumped along the way.

    But, why take her along. Was it someone they knew and trusted, and if they truck was seen by driven by a stranger might have attracted attention. But. If she was along for the ride, it would be okay.

    Another question is does the auction house, have any clients in Kansa City, that they might send them a flyer about the auction.

    • Brandi Weber says:

      These are all good questions that we asked back when this all began. Unfortunately we have little to no information. William’s truck did have on star but what they have found from that we do not know. The dci did go to auction house but no information of what came of that has been shared. We have gotten vague timelines as to when they left the auction (sometime around its ending) when the truck arrived at the apartment complex in Missouri. (Late afternoon early evening) and the fire started around 11 pm…….most of what we have are rumours, and not very many answers or updates from the DCI…..William was shot multiple times, whoever did this to them is still out there. They deserve justice and we the family deserve answers….Thank you all who are helping keep this alive with questions, sharing the story or fliers on Facebook etc. And even for the theories and questions I disagree with! (My grandmother did not do this to William she too is a victim) but I understand speculating and wondering and as upsetting as it is to see that too keeps their story out there. So again Thank You!

      • Magicgem says:

        My sincere condolences on the loss of your mother Kay and William. I am just learning of this case. Could you please tell me if your uncle Ross Allen has any relation to Richard Matthew Allen? Thank you.

  386. Adrienne says:

    I don’t understand this at all. An test costs a few hundred bucks – why on earth can’t the DNA be run through a database like that? What am I missing?

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      I am sorry but the testing and the necessary research runs about $5000.00. However, there are organizations that take donations and provide the funds the do the testing

      I have come across an individual who has kicked his own money to find the cost of the tests.

      • doofy says:

        id say lets do it regardless of cost. its amazing how much our local and federal government will waste on endless wars and funding ukraine but will not even blink an eye to figure out whose child this was

  387. Cathy Neumann says:

    I have been reading through all of the comments regarding William and Kay Wood. I am the oldest child of Kay. She has six children three live in Iowa and three live in Maine. I live in Maine and I can tell you it is very difficult for us to believe that we still have no information regarding the disappearance of our mother. I see lot of posting regarding William. He was a wonderful man and so good to my mother. They visited me in Maine once a year and would have been making the annual trip after William’s birthday. Although sad William’s family has some closure as they have their father’s body. We have nothing, we have no closure. All we are asking at this time is to find out where our mother is so that we can have some closure. Find her and worry about who did it later. I have started letter writing to Warren County Sheriff Dept. regarding the case as they are handling the case. It is very confusing as to who is doing what sometimes I don’t know if the right hand knows what the left is doing, but I keep hoping that they come up with something. Don’t want this to be a cold case. If you know anything about where to find our mother please, please let someone know

    • Melonie L. Wood says:

      I believe you are right. Although we all would love closure as to who and why. Knowing what happened to To Kay should be top of the list. We both lost the people we loved that night. But we only know what happened to my father and were able to lay him to rest. I’ve never stopped thinking about Kay or wondering if it may be possible to lay her to rest also. We all need answers. Please believe me when I say my heart feels your pain and your loss. This case needs to be re opened.

  388. James Knapp says:

    The couple were Catherine Christopher Slaughter and Rodney Layne Johnson. Both were U of I students.

  389. Arthur Capriotti says:

    I knew Steve when he lived in New Jersey. He worked for me for a couple of years. He would often talk about his two sisters and his grandmother back in Iowa. I hope they find out what happened to him.
    Art Capriotti

  390. Ken Whitehead II says:

    I was 4 years old when this happened, and I lived right next door. My mom, who is now deceased, always said she believed that Darleen was buried under the basement floor. She believed this because she said she was awakened in the middle of the night to the sounds of loud banging coming from the corner house. She didn’t remember for sure what the date was, but she felt it coincided with the date that this woman disappeared. My mom and Darleen were neighborly friends and were only a year apart in age. I’m sure my parents were probably interviewed by the police at some point during the investigation due to their bedroom being directly next to the Fitchett home. I sincerely hope that at some point, if her remains are really buried at 717 Franklin, someone will find them so she can have a proper burial…

    • Janette Fitchett Stutsman says:

      Ken Whitehead II, thank you for stopping by Mother’s Cold Case site. Mother’s body was not found in the basement during the DMPD dig there. I can only imagine what plans Father had to dispose of her body. Like the “Bog Man” what is left of her will be found someday. Remember to honor Jodi who keeps my Mother in our memory. I must say I am mortified that your Mum and Dad had to hear the disturbing things going on in that house that night.

      • Julia Day Torres says:

        Jeanette Stutsman, I would love to talk you. [Edited by Admin]

        • Janette Fitchett Stutsman says:

          Julia Day Torres, As I explained to my high school sweetheart, Mother’s Cold case site is the incorrect forum for anyone to be discussed except Mother and her murder. Respect for Jody and her work is a sacred thing to my Family. My reclusive life is of no interest to you. Please move forward with your life, not back.

      • Cindy Haffner says:

        Dear Janette Stutsman! I hope you remember me! [Edited by Admin]

        • Janette Fitchett Stutsman says:

          Cindy Haffner, thank you for visiting Mother’s cold case site.I am happy that you are blessed and healthy .Please remember this site is not Facebook. It is a serious work to forward the investigation of the unsolved murder of Darleen Fitchett. Unless you have new information pertaining to this case please don’t post on this site.

  391. YODA says:

    I made a comment, and checked spelling twice, yet comment appears with spelling errors! GRRRR!

  392. YODA says:

    Common denominators; The boys were paper boys, they all were abducted
    In the Des Moines area, they were all the same age group,. Look for what is there that belongs there,Molokai for what belongs there but is missing, look for what is there tha should not be, and ask who stands to gain from the actions taken. Ask who was in the area, and left the area after the crime/s.
    Ask who acts “that way” and check if they bought handcuffs, rope, condoms

    • Anji says:

      Maybe the 2 year gap was because the perp was incarcerated or assigned to work out of the area.

      • Tri State Girl says:

        Here’s my theories:

        -Maybe a lot of kids were sexually attacked, but only a few were killed. Millhouse had other victims, as did other pedophiles from the Des Moines Register, like Frank Sykora and his older brother. Those kids weren’t killed. Other pedophiles in that area had victims who weren’t killed.

        -Maybe the sicko that did this gave a sick treat to themselves, and killed a kid every few years on a holiday.

        -Maybe there were attempts that we don’t know about. After the last boy, Marc, went missing the kidnappings stopped. This conveniently happened after Millhouse was arrested. There were also other pedophiles in Des Moines busted around that time. However, there were kidnapping attempts until 1989. Then it all stops. I don’t know what happens in 1989 that finally ends it all.

        -Maybe the kidnapper moved around to different states and towns. To avoid being caught.

  393. Carol Gottberg says:

    Could the young man be the missing paperboy Johnny Gosch. He bears a resemblance?

  394. Adam M. says:

    “Sheriff Burt Muir says he thinks the case will be solved quickly.”

    “I believe this is going to get solved. How quick I’m not sure, but it’s going to get solved,” the sheriff said.\

    Yet still cold case? Wonder what fell through?

    • Aaron Miner says:

      There are people who believe I had something to do with Ryan’s death and to be truthful I don’t understand how someone would even mention My name unless that same someone had something to hide.
      I also want to include that there once was a female officer of Leon by the name of Blake Kofoid who once told Me something I will never forget. She was in tears when She told Me She believed Me and that She knew I had no part in His death. She stated that there was a female who was not in uniform in decatur County who had the authority to discontinue DCI’s investigation with the case. Something about lack of evidence and I believe some political BS concerning jurisdiction or the length in timing of the investigation. Furthermore I do understand now and am led to have determined and in My own belief that the woman She didn’t know who but the woman She had spoke to Me about is Lisa Jeanes whom is also known as the decatur County district attorney. Lisa Jeanes has a nephew who is named Nick Phelps whom I am led to believe is one individual behind Ryan’s death. I pray that Ryan’s family and others as well as Myself will one day see the justice that is deserved! I wish I knew more that I could say however I must leave that to Ryans family. More specifically His Mother Tammy. I am so sorry that I was not there to help Ryan when He needed it the most and if He is watching I just gotta say that I Love Him like a brother and I will never stop piecing the facts. Fact is Belinda Reed You are guilty of knowing some critical information in regards to this. Also why was Ryan’s FBT never spoken of when found and pulled out the ditch next day on h45 north of leon. Also what about this gun that Ben Grove had spoken of seeing when interacting with either Ryan’s babies momma or Nick Phelps or the two individuals altogether. May We solve this one day and place all corrupt officials on the stand and out of office. Lisa Jeanes You are protecting either Your nephew or You are protecting Your interests. I’m confused because I thought all people had to follow by the same rules and laws which are supposed to be applied to US all but I guess just as Angela Hill gets special treatment from the prosecution so does Lisa Jean’s and all other corrupt officials or non officials working amongst Us with legal authority in the Decatur County iowa and other surrounding areas!!! Try to prove Me wrong and U may just solve this case!

  395. Michelle Christie says:

    Just watched Accused, I believe the ‘evidence’ doesn’t prove or disprove John. The whole time I was leaning towards the father Bill’s involvement but I don’t think that was clear cut either. I think the whole investigation was conducted with tunnel vision and Ludwick/Ludwig (whatever his name) was embarrassing and proved he never followed up because he went with his own judgement! Not facts! I personally don’t believe Jason committed this crime.

    • Paula Jones says:

      I agree fully. Sadly once tunnel vision becomes the direction of any case the evidence does not take the investigator/s in the right direction. This case may never truly be solved because Ludwig’s tunnel vision meant that many issues were not followed up on and quite possibly evidence was ignored that didn’t fit his theory.
      As someone who studied Criminology, I struggle to understand his thinking and his processes. Whether a Cold Case Team could solve this case is something that without all the complete facts is doubtful
      So many lives have been ruined completely because of this very sad case. Not only did they loose a wife, mother, daughter, sister etc but false accusations hang over all involved as long as the true culprit is not caught, send to trial and found guilty. My prayer is that the Police finally do their job right and start from scratch with open hearts and minds and follow only the evidence to it rightful conclusion.

    • Chris says:

      So clearly not the father but feel free to point fingers.

  396. Tina L McAninch says:

    Hi Betsy. Wanted to ask if there has been any updates to your Dad? Your Dad had dated my mom. Your Dad was always very sweet towards me. Always had a smile on his face and was so welcoming when I would see him at my moms. I pray there will be a day your family receives resolution for your Dad.

    • Lindsey Thomas says:

      Hey there will be because I will never give up to finding him. So bill jr better know that!! Because we are fighting for Douglas. I have video of of grandpa loyal there and it’s great to hear his voice and see him. Even though I never met him before!! I’m loyal s grand daughter, and I am the one who will solve this case I promise u that!!

  397. anon says:

    This is the newest video on his Youtube account that has had the name changed.

    Anyway, if you go in to 57 seconds, there is a written statement:
    “Jesse Nimaja y Abel Efebo unidos por siempre tiene un relacion.” This means Jesse Nimaja and Abel Efebo are united forever and have a relationship.

    Seems to me like Jesse might be a child predator.

  398. anon says:

    One of his aliases is “Juan Carlos Simay Nimaja.” The “Simay” is likely “Simaj.” Here is a facebook for someone with that purported name:

    If you save his photo and do a google image search, it’s actually a photo of a Spanish rapper named Porta.

  399. Raychel says:

    Jeff Gannon is Johnny.. changed his name few times but always keeps the initials the poor soul here thinking he’s Jonny needs help .. noreen has personally met jeff now and they’re keeping that private . You must understand that Jeff is in a very special situation and only those privy to that information know. Noreen and Jeff are in contact and that is all I will say so please respect their privacy and to that man who thinks he’s Johnny . It’s very sad that you are experiencing this . Please get help and for the missing memories in you’re life please don’t add other people’s memories to suit you I’m sure you will find the truth eventually. I’d like to add this even though it’s all very sad , noreen is full welll in the knowledge regarding what happened to Johnny and has some sort of peace of mind now and will not be looking further on the quest to find Johnny as she doesn’t have to now . Make if it what you will but please like we asked leave the family alone and Thankyou fir all of you’re concern over the years .

  400. Gramma says:

    My memory isn’t great, but I seem to remember a mcdonald ave having a 50313 zip code. If that’s correct, the address would be a north and south street, just north of Euclid.

  401. Katherine Clark says:

    Soon will be 7 years and still not a lead or nothing while my son was taken just a cold case. With no answer

  402. C says:

    I am a life long resident of Des Moines. Born and raised. I am not familiar with McDonald Ave. Even when I google it, nothing comes up. Is it possible the street name has changed since this awful murder? Just trying to find out where this took place. I haven’t heard of Frank’s place either but I’m sure it’s a different business now.

    • Kat Clark says:

      McDonald is at the intersection of Dixon and Euclid Ave. McDonald is north of Euclid while Dixon is on the south side of Euclid. If you go north, Franks Place was on the west side of the street on the corner of McDonald and Madison Ave. It has a chain link fence surrounding the building and is now a detail shop I believe. The gun man shot dad from across the street on top of the hill. Dad worked at Ford Implement factory that was at the end of McDonald Ave where it T’s into Aurora Ave. Frank, the owner lived just behind the bar in a brick house at 1707 Madison Ave. Hopefully this helps with you finding the place.

      • Patrick Kerrigan says:

        Kat, it seems your information points to the gunman, being in a different location, then what is posted on this forum. So, it could point to someone specifically targeting your father and not for the money and beer stolen.

        Also, there is no information on the caliber of firearm identified. That is something missing in the public information on many shootings and murders

        Sometimes, the authorities identify the caliber, sometimes they don’t. In one cold case in Chicago, from the early 1970’s, the girls were shot in the head, with a .42ccaliber firearm. In another cold case in Elgin, Illinois, a young girl was taken from her farm home and shot with a small caliber firearm. Which makes me wonder, why that information was withheld.

        So, it could be that someone had a grudge, either a fellow employee from where he worked or possibly blamed him for some slight.

        We periodically hear of gang bangers shooting someone because he disrespected the shooter. We routinely hear of rap artists who get shot or murdered around the country.

  403. Fiona says:

    Who wrote this article

  404. norma black says:

    See my post on facebook.

  405. […] was adopted at 18. Harry was adopted by Mark&apos;s grandparents when he was just a few months old. Iowa Cold Cases reports that Mark told Dateline, "That&apos;s how me and Harry became brothers. We don&apos;t […]

  406. Omaha PaperBoy says:

    Three person of interest that should be looked at.

    #1: Jerry Wintz: Jerry was part of the 5 guys that went to prison for the child sex ring. He was Chatsworth The Reindeer at Merle Hay May and lived at 6114 Rollins Avenue ( 8 minutes from where Johnny was kidnapped ). What interesting about Jerry is if you look at the profile of the Omaha Paperboys the FBI said the killer would be a loner and would take jobs that would interact with children and most likely be a soccer coach or scoutmaster which John J. Joubert was a scout leader. Jerry is involved in the Boy Scouts Sexual Cases. He doesn’t look like the person in the sketch and was 235lbs, but depending on his sex ring he may be involved in some way. Jerry worked at the Iowa State Fair – I find it odd that Johnny left for his paper route without his dad because he was going to go to the Iowa State Fair and Eugene article mentioned the Iowa State Fair – IS there a connection to the Iowa State Fair back in those days like Peony Park’s Sprite Night was in Omaha?

    #2: Sam Soda: Sam was the private investigator who involved himself in the case and supposedly told Noreen that an “informant” told they knew when the next paperboy would go missing. Sam ran for City Council in which he was caught in a lie stating he received some war medals. In the article that mentions Sam running for city Council it list his home address as 14th and Emma. Marc Allen went missing from 10th & Emma and Eugene went missing from SW 14th & Highview. Both of these locations are roughly like 5 minutes apart of each other. Sam also lived in Martindale, Iowa at some point would would put him in the Warren County area ( The license plate was warren county ). Sam wewnt to Dowling High School and would be familiar with the location Johnny went missing. Sam also travelled lived in Buffalo, NY and Kansas City and travelled a lot when he worked for Robert Bosch company – It’s mentioned that Sam as a private investigator would drive around at night and possible he may have shown the boys some type of badge to make them feel comfortable in talking with him. Sam was also a Polk County Deputy according in one of the articles and Noreen said Johnny was talking to some type of cop under the bleachers at her other son’s. Sam is also a dead ringer for the sketch that was taken and his family came from Italy that might make him look more latin as the description indicates. Does Noreen seem more crazy in here theories because of Sam’s involvement?

    #3: John J. Joubert: The Omaha paperboy killer actually killed an 11 year old boy 14 days before Johnny Gosch went missing in Maine. The thing is in the 14 days there is no real information on the whereabouts of John J. Joubert. He at some point had to report to Bellvue, Nebraska Offuett Air Force Base. John Joubert fits the weight and height of the sketch and in most of his pictures he really looks like three different types of people. John Joubert was driving a tan Nova Sedan which looks similiar to the Ford Fairmont. The main difference with John Joubert is all his victims were found and Johnny has never been discoved and he was arrested before Eugene Martin and Marc Allen went missing.

    Wilbur Millhouse would be another potential player, but yellowbag who says he was approached by someone knew who Wilbur was, but did see they guy who approached him with Wilbur at a some type of Des Moines Register event. Wilbur had 2200 peoples names in a book and said he was trying to recruit paperboys. Was Johnny and Eugene’s name in this book?

    • Tri State Girl says:

      Jerry was busted with the other men mentioned in the article. Maybe they look like the sketch?

    • Yellow Bag says:

      The man who tried to abduct me in 1982 was driving a Ford Fairmont, not a Chevy Nova. I remember the two rectangular headlights, which was I see online was standard for the Fairmont Futura that came out in 1978. The car was covered with snow, but I remember it as white, or maybe two-tone white and grey. Funny thing–I went out East for college in 1986, and had a girlfriend who drove an old Fairmont. It creeped me out every time I saw her car coming because I remembered the evil dude who tried to get me into that same kind of car four years earlier.

      It’s hard to remember a lot of details 40 years after the fact, but I don’t think Joubert would have been old enough to be the man who tried to abduct me. I’m guessing the abductor was at least 25 years old. The thing I remember the most is his orange and blue reflective jacket, and the way he kept looking in his rearview mirror to see if anyone saw him talking to me. He did not look like the photo of Wintz at all, or John Rossi’s sketch of the guy at 42nd and Ashworth the morning Johnny was kidnapped. Dark hair, angry dark eyes, well-trimmed mustache, Caucasian, and accent like he was from somewhere out East.

      I actually met Sam Soda through the Faded Out podcast and had lunch with him. Anyone who thinks Sam was involved is barking up the wrong tree. Yes, Sam could brag and tell some stories, but he came across to me as a guy with a big heart. Sam thought the kidnapper was a total lone wolf (if he partnered with anyone someone would have ratted him out for reward).

      • Dave says:

        Yellow Bag,
        I’ve been following your story through this post, and I find your story regarding the Gosch disappearance to be the most truthful, and logical.
        Are you at liberty to expound on your conversation with Sam Soda?
        You have made prior mention to Wilbur Mihouse, and his strange behavior and comments regarding Johnny, do you feel that Milhouse was physically present on the morning of 9/5/1982? If, yes? Did someone assist Milhouse?
        Or, do you believe that another party is responsible?
        Thank you Yellow Bag for your honesty, and candor.

        • Yellow Bag says:

          Sam talked to criminals, pedophiles, and even Mafia types. He came up with exactly nothing. His final thoughts were that only one man kidnapped Johnny, not a group of men. If it were a group, someone would have talked by now. Sam also believed the man was probably connected with the Des Moines Register.
          I do not know if Millhouse was physically present. He was, though, repeatedly claiming to know who took Johnny and why from the day Johnny was kidnapped. Millhouse became angry and visibly agitated every time he talked about Johnny. I have no doubt he was involved, but I have never figured out to what extent. Millhouse probably had dozens of victims (he received a 30 year sentence for sexually abusing 6 teens), and I still think the key to solving Johnny’s disappearance is for one of those victims to reveal the identity of the Fairmont man. Someone who knew Millhouse knows who that man is.

          • Cody says:

            Yellow Bag, don’t you have a photo of the man who tried to get you into his Fairmont?

          • Dave says:

            Yellow Bag, thank you for sharing this valuable piece of information. Did Sam have any thoughts about the Martin and/or Allen abductions? Sam made a comment in an interview that the Gosch and Martin abductions were slightly different. Did he make any comments as to how or why the abductions may have differed? Sam also made mention about how both Martin and Allen were taken within a short radius of Sam’s home.

          • Tri State Girl says:

            The victims of Frank Sykora, and his brother James Sykora, might also know something. Those kids would be men in their 50’s and 60’s now. At least some of them must still be alive. All three men worked at the paper. They could have been in the same pedophile circle together.

          • smith john says:

            Have you heard of a man by the name of Raul Saca Ancer? Rumor has it he was the abductor of Eugene Martin.

      • anon says:

        Yellow Bag, are any of these people the one who tried to kidnap you?

      • Doublecomfy says:

        Yellow bag. Are you aware of Ken Newell? He attempted to kidnap a wdm paper boy in 78. Was a scout leader and school janitor. Should have been around 32 years old at the time of your encounter. Dark hair and mustasch.

      • extensionferret says:

        yellowbag, have you seen the unreleased police sketch in the gosch case? The one you are reffering to is from noreens PI’s.

        Although i think whoever took theese paperboys were local, have you seen pictures of Larry Eyler? A serial killer (1982-1983) around Indiana and chicago at the time with 20-30 young male victims.

  407. Katie T says:

    While searching, I found his name to be associated with an AKA Linn, Allen Snyder that goes by Linn, Allen. The same source showed a current address of 2221 S Indiana Ave., Joplin, MO. since March 2016. It also showed a past address and AKA matching Snyder, Linn Allen – 21950 Green Valley Ave., Council Bluffs, IA.

    Associated persons listed on the site (also listing Linn’s former Council Bluffs address) were a Snyder, Jimmie Wayne and Snyder, Amy Neomi (married) belonging to the same address 2221 S Indiana Ave., Joplin, MO. since 2008, which I verified on the Jasper County Missouri Beacon site.

    I completed a search of Snyder, Amy N on Spokeo which returned to a female in her 70s living in Joplin, MO. Under the “Family Members” section read “Amy resides in a single family home in Joplin, Missouri with Jimmie.” as well as “Amy and Linn Snyder reside together in a single family home in Joplin, Missouri.”

    I guess I don’t know the source is just associating Linn with the address in Missouri, but I found it odd that Jimmie and Amy belonged to the address starting in 2008, while Linn starting in 2016 – and maybe something to look further into.

    • JDF says:

      Thanks for obtaining that info. I know people from that Green Valley Avenue area. I’ll inquire if they knew Linn.
      This case always intrigued me. So much missing information as if he were a loner. 280 lbs is a big guy to take down so I gotta wonder if he and that bike were lured somewhere.

  408. Patrick Kerrigan says:

    I love that the police department could not take the time to provide us the public.on how Mr. Wright was murdered. I assume an autopsy was conducted by a coroner or medical examiner. The cause of death. should at least be provided to back up their claim, that he was murdered. I guess it wasn’t important.

    Recently county authorities in Pennsylvania, are reinvestigating the death of a young women. She was found stabbed to death, and it was determined that she committed suicide although she was stabbed in the back and her neck.

    Authorities did not find any signs of forced entry, so she stabbed herself to death. I guess it was not worth it to determine that she might have let her killer into her residence, possibly someone she knew.

  409. William B Brown says:

    The gun used to kill Stump maybe in kensett Iowa now

  410. Justice says:

    Has anyone ever looked into Reza Kargarzadeh? He is a wealthy business man in West Des Moines with a private jet. He has plastic manufacturing plants throughout the country and family ties to Colorado. He looks like the suspect composite.

    • Rattus says:

      If he is that wealthy, he probably would not have been driving a cheap Ford Fairmont.

      • Justice says:

        He wasn’t wealthy only middle class the year Johnny was abducted. In Persian and Afgan culture it is common for a thing called boy play where its a status symbol to have boys for sex slaves and pleasure. “Straight” men do this as part of the Islamic culture all the time and as disgusting as it is even the women accept it.

      • Justice says:

        I know that he has been involved in lots of illegal activity including recording sex tapes to pass around. He is known for providing favors, jobs, etc. He is a master at grooming young moms with children. The locations of his plastic plants should be aligned with other cases as he is known to frequently travel using a private jet to his business location where I am sure he does other activities.

        • Justice says:

          Here are the locations of his manufacturing. Interestingly one is in Mexico. He has family ties in Colorado, California and Florida. He has also been known to travel internationally to places like Iran.

          EPC plastic manufacturing is the name of the business. EPC, Inc. plants span across the following US locations:
          Alabama: Bessemer and Leeds
          Indiana: Scottsburg
          Iowa: Corporate Office, Grinnell and Kalona
          Kentucky: Lebanon
          Mexico: Reynosa
          Michigan: Saint Clair (Christian Haas Dr. and Range Rd.)
          Missouri: Columbia North Carolina: Siler City
          Ohio: Bellevue and Lebanon
          South Carolina: Anderson
          Wisconsin: East Troy and Osceola

          As well as our Mexico location: Reynosa

  411. justicebaby says:

    Has anyone ever looked into Reza Kargarzadeh? Is is a wealthy business man in West Des Moines known to be above the law and excellent at grooming women with children. He looks like the photo and fits the description only he is not latin but Persian.

    He has a private jet with manufacturing plants all over the country. He has signifcant family ties to Colorado. Strangely although in different neighborhoods (still very close by) he lives on the same street as Johnny Gosch. I have more information that I would love to share but it would reveal my identity.

    He is no doubt in operation with human trafficking even if he is not part of this abduction. I have more details but I cannot share here or would reveal my identity.

    • Brad says:

      Justice- is there any way you can provide more detail as to how you know these things without revealing your identity? Have you had an encounter with him before?

  412. Georgiamariestrableschofield says:

    He mi brother and I’m going to find who kill u I love u bro always
    I want u to be able to rest in peace
    I miss u so much it hurts to mi soul
    Your sis Georgia

  413. Brittany Marie says:

    I have so many questions. The only reason I came upon this was because u googled unsolved murders in Appanoose County. It brought up this woman and the Deteach man murdered at his home. I don’t know how often this page is updated but there is nothing about the Ty Husted case. And I find it very disturbing is agencies say she’ll never be found, she’s either in a well or buried in Missouri…very odd, a friend of mine said someone had said the same thing about Ty. I find it absurd that Appanoose County law enforcement has so many cop cars sitting in their parking lot but do not have funds to even attempt to find missing people, whuch don’t mind the new jail being built here. I understand with Crystal happened in Wayne County but counties don’t work together nor was the Ty case ever brought to public attention. I feel Appanoose County should shift their focus on important matters other than “drug busts” that never change. Same people in and out of jail. But what do I know….

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      If these departments don’t have the resources, then the Iowa DCI should take it over. They have the resources to work this case.

    • Don Hanson says:

      I am sure like most cases if if was one of their own it would have been solved by now, just saying,

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      I searched Sebastian Husted’s case again. One thing that bothers me is that he disappeared from a hog farm, where he had been working for a few weeks. I assume this hog farm has a formal name, unless it’s a unauthorized farm.

      Also, I assume that Sebastian was an employee of this hog farm.
      So, it bothers me, that they should have been concerned about one of their employees who disappeared.

      Yet, we hear nothing from them. Their should be some comment from them, showing their concern, oroffering a reward. This sort of makes me wonder, about some suspicious activity going on there.

      Also, could he been seriously injured, and did not want OSHA, coming in and finding out they violated federal safety regulations. In my time enforcing federal pollution regulations with the U.S. Coast Guard, many facilities had issues with OSHA inspector’s, who assume you are guilty, and not innocent until proven innocent.

      Also, his brother gets some text’s supposedly from Sebastian. The text’s asked him to come and get him. Yet, his family has no clue where he is working at. Also, the text’s seem to claim that his co-worker, also unidentified is supposedly getting aggressive. I wonder if this text was actually sent by him. Yet, his family is unaware of any previous problems with any co-workers.

      There is no explanation of what the co-worker was doing. Also, pictures of Sebastian mention his tattoos, which gave me the impression that he was a gang banger. Which might explain his disappearance, as revenge for possibly leaving the gang, or his refusal to do something illegal.

  414. Johnny Gosch says:

    I have new recovered memeries involving this satanic political cult manipulating this web site to delete my testimony from this web site about 5 to 10 years ago I had put several post on this site that contained most of the results of my investagation at that time. Shortly thereafter
    Mdybe 5 to 10 years ago all my post on this site were caused to be removed by the satanic political cult. I assume Jody Ewing would have a record of this. And be a honest witness. She has not responded to my email. Can somebody find when why how and what evedince was retained to prove this act of the cover-up?

    • Johnny Gosch says:

      My mistake, they were not deleted but are under the Johnny Gosch photos.
      This recovered memory still needs corroborated. It’s a memory of me being subjected to one of programming hypnotism sections , always by force and unable to remember afterwards, where the perpitrators were trying to sirpress my testimony. There was a phone call made to this website and the conversation involved the removal of the post. The person s[oken to was a lady IDK who and they s[oke to me briefly and to the lead programmer who was working for the CIA. He spoke for some time explaining other actions he wou;d take to have the post removed. This memory is most likely not fully emerged and has other memory fragments that will further emerge. I do not try and force them but each time I think of them there’s a chance that they have expanded where others disassociated memory fragments have reconnected to there original memory. I have decided to include this to help the reader have a better understand of how my memories have been e, erhing these past 14 years and how I have always tried to be open about them. My memory of this conversation between this web site and the perpitrrater still needs to be looked into. And should demonstrate the danger that me continuing to be outspoken about this is effecting me and how my creditabilty is damaged each time they make me forget or attempt to alter mine or Noreen’s memories.

    • Brad says:

      Johnny; it was 40 years ago yesterday that you disappeared. You have not been forgotten.

  415. Lewis Cassill says:

    I am glad they keep these cases open. They identified the guy that was found in lake Meade. I bought A small farm near tiffin thirty years ago. After buying it I bought a bulldozer. The guy I bought the farm from said not dig any holes on the place. He told me he buried some farm machinery. Then a a few years later I told him I was going to dig up that junk and haul it to the wilton shredder. He told me something’s are best left buried. . I often wondered what was really buried there. I know he had a barrel of agent orange and figur Ed maybe it was something like that. Then an elderly neighbor told me that whole place was buried with construction waste. I notified the DNR that the place may have toxic wastes buried on it. Never heard anything back. Then due to a chain of unfortunate circumstances including major illness I lost my little farm. Somebody should follow up on this. Lewis Cassill the address of the place is 4018 Ivy Ave SW Oxford Iowa. The burial of this stuff was in the seventies and eighties

  416. Johnny Gosch says:

    The Government Cover-up narritive is primarily promoted by members of “THIS” Satanic political cult. Most members are NOT consciously aware that they are in the cult, like Noreen and most of our related families. The people I refer to as perpitrators are the conscious member who starting at about puberty consciously aware they are in the cult and are further trained to become monarch programmers in a 30 year menter protosai relationship who work in together. They drug and hypnotis us monarchs to control our actions. They alter our memories and place post hyp otic suggestion that we have been further programed using trauma, to create amnesic barriers and binding that I’ve been told changes a [pst hypnotic suggestion I to a personality traits. The government uses monarchs as school shooter and many other thing. They are used by most of the large organization to gather Intelligence because thier memries can be downloaded easily and they can’t keep secrets from thier handlers. This is a widely known secret and is vibable in the midea around us. TV Programming edigecational programming monarch programming that was even tattooed on many of is children which is the rocking X tattoo, which is the image on the top side of a monarch butterfly’s wings.
    The act of awakening is directly tied to this.
    It is the power of the human mind to believe something just because it was told to them. And the human ability to not consciously process our decision before taking action. That makes this technology so dangerous. And therefore valuable to the leadership and power.
    This technology is information based and it is access to this information that can trigger the awakening process to begain in somebody . Even just by reading what I just wrote. This more complex than just this but it is the ba of the hidden knowledge that is house at the Vatican. And many old books. Spells = hypnotism & pottions = drugs the government’s have just taken this to the point where they want a NWO. It is this underling features of the control system that is being changed now. Earth entering the information age triggered the great awakening cause the masses to awaken fast than TPTB can do the maintenance on thier amnesic barrier’s allowing people to awaken from a state of sleep similar to an mild hypnotic trance that further allow control of people subconscious.
    I am no expert but I nut know how it has effected me. My research is in complete and I’m about 80% correct so don’t through it out just because you find a mistake, this is just the nature of Satanic Ritual Abuse. I have tried to be completely honest and why I have chosen to not candy coat my testimony. I further want to express that I have no memories that point to ether one of my moms being perpitrators. And you need to leave my family’s alone, you will just cause some to be hurt or killed for something they know nothing about.

    • Rattus says:

      Both of Johnny’s parents have confirmed that you are NOT their son. Your delusions may seem real to you, but you have to accept they are just delusions. You can’t remember being Johnny Gosch because you are NOT Johnny Gosch. There is plenty of evil in the world, but your stories of CIA mind control, satanic murders, a million people singing Johnny Gosch songs…it’s all in your sick mind. Take your medications and leave Johnny’s family alone.

  417. Dawna Lindsey says:

    Is there any new news regarding Willie Mae Rucker disapears?

  418. MW says:

    They found a female jawbone and other remains in the Iowa River a couple of weeks ago. I wonder if it could possibly be her?

  419. None says:

    Isn’t it funny how everyone who is all aboard the “Faded Out”
    podcast starts to not believe the factual evidence gathered in the Netflix
    Johnny Gosch story, which involved America’s
    Most Wanted and Paul Bonnacci? Or Conspiracy of Silence? Then start viciously attacking Noreen, in particular “Tri State Girl”? Sounds quite personal for them so assume some of their family or locality may have been implicated. Somehow they “all know” he is dead…

    • Tri State Girl says:

      I’m not attacking anyone. I just follow facts. I feel bad for Noreen, and the families of the other boys. No one should lose their child this way. I just can’t believe how many people ignored obvious suspects, and then made up the current more well known story. A lot of people who “helped” Noreen ended up being weirdos. Faded Out is the only serious source to cover local suspects. There had been discussions on this site before about local people, and a little bit on Reddit, but nothing solid. There’s been coverage on other podcasts and YouTube after Faded Out, and it’s all the same old stuff again. The Netflix documentary showed a lack of investigation, and has been proven wrong. You have your beliefs though, and I have mine.

      • None says:

        I think you didn’t realize you got played by interviewing and perhaps taking the side of Johnny’s father who is definitelu
        not up to snuff. A lot of midwestern people
        might come off as unassuming and innocent, but doesn’t mean they don’t have some sick secrets. Look at JonBenet’s mother… she took her secret to the grave and how did that end up helping her other child? Would have been better to clear the air when confronted, then to face the afterlife with a guilty conscience hidden away.

        • Tri State Girl says:

          I didn’t interview anyone. Faded Out isn’t my podcast. I’m just a fan. I don’t understand why so many people don’t want to believe it was someone local. Faded Out isn’t perfect, but at least it looked into a realistic timeline.

          • Johnny Gosch says:

            There were 2 possibly 3 locals and more from a few other states that I can identify. I am begining to think about half of the people or AI BOT that frequent this page are here to prevent justice from accuring. If you can protect me from our government so I don’t end up like Edward Showden or worse like Julian Assange. Everybody needs to wake up, this is not the republic that was originally created in the late 1700’s. This new government is trying to legalize what they have already been doing. Crimes against children are unforgivable. Why are so many people refusing to accept the fact that the government did it and are continuing to do the same to other children.
            Look at the PHYCHICAL EVEDINCE that surports my finding. And don’t let these cult members influence you to not look at ALL possibilities.

  420. John says:

    I think there was a married police officer that didn’t want his infidelity found out or fell in love with Jodi . I think he was with her at her apartment when she overslept and while she was getting ready for work pulled that white police van up and snapped her neck or killed her in parking lot as he was putting her in van . Conscience at that time he was building a machine shed on his property. 27 years of covering up his affair.

  421. Anon says:

    In 1974, Frank Sykora had a 10YO boy staying overnight at his house to help him with his paper route the next day. Frank’s brother James S. Sykora molested the child and was arrested the next day. Another potential suspect.

  422. Sarah J Van Bruggen says:

    Did this happen on the Mississippi River?

  423. Rnickel says:

    Jason’s attorneys solved the case on A&E in 2021 where is the updated case information 😩

  424. Mallory Schloss says:

    My aunt Alice is a missing person. Wondering if this skeleton is missing the lateral incisors

  425. Johnny Gosch says:

    My brother Adam and I were born as conjoined twins who were both drafted into the CI*’s monarch program. The phychic research branch of thier phycological (mind control) research MK-U;tra.
    Because of the extensive use of hypnotism used to, manipulate my memories, my narritive needs nongovernmential investagative resources to help with the finel draft.
    Conjoined twin are known to be born with a phychic ability that allows them to know what each other is thinking. This This telepathic connectedness was the target of thier phychic research. The truth will be known.

    • Rattus says:

      Definition of delusion: “an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.”

      • Johnny Gosch says:

        That black and white photo of the guy Noreen says partisapated in the abduction is my other dad. The lower part of his ear lobe has been amputated, he’s blowing his cheeks out, there’s a 3.5oz gold Cuban link chain around his neck. The photo was taken by members of the, anti pedo alliance who kednapped him to exact information and evedince from him. The photos delivered to Noreen were his personal collection of political blackmail photos that have links to other child rape photos. The photos and thier agreement to allow me to fully awaken were exchanged for his freedom. They were partially photo shoped by the lead programmer responsible for my programming and then left on Noreen’s porch for my use and protection aftered I was allowed to fully awaken.
        Attacking my creditability and egnoring the evedince is not going to keep the current cover-up narritive in place.
        They have repeated that narritive so many times that it has become a false truth.
        My nongovernment and evedince based investagation is continuing on my site where we can prevent the large satanic political cult who operate in the shadows of our government from manipulating us with there many tactics like Rattus and others are using against me.
        Just because it sounds crazy, doesn’t mean its not true.

        • Geo says:

          Come clean tell everyone your true name is Adam Bevington and you have trying to pass yourself off as Johnny for over 10 years. A couple years ago in a phone conversation when Noreen asked you why your doing this I remember telling her she wasn’t going to live forever and you want a share of any inheritance? In our meeting Friday 4/26/24 we again explained to you you’re not Johnny Gosch. I I hope you also remembering Noreen saying no way are we going to open a non-profit for you to go around the country telling your story and if you try to tie a non-profit with Noreen’s name , initials or Johnnys name there will be consequences. Adam is clear you were a child victim of human trafficking were put though some form of mind control, drugs, tortured and other horrific acts. It’s sad that there are no help centers out there for you and the thousand other victims like you. You didn’t ask for this to happen to you. Of the victims like you that have crawled out of the rabbit hole and made a life for themselves it was extremely hard for them but they did it. Perhaps it will be easier for you to pull yourself Adam Bevington up than trying to be someone your not

    • Phil says:

      You are Sick! How can you actually come on this page under Johnny Gosch and protray and present yourself as something you’re not.
      Please Stop. Johnny’s Family and Friends visit here.

  426. So in the sixties many girls went missing in The same mason city so could it be the same person twenty years later yes. Yes yes

  427. Julia says:

    Why did you never see your mom if you are really Johnny Gosch?

    I am very interested, can you please tell me information about your childhood that the public does not know about, that only your parents would know about?

    Do you see a therapist to talk about what happened to you?

  428. […] at 18. Harry was adopted by Mark’s grandparents when he was only a few months outdated. Iowa Chilly Instances experiences that Mark instructed Dateline, “That is how me and Harry turned brothers. We do […]

  429. […] was adopted at 18. Harry was adopted by Mark&apos;s grandparents when he was just a few months old. Iowa Cold Cases reports that Mark told Dateline, "That&apos;s how me and Harry became brothers. We don&apos;t […]

  430. Kasandra Elizabeth Ortiz says:

    I might be his daughter so if y’all find him please make him contact me 651-463-2190 is the landline

  431. Jay Smith says:

    I have over all these,many different theories, and most are all the same…Ethan owed a drug dealer money for drugs…????cocaine,meth.most likely meth.maybe they were cooking meth out there and other illegal activities, that’s why no one has spoken a word this entire time???they would al be in trouble for accessory to the fact,ormaybe they just didn’t like eathan,or someone accidentally killed him,or he overdosed,or alcohol posioning,and everyone was to afraid of getting in trouble them selfish selves …..

    • Mike D says:

      From what people who know him have said on Facebook over the years he wasn’t that kind of person. People paint a picture of kind of a band geek who was also into drama and theater. People said he attended the University of Iowa and was part of the marching band there, but didn’t graduate. He appears to maybe be at kind of a lost stage of his life not sure what he wanted to do and there were also rumors about his sexuality. I have the feeling this is one of those cases where we will never know the why and the family are under no obligation to say anything.

  432. MikeD says:

    I see her grave says Connie Jo Choate. Was that her legal name when she died or did the family just not want to have Bodensteiner on it? I can understand if they did it, but would be nice to know what her legal name was at the time of her death. Old DM Register archives seem to just call her Connie Bodensteiner. I’m guessing that was her legal name at the time.

  433. Zach R says:

    These cases remind me of a very creepy occurrence. Back around 2000-2003 a guy that worked on my construction crew would get very jittery everytime we drove over this bridge. The creepy part is when he said “there had been a young girl found choked to death down there years ago”. While telling me this he was rocking back and forth on the truck seat rubbing his hands together. If these are still unsolved I think I need to contact DMPD. I’ve long forgotten this guy’s last name, I’m sure work records are still available…

  434. Bruce seifert says:

    Why isnt chuck flint listed?

  435. Gary D Eggers says:

    These dirty Sheriffs Dept Set me Up Dumped Tires in My Noryh Field Prosucted me Huge fire Jail time I. 66 Tears old with Health Problems Had a Stroke inside Jail denied Hospital. Starved Me in Kail yet No one will listen We Called Iowa Civil Rights No Help denied. No Justice. I’m forced to leave my Home. Sherriff Yelling at Me telling me to shut my mouth stop talking to FBI They won’t do anything any how.i hate The State of Iowa CORRUPTION right down through their Courts system Police Judges They came stole our children Waz Terrible. When doctors te me I’m dying I’m going after a few. That did this too me. Left out was Beatened Up by Mitchall County Seriiffs Office Told to get out of Iowa Your not wanted Here. Deputy Jackson Beat me while I was Handcuffed Denied Attorney for Court too. Judge says You don’t need a Attorney. I was in a wheel chair Sick Couldn’t walk. Went from jail when I was released to Austin Medical Center I Life saving surgery I was minutes from death had lost 85 lbs. Too. Yet I had no health Issues.oh Sherrif Denoed me My Heart meds 7 days too.

  436. BOZO THE PIG HATER says:


  437. Jd says:

    I was celled with this man in federal prison and I hope the family seeks justice for what he and two other was involved in.

  438. Elizabth Raife says:

    I asked Urbandale police in 2016/17 to consider my mother’s death a cold case, with possible autopsy and cremation despite Roman Catholic affiliation. Urbandale is also DSM in zip codes. They looked at me as if I were a public nuisance. I think technology and housing killed her – she had mercury fillings, not Alzheimer’s.

  439. Jerry Chaffee says:

    I am an Iowan by birth but lived elsewhere for many years. We returned to Iowa during the era when the Dennis Chaffee murder occured and because I am a Chaffee, I have been interested in this unsolved case. I encourage Marie and Adam to pursue a solution.

  440. Barbara A Boorman says:

    No Steve wasn’t a veteran.

  441. Vicki mccuddin says:

    It’s still so sad to me that there are people that were her so called friends know who pulled the trigger and took this beautiful life. She was love just plain love and she lived these people that are suppose to be her friends. For God’s sake someone who knows needs to come forward. They need closure the kids need closure. Someone who knows find the strength to come forward. Have the courage to say it’s been to long. Lisa deserves this. We all do. If you truly loved her say something be strong it’s time.

  442. Joseph Luna says:

    All you people think it’s a walk through the park during a house fire. It happens so fast that you don’t realize how fast the fire spreads. My wife didn’t do anything wrong and blames herself for not grabbing the baby first. She thought she had time. It’s pretty sad that people want to lay blame on someone when they don’t even realize how hard it was on us to lose our son. People also want to post how I went to Federal Prison and guess what I paid my dues and have been drug free now for 25 years. Fucking hypocrites need to clean their own porch off before they judge anybody else

  443. J.J. Scott says:

    Has anyone submitted a public records request on this case? Does anyone know if Marie is still with us?

    I see on a few other sites he’s listed as deceased. Have they found something or has me been declared dead?

    It sounds to me like Hathaway feels guilty for encouraging him to get the motorcycle parts back rather than him feeling guilty as if he hurt Kenneth himself. It is absolutely not his fault if this is the case but I know it’s human nature to blame yourself.

  444. Jim says:

    Word on the street was she overdosed, and her body was put into a 55 gallon drum of lye and built into the house of someone out in the Durango area supposedly.

  445. Matt L says:

    Has Kenneth Scholz ever come up as a suspect? He murdered my uncle (who was also 13) in Crete, IL in 1951. He moved to Des Moines to be with his mother, Elsie Scholz, after he got out of jail in the 70s I think, and they are in the Des Moines phone book in 82. Kenneth would have been 49 in 82. How many people living in Des Moines at that time had that kind of backstory? Here are some articles about my uncle and the trial.

    • Jenni says:

      That is a name that I haven’t heard before. Thank you for sharing this story. I’m sorry about your uncle.

    • Patrick Kerrigan says:

      Matt, thanks for sharing that information. It introduces a new name of a possible person of interest into the disappearance of Johnny. However, the body of Billy was found. A big if in relation to Kenneth Scholz, would be if he kidnapped Johnny, where he hidden him or his remains all these years.

      Also, one of the articles refers to Kenneth as a Iowa youth. But, it did not mention where in Iowa he was from. Also, you have him moving to Des Moines, after his release from prison.

      • Matt L says:

        I have Elsie Scholz’s address in an old Des Moines phone book from 1985. 1079 22nd St, Des Moines, IA. He lived 5 to 7 miles from each abduction site. That house is still there. Is there a way to find out if he or his mom owned a Ford Fairmont?

      • Jenni says:

        Kenneth Sholz was born in Crete, IL. He moved to Des Moines to be with his mother after he got out of jail. He died in 2004.

        • Tri State Girl says:

          I see they have a photo of when he was caught. He was young then and wearing glasses. Does anyone know what he looked like in the 80’s? Maybe he looked like the sketch of the man in the car in Johnny’s case, or the man Eugene was seen talking to. Maybe someone who grew up with Marc might recognize him from just walking around or something. Maybe he was at Des Moines Register parties with Wilbur Millhouse or Frank Sykora. Maybe he went around the mall where Fred Sayre went after kids. Most of the adults are gone, but maybe a former paper boy from that time would remember.

    • Tri State Girl says:

      There’s a podcast called Faded Out that follows the theory of someone at the Register doing it. Maybe Kenneth was friends with Millhouse. What kind of job did Kenneth have in Des Moines? Did he work for the Register? Did he work at the mall? Did he work at the bookstore?

      Maybe Millhouse took Johnny, and Kenneth took Eugene and Marc. Or any other kind of combination of that scenario. I know the towns are close, but it’s definitely a possibility that different men took each kid. Or maybe Kenneth worked with local pedophiles, Millhouse included. There was a pedophile ring with other pedophiles busted in 1986. If Kenneth was left behind that would explain why there were kidnapping attempts from 1986 to 1989. Then it all stops. Maybe the group fell apart and Kenneth wasn’t as good.

      This post also shows us just how many bad people can be around you at any time. This is why children can’t be out alone.

      • Matt L says:

        If Kenneth did this I bet he did it alone. I don’t think the theories about a ring in Who Took Johnny added up to much.

        • Tri State Girl says:

          I don’t believe the documentary either. The people I listed were covered in Faded Out. Local pedophiles who could have come in contact with Johnny. Millhouse specifically.

          In Faded Out, and on this site, Yellow Bag talks about how Millhouse said Johnny was taken because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. The Paper really messed up. Letting two pedophiles work with kids.

          Millhouse had already been charged, while working at the paper in the 70’s. Sykora had been in the same home his brother molested kids in during the 70’s as well. Then Sykora was busted in the 80’s as a pedophile himself.

          There was also a pedophile ring in Des Moines that was busted in the 80’s. Other men, that as far as I know, weren’t attached to the Register, but maybe they knew Kenneth.

          There were also the attempted kidnappings from 1986 until 1989. I don’t know what to make of those because Millhouse, a prime suspect, was already in jail. Maybe Kenneth was having his go at it. A lot of this is lost in time since all of these men are dead now.

    • Johnny Gosch says:

      Nobody has ever asked me what happened. Never. My truth can not overcome the false truth created by repeating the narrative above. It was not a physical kidnapping. It was an inslavement of the mind using trauma based mind control.

      • Tri State Girl says:

        You are not Johnny, and you have a lot of nerve. I really don’t get how some people can be this heartless. His family misses him everyday, and a lot of people know he is dead. Get help.

        • Johnny Gosch says:

          The way TRI State Girl attacks the truth because it doesn’t fit with the cover up narritive shows everybody here that she is working to keep the cover up in place. Using tactics taken out of the government\ CI*’s play book.
          Don’t address the evedince only attack the creditability of the truth speaker. The evedince so overwhelmingly supports my truth that nobody is even allowed to think outside that narritive.
          I’m here after the truth and this conversation involves me.
          I was there. I have the answers to many questions that the people have a right to know. I refuse to candy coat what happened to me. They manipulated my memories because memory control is mind control. But the evedince is physical. 100’s of physical prices of evedince.
          I will answer some questions if three of you are able to maintain an open mind and are willing to learn about the tactics used that made this possible. The truth is so different than the current narritive and that the cover up is so compartialmentialized that few of the individual parts can stand alone but become more understandable as it relates to each other parts. I’m telling you that
          This was done by the people who also operated the MK ultra programs and other government mind control programs.

          • Brad Grindle says:

            Johnny; if this is you, please know there are others out there that know your pain. I was a victim of a sexual predator when I was very young. I did not go through what you did, but I can understand the pain it leaves you with. I wish I could help you.

          • Intrigued says:

            Prove it

            • Intrigued says:

              Sorry not you

            • Johnny Gosch says:

              I have the evedince. I want everybody to help Protect me from our government who has been manipulating me since birth. I realize how crazy this sounds but I refuse to candy coat what happened which would only hurt my creditability more. To also understand that the CIA never does anything without taking a detour through the land of deniability or crazy land. That’s just how they do thing. I know because they trained my subconscious using trauma based mind control that allowed them to control my subconscious mind which had overwhelmingly influence of my conscious mind. Basically they compartialmentialized my mind into different personalities and personality parts who were completely unaware of each other. Although my individual programming dramatically Changed after Anton killed my formerly conjoined twin brother. Which caused the fake kednapping so I could be moved to Adam’s family. when I was I had already spent about half my life, 6 years living as Adam who was one of my well established personalities. Think of it like there were two Adam’s and two Johnmys but never activated at the same time who switched places with each other every 6 months in order to keep us as identical as possible. Both mom’s wrteneber aware of the experiment but victems of memory manipulation as I was. Memory control is mind control. This was done as part of thier mind control research that was also researching the connectedness that allowes conjoined twin to know what thier siblings are thinking, a telepathic ability used in prayer but much stronger which also gave Adam and I a strong connection to the sprit world which is the source of the power that is used by the elites to dominate the masses. The reason for the cover up of the research projects is it classified as hidden knowledge. The same knowledge that has been systematically hidden from the masses for thousands of years that is hidden the Vatican. This powers makes it possible for the, elites to dominate the masses. Allowing them amunity from prosecution so many became addicted to sex with children creating the elite pedo problem. I am God’s Messenger and I want everybody to know about this knowledge to eliminate the unfare advantage and the abuse of the children.

              • Intrigued says:

                What is hard to wrap my brain around is ..If you have an identical twin Adam one ever saw him in all those years …? Where is He now ? Where is this other family?

                • Johnny Gosch says:

                  I have one recovered memory of being on the kednappers bed where they say “Adam died why don’t we ,ale him Adam ” and when the who done it question came up the answer was always Anton.

          • Intrigued says:

            If you are really who you say you are prove it

      • Julia says:

        Why did you never see your mom if you are really Johnny Gosch?

        I am very interested, can you please tell me information about your childhood that the public does not know about, that only your parents would know about?

      • Julia says:

        What happened to you? I would love to hear what you have to say! I have a very open mind!

        • Johnny Gosch says:

          Contact me on my website where we can arrange to speak by phone

          • Julia says:

            My apologies, I do not feel comfortable sharing my phone-number with you because I am 13 years old. I cannot help you. I am sorry about this.

            • Julia says:

              This was just supposed to be for an extra credit assignment for summer school because I got a bad grade in Social Studies last year. I was only going to put information from you that I got on this forum.

              • Tri State Girl says:

                There’s a podcast called Faded Out that covers this case. I think their more realistic approach would help you with your project. It’s on various platforms.

                Episode 13 of season 1 is when it starts to get really good. Season 1 covers Johnny’s case. Season 2 is about an unrelated case in Connecticut.

                Also, I’m glad you didn’t give out your personal information to that weirdo. This guy pretending to be Johnny is clearly very disturbed.

              • George K says:

                If you listen to Faded Out as Tri State Girl recommends, I would be very cautious. The podcast has a very flagrant agenda to discredit Noreen Gosch and Paul Bonacci no matter what the evidence actually says. It uncritically accepted anti-Noreen and anti-Bonacci statements from the likes of Chris Birge, Johnny’s father, and Sam Soda, even though all three witnesses’ statements had seriously credibility issues. Chris’s witness statements of that morning were contradicted by all other witnesses; I’ve written about it before here: Johnny’s dad Leonard John Gosch repeatedly contradicted his own prior statements along with other verifiable evidence; I’ve written about that before here: Soda was a prime suspect of the Gosches who lied on the podcast about many things, including a claim that the Gosches hired him when in fact he tried soliciting them. He also tried to dissuade the podcast host from believing that Johnny’s abduction was premeditated and tried to convince her that Eugene Martin (whose abduction Sam knew about before it happened, according to Noreen) was unconnected to Johnny’s. Gee, I sure wonder why this prime suspect would do that.

                Faded Out is so egregious that even when they receive evidence contradicting their star witnesses, they either ignore the evidence or somehow claim that the evidence actually proves their witnesses are truthful. At one point, Sam claimed that while he was interviewing Des Moines Register pedophile Frank Sykora, another journalist named Mary Bock was in the room with him the whole time. He used this to guard against claims that he had in any way coerced Sykora during the interview as there would have been an independent witness. Faded Out interviewed Mary Bock, who stated that she may have been in the adjacent room (i.e. not the same room as Sam) but she was actually pretty sure she wasn’t with Sam at all that night and only got his tape of the interview the next day. Somehow, even though Bock entirely contradicted Sam’s account, Faded Out presented it as if she had confirmed it.

                There probably isn’t anyone out there with a truly objective view of the Johnny Gosch case. What you should do is read the arguments for and against various theories, then dive into the evidence to see how closely the different theories match it. I have my own website with the page which is a summary of the case that has extensive footnotes to sources that can be checked. Whether someone agrees or disagrees with my presentation of the case facts, they all follow from specific pieces of evidence that you can verify.

                • Jason Kramer says:

                  Your information is interesting. I have one question. If Johnny went alone to deliver newspapers, why didn’t at least one of his parents hear him pull the wagon out of the garage and/or hear the dog bark? The garage is right below the master bedroom. Both parents got up routinely at dawn for work and family responsibilities. Yet, supposedly, both parnets didn’t wake up until more than an hour after Johnny allegedly left the house.

      • Julia says:

        I think if you are really Johnny, you should see your mom. She will be open to hearing you. She loves you very much.

        • Rattus says:

          This is not Johnny Gosch. Everyone fake Johnny has taken his story to (including a friend of mine) has come to the conclusion he is a sick young man with serious mental issues. He looks absolutely nothing like the real Johnny Gosch.

    • Brad Grindle says:

      Hey, does anybody know if ‘YELLOBAG’ is still around?

      • Tri State Girl says:

        He is still alive, but I don’t know if he still goes on this site. If he wanted to add something I think he would. I don’t know if there is anything else to add though.

      • Paul Marshall says:

        Yes, Yellowbag is still around. You can find him at the Westwood Baptist Church in West Des Moines at 60th and Mills Civic Parkway. Ask for the Lead Pastor.

    • Steve J says:


      Let me know if you would be willing to discuss more about Ken Scholz.I can figure out a way to get my contact info to you. Thank you.

      • Matt L. says:

        Just saw this, how do I send you a private message?

        • WDMNative says:

          Also let me know if you need or want to share more information about Ken Scholz. He may have been in Pontiac prison at the same as John David Norman. He also lived right behind another Cold Case victim, Diane Schofield.

          • Patrick Kerrigan says:

            You bring up an interesting name John David Norman, who along with a Paul R Paske ran a major pedophile ring out of Chicago in the 1970’s.

            They were supposedly sending childten around the United States and the wotld. Supposedly John Wayne Gacy claimed that Paske was dangerous.

            Paske supposedly murdered three boys in vfc 1977. One of them was supposed to testify against Norman.

  446. Monica Speaks says:

    Happy birthday dad

    • Hello Monica, I am a historian & true crime writer and I happened upon your story while researching a project I’m working on. Now, something struck me, wondering if there’s possibly a connection to the individual I’m currently writing about. Honestly, this may be absolutely nothing at all, but who knows – it might be something worth looking at.

  447. anonymous says:

    this one really gets to me

  448. Farrah Rogers says:

    I am visiting Shenandoah at the moment and i’m trying to figure something out about the Tall Corn Inn, we found a photograph of an overview of the Hotel from what appears to be the 1960s. The photograph shows a woman being dragged by a man, she’s wrapped in a bedsheet or something else but she is clearly alive in the image. If anyone knows anything, please let me know.

  449. Christiaan Barrera says:

    I’m a former investigator and have some tips. Can someone contact me, I have an idea.

  450. Bryguy says:

    Is anyone aware of why Michael Klutner has been cleared for these murders? The timing of things couldn’t be more suspicious. Im concerned the white van is a red hearing.

    • MikeD says:

      I remember reading that they had a dedicated team to heavily investigate Michael Klunder in relation to this case. They were able to confirm a bunch of things that show he wasn’t in the Evansdale area at the time. He wasn’t even familiar with the area, and where the girls were found at Seven Bridges Wildlife Area is the kind of place where only locals who grew up in the area go to. Michael Klunder did his crimes in places he lived and worked. My thought is that it was a local man who one of the girls knew. Probably a family friend who grew up in the area and had a hunting or fishing license at one point.

      • Megan says:

        From my understanding, Michael Klunders first crimes did in fact happen in the Waverly area. Which would mean he was somewhat familiar with the area. And the crimes he committed there and in Dayton seem to be somewhat similar. I also often wonder how they were able to rule him out.

      • JP says:

        According to the documentary he escaped a treatment place and fled to & bridges. He knew the area well.

        • MikeD says:

          Interesting. That goes against what was said initially. I just always come back to the fact police publicly ruled him out when they were under no obligation to do so, and considering he’s dead anyway. Lots of details to the case not public.

  451. Kim says:

    All this week KCRG is airing stories about Elizabeth and Lyric’s abductions and murders.
    Fingers crossed that their case gets solved soon!

  452. anon says:

    A commenter has said that the molesting uncle Roy Beach had an adopted son named Paul. Although the Beach family was cleared by DNA, was Paul cleared?

  453. John says:

    I’m sure this has been brought up over the years, but has Brown’s Woods or Racoon River woods ever been checked thoroughly? Seems like a good place to dump a body. Browns woods is basically a middle point with easy access from where Eugene went missing, with conjunction to where Johnny went missing in WDM. Browns especially. It couldn’t be more in the middle of the two areas the kids went missing. Did any of the suspects frequent those areas for any reason?

  454. Duane Kruse says:

    Please don’t forget that on 4 Feb 1984 Tim Earney also from Albia was murdered in his home. The case is still unsolved.

  455. Eddie says:

    “Dachshunds were bred to be hunting dogs, and like all hunting dogs, they tend to bark. Their bark can be loud, especially considering their small size. Many Dachshunds are sensitive to changes in their environments, which increases the likelihood of excessive barking.”

    So, the first mute daschund in history miraculously finds its way back to the Gosch household without waking up the neighbors with an incessant bark. This breed is known for barking, and barking loudly. Yet, the daschund Johnny supposedly took on his route the morning of September 5, 1982, did not make a sound.

    Must have been heavily sedated or the entire story is BS.

    This case is all about Gretchen, the daschund, that never barked on its way home to sit outside for more than an hour at the Gosch home without barking.

    And there is a Santa Claus.

  456. Tara says:

    What about Jasons wife? My theory is they planned it and it was all about money. She killed mom, staged it, crossed arms and legs and left. Then Jason shows up to call it in 2 hours later with an alibi.

    • Tara says:

      In addition that is why Shelly was so opposed to Jason taking the plea deal, because she was worried he would end up breaking his silence about who really pulled the trigger. The affair didn’t matter at that point.

    • Minnie Mouse says:


  457. LakeLife says:

    Praying for justice for this man!

  458. Chris workman says:

    Freddy it’s your brother Chris and u are still missing it’s been obver 9 years just wanted to let you know I’m a dad I have three kids and three step kids all girls hopefully u will be able to meet them someday I really miss u and I am hurting all the time because I miss u so much and love u so much I can’t wait to find u brother please contact me 6415755609 please call me Freddy I miss u and need u around u are my brother and my closest friend there will always be a hole in my heart a spot only u can fill so please call I really need u it is killing me inside not knowing where or what happened to u please come home I love u always and forever ur brother Chris

    • Jody Ewing says:

      Chris, thanks so much for sharing this on your brother’s page, and I’m so sorry you and your family are still without answers after 9 long years. I can’t begin to imagine not knowing what happened to one of my siblings. It’s true that somebody out there always knows something, and I hope that person will one day soon slip up or follow his or her conscience and come forward with details that will provide some type of resolution. All my very best to you and your family. Jody @ ICC

  459. Russ Heiser says:

    Mark Millihan did Interesting PODCAST “UNFOUNFD” Harry and Car, I.ll Check bsck or “routte” to CONTACT remain “Jim for NOW.

  460. Russ Heiser says:

    Jim(per say)

    July 1? Turkey Day obvious passed as MANYbhave since 1984
    Davis Brother or (s) you had mentioned Richard would be 80s in PRISON if Still ALIVE. Did you get Chance to Speak with or ANYTHING to ADD?

  461. Night Sonny Jim says:

    My wife and I have seen literally thousands of true crime docs and this one ranks up there in the top 3 of weakest cases ever! The other 2 were Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey. One girl has the memory, the other girl does not remember it – they cancel each other out. Was it a planted memory by a mother with a vendetta? A dream? And I’ve never heard of someone committing a perfect murder with the exception that they went home and started confessing out loud to the victim. Makes no sense. The drug addict’s story makes no sense. Why would a murderer take the bloody clothes out of the bag in plain site of others and then burn them? Wouldn’t she just throw the paper bag with the clothes still in it into the fire and burn everything at once? And why didn’t he say this 25 years earlier when questioned? He can’t be trusted. Why weren’t the hairs tested? And the judge should have allowed this to be a hung jury. It’s obvious there was no evidence. This was a guilty until proven innocent case. I don’t like to speak ill of the dead, but it sounds like this guy’s suspect list could have been longer than the Nile. This is one of those cases that leaves you thinking if she could be convicted of murder with no evidence, then anybody could.

    • Mike Z says:

      The DATELINE episode should bring about another look at this case. Why are her appeals being denied? Unfortunately Cahill had a weak lawyer and that should be a consideration for a re-trial. The judge should be recalled. I intend to keep following this case.

  462. Mike Z says:

    I just saw Dateline on 6/18/2022 and was stunned at the conviction. When Cahill said at her arrest “you don’t know how wrong you are” something rang true to me. I looked at the facts and there was no case for a conviction. A questionable 25-year-old memory from a 9 year old girl and a drug addict saying he saw the defendant burning bloody clothes – how are these considered evidence? And neither of those testimonies were offered during the 1992 investigation. Worst of all is the second judge not accepting a hung jury for the second time, and instructing the jury to come back the next day with a different verdict. I am blown away how this guilty verdict was railroaded by the judge, the detectives and the Weineke family’s desire for a conviction. It’s possible Cahill is guilty, but this trial certainly didn’t prove that.

    • Jody Ewing says:

      I couldn’t agree more. I also watched the Dateline episode and read everything I could on the alleged “evidence.” I normally don’t question law enforcement’s decision to indict, but this case left me with a “you’ve got to be kidding me sick feeling deep in my gut.

      There are cases on this site that contain — in my opinion — more than ample evidence to charge a suspect and ensure a conviction, and yet years go by with no arrests. If someone wrote up this story as a novel, any agent would find it ludicrous and tell them not to quit the day job. Mike Z. is correct in that the possibility exists that Cahill is guilty, but I saw no credible evidence whatsoever to support even an indictment, let alone a guilty verdict at trial.

      If anything, the Dateline episode illuminated the nonsensical rationale for Cahill’s arrest.

  463. Diane McIntyre says:

    Can you say…”Salem witch trial?” Watch out Justice. And the softball bat, how many ounces was it – because to swing a bat and make perfect contact to cause unconsciousness you need skill and strength- try it out on a tree- frickin impossible unless you’re built like a weightlifter and play for the MLB- Any male suspects or just a mother of 2 kids that has the time to kill during a weekday? Oh no- somebody of this 8 billion person world, who might have a repressed memory slightly askew, and you’re going to jail for 50 years!!

  464. Pat says:

    DM Register 04/30/1962: “police alerted hospitals and taxi cabs, officers combed dozens of blocks”.
    The initial description was somewhat misleading.
    From 14th Place the murderer had a straight line (due) north trajectory to reach neighborhoods with relatives and friends.
    About 1.5 miles to traverse.
    There was no freeway to deal with.
    His biggest exposure would be crossing Keosauqua.
    If he stuck to alley ways, his exposure was minimal.
    Assuming a pace of 12 minutes/mile, that is 18 minutes travel time.
    He was probably indoors before Clark and I returned to Clark’s apartment.

  465. Pat says:

    What I misunderstood, as many people do, is that trailing is highly problematic.
    According to trailing expert, Jeff Schettler: “… most trailing-dog deployments rarely find what they are looking for.” [K9 Trailing The Straighest Path (p. 62). Kindle Edition.]

    What likely happened on 04/29/1962 was:

    The bloodhound(s) got started with the right scent article.
    Contamination of the scent article occurred before exposure to bloodhound(s).
    The bloodhound(s) did NOT get started with the right scent.
    The handler was handicapped by arriving at the scene after other investigators. He never got control of the situation.
    The murderer-rapist’s scent was not the freshest or strongest on the scene, and the bloodhound(s) didn’t “select” it.
    Inner city environment contributes to odor confusion.

    Trailing failure did not detect that the murderer-rapist fled the crime scene on-foot.
    After he jumped from the window of the house at 1526 Woodland, he ran south to the alley, east to 15th Street, north to Woodland, east to 14th Place, north on 14th Place.

  466. Stay Strong! says:

    Interesting article highlighting the unfortunate occurrences of tragedies impacting Native American Iowans including this case…

    ‘Where is she?’ Iowa Indigenous communities grapple with missing and murder cold cases
    (Via The Gazette)

  467. Stay Strong! says:

    Interesting article highlighting the unfortunate occurrences of tragedies impacting Native American Iowans including this case…

    ‘Where is she?’ Iowa Indigenous communities grapple with missing and murder cold cases
    (Via The Gazette)

  468. Jim F says:

    At one point this entry mentioned a fare Mr. Massouris was to have picked up at a rough old honky tonk bar that was under the viaduct. I believe a waitress was wating for it and you alluded to the fact she had something to do with it. Now all that is deleted. I wish I could remember the name of that bar because my mother told me how rough it was. I think it was called Ranchero or something similar.

  469. Duane Kruse says:

    Tim is my cousin. In 2019, I sent letters to the newspapers in Ottumwa and Albia and have not gotten any responses. Please help by writting more letters.

  470. cassandra l Johnson says:

    I worked with her at Wendy’s. When I seen this I had no idea she was murdered like this. Sad asf. She was nice and didn’t deserve this

  471. Anonymous says:

    Jeff Smith did this. Run the DNA

  472. Larry Teig says:

    I would like to hear from any of you and give you my thoughts. Janet was my aunt. I had spoken with Frank’s sister, Mary a few years back. She died in 2007 or so. She had lived in Des Moines and had spoken the truth to the 2 children. Frank married a woman named jean who told the two kids a lie that Janet had committed suicide. Glad she had kept in touch with P.J. and Chris.

  473. Larry Teig says:

    My name is Larry Teig. Janet was my aunt. My mom was Marjorie and we were stunned when Janet died. As time passed, we all (cousins) have concluded that Frank, her husband had her murdered. This was confirmed by Franks sister, Mary La Fratte later years. She was a wonderful mother to her two children P.J. and Chris. I believe they both live in Des Moines. Someday, all will be revealed.

  474. Kevin Jauron says:

    I still love you and miss you everyday Mom!!!!

  475. Helen Burk Clark says:

    Janet was my aunt, her husband Frank was my mom’s brother. The day Janet died, she had dropped off her children at Grandma’s just up the road. She told grandma that Frank needed her to help him in the field. Later that day she was found drowned in the pond. Interesting that the next day, we were all told by Frank that it was a suicide when in fact that was never the case!!!! Jean the woman he married 6 months later also told Frank’s children that Janet died by suicide. There were facts at the scene that without a doubt ruled out suicide.

    • Larry Teig says:

      Hello Helen, My name is Larry Teig. Janet was my aunt. My mother was her older sister, Marjorie from Jewell, Iowa. I had kept in touch with Frank’s sister Mary who lived in Des Moines. She too believed Frank was responsible. Mary had kept in touch with the two Children, P.J. and Chris. She told them the truth. I have been trying to contact P.J. Tony’s son told me he found an address for him in Des Moines. He wanted to contact him as his cousin and although I never got a hold of P.J. I would love to show reconnect with him as his cousin. I understand Chris is married and lives in Des Moines as well. You can contact me at

  476. Adrian says:

    Just came across this case. I was rightfully suspicious as to why such a paucity of pictures of this rapist and murderer. Another Killer Koon. Just how many even live in Iowa??

  477. Gary C Sobie says:

    If your looking Mark Edward Handlon. You should stake out his exwifes residence at 4903 28th Avenue, Moline, IL. Because if he’s not there. She will definitely know how to get a hold of him. And definitely knows where he’s at for sure. Because she is constantly calling him. She is probably hiding him at her house. Or at one of her relatives houses that live around her house. That’s probably for sure where you will find him. Don’t stop looking for him at all. And when you find him. You need to arrest him immediately along with his exwife. Marilee Handlon at 4903 28th Ave, Moline, IL.

  478. Richard Clements says:

    How does one go about getting in touch with Lt. Frank Stearns, or Lt. Ron Vande Weerde, or a Bill Basler?

  479. Christina says:

    Hey jade! I miss you and think about you often. I don’t know where you are but we used to be best friends in school. I have picture’s of us. Your family have been in my heart and prayers. I hope they continue this case.

  480. Sandra says:

    Cesus show norma swope born 1925 and died at 15. No records found if her death why?

    • doofy says:

      record keeping in the 1920’s probably wasnt done thoroughly, been a hundred years so might of been lost somehow

  481. Mary I would like to know where you get your information from ?this was my grandpa And I don’t know who you are so I will see you in around our family I don’t see how this helps find my grandpa!

    • Mary Johnson says:

      He’s my grandpa. I know this information because my mom was married to his son John Jr. And no you won’t see me around don’t threaten me. There’s a reason my mom left because you and your mom are fuddy duds. Total trailer trash. I don’t care if you’re my cousin. You’re gnarly. 🤢🤮 My mom and siblings moved far away from your families crazy AZZ. Good thing because I might have ended up as trash like you 😂 are you saying that you want to fight me? Ok tubs.

    • Mary says:

      Also how do you know he’s dead? Are you subconsciously admitting that your family has something to do with his disappearance? Because I hear y’all do. 🤔🤔 Wondering if it has something to do with drugs…..

  482. I’m just curious while everybody’s saying all this stuff about the dead and it doesn’t even pertain to Anything about their disappearance Thought this was supposed to help find them not to bash upon the dead and missing

  483. William Holder says:

    The staging of the scene to resemble a “robbery” where nothing was missing save the murder weapon and that the body was also staged strongly suggests to me the killer was a family member, either the husband or one of the two sons. The killer didn’t bring a weapon but knew there was a gun safe in the basement and retrieved the murder weapon from there. It seems clear Jason was not the killer since video places him far away at the time of the murder. Comment from family member above indicates husband was also far away at the time of the murder. That leaves Billy Dean Carter. Where was he that morning – why was he never a suspect? Can any other family members be implicated or have motive? And Jason’s wife, she seems 100% convinced from the beginning that Jason wasn’t involved – not the slightest doubt. Is there a reason she is so sure? It’s baffling to me that this remains a cold case and that not a shred of physical evidence was ever found.

    • doofy says:

      im sure the police have thought about this as many others have also. maybe there isnt quite enough evidence to move forward……yet

    • William Holder says:

      I just watched the A&E Accused Guilty or Innocent series episode about this case. Presented from the defendents point of view. It elaborates on a very generous plea deal offered by the state and statements by others implicating the Followill brothers. At this point I am convinced that not only is Jason not culpable it is likely neither are any family members. It is upsetting that his life has been greatly impacted and that he is being held responsible with no further appeal possible for a 10.2M civil judgement against him.

      • Jay says:

        Billy was at work. I worked with him, and remember the day he found out about his Mom being killed. He was devastated. Hi alibi was checked a million times, and verified by several people who interacted with him at work the days leading up to the crime, and the day of.

      • Paula Jones says:

        I am in agreement with William Hilder, Jason is innocent. The last person to see Shirley alive and m concern here is why would he do everything to blame his son. I am not blaming anyone because to jump to conclusions is exact what has damaged so many lives.
        Without doubt I do believe that the Police made three crucial mistakes
        1. They told the Billy they had someone they were looking at and would be laying charges within weeks. Of course the famiily were going to get frustrated. How Jason got a fair trial is testament to the wonderful jury.
        2. The Police did not follow the evidence. They made an assumption and without doubt attempted to make the evidence fit their conclusion.
        3. There were a number of clues that the Police didn’t follow to their conclusions. They were so harassed by Jason’s and I think the Civil Judgement left them looking inadequate So they jumped on that banned wagon, a case that leaves a loving parent wondering why he would deliberately push to blame his own son.
        Personally as a Criminologist I would love to see all the evidence as heart breaks for Jason and his family, he has been found innocent by a court of Law, yet his own self righteous family have found his guilty….why, because he had an affair. Something that had nothing to do with his parents. There is far more to this story and all parties, especially Shirley deserve someone to investigate this from an open mind.

    • Retha says:

      As I was looking up information on the case, I came across testimonies of those involved in the case. Billy Carter was supposedly at work when his mother was killed, but I have no clue if his alibi checked out. From the follow up episode, the rumors of others being involved was investigated by Jason’s attorneys. They found a truck that was possibly seen in the area, plus the phone belonging to someone of interest pinged off the closest tower to the Carter farm at 9:23am (or very close to that time, as I don’t recall the exact time they said). Sounds to me like the police have some work to do. I truly find it difficult to believe that Jason or his wife were involved. His brother is extremely weird though, but weirdness doesn’t indicate guilt.

  484. alyssa thiessen says:

    ok so how hard would it be to solve the case bc my dad knew her in high school and i would like to bring her family to peace about what happened to there child

  485. Sarah says: has a story about him from 2000, in the Des Moines Register.

  486. Robert Lucht says:

    They had a little museum at knotts berry farm when I was a kid in the 1970s they had the axe from this crime at there museum it was shut down years ago wonder what happend to the axe!

  487. Murder Mystery Readers Comments says:

    Maureen Farley did not know that she moved to Cedar Rapids and moved next door to a murder who was trying to hide his murder by killing more people, or hiring a person to kill possibly the only person who saw him commit the murder. Maureen Farley moved right in next door to the possibly murderer of Paula Oberbroeckling. Maureen Farley’s next door neighbor in Cedar Rapids was Doctor Thomas Sturgeon (a chiropractor). Paula Oberbroeckling was murdered at a prostitute’s house. The pimp at that prostitute’s house was Ernest Jordan . Doctor Thomas Sturgeon bought the gun and paid Perry Harris to murder Ernest Jordan, the pimp who most likely saw Doctor Thomas Sturgeon murder Paula Oberbroeckling when he was trying to rape Paula Oberbroeckling.

  488. Pat says:

    Today marks 60 years since the murder-rape of Ramona Jean Cox. This case has been of lasting interest to me because I was walking within 150 feet of 1526 Woodland, WHILE THE CRIME WAS IN-PROGRESS.

    My friend and I went to Foodland (630 14th Place) to buy cigarettes. The clerk had to face east as he pulled the cigarettes from the shelf, and that is when he mentioned a black guy running shirtless past the store window. I couldn’t see from inside the store, so I stepped out of the store door, and looked north on 14th Place. He had a white shirt gripped in his left hand. It enabled me to see him in the dark, on an overcast night (no moonlight). He glanced back, and saw me, but kept slow trotting north.

    When the first squad car arrived, my friend and I walked back to the corner of 15th and Woodland. After the police informed the three people in the yard at 1530, that they found the dead body of their neighbor at 1526, the women started yelling and crying. That would be Sharen C and Jackie P. Charles R, the boyfriend of Sharen C, tried to console her, but she wouldn’t be consoled. From 150 feet away, my friend and I, interpreted it as a boyfriend-girlfriend spat that had gotten out of hand. When the vehicle with the bloodhounds arrived, our theory didn’t seem to fit. Why were the bloodhounds on the scene?

    Charles, Sharen, and Jackie identified the man who jumped from the window as white. Later, the FBI analysis of hair fibers, indicated a black-white mix. The guy I saw slow trotting on 14th Place was black. He was in the neighborhood, at the right time, and had about the same stature (5’9”, 160 lbs) as reported in the newspaper, so why don’t I think he was the murderer? The bloodhounds arrived on the scene in less than an hour. If the guy I saw was the murderer, the bloodhounds would have been on that trail in a heartbeat. Instead, the newspaper indicated the bloodhounds only tracked to the back alley. This indicates to me that the murderer fled the scene in a vehicle parked behind 1526 Woodland.

    • Cody says:

      Reading your previous entries regarding this case, you indicated that you didn’t see anything. Now you are saying you did indeed see “a black man jogging”? Please explain.

      • Pat says:

        You are probably referring to when the officer asked us “boys” if we had seen anyone in the neighborhood, and I said no.
        Keep in mind, my friend Clark and I, didn’t know until the next morning what had happened, and how serious the situation was. That night, we thought it looked like a boyfriend-girlfriend spat that had gotten out of hand.
        We actually hadn’t seen anyone in the neighborhood on our walk to Foodland, at 630 14th Place. The streets were desolate. We were the only ones out and about. Not unusual considering people were getting ready for the start of the work week, and were headed to bed or already in bed.
        The only activity we saw was the guys screech off the stop sign at the south segment of 15th at Woodland. We were positioned right in front of them, if they had came up over the curb onto the sidewalk, they would have hit us. But, the driver cut hard left and sped west on Woodland. I figured out the next day after reading the paper, that this was Charles Russell, and his friend who was driving him back to 1530 Woodland.
        We had run out of cigarettes, and that was why we went to Foodland. We were underage, but Clark was 6’0″ and about 200 lbs. I was 5’10” and 98 lbs. He looked old enough if the clerk didn’t check id.
        We spent a few minutes looking around getting some candy, then when Clark asked for the cigarettes, I lingered in the store doorway, getting ready to run if the clerk questioned our age. I just realized last night, in a flashback, that I actually saw that jogger come up the south segment of 15th, headed for Woodland. I went back into the store, and chatted with Clark and the Clerk. When the clerk faced east to grab the cigarettes, he said he saw a black guy, shirtless, jog by the window. I stepped back out of the store doorway, and could see him jogging north on 14th Place. He had a light colored shirt in his left hand, wadded up. Since it was an overcast night (no moon, no stars), I probably wouldn’t have seen him without that light shirt.
        I believe he had the shirt on when I first saw him, and must have taken it off when I went back into the store.
        Clark was in the store the whole time, and wouldn’t have seen the guy. I never mentioned anything about the jogger to him. The clerk only got a poor glimpse as he jogged by. I say poor glimpse, because the store window had cardboard signs and a neon sign that would have prevented him from getting a good look. The best view I had was when he was jogging north on the south segment of 15th toward Woodland. The view I had of him as he jogged north on 14th Place was inferior, because there was no close by streetlight, his back was to me, although I saw him glance back over his shoulder.
        I’ve been trying to refine that memory image, but it is from 60 years ago.

  489. Miss congeniality says:

    Wasant Mike Flowers a suspect in the hill murder didn’t they find him wearing the Mr hills ring?

  490. John doe says:

    Jose Canas Is the true killer of Amber Hayes!!!

  491. Jim says:

    I always pull up google maps when reviewing these cases. I don’t know why but it tends to give be a better perspective of what happened and how.
    The girls’ bikes were found on the trail in the South East corner of the park. This is the most obscure area in the park and is next to I-350. It is obvious why everyone jumped to the conclusion it might have been a trucker.
    What I want to know it the address the grandmother lived at when this occured. I would like to try and track the path they took TO the park as I feel someone watched them and followed them in there, waiting til they got to this remoter area.

    • MikeD says:

      People jumped on to the idea that it might have been a trucker, but there is a large fence between the park and the interstate. I don’t want to give the exact address, but the grandma’s house was on Brovan Blvd Evansdale, Iowa. It’s a small street and if you look at street view from 2012 you can’t miss it. The park where the girls were found is very remote and only the kind of place locals who grew up in the area ever visit. Not the kind of place and random trucker would know about or be able to drive their truck easily into.

  492. Angelina says:

    I pray my sister gets the justice she so desperately deserves. I hope the person or persons that were involved in taking her from us pay the ultimate price. There is a special place in hell for people like that! I miss her so much. Sh was an amazing person with the most peaceful mind anyone could possess. She helped anyone when they needed it and never asked for anything in return. Such a beautiful soul and I know she’s watching over me everyday.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Kim was the only person who showed me kindness when i was being bullied at LC and we became school buddies. I never forgot that.

  493. Theresa says:

    I am wondering how much it would cost to get the DNA testing done to close these cases.

    • doofy says:

      probably quite pricey so you know the state of iowa wont do it unless it is absolutely necessary. youre right though leaning towards DNA because i believe most of these cases could be closed if they would approach it that way

  494. Kim Giannetti says:

    I didn’t read anything about “Goose” or Therese Miller in this particular artical, where can I learn more about Ron Novak’s case? Please send me any link(s) with more details @ Please & Thank you ahead of time.

  495. Kim says:

    Travis Jamieson, the Monticello man who was arrested and acquitted at trial in Cathy-Jo’s murder, has recently passed away. I’m not finding a case page other than this one for Cathy-Jo on the ICC site (I may not be looking in the right spot), but I wanted to share that information. Here is a link to an older story about the case:…-a060756653

  496. Angel Devers says:

    My grandparents lived next-door to the Brûlé for years. I basically grew up with them. I never realized that it was not suicide until a few years ago. I hope and pray that whoever is responsible is caught and prosecuted.

  497. Kim says:

    Evidently the authorities charged Patrie with killing Kenneth Gallmeyer back in January of 2022. Did not see this on the news back then, but here’s a short piece about it from KCRG:

  498. Hannah says:

    Did anyone ever check with the friends family to confirm that they weren’t home?

    • Jill says:

      Yes…on a crime show they did on erin..they said that the family just ran out for some snacks maybe?

  499. Amanda Harlan says:

    So the Murder for Lee Rotatori was solved just this February. Maybe Thomas Freeman also killed Linda?

  500. Andrew says:

    The guy looks like Harry Edward Greenwell who was just identified as the I-65 Killer/Days Inn Killer in Indiana he died in Iowa in 2013

    • Jody Ewing says:

      Andrew, yes, there’s definitely a very close resemblance to the third sketch from the Chickasaw County Sheriff sketch. I’ll be watching closing to see if answers are forthcoming in Rhonda’s case.

    • Cody says:

      But the I-65 killer had a specific M.O. that doesn’t appear to match this case, right?

  501. Kelly Severado says:

    Lisa was one of my best friends Jerri was my cousin. I lost a lot of people that year including my grandmother. We were teenagers we were kinda wild. Evidently she had a whole life I knew nothing of. The most we did when I was with her was drink cheap wine in a graveyard lol She was a good person and an even better friend! Definitely was murdered! Rest in heaven all of you and I think of you often I hope one day this all gets solved but unfortunately I doubt it 😭🙏🏼

  502. Katie Hopkins says:

    Her house was actually 705 3rd Ave, not 703. Census document from 1925 has house number listed as 705. So it is the red house right next to 703 3rd Ave.

  503. Steph says:

    Would like to talk about Bobby Crawford murder.

  504. Nanette Verrips says:

    Why would the father wait 3 days to report his daughter missing??
    She was not a Hooker, she wasn’t old enough to be anything but a child!! I wish someone would solve this case, but I bet the killers are dead! Still would be nice to understand, after all I wasn’t feeling to safe myself after lisa died! We were In school together. She was so shy, never saw her talk to anyone!!

  505. Pam says:

    Type of truck displayed in 1971?

  506. Christopher Rogers says:

    Hi you can contact me at 3152758084 and thank you

  507. Christine says:

    There is a tictok about Lindsay Buziak from British Columbia Canda with many similarities, down to thier hairstyle and blonde streaks and similar facial features, being described as vibrant, successful and cheerful, age, jobs, etc. There was a cell phone purchased and used only to call Lindsay once, registered to a man’s name, Paulo Rodriguez. But a blonde woman was with a man and Lindsay was found stabbed multiple times in the master bedroom of the home she was showing them, she also had no defensive wounds. I can’t help but wonder if they are connected. They have so many similarities in personality and physically that it seems like a serial killer. Just wanted to put this out there for investigators to check if there’s a connection. The tictok mentions Ashley Oakland’s case. 😟 my condolences to both families.

    • Cody says:

      They aren’t at all connected. Lindsay’s murder (most probable theory) had a personal motive involved which wouldn’t at all include Ms.Okland.

    • Jody Ewing says:

      Abby, that story was updated May 4, 2016 (two days after Jade Colvin went missing). She went missing again June 10, 2016, as reported by the Iowa Missing Person Information Clearinghouse and NamUs.

      • Patrick Kerrigan says:

        Jody, that was nice of her to runaway again. Maybe the authorities should have handed her a statement of the costs of searching for her. Plus, a booklet listing all the runaways who were murdered. Plus the unidentified bodies around the country.

        But, then she has more important stuff to do. But not at home.

        • Anon says:

          Disrespectful. You don’t know what her circumstances were. And if something nefarious happened to her, she didn’t deserve it.

        • smpecinovsky says:

          What a disrespectful comment. If something nefarious happened to her, its still NOT HER FAULT.

  508. Summer says:

    Happy 20th my love! I hope so much you had a good one. Autumn and I think of you everyday and we need you.. No matter what . We will do anything to get you back in our life and keep you safe . No matter what it is, we will go thru anything and anyone to find you. You are our world .. we love you so much Jade. -summer </3

  509. Michelle Sidhu says:

    Is the evidence for this case still available? Anything that could be tested for dna, even after all this time? Although, from the articles with numerous photos, it looks like the crime scene was grand central station within a short time. Even that the evidence was flown out of state. No telling whose dna is mixed up with it now.

    The Quad City newspapers reported a blood covered hat was found. If it’s still around blood could be matched to the Bachers, maybe skin or hair from the person who wore it.

  510. Emily says:

    I am Literally watching AWP right now while I was looking through this list. Those guys are seriously AMAZING

  511. S. Davis says:

    “We encourage thoughtful discussion here but ask that comments remain civilized and constructive … i.e. without personal attacks or name-calling. Be respectful of others and remember that victims’ family members visit these pages, too.”

    Literally every comment on this page is a willful violation of your impotent policy. Maybe try harder? Or, even better idea, get rid of the comments altogether. There is absolutely nothing that anyone can, or should, contribute to these complex and difficult topics via an internet comment. All they engender are wild speculation, open prejudice, bitter resentment, and the further erosion of the already deeply scarred state of civil discourse among Americans.

  512. MikeD says:

    Considering all the foot traffic that park gets, especially during morel mushroom hunting season, I’m thinking he isn’t there otherwise someone would have found something. I too would be interested in his internet history. Ledges, especially the parking lot isn’t an uncommon place for people to meet up. In the early 2000s I was a student at Iowa State and my roommate went there alone one day to meet a girl he was talking to on the internet. He is an outdoors type so he didn’t think anything of it. It was a bad idea in retrospect because it’s rural and nobody really around that time of year.

    • MikeD says:

      After doing more research and hearing his dad on a podcast, it sounds like things were meth related. It’s really unfortunate that his dad made the mistake of touching, getting into the vehicle and driving it home.

      • Beau Allen Smith says:

        yeah why did his dad take the truck? I guess we dont know what was going on in his mind. Maybe he just wanted it home, i dont know?

        • Nicky Calmer