Audubon County

Audubon County in Iowa

Cold Cases in Audubon County, Iowa




According to the “Historical Cases” page on the Audubon County Sheriff’s Office website, one of the county’s unsolved cases involves a man who was shot and killed while he slept in his home March 12, 1972.

A Cedar Rapids Gazette article dated Monday, March 13, 1972, cites the death of Henry H. Hansen, 54, of Exira, who was found dead Sunday, March 12, 1972, from a gunshot wound to the stomach. [Then] Sheriff William Nielsen said officers were summoned to the victim’s home after receiving an anonymous telephone tip about the shooting.

Hansen’s partner in a tree service business, Eugene Harry Hansen, 36, of rural Exira, was arrested and charged with the death that same Sunday.

Iowa Cold Cases is following up with the Audubon County Sheriff’s Office on the case’s official status.

3 Responses to Audubon County

  1. Jerica says:

    Can you please update this information? please.

  2. Jody Ewing says:

    Ted, I’ve sent a lengthy response to your regular e-mail address. Please let me know if you don’t receive it.

  3. ted winter says:

    im looking for the name of a cousin of my grandmother who she said was murdered. i understand he may have been shot. Her name was Bertha Rudnick French. Her parents names were Otto R. and Mary (Marie) Rudnick. She claimed that it was known who did it but that it was “swept under the rug” She never told me a name let me know if you can help me.
    (my Mom’s name is Mary E. French Winter) she and my Grandma lived in your area during WWII with relatives while my Grandpa Vern L. French was in Germany.
    Also if you learn Mary (Marie)’s maiden name let me know.
    thanks, Ted winter

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