Julie Brianne Roach-Lindeman

On August 12, 2013, in Missing Persons, Young Women, by Kerry Connolly


Julie Brianne Roach-Lindeman


Julie Brianne Roach-Lindeman

17 YOA

Grimes, IA

Polk County

August 2, 2013


Julie Brianne Roach-Lindeman had been missing since August 2, 2013. She was found early this morning, August 13, 2013. Her mother, Denise Roach, contacted Iowa Cold Cases at 5am to let us know that she is safe and details in regard to where she was found are not being released at this time.

This is the best news we could have ever hoped for a missing teen.  Thank you, readers and Iowa Cold Case supporters for spreading the word.  It made a difference!

Below is the original information of her 11-day disaperance.

From August 2 – August 13, 2013:

She was at her mother’s home in Grimes when she was last seen at 9pm. Her mother, Denise Roach, told Iowa Cold Cases that she believed at the time Julie had gone out and would return.  Julie had still not returned the next day so Denise contacted authorities and family to help start searching the Des Moines and Polk County areas. The Polk County Sheriff then started coordinating law enforcement efforts to expand the ongoing search for Julie.  Even though it appears Julie left her home voluntarily it is becoming evident to her family and law enforcement that she may be in an involuntary situation or a situation wherein she does not know how to return home.

As described in the above flyer, Julie is 5’8″ tall, 180 pounds, light brown hair, blue eyes, and a surgical scar on her left cheek. Denise says that the scar is a few months old and looks like a dimple in the middle of her cheek. She is now wearing a different set of clothing since Denise found her original clothing in a location in southeast Des Moines during Denise’s search with help of some volunteers.

Denise says that Polk County Sheriff’s officials are working very closely with the family in the search for Julie.  She adds that there was a confirmed spotting of Julie on Wednesday night, August 7, wearing the different change of clothing than what she was wearing at the time of her disappearance. Many persons described Julie wearing a thin silver bracelet on her left wrist that has a in the middle while talking on a borrowed cell phone. Other than the bracelet, current clothing description is unknown since August 7.

It is closing in fast on the two week mark since the family has heard anything from Julie and law enforcement officials want to make sure she is returned home safe and unharmed and not in a dangerous situation with persons unknown. The public is being asked to help with the search for Julie by calling in any tips or information about her activity.

An anonymous donor has contacted Iowa Cold Cases and donated $100.00 cash for Denise Roach to use toward paying for more flyers, fuel expenses for the searches being performed and anything else that Ms. Roach could use to help her find her missing daughter. This was highly unexpected and we can never thank that donor enough for their generous and gracious offering.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Julie Brianne Roach-Lindeman please call the Polk County Sheriff at (515) 286-3306 or simply dial 911.  This is a new and constantly changing situation.  We will post new information as it becomes available.


Multiple telephone interviews August 10 and August 13 between Denise Roach and Kerry Connolly, Iowa Cold Cases, Inc.

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